» Fiction » Awakened, Reyann Williams [english novels for students TXT] 📗

Book online «Awakened, Reyann Williams [english novels for students TXT] 📗». Author Reyann Williams

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Chapter 1 : Introduction

 Bliss sat on her window seat staring mindlessly at the full moon. She clucthed her teddy bear Liz that was with her since she was 4. 

It had been two weeks since she and her mom had moved. The last days of the summer was coming to a end and Bliss would be starting at her new school on the next day.

Her mom was away for the weekend on one of her many business trips. She was always out doing work since she and my dad had split 2 years ago so I rarely saw her.

I could clearly remeber the night that they told me and my brother Blake that they were splitting up.They said that their work had gotten between them and that they had grown apart. 

What kind of explanation was that? I thought as tears brimmed my eyes. I could see that I was not the only one not taking it well.Mom had bags underneath her eyes and she seemed a little paler than usual. I rushed to my room and locked the door behind me. 

I sat on my bed in shock for a few moments and the tears threatened to spill over. I gentle knock came on my door and I answered it.There stood my big brother with a sympathetic look in his eyes. I ran into his arms and allowed the tears to flow. 

I spent the night crying into his arms with him occasionally cooing me. When the split happened he stayed with my dad and I went with my mom. After that my mom buried her sorrows in her work and me in my studies.

I never really took the time to look good. Usually I just wore a hoody with some sweat pants and sneakers.At my old school I was called 'The Freak'. I never argued with them cause they had a point. 

Don't get me wrong I looked good.I had long dark brown hair that reached me just above my waist. I Had light blue eyes and pink lips that complimented  my rosy cheeks. I was 5'7 and had a curvy body. 

I was in pretty good shape. But I chose to hide my eyes and combed my hair so that it would hid most of my face.There were parts of me that I could not explain.

Back when use to go to school in California she had one friend Enoch who was very popular and was kind enough to even notice me. He was handsome and the prince charming many girls dream of but to me he was plain old Enoch.

I sighed " Life just doesn't work out for us does it Liz?" I said to my Teddy Bear.

The buzzing of my phone brought me back to reality. I checked my caller Id, it was my Mom. "Probaly calling to check up on me for the zillionth time." I said to myself. 

Ever since my eighteenth birthday was coming up in a month she was a bit edgy. I guess it was the fear of seeing me growing up I shrugged.

"Bliss?" came a shaky voice. "Yeah mom, I'm still alive." I said sarcasticly, "I haven't been eaten by wolves yet." I said rolling my eyes."Good and don't you roll your eyes at me young lady."

Some how my Mom could always tell when I rolled my eyes even when we weren't in the same room. She said it was her 'special ability'. 

"Are you ready for your first day at school?"

"Yeah mom, so stop worrying and go back to your meeting."

"Ok Honey, and don't forget to eat dinner."

She hung up and I turned my attention to back to the Moon. It was like I was hypnotized by it. It was calling me into the forest behind our house. So I decided to go.

Chapter 2: My Mate

 I slipped into a gray tank top with jean shorts and a converse. This was my 'at home look' and my at home look was only seen by my mom and Enoch back before the move .Enoch was a bit shocked when he saw me. I guess it was because I led him on. 

I took my purple flashlight downstairs and made a ham sandwhich. I quickly ate it and put on my golden brown sweater since I figured that it would be cold out.

I made my way down to my favourite spot in the forest that was by a pond with a waterfall. Since I had nothing to do for 2 weeks I wondered around the forest and knew most of the area that was around my house.On one of my 'adventures' I was instantly drawn towards it.

I sat on the a rock and stared at the reflection of the moon. I beam the light of my flashlight on the water and drawed my own imaginary shapes.

After a moment I felt a bit uneasy. I shifted a around on the rock but I still felt a bit uncomfortable. I felt like someone was watching me. I decided it was best that I went home and I got up to go. 

I took my time since it had rained a little earlier this morning. I didn't want to go home covered in mud.I heard a twig crack and I quickly turned around. I beamed my light on a big wolf with black eyes.

I stood there for a moment stunned. I felt drawn towards it and began to step forward. I stopped realizing what i was doing. 

 I began to run towards the house with all the strenght that I had left in me. My heart was pounding with fear. Why did I had to joke about being eaten by wolf earlier. I didn't expect it to come true.

I heard running behind me and i looked around to see the wolf following me and was catching up to me very quickly may I add. I slipped and felt myself falling. I felt a sharp pain behind my head and then I went into the inviting darkness.



Nathon's P.O.V ....



My pack was on full alert. The scent of two lone wolves were identified to step into our terriotory two weeks ago. As Alpha it was my duty to protect my pack from any danger so I was out on guard duty. 

Being a werewolf my temperature is higher than usual so I decided to go for a run to my secret get away in the forest. Any time I wanted to make a important decision I went there.

It was the only place were I had no responsiblities. I usually went to take a swim because it had a pond there.

I stripped my clothes and left them by a nearby tree. As I ran I picked up the smell of a unfamiliar wolf. It was a girl and she certainly did not belong to my pack.

Her scent hit me like a wave of pleasure and I stumble back a bit. 

'Mate' cried my inner wolf. Could it really be ? My Mate ?

I continued running towards the source of the scent. Apparently my mate was by the pond. My wolf had complete control of my body. My feet were moving on their own. It was like I couldn't get enough of the glorious cherry blossom scent.

I slowed down at reaching the pond. I didn't want to startle her so i moved slowly.How was I to apprach her ? I couldn't just tell her. 

I circle the area watching my mate. My eyes never leaving the spot were she sat. Her back was always turned to me so I couldn't see her face but I knew she was beautiful.

What was she doing out here alone did't she know wolves could attack her ? 'Go to her! now !' my wolf screamed but i resisted.

I could see that my mate was bit uneasy. She got up form were she sat and began to walk. I walked towards her silently but I stepped on twig.She turned towards me and I awaited her reaction. 

Her enchanted blue eyes instantly had me under her spell. Her tall but curvy figure led me to think her perfectly our bodys would fit together.

'Take her 'my wolf growled. 'No' I snarled back. She seemed a bit shocked. It was like she had never seen a werewolf before.

Her expression changed from shock to fear and before I could stop her she began to run away from me. What was wrong ? Could she not know that we were mates ? Has she rejected us ?

I kept asking question over and over in my head knowing I would not get any answers. so I ran after her. then iI her slip. Before Icould get to her she hit he head on a old tree stump. I nugded her but she wouldn't wake up. Had I just lost my mate ?

Chapter 3: Hi I'm Nathon

Nathon's P.O.V


I told myself to stop overreacting when I realized she had just gone unconicious. I didn't know where she lived so I decided to carry her home.I shifted back to my human form and even though I was naked I picked her up bridal style.

I used my werewolf speed and ran to the spot where I rested my clothes. I laid her down on the damp forest floor for a minute just to change quickly before going into the house which was accutually a manson.

It was made to hold about half of the wolves that were in my pack and their mates . So it had to be huge enough to house 27 wolves and five guests.

I moved quietly so that I wouldn't disturb the others that were asleep.I took her to my room which was the largest in the house. 

I took of her sweater because it was covered in mud. She was in a gray tank top that look so damn fine on her. It took all my resistance not to mark her and make her mine right there and now. I laid beside her waiting for her to wake up and I eventually falled asleep with arm around her waist.

I woke up with someone trying to move my arm. Maybe I should have some fun with her and I grinned.



Bliss' P.O.V..


I was standing  infront of a gorgeous castle that look totally out of a fariy tale. It was surrounded by beautiful gardens and had a forest at the far end.My dad came up to me and embrace me

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