» Fiction » I NickNamed Her Red, Adrien Hywel [top 100 novels of all time txt] 📗

Book online «I NickNamed Her Red, Adrien Hywel [top 100 novels of all time txt] 📗». Author Adrien Hywel

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at me, out of the blue his expression dramatically changed /I will be back / he said, then he ran down the stairs, a couple of minuets later I heard some-one climbing the stairs, all I could recordnise were the boots, the big black biker boots.

I saw a boot create a gap between the door and the wall, then the second boot followed as Juice placed himself in the doorway, he looked at me, he looked at the dress, he looked at the heels /Prom ?/ he asked his voice calm, /Yeah/ I answered, he smirked /Steve said he hates proms/I nodded / He does/ I answered, Juice sucked in a breath /Do you, hate proms ?/ he asked and I shrugged in response. He smirked /Mind if, I take you then? / he asked, I smiled /No, actually I wouldn't mind / I answered and he smiled back. So here I was, sitting on my bed with Juice standing in front of me, and if I was not mistaken he was asking to got to prom with me.

I wasn't going climb on a bike while I was wearing heels, so the nicest car at T-M that had magically appeared in the drive-way had to do. I didn't know how all this had came about in the last twenty minuets, but Gemma's plan seemed to have been working, I was going to prom, willingly. I knew that Steve had something to do with this, maybe he had egged Juice on, or maybe he forced him to do what he wanted to do, either way I didn't really care. Because now, I was sitting in the passenger seat with Juice by my side. I looked at him, he wasn't exactly dressed for prom in his dark gray cargo pants. They hung low on his waist, his plain tight fitting black t-shirt overlapping slightly with the gray fabric, he was obviously wearing his cut, I mean the Son's never took them off did they ?. My mind was buzzing with questions I wanted to ask, and conversations I wanted to have, but it was too late we had already arrived at the school.

The entrance of the hall was decked with white and pink roses, the small arch framing the door was covered with them, I was overwhelmed with the sweet sweet sent they were giving off. We were late and people had already started slow dancing, Juice had dropped me off on the sidewalk as he found a place to park, people were looking at me again. I guess this time it was in a good way, the girls seemed to be in utter bliss and the guys they were with seemed less annoyed with them than they did at school, so yeah this all seemed good. I looked at the girls that were staring at me in a good way, they were all wearing long pastel and white colored dresses, there seemed to be a theme here. The guys had small roses implanted into the pockets of their tux jackets, the corsages the girls had were all roses as well, I looked out of place here and that was the way I liked it.

I heard heavy foot-steps coming from behind me, as I just stood there, I didn't have to turn around, all I did was just stand there as Juice walked up behind me, he put his arm around my shoulders and walked me into the hall. The flash of the camera was blinding, I knew that Gemma would frame this picture even if she wasn't going to hang it up, she would still frame it to signify its apparent importance. Juice's 5.11 height seemed to tower above my now 5.6, he looked strong, he had the /I would torture then kill you if you mess with my girl/ look on his face, and this look was passing on like a message to every other guy in the room, his message was being heard loud and clear. I saw people staring at us, I knew what they were thinking /God, what they said about her was true. Fucking biker whore/ or there was another one, that went a little bit like/OMG, the guy she's with is like, soooo hot but she just looks like, like a total weirdo/ I could hear the annoying voices in my head too clearly. I guess Juice noticed how uncomfortable I was in the stuffy hall /you want to go out back/ he asked as he looked at me, I nodded once in responce, for some reason I was finding the worst time to be shy. He lowered his hand to my waist and looked straight ahead as we zigzagged passed the different groups of people, untill we finally got to the back garden. There was a gazebo in the middle of the green, neatly cut lawn, there were white and pink rose bushes growing up the length of it, it looked like it was created by fairies or some other magical creature.

I listened carefully as -Madness-by Allanis Morisette- started playing, Juice took me by the hand and led me up on to the gazebo. He placed his hands on my hips and I looped my arms around his neck, the space between us was covered very shortly, I placed my chin on his shoulder and breathed in his comforting sent off; dust, tobacco, cinnamon, and burnt-out electrical wires. I heard him sigh so I pulled away /What's wrong ?/ I asked and he grinned slightly /Nothing .../ he answered then paused /It's just, Clay's going to give me shit for this/ I giggled slightly and he smiled in response. /I'm happy you asked me/ I said as he pulled me back to him /Why?/ he asked as I placed my chin on his shoulder again /If you didn't, I would have to come with Steve/ I answered, he shrugged /What's wrong with that ?/ he asked and I sighed /He doesn't like dancing/ I stated. /Do you?/ he asked genuinely, I smiled /A decade of ballet lessons kind of, wears off on you/ he turned his head towards mine /Really ?/ he asked, the sarcasm thick in his voice, I laughed as I executed a perfect pirouette as evidence, he seemed impressed.

After the last song we headed over to the car, /Gemma won't be expecting us home until ten, what do you want to do/ Juice asked as he opened the passenger door for me, I shrugged and I could see a grin spread across his face /Your not usually indecisive/ he said, then paused /You want to go get dinner, there's this place outside town that I know, and.../ He trailed off as he started the engine. I shrugged again /sure/ I answered.

/... and apple pie/ Juice told the waitress, as she wrote in her little notebook /Coming right up/ she answered then left the table /You remembered/ I stated and he smiled at me /I remember a lot of things/ he said as the waitress came back with two cups of coffee, I nodded at her then, took a sip after she went back from where she hailed. /I see you are addicted to caffeine/ Juice stated as he took a sip of his coffee /I don't think you have the right to say that/ I answered as I gestured at his mug. He smirked an unbelievably wonderful smirk, the neon lights did nothing to overshadow his caramel skin and chocolate eyes, he seemed to light up any space he was in, without even trying. I knew that everything always had a reason, but my fondness of Juice seemed to be lacking any amount of reason, within the boundaries of sanity. I slowly melted into his eyes as I watched him watch me, he slowly leaned forward I responded by staying still and not moving a muscle, inviting him in. He kissed me; it was sweet and short, kind of like a tiny piece of apple pie. I smiled at him as he pulled back, and he smiled back.

/Here's her, picture/ I said then handed Bobby a picture of my mother, he took it then placed it next to the rough sketch he was working on, I watched him as he naturally made the beautiful face-less angel look exactly like the woman who gave birth to me. /Color?/ he asked me as he looked up at me, I nodded /Red hair, dark blue eyes, white wings and the rest black and white/ He carefully added the shading, and it looked perfect. He handed me the piece of paper, a hopeful look in his eyes /it's Wonderful/ I said and a wide smile spread across my face, /what's this? / Tig asked as he walked over to us, I handed him the piece of paper when he looked at it he smiled /I'm going to have it inked on my back/ he smiled at me /you did good on this one Bobby/ he added and Bobby bowed in appreciation.

I drank the last of my beer and looked over to Bobby, he was cleaning his equipment /Ready when you are/ I said and he nodded, I went into the bathroom and locked myself in a cubicle. I took off the shirt and tank-top I was wearing, being left with my black bra, I thought of an idea, I put my shirt on backwards and folded up the sleeves, after all I had to be at least a little bit shameful. I unlocked the door and headed next to Bobby /Smart Chick/ he said noticing my efforts, I sat backwards in the chair next to him, I folded my arms under my chin and waited patiently as Bobby prepared the stencil. I was going to be pissed if Steve didn't show up; I mean he promised didn't he? I heard a car pull up and gave out a sigh of relief. The door burst open and Steve ran in /Shit! I'm sorry; I really am, sorry... shit! / He stammered as he hurried over to my side, the picture next to Bobby caught his eye /she was pretty/ he said as he commented on my mother's appearance. /Yeah? / I asked and he nodded once. Bobby looked at me /You think you could... / he was cut off by Steve undoing the clasp of my bra, I gave him a look /What ?/ he asked raising his arms up in defense /You seem to have a lot of experience/ I said sarcastically, he shrugged and Bobby stuck the stencil on the left side of my back.

To my surprise the pain wasn't unbearable, it was just painful enough that I could enjoy it, I know that sounds psycho but that really was how I felt, I mean I didn't know until now that pain could be enjoyable. Although love is extremely enjoyable or at-least that's what I hear, and in the end it always turns out as pain, extremely enjoyable, ever-so fantastic, wonderful pain. /You're not bleeding yet/ Bobby said and I smiled at him /Good ?/ I asked smiling, he chuckled /Yeah/ he answered, /Already halfway through the shading ?/ Tig asked, he had been sitting there for the last half hour, watching my oddly calm impression, and marveling at the piece of art, that was now covering the whole left side of my back. Steve came back with three cans of beer, he obediently handed one to Tig and then looked at my back /you would need something to loosen you up some more/ he stated, then handed me a beer /OK/ I said as I gladly accepted his peace offering for being late. I heard the door open /Holy shit red!, that's some serious ink/ somebody who was obviously Jax said as he walked over to me, only he would know to distract
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