» Fiction » This Wonderful Life, Annamere Jones [new reading txt] 📗

Book online «This Wonderful Life, Annamere Jones [new reading txt] 📗». Author Annamere Jones

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Tatiana blushed. I love how I make her do that. She smiled. Derek clapped.
"There it is. Look at it. She's even prettier in person. Not pretty. Down right gorgouse." Derek said.
Tate rolled her eyes and droped her heels. She steped into them then kissed me. "I am almost eye level with you." she said happily.
I shrunk down a little bit and kissed her deeply. "I love you, Ma."
"I love you too." she said.
Someone tapped her shoulder and she screeched and hugged me tighter. "What were you doing last night after I went to bed?" I asked.
"I watched Supernatural." she said then looked at the person that taped her shoulder. Pete was smiling at her.
"You Tatiana?" he asked.
"And you are?" she asked.
"I'm a big cock as Derek and Big D put it." he said.
"Do you suck em too?" she asked. "My dad sucked a cock when he was thirteen."
"Why?" Pete asked.
"My dad was playin truth or dar and he got dared to suck a cock. Now answer my question."
"No. I dont suck cocks. I suck pussy. D gotten to yours yet?" he asked.
She popped him in the chest. "I'm not that kind of girl. I keep my pants on when a boy is in my room. The only clothes I would let D-shawn take off last night was his shirt becasue I like abes. Abes are sexy."
He lifted up his shirt and showed her his six pack. "You'd lick them, wouldnt you?"
"Nope. You look a little fat." she joked.
He laughed. "So you aint got a problem wit us 'colored guys?' " he asked.
She looked at him worriedly. "Why would I be? I like everyone. No matter what race."
"Damn, girl, I like you. You're my favoriet out of all dese chicks here." he said then opened his locker.
"Arn't you Daniel French's sister?" my other guy, Tom said.
"How you know my brother? Danny has been in France since I was thiteen."
"I was in France last year. I met this guy that told me about a girl that would save us all. He said his grandfather was insain. And he was white and he had your gorgouse eyes and lips." he said stabbing a comb into his afro.
We did the handshake.
"Where you been, man?" he asked.
"Hanging out at Damon's, you know. Eating and studying for the finals and shit." I said.
He chuckled. "Getting high?" he asked.
"Nope. I'm clean and sober. Never touched that in the first place." I said.
He laughed and I squinted at my ex coming down the hall. I had broken up with her a week ago. She is gun ruin everything for me. "Tatiana," Tom said looking in the direction I was looking. "come with me to my locker. I'll prove it was your bro." he said then took her hand. I glared daggers at him. "I wont hurt her." With that he walked down the hall with Tate trying to keep up with him.
Stacy came over to me and smiled. "I'm glad we had that break, baby."
"It wadnt a break," I said watching Tate.
"Why did that girl have her arms around you? Was she cold?"
"She is my girl and no. My body heat will only save her if we are in the freezing cold." I said.
Derek laughed. "You got a tough girl." he said.
Stacy glared at me. "You're cheating on me?" she asked/ yelled.
Everyone looked at me and her. "Aye, dont blame the black dude." a teammate said. "He dont like a slut, Stacy."
He looked up at me. 'Thank you!' I mouthed.
He nodded once. "Wow, thanks, D-shawn. You made my day, dummy. I hated our sex too." she said.
"I didnt have sex with you. You were to afraid of it. I would be too but not my point." I yelled.
"What about your new girl?" she asked.
"I've only been with her for a few days and she has two really mean brothers. One can kill from a mile away." I threatened. "And she looks really sexy handling a gun."
She whimpered then flushed beat red. She stomped off and I got a text from Tatiana.
Her: Damn! Tom is fast. My feet hurt.
Me: I sorry, baby. Tell Tommy to bring you back to me. My arms feel naked.
"Who dat?" Derek asked.
"Tate," I said.
"Who dat?" Derek asked.
"Tatiana," I snapped.
They laughed at my frustration. Tatiana and Tom came back talking about Titanic and how she loved the movie and he thought it was cool. Also a sappy whatever. She giggled then triped. I caught her and she put her arms around my neck.
I looked into her gray eyes and smiled. "What's your favoriet song?" I asked.
She shook her head. "You'll laugh," she said.
"I told you last night I wouldnt laugh, ma." I said.
"My heart will go on," she said.
I raised my brow. I honestly did not know that song. "Umm, sing for me?" I asked.
She blushed and shook her head.
I got down on my knees and begged. "Please, please, please, please. Please? I love you!"
"I'm not good at singing." she said.
"Yes you are. You sing in your sleep." I said.
She blushed harder. "But it's on my iPod. Cant you just listen to it?" she asked.
"Ma, I wanna hear you sing it." I said.
She crossed her arms and pouted.
"Fine. You're singing for me after practice." I stated.

During all of our periods I looked over at her. She caught me looking and she would blush and smile. During practice she was listening to her iPod and watching me. After practice the guys and I went up on the bleachers and sat by her.
She took an earphone out and handed it to me. I put it in my ear and smiled. "What's this?" I asked.
"I'ma sing for you like you want me too." she said.
"Ok, baby, song away."
"I'm not singing the whole thing.
"Kay," I said.
She put her head on my shoulder and I put my arm around her.

Every night in my dreams
I see you, I feel you.
That is how I know you go on

Far across the distance
And spaces between us
You've com to show you go on

Near, far, wherever you are
I belive that the heart does go on
Once more you have open the door
And you're here in my heart
And my heart will go on and on

Her voice was amazing and my guys were staring at her like she was an angel. "I love that song. That is the song we will dance to on our wedding night." I said whiping a tear off of her cheek. She whiped something off of my cheek.
"You're crying," she said.
"Your voice is beautiful." I said.
She smiled. "You smell like sweat," she said like a child.
I laughed and pulled her onto my lap. She wraped her arms around my neck like a child. "Why'd you sit way up here?" Tyshawn asked.
"I wanna fly," she said smiling.
She pulled out her phone and answered it. He face fell. "I said leave me alone, Kyle." A pause. "Why? Oh I dont know! You helped my brother die and umm you slept with my best friend and umm I'm not a boy." she said then hung up. "I have to go now, D-shawn. He knows where I am. I told you she would tell him."
I rubbed her back and tightened my hold. "Shhh. I have more black friends where these ones came from. And you have that shiny new gun, babe."
She shook her head. "D-shawn, will you listen to me? His father is a fucking mob boss. To be more specific, the most famouse, deadliest mob boss in the world. I'd rather I die than you and your friends."
"Aye, Tatiana, we're here for you. We're more dangerouse than a fucking mob. We can protect you and everyone your huge heart loves." Tyshawn said.
"Can you protect yourselves?" I asked.
"Awww, she loves us." Derek said.
"Yes." Tom said.
"Can any of you dodge a bazuca bullet?" she asked.
Everyone stayed silent. She got a excited smile.
"Do you?" Tom asked.
She nodded. "My bro is a death machine. He almost killed me the other day." she said excitedly.
"I didnt find that exciting at all, ma." I said.
"I was under pressure. You have to let me teach you. I love teaching people." she said.
Tyshawn smiled. "Ok. Let's go to your place." he said.
"The rest of you gun be pussies or yo gun come?" Tom asked.
Pete and Derek smiled. Tatiana took off her heels. "I cant walk in these anymore." she said. I got up and let her jump on my back.
I ran down the bleanchers then took her heels from her. She smiled and rubbed my chest with one hand.

Once we got home she went to change and we went down to the practice room. Daniel was down there with us. "D-shawn, dont hold the gun like that." Daniel said studying us as he set up wepons.
"Dis is always how I hold a gun." I said.
He laughed then came over to me. "Your gun could get knocked up while you are shooting and you will get hurt. Not second thoughts. Never hold it as lazy as you were. A little lazy is good. If you're tense you will loose your grip on the gun and you will most likely die."
He went back to the wepons and Tatiana came down in combat boots and black tight pants and a black tight tank. She grabbed a bullet proof vest and warmed up with Daniel motivating her.
"Ready?" he asked her quietly.
She shook her head. "No shooting twice this time."
"Swear to the fucking gods, honey. Now how do you hold a shot gun?"
She rolled her eyes and walked over to me. "Here is to all the heart breakers," she sung then kissed me.
I smiled. "I'm not one of those now."
She nodded and sung while Daniel helped the others.

"Lalalalalalalala," Tatiana sung.
I smiled as she dodged ever wepon I threw at her. It hurt me with every wepon I threw at her. I dont like doing this but I have to. She stoped and a dagger stabbed her bullet

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