» Fiction » This Wonderful Life, Annamere Jones [new reading txt] 📗

Book online «This Wonderful Life, Annamere Jones [new reading txt] 📗». Author Annamere Jones

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where and who my mum fell in love with." I said.
"Dude, you got a fake accent too?"
"It's not fake. My dad is full australian and it just comes and goes when it wants to."
Drew smiled.
"Do you have to leave?" D-shawn asked kissing my neck.
I sighed and nodded but at the same time shook my head.
"What was that?" he asked confused.
"I dont want to but it's protecting my mom and you and the other two. My mum is happy and I want her to be. My dad works at a boarding school in Australia." I said taking my hand off D-shawn's neck to whip a tear away.
He smiled against my skin. "Tell me about this guy that hates blacks." he said.
I told him about Kyle and how I was supose to get married to him. My dad didnt want me to so he called it off. But Kyle wroks for a mob and he is adddicted to Patron and sex. He stayed faithful to me for a little while but couldnt take it any longer. So my mum and I took a plane to australia.
"So he is scared and he hates blacks?" Drew asked.
"Yes. He is just a big fat racist jerk." I said.
"Hmm! I wonder how he'll feel now that you're dating a black man." D-shawn said.
I shuddered then kissed him roughly. Suprise took him then he kissed me back. We were sitting on my bed so I pulled away. "Dont you dare find out. He owns almost every wepon in the world."
"And what wepons does he not have?" Drew asked.
"The ones from Australia and Africa. I have em." I said then got up. I went over to the box and pulled out a sweatshirt that I hit them in. I layed them out on my bed and they looked at them like they were the best thing in the world.
"And how did you get these?"
"I had an older brother too. He takes me everywhere. We stole these from a mob when I was thirteen." I said patting the Australian knives and guns. "We got these ones when I was eight. I got amazing scar from that trip."
"Me wanna see," D-shawn said.
I stood up and turned so he could see my side. I lifted my shirt and showed him a scar from a guy stabbing me.
"Tell me why the hell would an older brother let their eight year old sista fight with men ten times her size." he ordered.
"Daniel and my grandfather decided that I needed to learn the ways of our family. Our family goes way back to the beginning of time. A girl that looked like me and had my personality mated with a guy and they had a kid and when the kid was eight she taught her how you defend herself."
"Why dont you use your skills then?" Drew asked.
"Daniel told me big no no if I'm insainly inexpeirienced." I said.
D-shawn shook his head. "Ma, I wanna see you use these things." he said.
"Which ones?" I asked.
"Does it matter?" Drew asked.
"Do you want me dead?" I snapped.
"The ones that wont kill you." D-shawn said.
I grabbed the Australian ones and followed them to a fighting room. D-shawn's name was on one wall. "Hey, we havnt been down here in awhile. I memeber when you did that." Drew said.
He chuckled. "Yah. Told you bitches not to mess with me. Didnt listen." D-shawn and Drew sat on a bench and smiled at me.
"D-shawn, I need someone to help me. I promis I wont hit you." I said.
D-shawn smiled then got up. He came over to me. "Give me a kiss, babe." he said.
I smiled then kissed him lightly.
"Ok. What do you want me to do?" he asked.
"Back up five feet, please." I said.
He backed up five feet. I dont know why but when I am handling a wepon I think of Mozart and twiinkle twinkle little star. I grabbed blades and put a gun in my jeans then a knife in my boot. Drew watched me as if I were teaching him something.
I put one last knife in my bra then swung the blades around for a few then sucked in a breath. "Please be fast, D-shawn." I said.
"Why?" he asked.
"Because I am good with these. And I can get out of control when using them." I said.
He nodded then rolled up the sleevs on his shirt. Moving fastly I worked with the blades and D-shawn didnt expect it. It scared me when he didnt move. He moved last minute though. "That'll get you killed." I growled then lunged forward again.
When he got the blades out of my hands I pulled the gun out and shot at him. He ran and they hit the wall. They were blanks. When he got the gun out of my hand I worked with the dagger.
"Tatiana Mere," my brother snapped making me drop the dagger.
"Danny?" I asked.
"Who do you expect. Mom called me and told me you were tryin to leave her and I come here and find you showin off your skills. What do you have to say for yourself?"
"I was raped," I lied.
He rolled his eyes. "You've gotten better. I wanna be your dummy though. You were looking really hesitant and we dont want that."
D-shawn kissed my forehead then went to sit with Drew.
"Daniel, I regret nothing. I dont care you're a manwhore, I dont care that you tried sleepin with my bestie, I hate your guts." I lied.
He nodded. "Have at it, my dear." he said.
I picked up my gun and stopped. "Wait, you have the vest?" I asked.
He patted his chest.
"Give it back. That's mine." I said.
He laughed. "Not with your aiming. Those guys you shot wouldnt be able to avoid your heart shot." He pulled his silver beauty out of the waist band of his jeans. "Here you go, squirt, have at it."
I set my gun down and squealed. "I love this thing." I said when I took it.
"It's my new one. Well, it's your new one. Grandfather gave it to me to give to you. He says you're ready to go to Alaska. What do you think? A little chilly fighting."
I gasped. "Te amo, brotha."
"He said you can go as long as you beat me up pretty good and dont get pregnant."
I rolled my eyes then shot him in the heart. He fell back with a gasp. He got up.
"Not fair, I wasnt ready. What have I told you about that?"
"Wait till your oppnint is ready. But that dont make any sense. You want your oppnint distracted when you fire the blow that can end their life."
"Sure. You can take the safe road. Give me you gun and get the vest on."
I went over to my hoodie and pulled the bullet proof vest out. I put it on and took a few breaths adjusting to it. Drew and D-shawn watched like they were being taught. "You ok there?" I asked them.
They nodded. "You look cute when you smile." D-shawn said. I blushed.
Daniel barked a laugh. "I thought I said no more boyfriends."
"And I said you're a racist jerk."
It wasnt true. I just didnt want him telling me who to date. "You got that thing adjusted yet?" he asked.
I nodded and put my gun up.
"Take ya glasses off. I dont want them gettin broken." he said.
"Not fuckin fair. You know I cant see without them. If you havnt forgotten, the guy that hit my head blinded me." I yelled.
"That hasnt cured yet?" he asked.
"Nopa. Let me keep them on."
"Only cause you're adorable and I missed ya." he said.
"Let's go, man. I need to get goin." I said.
He put up his gun and smiled. "Keep it in the vests, little girl." he said then shot. I dodged then shot him. He charged the bullet then ducked. the bullet hit the wall behind D-shawn.
"Sorry," I yelled then ran. Daniel shot and I jumped in the air twisting so I would miss it. I didnt miss it. A bullet hit my arm. I screamed and fell on the ground. Daniel ran over to me so did the other two.
"You," he said pointing at Drew. "Go find me some twezers and bandages."
Drew got up and ran.
"I'm sorry, sister." he whispered to me. Tears in his eyes he looked at my wound. He jumped in delight. "It grazed."
D-shawn looked at him like he was insain. "I dont understand," I muttered. "I was jerking the right way."
"I shot twice, honey." Daniel said.
"You son of a bitch, that hurt." I screamed.
Drew came back down and handed Daniel the stuff.

As soon as Tatiana's bro was done with her wound she got up and stomped upstairs. Damon came running downstairs and glared daggers at us. "What did you three do to her?" he snapped pulling out his gun.
"Yo, Damon, I wouldnt. That's her bro." I said pointing at Daniel.
He lowered his gun and sighed. "D, your sister is looking for you. Says yo niggas are lookin for yo."
I nodded then went upstairs to Tatiana's room. She was admiring the gun her brother had given her. She looked up and smiled. "Hey, baby." she said cheerfully.
I smiled. "Get yo white ass over here and kiss me. My niggas are lookin for me." I said.
She giggled then patted her arm. "My dad says I need to take a break from walking." she said.
I chuckled then walked over to her. I leaned down and looked into her gorgouse eyes. She grabbed my colllar and pulled me down. I laughed then pressed my lips to hers. "I love you, ma." I said.
She looked like she'd break into tears. "Do you mean that?" she asked.
I pulled her to me and kissed her deeply and passionatly. "Yes. I mean it wit all my heart, baby." I said.
"You're gonna make me cry, D-shawn." she said.
I smiled. "So cry. I'll stay with you until you all cried out. I promis you the world, baby." I said then kissed her forehead.
"No. Your 'niggers' are looking for you. I'll take a nap then go hang out with my mommy." she said.
I shook my head. "My niggas can wait awhile so I can kiss

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