» Fiction » Awakened, Reyann Williams [english novels for students TXT] 📗

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her and Zane standing there looking into each others eyes.I couldn't hold back the feeling of jealousy creeping in my chest.But the thought that never left my mind was how could she not know about werewolves? She diffinitly smelt like one but she seemed clueless to what was going on.

As soon as I got home I was greeted by the smell of waffles and bacon."Mmm thats delicious." I said kissing my mom on the cheek."Where were you this morning? I went to check on you but you were already up. Zane said you went to drop some girl off and went off chuckling." she said with a worry look on her face.

"Don't worry mom I just wnet to drop off my mate home."I said." you found her ? What is she like ? What pack is she from?" said my mom. She seemed more excited than I was. I guess it is because my mate would be special to be the next Lunar of the pack.

"Stop making a fuss.I don't know much about her yet."I said pouring a glass of apple jucie."Besides she doesn't even know what a werewolf is even though she smells like one." I said getting a plat from the cupboard.

"She must be Catlyn's daughter."She said seeming to brighten up more. " You know her?" I asked. " Of course but I can't explain right now jusst hurry up and get ready for school." She said and she ran out the kitchen.




Chapter 6:

Nathon's P.O.V.


I had spent the last periods thinking of Bliss. I couldn't focus on anything her light blue eyes kept poping up in my head.I hadn't seen her since I left her at her house because she didn't have any classes with me for the whole morning.

I kept asking myself questions about her hoping that somehow I would come up with a suitable answer. But I knew that i wasn't going to know the absoulute truth until I saw her again and my wolf apparently couldn't wait that long.

It was lunch and I got in the line to buy what they supposedly called food. It was utterly digusting.Today was mash potatoes and baked beans but I couldn't tell the difference it all look like mush to me.

I took my seat at the head of the popular table. Seeing that  I was a wolf I had advantages and was the head of the footbal team. All my team mates were wolves from my pack so we were on top of our game. Since we had a bond we worked together in unsion. We were practically unstoppable.

"Hey" I said as I greeted my Best bro Matt. " Hey, whats up man." he said. He had the head slut on his lap Naomi and before I walked up they were in a full make out session. He was a player but he was there when I needed him.

"Nun much bro."

"You seemed a bit zoned out."

"I know dude."

The cafertria doors opened and a new set of voices joined the chattty atmosphere. Everyone seemed to looked towards the cafertaria doors but I was to engrossed in my thoughts to even bother. Some one seemed to join my table and I looked up from my plate to see those enchanting set of blue eyes and I instantly melted.

There stood my mate giggling at a joke that I didn't catch and Zane pulling out a seat for her to sit with a huge grin on his face and then sitting down next to her. A wave of jealousy hit me and it was radiating off me by the pound. I was sure by now the whole tabe would now how jealous I felt. It was practically occupied by wolves with a few occasional sluts.

One power that every as far as I knew was the ability to smell your strongest emotion on you.'Cool it down'  said Linda through the pack mind link. She was a wolf from my pack her father was my dad's Beta. We were best friends since Kindergarden and she was like a little sister to me. 'I'm trying'I growled.'Ok. No need to get feisty' she replied.

A smirked appeared on Zane's face as he realized the situiation. My body itched to go over there and wipe it off his face but my mind told me no. I got so frustrated that I couldn't take it any more. I got up and stormed over to the trash can. I threw away the schools lame excuse down the bin. Not like I was going to eat it any way and marched out the cafertaria and slammed the door behind me.

I heard footsteps behind me but I choose to ignore them . I went to the gym to shoot a few hoops to calm me down. I went over to the rack to get a ball and then the gym door burst open. In walked one of my closest bros Issac.

"What was that about? " he asked with a questioning look on his face. "Why was the new wolf so important to you?" He asked worry that I hadn't answered." That wolf is my mate." I said gruffly. "What?!!?" he asked surprised." Congrats man but why was she hanging out with Zane. Did she reject you?" he asked worriedly.

"No she didn't reject me. She just doesn't know that we are mates."I said not ready to addmit the full truth that she didn't even believe in wolves.

"How can she not know? Doesn't she feel the connection? Isn't she a-?" Before he could finish the gym doors opened and in walked Zane. 

"What do you want?" I ask in my Alpha voice. " Someones here to see you at the principles office." He replied steadily showing no signs of fear." Who is it ?" I asked puzzled. " It's King Malachi." 


Chapter 7:

Bliss' P.O.V. 


What was that all about? I thought to myself. Nathon had just stormed out of the cafertaria looking a bit angry. When I walked into the room he seemed ok. As he left a hot guy with dirty blonde hair with muscles went after him.

"What was that all about." I asked turning to Zane. So far he was in all of my classes and had interduced me to Luara,Tessa, Nessa,John and Charles.

Luara had long brown hair like mines but had big brown eyes. She was curvy, a little bit shorter than me and had a bubbly personality. As soon as I met her I knew we were going to be great friends.Tess and Nessa were identical twins. I could only tell the difference because Nessa as more of a book worm and Tessa was a party girl.All the time I spent with her she was talking about whos party I should go to this weekend.

John was on the Football team and so was Charles. They both were muscular but John had dark hair and Charles had golden blonde hair. All throught the day people have been coming up to me asking 'friend or threat'.What was it with people at this school.

Most conversations consisted of asking me if I was going to join the pack? Or if I was coming to the Bonfire this Saturday. I guessed that it was common for them to think that they were wolves .

"I don't know but I should go and check." He said getting up from his chair. As soon as he walked out the door Luara came in a rush and took his seat.

"So are you and Zane together?"she asked looking at me curiously." No! I just met him today." I said jumping back a little in my seat.She laughed a little at my reaction."So what?" She said and went into a giggle fit.I just sat there watching her like she was crazy.

"You're crazy." I said voicing m thoughts." I know" she said and started back giggling and I couldn't help but join her." So I see you guys are having fun." said Charles. I couldn't stop laughing so I just nodded my head.

"Can you guys please let me in on the joke." asked John taking a seat across from Luara. "No" me and Luara said in usion and we went back laughing. 

"So you coming to the bonfire this Saturday." asked Charles taking a seat across from mine. "What is with you guys and this Bonfire party?" I asked puzzled."Its what we wolves do. Didn't you have a Bonfire back at home? " He asked with aquestioning look on his face. "Thats it if I hear anyone asking me about wolves again I'm gonna puke." I said lifting my moving my hands around like a out of control diva to get my point across.

"But-"began John but was cut off when Luara gave him a warning eye. It was like they were having a conversation but I wasn't hearing it. "I'm going to look for Zane." I said getting up and taking my untouch plate of food. The food looked like it was chewed and barfed up again.

After throwing me and Zanes plate away since he forgot his own on the table. I walked out of the room in search of the big Z himself.

On my big hunt down I passed the principles office and I peeked through the door. There in the room stood my Dad and my mom holding hands next to my big brother Blake with Nathon, Zane and the boy that left the table. I was so surprised I gasped and everyone turned in my direction. I was in big trouble now.

Chapter 8:

Nathon's P.O.V.



What was the only question that could of come of my mouth at the moment. Also Why, How and When popped into my brain but What was the only one to make it out.

Apparently as I was told by the King himself that I had awakened his daughters

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