» Fiction » This Wonderful Life, Annamere Jones [new reading txt] 📗

Book online «This Wonderful Life, Annamere Jones [new reading txt] 📗». Author Annamere Jones

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out to the living room with Tamy behind us.
"Damon, can I watch a movie?" she asked him as he ate pizza.
"Yah. Go ahead, sweetheart."
"What are we watching?" Darron asked.
"Titanic," Damon said.
The guys groaned and she crossed her arms. "Hey! Shut up!" Damon yelled. "She fucking lives here too and she is my little sister and she needs to be happy." he yelled at the top of his lungs.
She smiled and made a heart with her hands. "Thank you," she said then went to put the movie in. I layed on my side on the floor and patted my belly for her to lay down.
She smiled then layed down. I grabed a blanket that Jerimiah was using to keep his girl warm and put it on her. She giggled then clutched my arm.
"Is this the original or the new one?" Jerimiah asked.
"Original," Damon said and handed her and I pizza. "She hates the newer one."
"Damon, you're scary." she whispered.
He laughed and nodded. "Thanks for the pizza, sis." Damon

D-shawn rubbed Tatiana's stomch. Never touching her boobs. There must be something wrong with him. He is always wanting to touch a girl like that. I looked over at Tamy and grinned a little bit. She was watching the movie closely.
I pushed Kevin off of the couch and whistled. "Tammy, come sit by me. The floor is really uncomfortable."
She looked at me and got up. She sat down by me and smiled. "Thank you. My ass was going numb."
Kevin glared at me then went to sit in the recliner. I took her hand and kissed it. She shuddered then looked at me.
"What are you doing?" she asked.
"I dont know." I said. "I like you, Tamy. Like in the way D-shawn likes Tate."
"D-shawn loves Tatiana." she stated.
"Then I love you." I whispered and kissed her hand again. I kissed up her arm until I got to the corner of her mouth. "Let me kiss you?" I asked.
She stoped breathing. "Umm, ok." she said shakily. She was actling like it was her first kiss. I highly doubt it was though. She is really pretty and she has a great personality.
"You sure?" I asked seductivly.
She turned to me and kissed me. I was suprised. Her lips were soft. She pulled back. "What was that?" she asked.
"I was suprised that's all. You were acting like you'd never kissed anyone before."
"I havnt."
I leaned in and kissed her softly and passionatly. When I nibbled on her bottom lips asking for entrance she hesitated then let me in. Our toungs danced with each other's until she pulled away. Tatiana pushed D onto his back and looked at us.
"I'm a very close to snapping. Shut up and dont suck face with my nerd." she yelled.
Everyone looked at her then at Tamy and I. D-shawn moved her hair out of her eyes. D-shawn rollled onto his side again and resumed rubbing Tate's stomch. I grinned and put my head on Tamy's shoulder. She twined our fingers and rubbed my hand with her thumb. My step mom came out and kissed Tamy's head then went to wrap her arms around my father's neck.He smiled and told my mom something that made her giggle.
After the movie D-shawn carried a sleeping Tate up to her room. Tamy was sleeping on my shoulder but I didnt know where she lived. Othe wise I'd take her home. D-shawn came downstairs in a pair of my sweats and went into the kitchen.
Tamy woke up and smiled. "Hey, sleepy." I said then kissed her.
"Hey," she mubled.
"You want me to take you home?"
She shook her head. "My parents are fighting over money." she said. Her family is rich like mine. Everyone in between five miles and here is filthy rich.
I smiled. "You wanna have a sleep over with me?" I asked.
She smiled lazily and nodded. Jerimiah took a condom out of his wallet and handed it to me.
I shook my head. "You're out, man, and she's gun be in your room."
I put it in my pocket and took Tamy upstairs to my room. We made out for a little bit them went to bed.

In the morning Tamy wasnt by me anymore. I stumbled downstairs. Tatiana and Tamy were the only ones awake and they were singing and dancing to Here's to the heart breakers. I smiled then layed on the couch. After the song was over Tamy kissed my forehead. Tatiana sat on my stomch and shivered. I grabbed a blanket and handed it to her.
She smiled her thanks then put it over her. "Tamy, I want you to be mine." I said.
She kissed me. "I'm draging you to prom then." she said.
I smiled. "Good. I'm pretty sure Tatiana is gunna drag D-shawn to prom too." I said.
Tatiana shook her head. "I'm not a controling girlfriend. He can come if he wants if we're still together."
"You'll be together until the end." I said patting Tatiana's leg.
D-shawn came downstairs and came over to Tatiana. He kissed her then took her into the kitchen. Tamy crawled on me and straddled me. I smiled and griped her hips. "I like this position. Take your clothes off." I said.
She giggled and rolled her eyes.


"Whatya doin up so early, baby?" D-shawn asked.
"I was checking on Nat and Kyle. They're horny." I said making him laugh. He was cooking breakfest while we were talking. His sweats fell down a little bit and I saw his boxers. I got a dirty thought and I giggled.
He looked at me. "What's funny?" he asked.
"I got a dirty thought." I told him.
He sat down. "Tell me," he said like it was big news.
I smiled and shook my head. "Nah."
"Were you thinking about sex?" he asked.
"Yes. You're pants fell down a bit and I couldnt help it. I have a dirty mind sometimes." I said.
He chuckled then stood up and took the sweats off. "This turns you on," he said nodding.
I giggled and nodded. He chuckled and pulled me up. He kissed me then went into the living room.
"That's attractive, Damon." I heard him say.
I walked into the living room and gagged. Tamy and Damon wernt wearing pants and she was on top of him. "You trator," I yelled then went upstairs.
Fifteen minutes later D-shawn came up and handed me a plate of food. I took it and started eating. He sat down next to me and kissed me. "Why did you call her a trator?" he asked.
"Friends arn't spose to sleep with their friend's bro." I said in a matter of fact tone.
He chuckled. "Your brother is my best friend and your his sis." he said.
I smiled. "It doesnt work that way with you and I. Girls arn't supose to sleep with their friends family. I've never made a rule for guys."
He smiled and kissed me. "I called my dad when I was cookin. He said I could move in and I black mailed Damon."
I fed him a bite of eggs. "Yay!" I squealed and he laughed.
"Will you go to prom with me next year?" I asked.
He nodded. "I wasnt gun let my baby go alone or wit another guy. You wan go hang out with the guy and the girls with me today?" he asked.
I hugged him and nodded.

Later I was in the passenger seat of his truck and we were having a makeout session while waiting for the others. I had my pet salamander in my shirt. He said it was weird and sexy at the same time. "What's its name?"
"Her name is Mandie." I said.
"Let me see her," he said pulling away from me.
I reached into my shirt and took my Salamander out. I handed her to him. Vanessa opened the passenger side door and smiled. "Hey, girl." she said.
"Hey, hey," I said.
D-shawn looked at my salamander carefully before putting it in my shirt. I smiled then got out. "Why yo got a lizard in yo shirt?" Derek asked.
I crossed my arms and glared. "She's not a lizard. She's a salamander and because I love her."
"She's in your shirt though."
"She is to warm." I said.
"Are you a vampire?" Tyshawn asked.
I smiled and nodded. D-shawn laughed. "You aint pale though." he said.
I giggled then took his hand. Tom kissed Vanessa before we went inside. "Why aint yo wearin somethin sexy like Tatiana?" Tom asked her.
"Cause I'm fat," she said.
I was wearing a red and black corset and tight skinny jeans and heels. "Why yp makin it so hard for me to wanna fuck you?" he asked her.
D-shawn laughed. "Man, maybe you should sit her down and have a talk with her."
Vanessa grabbed my arm. "Did you tell im?" she snapped at me.
"Yes. He was mad that I was hanging out with Tamy." I said.
"Damn girl."
"I feel left out here. Tell me, Vanessa. Or I'll have D or Tate tell me." Tom said. The four of us sat down at a table and the rest went shopping.
I reached over to Vanessa and whiped her tears off of her face. "You'll be fine. If he is a jerk I'll help you." I said.
"Yah. Me too, girl." D-shawn said.
"Thank you, you two." She then turned to her boyfriend and kissed him. "Tommy, I-I'm,"
"Come on, baby, spit it out. I love you."
She smiled and drew in a shaky breath. "I'm pregnant." she said.
He stoped and a million emotions passed over his face. He was more suprised and happy though. "I'ma be a dad?" he asked shakily.
She nodded.
He got up and jumped on the table. He took his jacket off then his

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