» Fiction » Awakened, Reyann Williams [english novels for students TXT] 📗

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dormant wolf that was hibranting for when its time came. They never told her about the prophecy or what she was in fear that she may consider herself different and that someone may come looking for her and that she herself could awakened her powers exposing what was to be a secret.

The most shocking part of it all that that person was none other than my mate. Bliss. So now I knew everything and at the way her parents were watching me more shock was to come." Also you are apart of the prophercy." said her brother Prince Blake.

I was about to ask them what help I would be but then I heard a faint gasp. We all turned to the door and there stood Bliss. How did I not even sense her presence. She must of been cloaking it without even knowing. I hoped that she wasn't ther the whole time listening in on us and I guessed that that thought passed through every mind. But it was soon interupted by a playful sheirk.

"Daddy" screamed Bliss and she ran into the Kings arms. So now I knew that they weren't kidding. "Hey pumpkin." he said snatching her into a big bear hug. she showed no signs of knowing what was going on. " What are you doing here?" She asked. "I came to tell you something very important.' said the Kings voice going very serious. 

She backed away and scanned his face. "Don't tell me you too with the wolf thing." She asked with a whine. "Honey I'm very serious and I want you to listen to me for a moment." said the King.

She watched him for a minute and then gave in. "Ormm.. I don't know how to say this.' said the King and he llo"Honey" She began in a sweet motherly tone that reminded me of my mother."You are not like all the other girls. You are special." said the queen looking deeply into Bliss' eyes. "But you already told me that." She said looking confused.

"Well your more special." Input her brother."Right" agreed her mother."You are the choosen one the Golden Star of the Werewolves." Said her mother pausing a moment to wait for her reaction and it was very surprising.

Bliss started cracking up. "Ma I thought for a minute there you were going to say something serious." She said between laughs." But honey this is serious." Said her Queen desperately to get the point over to Bliss.

Suddenly Bliss stopped laughing. "I want to believe you but if I do then your telling me that you lied to me my whole life." she said with a crack in her voice. She looked liked she was on the verge of tears and sat doown on one of the couches to the wall. 

Her brother walked over to her and she began to cry in his arms. He stroked her hair and started to comfort her.

'What is he doing shes ours.' We should be the ones to comfort our mate.' growled my wolf apparently threatened by the actions. I forced my self not to voice my wolf's thoughts. Right now we need to be there for her not causeing more drama than she could handle.

She sat up and wiped away her tears. She took this better than I thought she would but I spoke to soon."Dad I want to trnasfer back to Californa away from all of you." she said calmly. "But-" the king began." Also dad I'll need you deposit some money on my credit card to cover the financies." she said getting up from her chair.

She walked out the door and everyone stood there shocked at her fast recovery and the side effects that came with it. She walked back into the room as the bell rang and everyone lifted their heads expecting her to change her mind and say it was a joke. "Also tell the principle I'll be gone for the rest of the day." she said causally and walk out the door.

"We should go after before she does something stupid." said her brother. " No give her some time alone." said the king but I was already out the door.

Chapter 9:

 Bliss' P.O.V. 


'They lied to me all them'. was all I could think about. The tears coming from my eyes made my vision blurry.'Nathon didn't lie to you. He tried to tell you.'said Ivy. Ok maybe he didn't but I couldn't change anything now.

I jumped in my car. I didn't know where I was going but I was getting away from here. I drove until I came to a dead end. The place was surronded by trees and I changed my flats into some sneakers I found in a trunk.

I locked the car door and started walking through the woods. I had no idea where I was going but I made sure to make some marks on the trees with a little pen knife to remmeber where I was going.

I arrive at a clearing surronded by rocks. In the middle of the clearing was a huge stone with some writings on it. They looked to fimiliar. " Choosen one." came a voice to fimiliar for me to forget.

I turned around to see the owner but there was one. "Don't look for me because you won't see me because I'm apart of you." came the angelic voice again.

I recognized it as the voice from my dreams. " Don't be angry with your parents. They didn't tell you what you were so that they could protect you." said the voice. " Protect me from what?" I asked looking back to the stone that was now glowing. " You'll find out soon enough." said the voice.

I waited but nothing happened. It was like the voice had vanished. I walked away hoping no one had seen that. They would of thought I was crazy talking to a stone.

I walked back to my car following the markings on the trees. Someone was standing by her car door. She was scared at first and didn't move until Ivy gave her permission. It was Nanthon.

He suddenly turned towards me like he had sensed my precence. "Look Bliss-" he began but before he finished his sentence I had run into his arms and embraced him in hug. He grabbed my arms pushed me forward so that he could see my eyes.

"I'm sorry." I began. "I know that you didn't lie to me I was just to hurt and confused." I said hoping that he would forgive me. I had just known him for a day and yet I felt I had broken a promise I had made years ago to him.

He stroke my cheek and just his touch sent tingles down my spine. " I don't blame you and lets forget about that." he said and took me back into the most love filled hug I have every felt. I didn't want to move at all.I felt like I was made to be right here right now. He smelt of the forest and his hair smelt of lavendar. The scent was so intoxcicating, it was like a drug. We stood there for a while just in each others embrace but it felt like a few seconds.

" Its getting late." I said, " We should go." I really didn't want to move from him but I hardly knew anything about him. I was n't going to give up my heart just like that he had to earn it." Yeah" he said and let go of me. I could see he was a bit hesitant. " But I'm driving." he said with a grin. I watch him with a wary eye.

"I don't usually let people drive my car . Guess I would have to make a exception for the guy I like."

Wait did I just say that aloud and telling him that I like him. Way to go big fat mouth but even I didn't know that I even liked him.

He gave me a grin as he took the keys from my hands. "Thanks for the compliment." he said and I mentally cursed myself for even giving him permission to drive me car.

He took us to his house but I wasn't sure I could call it that it was to huge. It was mansion. The drive way was filled with cars that I never thought I would see in one place. 

" You're having a party ?" I asked as I got out the door. " Lets just say its family night." he said with a grin. Man I hate it when he does that it made my belly do a suumersault.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me to door. I tried to pull away but I could of guess he was to strong for me.

As we opened the door my mom rushed forward. " Is she hurt? What happened? Where was she?" She kept on asking questions while giving me some fulltime check up. She would have been a better doctor than CEO of Nutron company.

" I fine mom, Nathon came looking for me and I'm perfectly safe when I'm with him." I said. What was going on with my brain today it was like it had my mouth on freestyle mode. I got a full ear to ear grin from Nathon and knowing look from mom as she studied my face. 

I was certainly sure my cheekes were different shades of red and I sheid away from Nathon so that he won't see my face." He bent down and whispered into my ears. " You don't have to act shy around me." and that made me blush more.

We walked into a huge room full with people. " Well you got a hell of a big family." I told him. " Its more of my pack family." he said with a grin I giggled a bit. When did I get so girly. 

I still felt tingles from Nathon holdind my hand.

" Bliss?" I jumped a bit surprise to hear my name. I looked for the person who had called me. " Anthros? " 


Chapter 10

I stood there for a moment shocked but was suddenly awaken when I was taken in a huge hug. I stood there in the hug for a while engulfed in shock but soon respond and wrapped my hands around Anthros built body.

"I missed you sooo much, Bliss." He whispered into my ear so softly that I shivered. " I missed you too." I didn't know how much I missed him until I was in his arms. "Uhum."

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