» Fiction » Awakened, Reyann Williams [english novels for students TXT] 📗

Book online «Awakened, Reyann Williams [english novels for students TXT] 📗». Author Reyann Williams

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in a big bear hug.

"Dad" I exclaimed when he finally let go of me. "What are you doing here ?"

The smile left his face and he quickly turned seriuos. "Honey there is not much time left.Take this and keep it with you at all times."He said as he handed me a blue box with a moon on it. 

I opened the box to find a crescent neckless covered in rhimstones.When I looked up my dad was gone. I decided to go into the castle. 

By the door stood a Golden brown wolf with golden eyes that seemed to pierce into my soul.

"My name is Ivy and I am your wolf". I jumped back startled. It speaked but it seemed to be speaking in my mind alone.

'Follow me and i will show you our destiny'

I followed Ivy to a room with pictures of her and the wolf I saw in the forest. Who is he? I thought and why did I felt attracted to him?

She seem to read my mind.'this is our mate treat him nicely.He is our other half' 

Our other half what did she mean by that? She then led me to a room with writings on the wall. A sweet a angelic voice began to speak.

You are the chosen one. The Golden star sent to protect those who wish to shadow the moon.

What was going on? Why were all these things happening to me ?

I woke up in a unfamiliar room.I felt a sharp pain at the back of my head. What happened ? It was then I remebered that I was running then I fell.

I tried to get up but I felt a strong arm around my waist.I looked to see who it was and there laid the most drop dead gorgeous guy I have ever met.

He had wavy brown hair and wa shirtless so I could have seen his eight pack. His face look fimiliar. No it couldn't be the wolf that i saw in the pictures. 

"Yes it is'  I recognized the voice of the wolf that I met Ivy.'How can you talk to me?' 'Because I am apart of you now' . 'Yeah but how?'

When I didn't get a response and began to try to lift the arm of the god that laid before me.Just by touching him it sent sparks through my body but it was hopeless he just pulled me closer to him. I look at his face and realized that he was smilling. 

So he was awake. Maybe this can wake him up more. I used all my strenght to push him off the bed.He landed on the floor with a thud and i smiled succesfully.

I heard a low groan." What was that for ?" ask a husky voice. I felt like i could melt into a puddle right there but knocked that thought out of my head. I went to the edge of the bed and leaned over. 

I looked start into his brown eyes that seemed to pierce into my soul but I countinued."WHO THE HELL ARE YOU AND WHY AM I IN BED WITH YOU?" I hollered.

He looked up at me with hurt and disappiontment in his eyes. I wanted to hug him and tell him I'm sorry but I shook off the urge. 

"Hi I'm Nathon." He said with a heart warming smile. " And you are ...?"

Chapter 4:

Bliss' P.O.V


I watched him for a moment uncertain if to answer his question."My name is Bliss but u didn't answer my first question." I said annoyed. How could he be so calmed when I just woke up in a room not even knowing where I was.

"I beautiful name for a beautiful girl." he said with a smile that made my heart begin to race. I blushed and shied away trying to hide the heat in my cheeks." You still havn't answer my question." I said trying to stand my ground.

"You're at my house." At his house? How did I get here ? I decided to voice my question, "How did I get here ?" "Well while you were running away from me-" he began. "Running from you?" I said jumping off the bed. "I was running from a wolf." I said backing away towards the door.

Within a blink he was behind of me. "That was me." he said into my ear. I was shocked, frightened and most of all in doubt." It couldn't be." I said my voice trailing off. He looked at me questioning." Aren't you a werewolf?" he asked me with a puzzled look.

"No I am not silly, they don't exist." I said moving away from him.

"But your scent-"

" You must be crazy."

We just stood there standing there staring at each other.Then he broke the akward silence "We are mates." I had heard that word before. Yes my wolf Ivy told me so. That was all I needed to get me runnig. I ran from him and burst through the door. 

It led to a huge corridor. I ran towards a stairs and ran down it. I ran into someone with a hard chest. I looked up to see dark hazel eyes full with lust. I just stood there looking into them for a while until I heard a low growl behind of me.

"Sorry I've got to go." and I ran all the way to the front door. I began to walk not knowing where I was going.

Someone grabed my hand and I instantly knew it was. The sparks that went throught my body instanly told me that it was Nathon. "Let go of me now!" I screamed. "Not until you explain to me how you don't believe in something that is apart of you." he shouted back.

"How can I explain what I don't understand?" I said hurt.

"Atleast let me carry you home?"

I stop walking.It was better if I did that. I did not know where I was going.I was lost."Ok" I mumbled.I said it so soft I wasn't sure that he heard it but was correct when he turned around and began to walk back towards the house.I followed behind him. 

There were alot of cars parked in the garage. He went over into a silver Lamborghini.He smirked seeing me drooling. He opened the door for me and I reluctantly steped in.

I gave him directions and there was a akward silince after that." What school do you go to?"he asked breaking the silence.

"West Wood High. You?"

"The same.What year are you in?"

"I'm a Senior."

"Great! Me to."

The ride went on like that. Him asking random questions about me and me answering.He then pulled up into my drive way and I got out and told him thanks. He watch me until I went into the house. I then heard the car pulling off and leaving.

I went into my room and my phone began to buzz. I wondered who could be calling me this early in the morning.



"Are you ok ? Did anything happen to you ?"

"No dad I'm fine. Just some guy told me that I was his mate?"

"Honey I need to tell you something but I can't do it on the phone."

"Ok Dad."

"Where is your mom? I need to talk to her."

"Ormm... Shes away on a bussiness meeting.Talk to you later I need to get ready for school."

"Ok be safe."

My day was getting wierder and wierder.My dad sounded so worried. I checked my phone.I had 20 miss calls.Some from Dad,Mom and Enoch. I wondered why Enoch was calling me.I guess I would have to get ready later cause I needed to get ready for school.

I took out a flowy white lace strap crop top, some ripped jeans and white lace flats.Since all my sweats were in the wash I had no choice to wear on my ' at home look' out.I striped and went to the shower.I shampooed my hair and began to scrumb away the mud from last night.

When I finished it was 7:35.I dressed and put on outfit and plug in my flat iron. After it was hot enough I straighten my hair.

I went downstairs and began to make breakfast. I made eggs, bacon,cinamon toast and orange juice.I hurried up and ate because I want to reach early to collect my schedule.

After eating I went to my car which was a white Mercedes Benz. I was a rich kid. My new house was big but after seeing Nathon's house it looked pretty small compared to it. I took out my Ipod and began to play music during the drive to school.


Chapter 5:

Bliss' P.O.V.


I pulled up into the school parking lot and it was huge but my old school in California was bigger.

It was surronded by hedges and had a fountain out front that had benches around it. As I stepped out a few boys were drooling over me and my ride.I got glares from some of the girls.I took my book bag from the backseat and locked my car. I made my way over to the head officeand went up to the secreatry for my schedule but she was busy talking to a boy that looked familiar. He seemed to be in some sort of trouble from leaving school without permission.

I coughed to get her attention and she looked towards me."How can I help you sweety?" she said in a annoying high pitch sound."I'm new here and I cam here to get my class shecdule."I said in the most polite way possible." Whats your name?" she asked.

"Bliss Richardson."

"Wait, I'll get it for you." She began to shuffle through a pile of papers." Hey,Blue eyes weren't you at my houe this morning."Said the boy." So thats where I saw you.I thought I recongized you I just couldn't remeber where from." I said with a grin.

" Thought you could forget me that fast well think again."he said with a smirk."My names Bliss."I said streching out a hand."Zane." he said shaking it."You a senoir here."he asked."Yeah,you?"I replied."Well duh why you think I would ask."he said. I laughed I think I have made myself a great friend.

"Well here you go darling and welcome to West Wood High." said the secretary handing me a piece of paper.The bell rang"Come with me we have first and sencond period together." said Zane looking down at the paper.

Maybe my day wouldn't turn out any wierder than it is.


Nathon's P.O.V.


I watched her as she entered the house and after I knew she was safe I backed out of the drive way. Just being with out her for a few minutes made me feel empty.

I felt amazing with her but I couldn't seem to get the picture of

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