I NickNamed Her Red, Adrien Hywel [top 100 novels of all time txt] 📗

- Author: Adrien Hywel
Book online «I NickNamed Her Red, Adrien Hywel [top 100 novels of all time txt] 📗». Author Adrien Hywel
that she would cook a nice home-made meal, I was happy. Jax was sitting at the table outside, when he saw Steve his eyes widened, he got up and started at us. "Hey Blondie" Jax said, as he slapped Steve on the back "Back at'cha" Steve nodded at Jax and Jax laughed as he brought us up to the hall. Opie was standing there, he eyed up Steve, and shook his hand "Finally got that growth spurt I guess" he said and Steve smiled. Opie eyed him up again then let him in, he winked at me as I passed through the door, and I smiled back. I walked through the door before Steve, and the room seemed to go quiet when we entered, everybody was looking at me and the now obviously buff Steve. " Guy's this is Steve Twig" I said then gestured at Steve, he waved and they just kept on looking at him. I sighed "He's the guy that stopped me from committing suicide".
The room ringed with the sounds of ohh's and ahh's, Tig walked up and hugged Steve "Thanks for stopping her man" he said his face blank. Steve shrugged "I would've been just as destroyed as you" he answered and Tig let go of him, and then nodded. I guess I have to explain this part; I was suicidal for a couple of months before I had came to Charming. I attempted to overdose a couple of times, but each time I was unsuccessful. I eventually went to the park with some rope, I tied the knot then looped it around my neck, just as I was about to jump Steve came running. He told me if I was going to jump, I wouldn't even make the news, and that nobody but him and half the population of Charming was going to notice that I was gone. I said that I was going to go through with it; I told him that I didn't care. So he called Gemma from his cell. Gemma was calm with me, she didn't yell, all she did was tell me that I was going to be moving to Charming. I didn't like to talk about it, so when I arrived not a word was mentioned. The guys were grateful to Steve, if it had been anybody else, they wouldn't have stolen there stepfathers car and passed the speed limit. Although it couldn't be said that they respected him that much, I mean to them he looked just like a rich city kid. A couple of guys slapped him on the back; a couple just shook his hand. But when he saw Juice his eyes lit up, "You Juice?" he asked as he held out his hand. Juice shook it "Yeah, how did you know "Steve smiled and pointed at Juice's head "Your ink is kind of a giveaway" Juice smirked and let go of Steve's hand.
It wasn't long before Steve got offered a drink, he gladly accepted, and after one beer he was up for a game of pool. "You told him, and he did so, "So a biker ha?" I potted in my first ball and just looked at him. He raised his hands "You have good taste, I've got to give you that "I laughed, "So what, now your gay?" he rolled his eyes and missed the yellow he was aiming for."Bagged that blond from Accopulco's just the other week, I don't think that I've had a change in sexuality so quick"he said in defense. I shrugged and got another red in, "He's just like you described him, ink all over..." I caught him off guard and punched him in the arm "All this coming from a vanilla?" I asked and he smirked. I looked at where I had just punched him; right under the sleeve of his black t-shirt was a red leaf.
I just looked at him, "seriously!" my mouth dropped, "Look, I know we promised that we would get inked for the first time together he paused. "But I was uptown, I was drunk, and that damn Tommy was with me "he sighed "Then I woke up last Thursday morning with this on my arm, "I closed my mouth. H smiled "but you can't say that I didn't want you there with me" he pointed at the stem of the red leaf; he had on his upper left arm. I looked closer, right there on the edge of the stem were two initials. L & S it said, I smiled and all the stress disappeared from my face "Your stuck with me forever now' I said then smirked, he siled back. I looked behind me, I knew the guys were watching us but I didn't really care "Hey _! " I shouted, and he turned around "Yeah Red?' he asked. "You think you could give me a tattoo?" he smiled, "Sure, we'll get it done after your show "I gave him a look "How do you know about that" he chuckled "The whole town knows" he said. I looked back at Steve, " Looks like we have a bit of pressure on us"I said and he laughed.
After wiping the floor with Steve at pool, Juice came over to us ´You mind? ´ He asked as he took the queue off Steve, Steve handed it to him ´of course not´ he said smiling. He stood at the side of the table, as Juice gestured for me to break ´That the Canadian flag?´ Juice pointed at Steve's arm, Steve nodded ´That damn Tommy couldn't be more creative´ I laughed as Juice looked on confused. ´Half of Vancouver knows, how badly you handle your drink Booga´ Juice raised an eyebrow but Steve didn't notice.
´You still going to have that Guardian Angel, Tank? ´Steve asked me as he watched Juice pop in the yellow, I nodded and aimed at the red, it went in easily ´What is it with you two and names´ Juice said impatiently. Steve looked at me ´You bring the comics I left in your basement´ I asked Steve ´Top shelf? ´he questioned back and I nodded. He smiled ´Hell yeah, I had to pass through many layers of cobwebs to get them´ I looked at Juice ´I will explain, if you come-round tonight´ he smiled then nodded.
´Hey Tank?´ Steve shouted down the stairs, ´Yeah!´I shouted back up from the couch, ´Did you know that you left that old Sex-Pistols record, in Gene's convertible?´ I sighed as, he came down the stairs and sat by me. ´I didn't leave it, the bitch took it off me' he nodded, ´so, would you be happy if I found it´ He pulled the old record from behind his back and put it on the coffee table. I smiled ´You sly bastard, of course I would be happy´ I hugged him.
He hugged me back, and then went upstairs again. ´Lilith, you kids going to be OK while I go help out Clay? ´ Gemma asked as she walked into the kitchen. I got up of the sofa and walked over to her, ´Yeah´ I said then handed her the keys of the counter, ´Bye, sweetie´ she said as she kissed me on the cheek. After she left I heard Steve coming down the stairs, a cardboard box in his hands, I walked into the living room and sat on the couch. He put the box on the floor next to him, and then sat next to me.
´What days your prom ?´he asked as he turned the TV on, I shrugged ´Wednesday´ I answered as he went into the kitchen, ´He ask you yet ?´ I sighed ´Top drawer´ I stated and he came back into the living room with a pair of scissors in his hands. He knelt down next to the box, and cut the top of it, he looked up at me ´No´ I sighed. He shook his head, ´I mean I didn't know he was supposed to´ I said in defense ´It's all my fault´ he stated, as I slumped into the couch ´How so ?´ I asked. Steve rolled his eyes ´I shouldn't have come so soon´ I looked at him ´What?´I asked, he sighed ´I thought you liked him! ´ He said impatiently. Steve shook his head, ´You've got to be kidding me Tank, seriously you cannot deny this´ I sighed ´I'm not, denying anything Twig´ I paused ´It's just,... I don't know what to do´.
´Ofcourse you do, your making no sense now ´ he said, ´Forget it, were fighting now´ he sighed ´No, were not fighting, you have to at least try, or I'm going to have to tip him of´. My jaw dropped ´Don't you dare tell him that I like him, or I will pickle your fucking brain´ I said as I slapped him on the back of the head. He started laughing, then the doorbell rang, ´I'ts open Juice!' I shouted then gave Steve a look. Juice walked in his laptop under his arm, I smiled at him ´I didn't know that you knew that, Tank liked to write software´ Steve said and I gave him a look, ´She does?´ Juice asked, I shrugged ´I'm as surprised as you are´ I stated and he put the laptop on the coffee table.
/You have got to be kidding me !/ Juice said laughing, as he finished the first Tank Girl comic, /No way man, that Lilith's complete profile/ Steve told him./What she's an atheist, anarchist, alcoholic, kangaroo tapping, feminist, that happens to be the toughest girl on the planet./ I laughed /Not completely/ I said. Then I looked at Steve /you can't blame me for giving the public the wrong impression/ he said in defense /the public? / I asked raising my eyebrows. Juice was staring at me /Not my fault that the whole fucking school thought I was a whore/. /Umm, yeah it is/ Steve said and I punched him in the arm /You could've at least defended me/ I said, and he sighed /I would if you stopped punching me in the arm/ I raised my hands /Sorry man, anger-management didn't really help, and it's not like I can keep on boxing here/. /You boxed? /Juice asked smiling, /so that's, how you knew how to fight/ I shook my head, /I already knew that, just improved my skill that's all/.
It was now eleven pm, and I was sitting on the sofa Steve sleeping head in my lap, Juice was sitting on the floor his head leaning on my knees. Steve had fallen asleep half an hour ago, and to be serious I didn't really care, I was spending time with Juice. /Hey you missed a zero/ I said quietly, /Oh, right/ he whispered back, /Umm, Red can I ask you something ?/ he turned around and looked at me, I nodded. /Do you love him? / He asked then nodded at Steve, I stroked Steve's blond hair. He looked so peaceful when he was asleep, I never liked seeing him angry, and he eventually caught on to this, so he never got in to a fight in front of me. /Yes, very much so / Juice's expression seemed a bit hurt. /He was all I had, in Vancouver / I explained and he turned back to his work, /would you, help me get him to bed? / I asked innocently, I saw from the corner of his face that he cracked a smile. He shut-down his laptop and then put it on the coffee table, he got up and nodded at me, after we had hauled him into bed and he just kept on sleeping. I went down the stairs and noticed that Juice's cut was folded and placed on the edge of the couch. I sat down and he sat next to me, it wasn't late before
The room ringed with the sounds of ohh's and ahh's, Tig walked up and hugged Steve "Thanks for stopping her man" he said his face blank. Steve shrugged "I would've been just as destroyed as you" he answered and Tig let go of him, and then nodded. I guess I have to explain this part; I was suicidal for a couple of months before I had came to Charming. I attempted to overdose a couple of times, but each time I was unsuccessful. I eventually went to the park with some rope, I tied the knot then looped it around my neck, just as I was about to jump Steve came running. He told me if I was going to jump, I wouldn't even make the news, and that nobody but him and half the population of Charming was going to notice that I was gone. I said that I was going to go through with it; I told him that I didn't care. So he called Gemma from his cell. Gemma was calm with me, she didn't yell, all she did was tell me that I was going to be moving to Charming. I didn't like to talk about it, so when I arrived not a word was mentioned. The guys were grateful to Steve, if it had been anybody else, they wouldn't have stolen there stepfathers car and passed the speed limit. Although it couldn't be said that they respected him that much, I mean to them he looked just like a rich city kid. A couple of guys slapped him on the back; a couple just shook his hand. But when he saw Juice his eyes lit up, "You Juice?" he asked as he held out his hand. Juice shook it "Yeah, how did you know "Steve smiled and pointed at Juice's head "Your ink is kind of a giveaway" Juice smirked and let go of Steve's hand.
It wasn't long before Steve got offered a drink, he gladly accepted, and after one beer he was up for a game of pool. "You told him, and he did so, "So a biker ha?" I potted in my first ball and just looked at him. He raised his hands "You have good taste, I've got to give you that "I laughed, "So what, now your gay?" he rolled his eyes and missed the yellow he was aiming for."Bagged that blond from Accopulco's just the other week, I don't think that I've had a change in sexuality so quick"he said in defense. I shrugged and got another red in, "He's just like you described him, ink all over..." I caught him off guard and punched him in the arm "All this coming from a vanilla?" I asked and he smirked. I looked at where I had just punched him; right under the sleeve of his black t-shirt was a red leaf.
I just looked at him, "seriously!" my mouth dropped, "Look, I know we promised that we would get inked for the first time together he paused. "But I was uptown, I was drunk, and that damn Tommy was with me "he sighed "Then I woke up last Thursday morning with this on my arm, "I closed my mouth. H smiled "but you can't say that I didn't want you there with me" he pointed at the stem of the red leaf; he had on his upper left arm. I looked closer, right there on the edge of the stem were two initials. L & S it said, I smiled and all the stress disappeared from my face "Your stuck with me forever now' I said then smirked, he siled back. I looked behind me, I knew the guys were watching us but I didn't really care "Hey _! " I shouted, and he turned around "Yeah Red?' he asked. "You think you could give me a tattoo?" he smiled, "Sure, we'll get it done after your show "I gave him a look "How do you know about that" he chuckled "The whole town knows" he said. I looked back at Steve, " Looks like we have a bit of pressure on us"I said and he laughed.
After wiping the floor with Steve at pool, Juice came over to us ´You mind? ´ He asked as he took the queue off Steve, Steve handed it to him ´of course not´ he said smiling. He stood at the side of the table, as Juice gestured for me to break ´That the Canadian flag?´ Juice pointed at Steve's arm, Steve nodded ´That damn Tommy couldn't be more creative´ I laughed as Juice looked on confused. ´Half of Vancouver knows, how badly you handle your drink Booga´ Juice raised an eyebrow but Steve didn't notice.
´You still going to have that Guardian Angel, Tank? ´Steve asked me as he watched Juice pop in the yellow, I nodded and aimed at the red, it went in easily ´What is it with you two and names´ Juice said impatiently. Steve looked at me ´You bring the comics I left in your basement´ I asked Steve ´Top shelf? ´he questioned back and I nodded. He smiled ´Hell yeah, I had to pass through many layers of cobwebs to get them´ I looked at Juice ´I will explain, if you come-round tonight´ he smiled then nodded.
´Hey Tank?´ Steve shouted down the stairs, ´Yeah!´I shouted back up from the couch, ´Did you know that you left that old Sex-Pistols record, in Gene's convertible?´ I sighed as, he came down the stairs and sat by me. ´I didn't leave it, the bitch took it off me' he nodded, ´so, would you be happy if I found it´ He pulled the old record from behind his back and put it on the coffee table. I smiled ´You sly bastard, of course I would be happy´ I hugged him.
He hugged me back, and then went upstairs again. ´Lilith, you kids going to be OK while I go help out Clay? ´ Gemma asked as she walked into the kitchen. I got up of the sofa and walked over to her, ´Yeah´ I said then handed her the keys of the counter, ´Bye, sweetie´ she said as she kissed me on the cheek. After she left I heard Steve coming down the stairs, a cardboard box in his hands, I walked into the living room and sat on the couch. He put the box on the floor next to him, and then sat next to me.
´What days your prom ?´he asked as he turned the TV on, I shrugged ´Wednesday´ I answered as he went into the kitchen, ´He ask you yet ?´ I sighed ´Top drawer´ I stated and he came back into the living room with a pair of scissors in his hands. He knelt down next to the box, and cut the top of it, he looked up at me ´No´ I sighed. He shook his head, ´I mean I didn't know he was supposed to´ I said in defense ´It's all my fault´ he stated, as I slumped into the couch ´How so ?´ I asked. Steve rolled his eyes ´I shouldn't have come so soon´ I looked at him ´What?´I asked, he sighed ´I thought you liked him! ´ He said impatiently. Steve shook his head, ´You've got to be kidding me Tank, seriously you cannot deny this´ I sighed ´I'm not, denying anything Twig´ I paused ´It's just,... I don't know what to do´.
´Ofcourse you do, your making no sense now ´ he said, ´Forget it, were fighting now´ he sighed ´No, were not fighting, you have to at least try, or I'm going to have to tip him of´. My jaw dropped ´Don't you dare tell him that I like him, or I will pickle your fucking brain´ I said as I slapped him on the back of the head. He started laughing, then the doorbell rang, ´I'ts open Juice!' I shouted then gave Steve a look. Juice walked in his laptop under his arm, I smiled at him ´I didn't know that you knew that, Tank liked to write software´ Steve said and I gave him a look, ´She does?´ Juice asked, I shrugged ´I'm as surprised as you are´ I stated and he put the laptop on the coffee table.
/You have got to be kidding me !/ Juice said laughing, as he finished the first Tank Girl comic, /No way man, that Lilith's complete profile/ Steve told him./What she's an atheist, anarchist, alcoholic, kangaroo tapping, feminist, that happens to be the toughest girl on the planet./ I laughed /Not completely/ I said. Then I looked at Steve /you can't blame me for giving the public the wrong impression/ he said in defense /the public? / I asked raising my eyebrows. Juice was staring at me /Not my fault that the whole fucking school thought I was a whore/. /Umm, yeah it is/ Steve said and I punched him in the arm /You could've at least defended me/ I said, and he sighed /I would if you stopped punching me in the arm/ I raised my hands /Sorry man, anger-management didn't really help, and it's not like I can keep on boxing here/. /You boxed? /Juice asked smiling, /so that's, how you knew how to fight/ I shook my head, /I already knew that, just improved my skill that's all/.
It was now eleven pm, and I was sitting on the sofa Steve sleeping head in my lap, Juice was sitting on the floor his head leaning on my knees. Steve had fallen asleep half an hour ago, and to be serious I didn't really care, I was spending time with Juice. /Hey you missed a zero/ I said quietly, /Oh, right/ he whispered back, /Umm, Red can I ask you something ?/ he turned around and looked at me, I nodded. /Do you love him? / He asked then nodded at Steve, I stroked Steve's blond hair. He looked so peaceful when he was asleep, I never liked seeing him angry, and he eventually caught on to this, so he never got in to a fight in front of me. /Yes, very much so / Juice's expression seemed a bit hurt. /He was all I had, in Vancouver / I explained and he turned back to his work, /would you, help me get him to bed? / I asked innocently, I saw from the corner of his face that he cracked a smile. He shut-down his laptop and then put it on the coffee table, he got up and nodded at me, after we had hauled him into bed and he just kept on sleeping. I went down the stairs and noticed that Juice's cut was folded and placed on the edge of the couch. I sat down and he sat next to me, it wasn't late before
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