» Fiction » I NickNamed Her Red, Adrien Hywel [top 100 novels of all time txt] 📗

Book online «I NickNamed Her Red, Adrien Hywel [top 100 novels of all time txt] 📗». Author Adrien Hywel

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backstage, so I had wandered outside to check-out the stage. The walls in the club were deep red, the multiple mirrors that hung o the walls were framed with pitch black Victorian frames, and the pole in the middle of the stage was taken out. In it's place was a drum set and right up-front where I was going to be standing, was a microphone, I walked back to backstage. Steve was sitting down, a beer in his hand and a cigarette in his mouth. I took it out of his hand /Hey! / He shouted, as I put it out with my boot /No! / I said sternly and he sighed /sorry, it's just stress/ he explained. I cracked a smile /Grab your sticks, were on in five/ he smiled back.

/Best legal high in the world/ was the best way to explain what I felt while on-stage, after a couple of minutes on-stage, the club was packed; with metal-heads, Goths, punks, anarchists, and obviously bikers. I didn't care about the three hundred or so eyes watching me, I didn't care about how much money I was getting paid, I didn't even care about the fact that Juice was watching me play Guns N' Roses, while wearing a corset in a strip club and singing my heart out. All I cared about was that right now, at this very moment, I was happy. Just happy.

/I bet you didn't know, that she could move her hips like that/ Steve said to Juice, Steve was on his fourth beer, Juice smirked and shook his head /And I also bet, you didn't know that she could bend ninety degrees backwards either/ he told Juice again, this time he opened his eyes wide then nodded. The table was quiet for a bit /Bet you can't guess how many numbers I got tonight? / I threw into the middle, Steve put his fingers on his temples and concentrated /Twenty...six?/ he asked and I shook my head /Twenty-five/ I corrected him. Juice started laughing /What ?/ I asked my arms in the air, he shook his head /If Jax and Opie had been here, they would have beaten the shit out of those guys just for fun/ he was still laughing, I nodded and laughed with him. Steve put down his glass with a BANG! /OK, I'm done let's go!/ he said as he picked up my guitar and got up /It's still eleven man!/ I said shrugging, Juice looked at me /Still?/ he asked, and Steve sat down. /Remember when we broke into the school.../ Steve cut me off /Yeah and you messed up the school computer at three in the morning/ I smiled, /Got suspended for a week! / He said with me and he laughed.

/You guys seem to have had a life/ Juice said and Steve shrugged /We got sick of it, so we started playing music/ I smiled /You only got into the drums, because of anger management/ I corrected him, he shrugged again /So, I turned out alright, and anyway that's why you started boxing/ I glared at him. Juice looked at me /Boxing? / He asked, Steve put his arm around my shoulder /State champion/ he said and I blushed bright red, /really? / Juice asked pleasantly surprised, I nodded once. /Why did you stop? / He asked me, I shrugged /she was fast, very fast/ Steve explained and I glared at him again.


I could feel the goose-bumps on my arms, a shiver ran up my spine, I was in the middle of a volatile storm and my hair was soaking wet. I gothic black gown I was wearing was weighing me down; I was on an old sixteenth-century ship, all I could see other than the dark violent waves was the ancient wood of the vesicle. I ran up the deck to get a better view, standing behind a giant wooded wheel was a man; the salt-water hell boiling around me was constricting me from identifying. I saw those deep-set eyes and knew it was Clay /Get under the deck! / He shouted at me and I obeyed his command, I landed with a thud! At the bottom of the old rotten ladder, Jax was there waiting for me. His blond hair was tangled and his eyes were filled with sorrow /Shit! You shouldn't be down here/ he said as he pulled his fingers through his hair, Chibs, Opie and Elvis were gathered behind him. They were kneeling on the ground, constricting my view of whatever it was they were looking at.

I ran and pushed them away, there lying down with a sword in his chest, was Tig. I started choking, I couldn't breathe, I tried so hard but I couldn't do the most natural thing to a human being, I couldn't breathe. I felt somebody tug my arm, I stayed put, and then I felt the same force that had tugged my arm, with unbelievable strength I was hauled up and into a cupboard. The door was shut but I could still see the person that was standing in front of me, was Happy. He had gone Nomad a couple of weeks before I arrived in town, how was he here? I noticed his body was pressed against mine, his deep brown eyes were filled with distress, /Shush / he whispered and I gulped /Tig? / I asked my voice shaking. He nodded once very sternly, as he carefully studied my face /But.../ I gasped and. He kissed me, and then pulled back, I looked up at him in utter shock, he kissed me again but his time I kissed back. I could feel the warmth of his lips on mine, as they slowly moved together in perfect motion. I felt the warmth go away, I was in a different room now, it was brightly lit and there were multiple vases filled with roses. I turned around and looked at myself in a full length mirror; I was wearing a white wedding dress. I started to scream with all the strength I had.

I knew I was screaming my lungs out, my throat was throbbing but I couldn't stop, the air was flowing out of my lungs as if it had not intention of coming back. I shot up, and noticed for once in my entire life, that I had screamed in a dream, or in this case nightmare, the covers on my bed were tossed on the floor. Jax flew through the door, a horrified look on his face, and a gun in his hand /What's wrong?/ he asked worried, I nodded in response without looking at him /Yeah... nightmare... that's all/ I choked out. He rubbed the back of his neck /you alright ?/ he asked, /Yeah/ I answered and he sighed /Last night good ?/ he asked, a tiny smirk on his face, I smiled /Yeah/. He turned around into the doorway /and, Gemma said lunch is ready/ he said then walked down the stairs. I jumped out of bed, and opened my closet, I picked out a pair of oh so worn black skinny jeans, I slipped them on then looked in my underwear drawer. I put on a turquoise bra, then decided on a tight fitting black tank-top, parts of the turquoise bra were visible from underneath the tank-top, personally I couldn't give a damn.

/That's your third candy bar today/ Steve said as he sighed, I gave him a look /I'm hungry! alright/ I said then went back to my staring at the midday sun. /You cannot be hungry after Gemma's lunch/ Steve said and I nodded, he sighed, and I watched Tig as he started draining the oil from a red ford. Cloud eventually started gathering around the pale blue sky, I got up and without a word, walked into the clubhouse. Inside it was rather bright, only a couple of guys hanging about here and there, I waked over to the bar, the prospect turned around and looked at me as I collapsed into the stool. He picked a glass up and wiped it with a tea-towel / Juice?/ he asked and I smiled /Yes please/ I answered as he first shook the bottle, then poured it into the glass in front of me. /Thanks/ I said smiling, he smiled back /Apparently your quite the celebrity/ he stated and I looked up at him, I raised an eyebrow /A couple of guys I know, went to your gig last night/ he explained, I raised my other eyebrow /They said that you were pretty good for a chick/ I dropped both my eyebrows. He sighed /OK, you got me... they said you were like the reincarnation of Jimmy Hendrix, only hotter/ I smirked, he raised his hand in defence /But don't you go getting all hot headed now!/ he warned and I laughed /Don't worry man, I wont/. He relaxed and went on polishing the glasses, I finished my juice and started talking to Chibs who had just sat next to me, I took a packet of crisps from behind the bar and headed out to the garage.

/Are you fucking pregnant ? / Tig asked as he was annoyed by my obsessive eating, I popped another piece of popcorn in my mouth and shook my head / I can assure you, that its positively impossible/ I answered, / Glad to know/ he said as he stopped infront of Gemma's. /Have fun at prom/ he said as I climbed out of the passenger seat, /Yeah/ I answered rather unenthusiastically, then he drove off.

I looked at the old clock on the wall, half past six it read, /must have dozed off/ I said to myself as I slowly got up, I eventually made my way up the stairs and into my bedroom. After I shut the door behind me, I noticed that the black dress was hanging on the back, /Pretty/ I thought as I took the soft fabric between my fingers, It would be a shame if I didn't wear it. I ran into the bathroom and had a shower, I then added in some leave-in conditioner and washed my face, I wrapped a towel around myself and walked into my room. I picked out some underwear and a push-up bra, after I put them on I added some mousse into my hair, I then used some pressed powder and eyeliner. I looked at the dress carefully before I slipped it on, it was a perfect fit !. I had to hand it to Gemma, she knew what I liked. After using two coats of mascara and going through the process of staining, balm, and adding lip-gloss to my lips I put the high heels on. I knew how to walk in them, as I was forced to do so every Sunday back in Vancouver /In order to look like a lady/ Gene would say as she dragged me out ıf the door, and into the cold street in a pair of horrible white pumps. The pair on my feet weren't so horrible, they were actually quite nice, but they were still heels, therefore I wasn't going to enjoy the end of the night when I would come back with sore feet.

I listened to Steve walking up the stairs, he was whistling a tune, a very cheer full tune. I sat on my bed and waited, sure enough he came through the door without knocking /Hey/ he said, I nodded in reply /You look nice/ he stated then looked out of the window. /Thanks/ I muttered, he looked at me /It's time to go, why aren't you down-stairs? /he asked and I shrugged /Why?/ I asked him back, /Umm... Gemma's kind of making a big deal about this/ he answered and I sighed /Never wanted her to/ I stated. He looked
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