» Fiction » I NickNamed Her Red, Adrien Hywel [top 100 novels of all time txt] 📗

Book online «I NickNamed Her Red, Adrien Hywel [top 100 novels of all time txt] 📗». Author Adrien Hywel

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like diamonds in the moonlight, over his sparkling white teeth. I had a pure moment of bliss. I had never felt bliss before, but I was happy, and pretty sure that I was feeling it now. 'You have a nice view' Juice said, as he looked up at the moon behind me. 'I know' I said smiling, as I looked at him, I put my head on his chest. For the second time in my life, I heard his even and calming heartbeat. He put his right arm, around my shoulder and kissed my head. 'Good night' he said in a velvet voice, 'Good night' I answered him back, as I tried to keep my voice sweet.

It didn't seem to take me long, to nod of. I was listening to Juice's heavenly, heartbeat and breaths after all.

I felt the warmth; of the California sun hit my whole body. Somehow the sheets were now over me. It didn't take me long to answer this question, as I saw a tattooed arm holding me. He was now fast asleep, behind me. It didn't take an idiot to understand, that Mother Nature had finally had her way. Spooning, I guess was the word for it, it being what me and Juice were doing now. I knew it happened unconsciously, and I couldn't really blame Mother Nature, I actually kind of wanted to thank her. I looked up, at the newly born sun, the rays of light stroking my pale face. Then I fell back to sleep.

"Rise n' shine birthday girl! " I opened my eyes; Gemma was standing in front of my bed. The morning sun was gleaming on top of me, "I made pancakes! " She said, looking proud of herself. I gave her a weird look, she sighed "OK, I bought pancake mix from the store" she said and I smiled at her.

"Happy Birthday "she said, as she leaned down and squeezed my cheek, Thanks I said and she left my room. I got up and went straight to the bathroom; I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I went into my bedroom, and picked out my favorite outfit; my ripped black skinny jeans, and my favorite t-shirt (please look at my profile for pics, because the t-shirt is just too awesome to explain.) I ran down the stairs.

Jax and Clay were sitting at the kitchen table; Gemma was finishing off the pancakes. "Morning Red, happy birthday "Jax said as he got up, I walked over and he hugged me very tightly. "Thanks Jax" I said, smiling and he smiled back. "Come here doll" Clay said, as he held his arms wide open, I bent down and he hugged me "Happy birthday" he said and then let me go. I sat down next to Jax, the same place I sat whenever I visited them when I was little. "Grubs up!" Gemma said as she put a small stack of pancakes on my plate, she gave the same amount to Clay and Jax, and then she put the same amount on her own plate. She then squeezed a large amount of maple syrup on them. She then got a jar of cocktail cherries out of the fridge, and put one on top of my now golden stack of heaven.

After breakfast, Gemma kindly kicked me out of the house; she said I should go to Teller-Morrow. I told her, I wanted to practice my guitar; she gave me my guitar case and well...yeah kicked me out of the house. I guess she wanted me out, so she could throw a surprise party, I hate surprises. So I started down the street, my guitar on my back, I heard an old truck slow down behind me. I looked at who the driver was "I know your an adult now and all that now, but you won't mind me giving you lift would you?" Tig said as he opened the passenger door. I climbed in and closed the door behind me.

"Happy birthday, my little red-head" he said as he hugged me, "Thanks Tig" I said smiling. "Gemma kick you out?" he asked as he drove on, I nodded "She's planning a party isn't she?" I asked him"I'm not allowed to say" he answered grinning. "Aha! So she is planning one!'" I said excitedly and he laughed. "When did you start playing the guitar?" he asked, as he pointed at the case I had just unstrapped from my back.

I looked straight ahead "Two years ago" I said, and he nodded, "You any good" he asked as he lit up a smoke. I shrugged, "Don't know, don't care, don't count on it" I said and he laughed again, "that sentence, makes complete sense" he answered, as we neared Teller-Morrow. As Tig came to a stop I jumped out of the old truck, and picked up my guitar from the seat. Juice was already standing pretty close, ready to greet me. You could hear that old truck coming from a mile off. I walked over to him, and he hugged me "Happy birthday Red" he said as he took the guitar out of my hand.

I guess Tig and the others were watching us very closely, thinking that Juice might be taking advantage of me, now that I was eighteen, and legal. I hugged him back, and took in his sent of motor oil and gasoline. "Thanks Juice" I said smiling, as Juice smiled back at me. I saw Opie, walking over to us from the garage; I broke off from Juice and walked over to Opie. "Heard it was your birthday," he said, "Heard you've grown a beard" I answered, and he laughed.

I knew I loved the heat, but this was a little bit too much.

41 degrease Celsius! Juice said, as he slumped down on the right door of the car. A heat-wave, this intense could only hit on MY birthday, what were the chances. So here I was, in Teller-Morrow, sitting on the ground, leaning onto the bumper of the old blue Ford Capri that; me, Tig and Juice were allegedly working on. The heat hit around noon, so we just sat there, staring, silently. The AC in the clubhouse was broken, and so was the one in the garage.

Soo… were fucked! I told Tig, when he noted that there was in fact nowhere suitable to go, to get away from the heat. With no choices left, I just sat down, trying to clear my head from all the clutter that it contained. I eventually got bored, so I got up, and walked over to where Juice had carefully placed my guitar case. I took my guitar out of its case carefully, and then grabbed a pick. I sat back down, and started strumming a couple of chords. I eventually settled on, Far away by Nickelback, it was one of Tig's favorites. I heard him humming along, and it wasn't exactly long before he started singing in his harsh but surprisingly skillful voice. Halfway through, I found myself lost in the song.

I love you, I loved you all along, and I miss you the far aways are far too long. I sang, I keep dreaming you will be with me, and you will never know. Tig answered, as his voice slowly died out. I didn't know that I had kept singing, until I finally finished the song. I heard Tig laugh from the left side of the car, I couldn't be that bad. You have the voice of a fucking angel! He said, I looked at him over the edge of the car, eyes wide open. I guess my jaw had dropped because he then sighed, I'm serious he said, as he looked at my amusingly shocked face. I shook my head in disgrace, He wouldn't lie to you! Juice shouted from the right side of the car. Shit! I forgot he was there, I thought to myself. I eventually calmed down, and with one shrug I started playing again.

After a couple of random chords, I finally found something that I wanted to play. I played the first couple of verses, and eventually gave up on not singing. I started to sing.

Have you ever hated yourself, for staring at the phone…..Have you ever been, touched so gently you had to cry, Have you ever invited a stranger to come inside?

I didn't sing anymore, I just didn't feel like it. So I started on something new. I believe in nothing, not the end and not the start. I believe in nothing, not the earth and not the stars. I believe in nothing, not the day and not the dark. Then something unexpected happened. Juice, started to sing with me. I believe in nothing, but the beating of our hearts. He said, his voice now sounded sweet and comforting. Like the night he had saved me from John and his apprentices. I smiled and sang with him. I believe in nothing, one hundred suns until we part. I believe in nothing, not in Satan not in god. I believe in nothing, not in Peace and not in war. I believe in nothing, but the truth and who we are.

I played the last chord and took a breath. He popped his head out from the corner of the car, he smiled at me and I smiled back. I looked back over at Tig, he was fast asleep. He looked so peaceful now, like a newborn baby Juice said, as he quietly came over to sit with me. I chuckled I guess, you know a lot about newborn babies then. He shook his head, just the basics, like they scream their heads off when they're hungry, or tired. I giggled, that's Tig alright I said and he smiled. We heard a loud racket from the clubhouse, so we turned around. There was a woman storming out of the front door, not so unusual if you ask me. She was coming over to us, Clay on her tail. The woman was around six foot tall, with blond hair, and obviously had fake breasts. She looked at me, taking in every part of my body, from my eyes to my toes. This was very unnerving, I heard you playing! She stated as she looked at my finger nails, that were now gripping the neck of my guitar. I shrugged; I'm not having her strip for you! Clay shouted at her as he finally got near us.

Tig woke up when he heard Clay's voice; he got up and shook the woman's hand. Hey Katie, what can me and Lilith do for you? He said as he put his arm around my shoulder. Only if she's taller than five foot two. The woman said as she smiled at me, A whole two inches! I added sarcastically. The woman, Katie apparently, rolled her eyes. Before you ask, yes she is eighteen. Clay said, then paused It's her birthday today Juice added. Katie smiled Fresh meat, how are you with stage lights? Katie asked as she grinned. I gave her a weird look.

Look kid, you're not going to strip, just do what you were doing a couple of minutes ago. Clay sighed, at her if you're offering her a job, just say it out laud. He said. She looked at me Do you want to cover the, Tuesday nine-to-eleven spot at THE SETS? Tig sighed, umm what am I exactly going to do? I asked her and she smiled.

Just play the guitar and sing, that's all she said as if it was an easy thing to do. To me I guess it was, but people said I was an exception. I looked at Tig, and he winked at me, I liked the idea of performing. Yeah,
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