» Fiction » I NickNamed Her Red, Adrien Hywel [top 100 novels of all time txt] 📗

Book online «I NickNamed Her Red, Adrien Hywel [top 100 novels of all time txt] 📗». Author Adrien Hywel

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I naturally sunk into him, he wrapped his arms around my now cold body. We debated on the genius of CSI as we watched a repeat, I heard the front door screech, and then I felt Juice's muscles stiffen /don't worry/ I whispered and he relaxed. I heard Gemma's high heels patter through the hallway, some heavy footsteps followed behind her.

I closed my eyes then slowly opened them as they walked into the room, I could see Clay's face, he was confused, wasted and kind of pissed, and he seemed especially pissed when he noticed that Juice was actually in the room. I saw Gemma calm him, she didn't seem pissed, she was probably going to tease me silly about this tomorrow but I didn't really care. / Be in bed by one/ she said smiling, then she took Clay upstairs. Juice stayed with me until quarter to then said that Gemma would cut his throat if he didn't leave, I had a shower, dried my hair, put on my long sleeve PJ's then went into the kitchen. I put the fluffy source of heat in the microwave and set it for two minutes, I heard somebody sigh, I turned around /you still have that heat problem? / Steve asked me, he wasn't looking at me he was looking at the floor.

/Always will/ I answered, we stood there in silence until he opened his mouth again /He likes you, I can see it/ I shrugged in response, we listened to the microwave as the plate inside turned around and around. Ping! I heard, and opened the microwave door, I took out the heat pack and looked at Steve /if he doesn't ask you, would you like me to take you to prom? / I smirked /is that an invitation? / I asked and he shook his head. /No Tank, It's a guarantee/.

/A corset? / I shouted at Katie as she looked at me, she had a wide grin on her face from the second she stepped in to the garage, she happily nodded. /Seriously?/ I asked the sarcasm thick in my tone, /Here's the address of a fetish store in Lodi where you can find one, and I want your list of songs on my desk by tonight/ My eyes were wide and my jaw had just dropped, did she just say fetish?, /And I want you to chose two from this list of songs, we have a sound synthesizer, your good looking Canadian friend can program it./ She shoved another list into my hands, she seemed to like lists. I pulled my fingers through my hair in frustration /so I guess you will be ready by tomorrow night, have a nice day/ and just like that she walked off.

/A corset/ I repeated, then sat down on the ground next to where Tig was working, he laughed then went back to tightening a screw /Hey, Tig?/ I asked, he kept on tightening the screw. /Yeah Doll-face ?/ he asked me still not looking at my face /Don't call me doll-face/ I answered still quite frustrated, /Why?/ he replied quickly /You don't like dolls, you're scared of them/ I stated and he shook his head. /I would be scared of you, even if I didn't call you doll-face/ I looked up at him /Why? / He shrugged in response. I looked at the floor then sighed /why don't guys like me? / My voice was low as my gaze. Tig turned around /Guy's don't like you ?/ he said his voice going higher at the end of the sentence, I nodded /You know the MC likes you/ he said and I shook my head /I mean,... Guy's Tig/ I paused /Why? / I added then pulled my fingers through my hair, /am I intimidating? / I asked as my frustration flooded back. Tig picked up a spanner /No you're not/ he said as he tried to improve my mood/ I sighed, /I must be but ugly then/. /Whoa girl slowdown, You are not ugly, you are the complete opposite, you are stunning and the red hair just adds to that, tenfold./ he paused, and put down his spanner, /The only reason guy's don't come on to you as much as those whores/ he gestured at the two sweet buts standing outside the clubhouse.

/Is because, you speak your mind and you don't take shit from nobody, that's not intimidating, that's being a decent woman who can defend herself,/ I smiled /Really?/ I asked and he nodded, /But that is not the reason I'm hiring security for you tomorrow night/ my face dropped /Security?/ he smirked /You are wearing a corset/ I sighed.

I looked at the blue wall building, the neon sign said 'Gerruchious' but I knew that it actually meant /the last place, I wanted to be on this planet/ I muttered then opened the door. There was a bleach blond woman sitting at the cashiers desk, she had bright red lenses, and was sporting a great amount of chain jewelry. /Hello darling/ she said, and I nodded with a smile, I walked over to a rack of leather /you need help doll? / She asked as she got up from her desk. I sighed /Yes/ I said and she smiled, she looked at me I didn't know why. I was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans, and a black v-neck (photos available on my profile). /How old are you?/ she asked, her voice was sad /just turned eighteen/ she sighed /It's a shame, you girls start so young these days/ my eyes burst wide open /Look/ I said as I got her attention /All I need is a corset, my boss sent me here. She said if I wanted to play guitar at her strip club, I needed to show a little more skin/. The woman smiled as she led me over to a room full of corsets /Glad to hear that/ she said as she knelt down to check a shelf, she showed me a couple of black corsets /They make these special for your size/ I lifted an eyebrow /My size ?/ I asked curiously. She nodded /you know, flat stomach, curvy, not so top heavy/ I looked down at my body, as I doubted her observances, but she was right, that was me. She shoved a black one into my arms /this make is comfortable, go try it on/ she said then pointed at the dressing rooms.

I looked at the small alarm clock on my dressing table, it was half past seven, I sighed then looked back at my soaking wet hair, I squirted some mousse into my hands. I looked at it for a second; it probably wouldn't work but what the hell. I covered my hair with the product, then dried it with a hair drier as I scrunched it through my fingers. It worked, a large smile spread across my freshly showered face, as I stared at my wavy red hair I'm amazement, I next put the corset on It seemed to be a perfect fit. I stained my lips then used a little bit of sparkly black eye-shadow, I used eye-liner and a very unhealthy dose of mascara, two coats. I slipped on my black boots and looked at the leather jacket lying on the bed, I put it on and zipped it up, I strapped my guitar to my back very tightly and headed down the stairs. Gemma was waiting for me, her arms folded /Got your keys ?/ she asked, and I pulled out the set of keys from my jacket pocket, she nodded as she smiled /Stay away from trouble, oh and Steve's at the clubhouse waiting for you / I smiled /Bye Gemma/ I said and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

I could feel the butterflies in my stomach, I had always been a tomboy, I remember the first time that Steve had came to Charming. We were both fourteen, and we climbed trees, rode skateboards, and played hockey all summer long. Man! Did I miss being a kid, although my newly gained legally adult freedom, was about to grant me the best legal high in the world. I slowly climbed off the bike and let my hair fall in front of my face, I walked over to the picnic table and unstrapped my guitar, and I placed it on the table and then did the same with my jacket. I took a deep breath and walked over to the door.

Once I stepped inside the clubhouse, I was greeted with an outstanding amount of wolf-whistles; I couldn't help myself so I started laughing. Chibs came over to me and put his arm around my shoulders, /Let's get you a drink girl/ he said in his Scottish accent as he lead me over to the bar. I sat on a stool and Chibs sat next to me, he called at the prospect for a beer then he handed it to me, /Your not drinking?/ I asked him as I took a sip, he shook his head /Got some club shit early tomorrow morning, I've already had two/. I smiled back then caught a glimpse of Steve behind him, Chibs noticed this/ He's been here all afternoon, knows shit about bikes/ he stated and I laughed /he knows shit about a lot of stuff/ I said and Chibs winked at me. I picked up my beer and walked over to the couch Steve was sitting on; he was spinning a pair of drum-sticks in his hands. I stood in front of him, /Hey/ he said as he lifted his head /hey/ I answered and he put the drum-sticks down. I smiled and sat next to him, he put his head on my chest /I'm tired/ he said and I looked at him/ No your just nervous/ I said quietly and he sighed /I don't know why, I've done this like a hundred times/ I nodded /Me to, but I'm not nervous/ he sighed again /Yeah, but your you/ I laughed and took a sip of my beer then nodded.

/Kids you ready? / Tig shouted from the other side of the room /Yeah! / I shouted back as, I got up and headed for the door. I saw Juice standing next to the car /your chariot awaits/ he said bowing, I cracked a smile then said good-bye to Tig. I gave Steve my guitar, he unwillingly took it. I walked over to the car and jumped into the passenger seat, Juice started the engine as Steve climbed in the back, and I looked at Juice as we drove along. /You going with the guy are tomorrow morning? / I asked and he shook his head /staying behind to keep an eye on the prospects/ he said, /that's why Tig got you to watch me/ he nodded. /What's wrong with me watching you? /Steve asked from behind me, Juice sighed /This ain't Vancouver kid, if you go far innuf you could get yourself killed/ I looked at Steve's horrified face, then laughed at him /Don't worry Twig, your alright with me/ I said and he just looked at me /Seriously, I came all the way to the west-coast just to get killed? / He asked I shrugged /would you rather get killed up north? / I asked him and he didn't answer. I knew Juice had freaked him out on purpose, I actually found it kind of funny, and Steve was probably going to get wasted any way. So it would be good to have somebody, who would hopefully be sober, to talk to afterwards.

I could see people gathering around the stage, Juice had taken a seat in the back, and was scanning every person who passed by him very carefully. I had just finished tuning my guitar
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