» Fiction » I NickNamed Her Red, Adrien Hywel [top 100 novels of all time txt] 📗

Book online «I NickNamed Her Red, Adrien Hywel [top 100 novels of all time txt] 📗». Author Adrien Hywel

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Bobby when he was leaving a indelible mark on me, /Thanks/ I said as I looked up at him, he was carefully studying my back, his blond hair tangled as it always was, I remembered he would let me brush it when I was little, now that I think of it , it must have been very painful.

Opie followed close on Jax's tail /Nice/ was all he said, then he walked over to the pool table with Jax, it had been three hours since I had first sat in the chair, Bobby was exhausted and so was I. Him, Steve and Tig kept talking to me, it was supposed to keep the pain on the down low, although I wasn't really sure. /I heard about your show/ Tig stated non-randomly /Really?/ I asked and he smirked /Yeah, umm… people say that you and pretty boy here are pretty fucking good/ Steve looked at him shocked /Me ?/ he asked Tig /don't flatter yourself/ he answered then looked at me, completely ignoring Steve in the process. /You alright with it? / I asked Tig slightly worried /Of course, I mean you like it don't you? / He sounded a little worried /Yes Tig, very much so/ he nodded /good/ he answered then drank some more of his beer.

I felt oddly calm, although the sound of upcoming Harley's didn't help, it didn't exactly pull me out of my extreme trance, I did know something that would though. /Sweet Heavens! That's gorgeous!/ Juice said the second he walked through the door, I smirked, this really wasn't happening was it? /What the tat, or Baby Red?/ Jax said a slight taste of threat in his voice, Baby Red? I really hoped that wouldn't catch on, Juice laughed a very Juice like laugh then came next to me /you're nearly done? / He asked and Bobby looked up at him /you mean me? yeah I'll be finished in five minutes/ he said as he wiped his brow.

/Finished! / Bobby said the relief apparent in his voice, he wiped my back with something cold, then handed me a mirror /Go look in the bathroom/ he instructed me while nodding in the direction I was supposed to go. I slowly got up, walked into the bathroom and took off my shirt; I turned around and held the smaller mirror up. That's when I saw the dark blue eyes of my mother, she was looking at the right side of my back, her long wavy red hair was halfway down her back, draped lightly over her majestic white wings, every feather carefully detailed. Bobby really did good on this one!. I put on my tank-top and shirt, my back was sore, but enough for me to bear. I walked into the main room, then headed in Bobby's direction over to the bar /The redness will go away in a couple of days.../ Bobby explained and I hugged him, he hugged me back, carefully trying not to touch the left side of my back /Thanks / I said smiling, he smiled back /Least I could do, you waited two years didn't you? / I nodded /Good thing too, you might have had some meaningless shit on your skin if you didn't/ he said and I smirked.

I have always loved Steve, ever since the day I met him, although the circumstances that I had met him in were quite unusual. It was my first day of junior high; I was completely depressed, why? You may ask; well, I ain't exactly the most cheerful of person on the planet, I can't call myself positive or negative, neither can I label myself as, well... anything. As you may have already understood, I don't exactly "fit- in" with the crowd, I never wanted to but I guess Steve didn't either, so guess it was fate that I was the first one off the bus when he got hit by it. Yes that's right, on the first day of school Steve got hit by a bus, my bus, and for the next couple of years it would be our bus. I was sitting on a window seat that cold Canadian morning, I was wearing my headphones, the amazing voice of Sarah McLachlan was flowing through my ears, and I was distracted in my own little world. Then I flew forward, my head hit the seat in front of me violently, I heard the driver shout something, and being myself I thought it better to walk to school rather than endure the hectic events that were about to follow. I got off the bus and there sitting in the street was a boy, a blond boy with headphones in his ears, in front of him was a BMX bike, it was wrecked but he seemed to be alright, he was calmly scrolling through the list of songs on his I-pod. I walked up to him, he looked at me then at the driver that had followed me out of the bus, /Sorry Man, didn't mean to scare you/ he said as the driver looked at the messed up bike /It's alright, only ride it because I can't ride a skateboard/ he said and the bus driver helped him haul the messed up bike up to the curve. I walked to school that day, I walked to school with Steve, the first thing he did while we headed up the steep track was check my I-pod, he handed his over to me and I did the same.

The Son's didn't quite understand are relationship, and they didn't need to, all they needed to know was that Steve kept me safe and happy, that is if he wasn't wasted, which seemed to happen a lot. He wasn't an outcast like me; he could have been school president, captain of the football team, anything he wanted. But he didn't. I'm not exactly sure why, he said that he didn't want to give in to the ideas and visions that people had for him, or he was just damn crazy, I mean why me?.

I opened my eyes, the window next to me wasn't letting in the usual amount of frying pan heat, the sun had just started to rise, it was dawn. For some reason I wasn't tired, I slowly rose up and walked down the stairs and into the back garden. Steve was sitting on a deck chair and watching the sunrise; he noticed me standing beside him and patted on the chair next to him. I sat down and watched the golden ball of fire with him, /what are you going to do today? / He asked as he kept on staring at the sun, I shrugged in response and he sighed.

It was funny how time passed so quickly, it was already Tuesday morning and Steve was pissed at me. I was guilty mind, I mean I did read his book of songs; it wasn't exactly reading it was more like I glanced at a couple of notes and lyrics. I picked up my guitar and walked over to the closed door of his room, I sat down cross legged and started to strum. This was after all the only way I could win him back; I opened my mouth and let the words fly through.

Hey Stephen, I know looks can be deceiving
But I know I saw a light in you
And as we walked we were talking
I didn't say half the things I wanted to

Of all the girls tossing rocks at your window
I'll be the one waiting there even when it's cold
Hey Stephen, boy, you might have me believing
I don't always have to be alone

'Cause I can't help it if you look like an angel
Can't help it if I want to kiss you in the rain so
Come feel this magic I've been feeling since I met you
Can't help it if there's no one else
Mmm, I can't help myself

Hey Stephen, I've been holding back this feeling
So I got some things to say to you
I've seen it all, so I thought
But I never seen nobody shine the way you do

The way you walk, way you talk, way you say my name
It's beautiful, wonderful, don't you ever change
Hey Stephen, why are people always leaving?
I think you and I should stay the same

'Cause I can't help it if you look like an angel
Can't help it if I want to kiss you in the rain so
Come feel this magic I've been feeling since I met you
Can't help it if there's no one else
Mmm, I can't help myself

They're dimming the street lights, you're perfect for me
Why aren't you here tonight?
I'm waiting alone now, so come on and come out
And pull me near and shine, shine, shine

Hey Stephen, I could give you fifty reasons
Why I should be the one you choose
All those other girls, well, they're beautiful
But would they write a song for you?

I can't help it if you look like an angel
Can't help it if I want to kiss you in the rain so
Come feel this magic I've been feeling since I met you
Can't help it if there's no one else
Mmm, I can't help myself

If you look like an angel
Can't help it if I want to kiss you in the rain so
Come feel this magic I've been feeling since I met you
Can't help it if there's no one else
Mmm, I can't help myself

Can't help myself
I can't help myself

I knew it was a cheesy song, and that it wasn't that original to do, but I knew he liked it even though I really didn't. I heard the door knob rattle so I got up, Steve walked through the door and crossed his arms /I'm sorry/ I said trying to make my voice as innocent as possible, he sighed /I know/he answered and I pulled him into a hug. /You want us to do one of your songs tonight? / I asked him as I pulled back, he smiled then nodded once.

I could see Juice from the corner of my eye, he was practically murdering the old laptop in his hands or that was all I could tell from the sounds it was making. He had kissed me another four times since prom night; we were kind of stuck in a time bubble, never going any further. I would be scared to go any further, I think he knew that, or maybe Steve just told him. I continued tuning my guitar as Tig walked inside the clubhouse, he looked at me then walked over to the bar, he got a drink then headed over to me. Morning/ I said a bit over cheerfully as he sat next to me, he smirked /you don't usually wake up until lunch time/ he stated, I shrugged in response /just felt like waking up early/ I told him. He took a sip of his drink /Got a gig tonight?/ he asked gesturing at my guitar, I nodded /got a couple of new tracks ready to try out./ I answered, and he smirked /heard there's going to be quite the crowd, mind if I come?/ he asked. I smiled /course not, I'd love it/ I answered and he smiled back.

The sweat on my forehead trickled down my cheeks, as we finished the last song of the night; it was one of Steve's. Tig was watching me from the back of the room, he seemed to be pleased with my taste in music, I guess any Son would be pleased with Guns n' Roses. /Goodnight! / I shouted then ran off stage, Steve was
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