» Fiction » Awakened, Reyann Williams [english novels for students TXT] 📗

Book online «Awakened, Reyann Williams [english novels for students TXT] 📗». Author Reyann Williams

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I heard someone behind me cough. We quickly broke apart and I turned to see Nathon's brown eyes. Filled with disappointment and .. jealousy ?

He then wrapped his hand around my waist protectively and growled. "Who is he?" He asked me looking deeply into my eyes as if the answers were there. " Why do you care?" I asked with a giggle. "Jealous much?" I said and moved away from him and went over to Anthros.

"What are you doing here?" I asked Anthros  looking into his charming blue eyes and he gave me one of his killer grins."I came with your father and I don't regret it one bit now that I can see you." He said taking me in a breathe taking hug.

"I felt the intense burning of someone staring burning my back and I forgot that Nathon was still behind me. " I backed away from Anthros a bit and felt a tight grip on my hand. " Babe won't you interduce me to your friend?" said Nathon a bit slyly. Why was he acting so possive and we bearly knew each other.

"Oh Nathon this is Anthros we use to go to school together back when I lived with my dad." I said trying again to get away from his grip but I should of guess that he was way stronger than me." You guys together?" asked Anthros with a suspicious eye."Yes shes my mate." said nathon a little bit to harsh for my liking.

"Nathon play nice and no we are not together." I said blushing. "So you're rejecting me." He asked a bit wide eyed."I'm not I just need time for this whole wolf thing to soak in." I said defensively. "Come on Bliss." Anthros said with a grin. "Someone or someones wants to meet you." he said and dragged me off into another room. I turned around and saw Nathon looking a bit hurt and I wanted to take back the words that I had just said. But they were true I needed time and the fact that we just met yesterday night was not helping the acccepting situation.

"Bliss!!" came a sheirk and I was soon taken in a massive hug. "Maria, Eva, Val, Andrea." I said hugging all my old friends. "How are you guys? I missed you so much.Sorry I didn't stay in touch." I said excited. " We missed you too Bliss." They said in usion and we went back to hugging each other.

Maria had long straight black hair but it wasn't longer than mine. Eva had blonde curly hair and blue eyes that attracted boys by the pound. Valrie or Val for short had black hair that was always in a neat ponytail. Andrea was Anthros' sister. They both had blonde hair but she had golden eyes and he had blue.

"So where's my hug?" came a meloudious voice. I instantly recognized it. "Justin!" I said running into his arms."I missed you, you big doof." I said playfully." Now the whole gang is back together." said Val." I guessed so." I said and joined the big group.

"So exaclty why are you guys all here and what are your connections to my father?" I asked curious. " Well lets just say me and Justin are his royal guard and the girls are apart of his concil." said Anthros." Whoa whats with the 'Your Majesty'?" I asked surprised. "Armm they didn't tell you that part yet did they?" asked Justin. "What part?" I asked surprised." Oh the part where you are the werewolf princess and that you are apart of the royal family." said Nathon leaning on the door way. " What?" I asked taken back. I could take the being a werewolf but the princess part wasn't going to cut it. I wasn't smart, I wasn't caring nor that pretty and I certainly wasn't graceful."Oh but there isn't a tiara involve though." he said. I give a sigh. Thank god I didn't have to walk aournd witha ton of silver on my head." But I'm sure you would look gorgeous in one though." he said with a grin. "Thanks" I said blushing furiously. He began to smirk and my cheeks turned a deeper shade of red. 

"Your dad called for a pack meeting. My pack apparently wants to meet its future Luna." he said and took my hand and began to drag me outside. Everyone walked behind us and I could hear my best friends laughing and giggling. 

"Whats Lunar?" I asked still baffled at what he had said early." Well its the leader of the pack who is the Alpha mate." he said rubbing behind his neck. " So you are saying that you are the Alpha?" I asked. " Yeah I guess. But sometimes its hard living up to my fathers expectations." he said the smile dropping from his face. " Don't worry you'll do great." I said and give him a peck on the cheek for further encouragement.

He instantly brighten." I want you to meet someone before the meeting." and he dragged me to a beautiful woman who was talking to my mom. She had black wavy hair but had brown eyes like Nathon.

"Bliss I want you to meet my mom Clara." he said. " Nice to met you." I said streching out my hand but she pulled me into a hug. " Oh it nice to finally see you again. The last time I saw you you were a baby. Who would of know that you were my sons mate." she said letting me go.

"Huh?" me and Nathon said in usion. "Me and Catlyn are best friends she said pointing to my mom. " she said laughing at our reaction. "That explains alot." said Nathon.



Chapter 11

don Bliss' P.O.V.


My day started out with a physicotic and shirtless guy telling me that I was a werewolf but as it it turn out he was right. Then I got to see my brother and dad again but to find out that they have lied to me all my life. Then I got to see all my old besties. So lets just say my day was a rollercoaster.

All through the meeting my dad talked about what would be happening for the next few days and warning people that they were to be alert for attacks. Then Nathon interduced me as their new Luna. 

During the whole meeting Nathon held on to my hand and would whisper little things into my ears making me occasionally blush. I wasn't used to giving into guys but seeing that he was my 'mate'. I might have acception to him.

After everything was finish everyone left to go home except my parents and a few people including Zane. I was speaking to my girls when her mom called out to her."Bye Honey.Don't do anything stupid." She said taking her keys and exiting the door.

I rushed out to catch her before she left. Where are you going? Aren't I coming home with you guys?" I asked my dad. "No honey you're staying her with your brother." He said as they started up to car. "Ok bye." I said waving after them as they left.

I walked back to the door and at the same time a car pulled up. Out step Zane and Luara and I stood there waiting for them to get out.

"Hey Beautiful." said Luara as she took me into a huge hug. "I see you've found out your secret." she said laughing. "Oh shut up."I said as we walked to the door. "So Zane.." Began Luara but soon paused and stared at something down the hall.

"MATE!" she whispered and ran awayed from us."Whats going on?"I asked looking to Zane for a answer."She just found her mate lets go see who it is."he said grabbing my wrist and pulling me towards the direction Lura had gone in.

We stepped into the kitchen to see my big brother and Luara sucking face. "Whoa!" we both said surprised and taken back a bit at the crazyness of this situiation. "Talk about age difference." I whispered. They took about five minutes before they pulled apart. "Blake." said Luara breathless. "Luara." He said breatheless and putting her down and she unwounding her legs from around his waist.

"So I guess you met my brother."I said with a grin."I guess I did." said Luara smiling. They were perfect for each other even though the age difference was there but it was small.

"Bliss I want to.." said Nathon walking into the room but he suddenly stopped seeing me and Zane. I saw him looking down and I followed his eyes to where Zane held my hand. I had totally forgot and quickly tried to pull away.

I heard a growl escape his lips and then he lunge for Zane. I stepped aside trying not to be tackled along to the ground with them.



Nathon's P.O.V


I was so excited that I was going to spend the night with my mate and was going to give her my moms old ring that had been passed through the family.

Even though I hadn't even known Bliss for more than a day I was certainly sure that I loved her. I followed her scent to  the kitchen.

"Bliss I want to.." I began but stopped when I saw her with Zane. I saw them holding hands and she looked down to and pulled away. I growled and lunged for Zane.

Why the hell was he touching my mate and began to pound him. "Stop it !" Shout Bliss. I looked up at her and she looked completely destressed. Only her voice could have stopped me.

Without a second thought I grabbed her hand and dragged her up the stairs. I was so angry that I hadn't realize that I was squeezing the life out of her. "Nathon, Nathon you're hurting me!" she said and I turned around to see her crying.

"Oh I'm sorry."I said taking her in a hug. "Get off me!" she said pushing me off her. "Just show me to the room I have to stay in. " she said walking away from me."Its this way."I said pointing down the hall.

We walked in complete silence until we reached to my room. I wasn't letting her out of my site and I certainly wasn't leaving her in a a guest room.

"Here we are." I said opening the door. She looked around and let out a sigh. "This is your room isn't it." she said motioning to the room. "How'd you guess ?"I ask chuckling. The sun had already setted so I was starting to wonder who would make dinner.

"Fine alright I'll stay here but you will take the couch." She said pointing to the couch to the side of the room. "Are you sure you want to that?" I asked with a grin.

Being a alpha me a nd my mates connection was stronger. We practically couldn't sleep without them. "Yes I'm pretty sure." she said and walked towards the bathroom. "Alright" I said and head downstair to see who was making dinner.                



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