» Fiction » I NickNamed Her Red, Adrien Hywel [top 100 novels of all time txt] 📗

Book online «I NickNamed Her Red, Adrien Hywel [top 100 novels of all time txt] 📗». Author Adrien Hywel

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/> And looked back at her piece of looked at me, and he smiled a huge smile, I quickly collected all my stuff and practically ran out.

Other students were watching in disbelief, I heard people murmuring, when I was walking in the hall next to

Juice, it was more like running with him, rather than walking, he opened his mouth to talk, but I answered him before him

Could say anything."Yes Red!"I said sighing and he started to run outside, to where his bike was. Juice passed

Me his helmet, and I strapped it on, he got on, started the engine, and patted the space behind him.

I jumped on behind him and put my arms around his waist "You got to hold on tighter than that, or you will fall off "he said, chuckling

Over the sound of the engine. I held on to his waist tighter, and we were off.

Juice didn't like to go VERY fast, but he was still quite fifteen minutes we were at what they called "church". As we walked over to the door

Juice winked at me "don't worry, you're not in trouble "he course I wasn't in trouble, I hadn't done!.Juice knocked on the door, and after hearing a mumbled

"Yes "from inside, he opened it.

"Lilith's here!"He said and then let me in, I first went over to say hello to Piney, He hugged me and kissed me on the head, then I walked over to Chibs "Hello lovie" he

Said and hugged me very then passed me on to Elvis "Lilith "he said, bowing his head, "Elvis"I said copying his a while of non-organized

Chaos, Clay called for order "the reason why, I called you hear "he said to me, and looked at left the room and came back with, a small black box.

He gave it to me, and I opened it, inside there was a was no ordinary pistol, no it was handle was rosewood, the body was red brass, and inside the trigger, the word

"Red "was inscribed in intricate lettering. I was speechless; a giant sized smile had spread across my face "Its...fantastic "I said then paused"beautiful" he seemed pleased with

My reaction "I thought you might need it, it seemed fair, anyway Jax got his first at your age "he nodded at Jax."Where did you find it?"I asked, and Tig jumped in "A friend of mine had it

in-stock "he said, "but Clay, added the inscription "he added after seeing Clay's passed by like seagulls and before I knew it, it was time for me to got home. I thanked Clay (and Tig)

And said good-bye to everybody else, so got a ride back home with Jax.

I woke up early in the morning, and went to the firing range with Jax; he showed me how to fire my gun. I showed him how to get blood

Out of clothes, not because I shot him, but because he cut his knee on the we got back home, Gemma was waiting for us

"You kids have a nice time?"She asked, as we walked through the door."Yes "we answered in unison, with innocent voices and she

Breakfast I ran to school, I got there just as the bell was ringing, and sat in the front row(as usual).The teacher seemed Preoccupied at the door, so

I started to listen to the group of kids behind were talking about a party, I guess that's what normal teenagers a while I felt somebody

Tap on my shoulder, I turned around and locked at the was wasn't a natural blond (it was obvious) but she had her arm

Around a boy, who didn't seem to care if she was real or fake, just blond?"I'm Veronica "she said in a high pitched voice, and stuck out her hand, I shook it "Lilith"

I answered."Are you Clay's daughter?"She asked, I shook my head "I'm Gemma's cousin "I corrected her" it here?"She said, as she changed the subject and

I boy she had her arm around offered his hand" I'm John "he said and I smiled-he had dark hair and pale eyes-"pleasure "I answered.

Veronica spoke up "there's going to be a party at John's tonight, Barry road!"There was a pause "you want too come?" John added. I thought for a second,

"Yeah sure "I said, and the teacher came into the room.

At lunch, I asked permission of Gamma if I could go to the party and she immediately said "yes of course!"She seemed pretty happy about ate lunch

Talking about all we could find, later I sat on the sofa with Jax."Juice wanted you to go to the shop, this afternoon "he said out of the blue, "why?"

I asked genuinely paused for a second "he is completely re-wiring the place "he took a sip of his coke "you can still catch him, if you want". I got up "see you by seven "I said and

darted out the only took me 7 minutes to reach the shop, Tig was standing in front and staring at me"Hi Tig"I said as I neared him, and without an answer I added "Bye Tig!"

And reached the door. I knocked the door and opened it without waiting for a response, when I entered the room all I saw, was a bunch of colored wires, and scattered all around the place.

"Juice?"I shouted "Under the table!" his voice said back. I knelt down and looked under the tableland truth foretold there he was, a spanner in his mouth.

"Hey!"I said smiling and he winked back, as he got up from under the table, I went over to where his laptop was stuff on his screen seemed

Pretty simple, a box of ones and zero's on one side, and a layout of wires on the other. I took the mouse, and clicked on a small gap. I immediately typed in

An extra one, I looked at Juice, he was standing right behind me, staring at the screen (shocked)."How did you do that?"He asked and looked at mesa grin spreading across his face.

I shrugged smiling "I just know stuff "I explained."You think you can keep doing that for a couple of hours, while I Finnish off?"He asked and I nodded.

Unexpectedly he hugged me "your a life saver "he said and I grinned, he got back under the table and did his job as I did mine.

We talked a lot, he asked me about well... movies, food, hobbies and at the most talked about his love for

Biography's, as I confessed my odd love for science fiction. I told him about school and the party, he listened and then asked what I

Wanted to do after school. I told him about my guitar, and how I wanted to become a member of SAMCRO."It's hard being a prospect

,especially if your me "he said and told me about what it was like being in I knew it was seven PM,"I think you need to get

Going, or else you will be late. "He said and took me a shower I put on some nice clothes and more make-up than usual, Jax came

Into my room without knocking."Party?"He asked and I nodded, while at the same time I was trying not to poke my eye out with mascara.

"You gonna take the gun?"I shook my head then smirked and added "maybe"."If you're nearly ready ill drop you off "he asked "that will be nice "II

Said, and after a while we were on our way.

Jax dropped me off at the front door, as I got off the bike I noticed a large number of girls staring at Jax, and a large number of guys staring at the bike.

I smiled at the thought and walked inside, the girl-Veronica-came over to me as soon as she saw complimented me on what

I was wearing and I told the same to introduced me to people, who in turn asked me if I was with they leaned I wasn't, they asked me about

Jax even more. I had a couple of beers and eventually stopped enjoying myself.

I walked to the bedroom, where the phone was. I only knew the number of the shop, so I called that there would be somebody there to pick me nobody picked up. I tried

Again, and again but, still no answer. I slumped down onto the floor next to the phoneme was getting pretty close to a couple of minutes, I heard somebody walk into the

I looked up, I noticed that it was John and four more guys and they were getting closer to me. I quickly got up, but they were getting I walked backwards tripped and

Landed on the bed, Man I wish I had brought the of them bent over on top of me and put his arms around my waist, I struggled to get up but it just didn't work.

He brought his lips close to my neck and then kissed it, and then he stated to move down my body. I saved my energy and kneed him in the stomach, I thought about shouting but the noise just

Didn't come out. I quickly seized the opportunity and got of the bed, but they were getting closer. I saw a window behind me "thank god were on the first floor "I said to myself and jumped

Out of it.

I was now in the back garden, the garden looked onto a busy highway and, there wasn't a fence between of the garden and the highway. I backed up slowly as I saw them

Climb out of the window. I next had visions running through my head, what if they kill me, and my body is never found and Gemma will think that I ran off!.What if they do

Discover my body, SAMCRO would go on a rampage and Gemma will be if they don't kill me and I would have to live with the trauma for the

Rest of my if I told somebody (like you're supposed to) SAMCRO would still go on a rampage and they might make me go live with my"parents".Then my thoughts changed.

What about everybody else, they would feel guilty, and if I was killed they would feel even guiltier and would probably go through unnecessary pain.

Now they were getting closer some kept on backing up until I was on the edge of the passing behind me light lightning bolts, what if I got run over!Then I thought of something !.


I liked him, I liked him even more than I wanted to wasn't the first time that I liked anybody this much, but this time it seemed if I wasn't forced, it just seemed right.

John got closer to me, so close I could hear him breathing. I was sweating now "don't worry this won't hurt a bit "he said and the guy behind him chuckled "stop lying to her

John "he brought his hand closer to my face, and pulled away a strand of hair, from my sweaty face. He got closer to me, but then to my surprise he stopped. I heard the

Noise of a Harley's engine, John backed up and so did the others, they seemed scarred. I caught my breath and listened as the sound died I could hear now was the road behind me

And the breathing, coming from the humans standing in front of terrifying sounds they were.

John, was walking back up to me ,at that exact moment, a monster of
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