» Fiction » This Wonderful Life, Annamere Jones [new reading txt] 📗

Book online «This Wonderful Life, Annamere Jones [new reading txt] 📗». Author Annamere Jones

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living room with a gun.
"Vanessa, get outa here." I yelled.
She obeyed and ran out the door. Kyle started shooting at me. I dodged until I got a machine gun. Shit I had no bullet proof vest. I was terrified. I shot at him and hit him numerouse times. But he was guarded. Finally I shot him in the leg. He fell down and I ran over to him.
Natali came down the stairs and glared at me. I shot her in the theigh. She screamed and fell down the remaining stairs. I knocked them out then took them down to the basement. I tied them up and Daniel came down. He had a really big gash on his leg.
Suddenly I felt like fainting. So I did.
I hit the ground and my head hit the ground really hard. D-shawn

"Hello?" I asked when Daniel called me.
"Hey," he said a little out of breath. "Tate had to be taken to the hospital. She is in a coma."
"What?" I yelled. The football team looked at me weirdly then worridly.
"She'll live, D-shawn. Kyle was waiting for her when she got home and she didnt have any protection. She didnt relize a bullet hit her and she fell and hit her head on the concret." he said.
MY breath caught in my throat. "Call me when she wakes up." I said quietly.
"Ok. D-shawn, I swear she will be fine."
"I gotta go. She might wake up soon."
He hung up and I froze. Why the hell did I let my guard down? Tyshawn snapped me out of my thoughts. "What's wrong?"
"Tate is in a coma."
He looked even mor worried. "As in our Tate?" he asked.
"I dont hang out with any more Tatiana's because Tate doesnt like girls who have the same name as her." I snapped.
He took my phone. "Is Vanessa ok?"
"Of coarse she is. Tate wouldnt let her in on the fight." I whispered.
That night I was to worried to sleep. Coach was still awake because he was planning what days we would practice. He got up and came to sit by me. "What's botherin you, son?" he asked.
"Nothin," I muttered tiredly.
"Now, son, what have I told you about me?"
"You'll keep everything I tell you confidential." I whispered.
He nodded. "And we're famly, son. Now tell me what's wrong." he ordered.
"My girlfriend is in a coma." I said.
He patted my back. "She'll be alright. She is tough." he said.
I nodded and my phone vibrated. Tatiana's name and picture popped up. Coach smiled.
"Told ya she'd be fine." He went back to sit by his daughter.
"D-shawn, my head hurts." Tate said softly.
"Oh, Tate, you had me scared for dear life." I said
"I sowwy," she whispered. "Be quiet. My head hurts."
"Ok." I whisperred.
"I miss you," she said.
"I miss you to. Tate, I love you. I want you so damn much."
"You too. I need to go to sleep before I faint again. I love you, baby. Dont think about me to much."
"I love you too. No promises."

Football camp passed by really slow. I was sleeping on the bus da whole way home cause Coach worked us to hard. When I got off the bus I said by to my holmies and found Tate leaning agains my truck in short shorts, a tank that is to small for her, and heels. Derek smiled at her then hugged her. He threw our stuff in the bed of my truck and I kissed Tate passionatly.
She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me deeper. "How was camp?" she asked.
"Tiring." I whispered.
"He slept all the way home." Derek said sitting on the ground.
She rubbed my her cold hands over my arms. "Sexy," she murmmered. "I missed you." She kissed my chest.
"You're freezing. Come on, let's get you home."
She shook her head. "I have to get pizza for Damon and his boyfriend's." she said. "And you two."
I laughed. "Why dont they go get it?" I asked.
"Well, they're lazy bastards and dont understand how much pain I am in." she said.
"Why did you come pick me up, baby? I told you to have Damon come."
"Damon is a lazy bastard too." she said.
I smiled and picked her up. I put her in the passenger seat and kissed her again. "I love you," I said before going to get in the drivers side. Derek leaned between us and poked where Tate has stitches. She tensed then turned in her seat.
"Do not eat the pastachio ice cream, it has turned." she said like Larry the cable guy.
"Where did that come from?" Derek asked.
"My nephew was staying in the hospital with me and we watched Cars 2." she said smiling.
I chuckled and concentrated on driving. "When did you get out of the hospital?" Derek asked.
"Almost two weeks? Damn, that musta been some searious damage." Derek said.
"I kept slipping and I died once."
I slammed down on the breaks. "What?" I asked.
She looked at me worriedly. "I fell asleep when the doctor told me not to. And I kind of died." she said holding her chest. "If you ever do that again, I will lock you in the base ment with Kyle and Nat."
"Sorry," I said before I started driving again.
Once we got to pizza hut she was asleep.
I woke her up softly. "What name, ma?" I asked.
"French," she mumbled.
Derek got out and helped me. When we got back in my truck she woke up and smiled at me.
"Are you ok?" she asked.
I smiled and nodded. "Just tired."
"Do you want me to drive?" she asked.
"Nah. Go head and sleep, baby." I said.
She took my hand and twined our fingers.
When we got home a little boy that looked like Daniel came crying to Tate. "What's wrong, squirt?" she asked.
"Daddy yelled at me. I didnt mean to fall asleep I was really tired." he cried as she picked him up. He put his little arms around her neck and cried on her shoulder.
"Shh. He you wanna meet someone, squirt?" she asked softly.
"Mater?" he asked.
She looked at me. "No. But he is better than Mater."
He looked up at her and smiled. "Mommy?"
She sadly shook her head. "No. Look at the big guy behind me." she said.
He looked at me and his eyes widened. "Wow!" he yelled. "You're huge."
I laughed.
She turned around and handed him to me. "I'll be right back." she said then walked upstairs.
"Are you D-shawn?" he asked.
I grinned. "You know it, little man. Whats your name?" I asked.
"I'm Jacoby Tate French." he said in a way that reminded me of when Tate acted like a child.
"Are you Daniel's son?" I asked softly.
He sadly nodded. "Mommy says that she is sick of me so I'm stuck with the monstor. He is mean. I dont like my daddy. Will you be my daddy? You seem nice."
"I guess, just dont call me daddy around your dad." I said.
He put his arms around my neck and hugged me. The gang looked at me and gaped. Tate came downstairs and took Jacoby. "Daddy says he is sorry, love. Go up to my room and take a nap. Gramma'll be home in a little bit to take you to the fair." she said.
He ran upstairs and Tatiana took me into the kicthen.
"I'm taking Tamy to a party tonight. Will you come with me?" she asked.
"Why yo hanging out with the nerd?"
"Cause, I like her and she was there with me in the hospital while Daniel was earning custody and Damon was getting laid." she said. "And dont call her a nerd. She is my friend."
"Why didnt the other girls come to see you?"
"Kelsy came to see me. Vanessa found out she was pregnant and her mom wouldnt let her leave and Sheri didnt know about me and Katrina was busy with her kid." she snapped at me.
I pulled her into my arms. "I'm sorry, baby, the.... Tamy put a racist note on my desk when we were thirteen."
"I didnt do that." Tamy said coming into the kitchen. "My brother did it. He wanted to be cool."
"Oh. I'm sorry then." I appologized.
"Did you know my step brother likes her." Tatiana said.
"Yah. He tried to kiss her yesterday while I was watching a movie with her. She totally just told him she was a lez."
I laughed. "You blew off the man whore?"
"You're a man whore too. I bet you'd have sex with her then leave her." Tamy said.
I shook my head. "Nope. If you talk shit about me again I will do something that will make her afraid of me to you." I threatened.
She only smiled. I glared daggers at her. Tatiana put her hands on my cheeks and forced me to look back at her beautiful face. She pressed her lips to mine and kissed me lazily and yet I still loved it. I kissed her back until it wasnt lazy no more. I ran my toung along her bottom lips and she let me in.
I opened my eyes and hers were closed enjoying my lips. I closed mine again and kissed her harder. She pulled back and groaned in pain. She smiled. "You tryin to kill me?"
I shook my head. "Na."
Rufus came in. "Yo, chica, where's the pizza?" he asked.
"It's in D-shawn's truck." she said not looking away from me.
He walked out of th kitchen and I kissed her again. She rubbe my neck with her thumb and my cheek with her other hand. It felt good.
Someone cleared their throat. We didnt pull away. "Oh, hey, Mr. French. That's your daughter's boyfriend. I wouldnt interupt."
We pulled away from each other and looked at the man in the doorway. He was tan and really built. He looked like Tatiana and Daniel. "Ello, darlings." he said in a australian accent.
"Hey, dad." she said in an australian accent.
"I got a little worried when my baby didnt come to see me." he said looking right at Tatiana. She griped my tighter.
"I was busy with school and Kyle found me, dad." she said formally.
"What? No daddy anymore? Or are you to grown up for that?"
"I faintly remember you making me watch as you abused mom. So what do you want, old man?" she asked.
Maghan came in and smiled. "D-shawn, how was camp?"
"Tireing." I said.
She laughed. "Tater tot has been bored without you here. She learned how to play her favorite song on the french horn yesterday." She looked at her ex husband. "What are you doing here?"
He shrugged.
"Kids, will you go in the living room or something?" she asked. Tatiana went up to her mom and hugged her from behind. I saw her put something silver in her mom's jeans. Then she draged me

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