» Fiction » This Wonderful Life, Annamere Jones [new reading txt] 📗

Book online «This Wonderful Life, Annamere Jones [new reading txt] 📗». Author Annamere Jones

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proof jacket. She giggled then took it out. She tossed it at me and it stabbed deep into my bullet proof jacket. She grabbed a machine gun and started shooting like she was part of a mob.
I moved a table and hid behind it. Sometimes this felt like childrens play. "Stop hiding. I will win this." she yelled.
"We're not playing russion roulett, honey, we're teaching your friends how to use wepons and stuff."
She stoped and smiled evily. "D-shawn, Tom, my team, the rest of you on dummy's team."
"Wait what are we doing?" D-shawn asked.
"Playing russion roulet." she said excitedly.
"Ooh, fun." Tyshawn muttered crouching down behind the table. Derek and Pete crouched down and Tate smiled.
After we were done Tatiana won because I let her. Then we got on with teaching them about right stances and how holding the gun is good an bad. After we were done D-shawn and Tatiana made out on the floor. I fought the urge to break them up.

D-shawn started sucking on my neck and I pushed him away. "I dont want a hicky until summer." I said.
"I have to go to football camp for two weeks during the summer. Will you take a shower with me? We can wear bathing suits insted of being naked."
I giggled. "Ok, babe." I said.
Five minutes later we were in the shower in our bathing suits. I was in a purple bakini and he was in trunks. He stared at me as he washed his body. I stared at him as well. He handed me the washcloth. "Wash my back for me please?" he asked.
I took it and smiled. "Turn around."
"As you wish, Ma." He turned around and I washed his back slowly for him. He laughed and turned backa round when I was done. "Thank you,"
I nodded. "When is school over?" I asked.
He kissed my shoulder. "Ummm," He looked at my bare stomch. "It's hard to think with you like this. The eighteenth of this month."
I pouted. "You're leaving me to foot ball camp. Boo."
He kissed me passionatly. "There aint no girls that football camp. I'll call you every day and I'll talk to ya on the vidio chat thing." he said.
I smiled. "Ok, baby." I said and rubbed his wet ribs.

School passed by fast and now I was hanging out with D-shawn and his guys before they left for camp. "Why, why, why?" I said in between kisses.
"Cause it'll make us tougher and better."
"But you are tough and great at it." I pulled away from him.
He smiled and sucked on my collar bone. "It's summer. I'm gun give you a hicky, ma." he said then resumed sucking. I didnt want him to leave. I felt like a child begging for him to keep the monstors away.
Tyshawn laughed. "I swore he was gun give you a hicky in the locker room when he draged you outa pe." he said.
I giggled.
After a minute or so D-shawn pulled back and kissed the hicky on my collar bone. "There. Much better. We still got a half hour before we leave. Are you ready to go behind a building and fuck?" he asked.
"I am ready to fuck. But my first time will not be behind a building."
He paused and looked right into my eyes. "Say that again." he ordered.
"I am ready to fuck. But my first time will not be behind a building."
He smiled like a little kid with candy. "Well, let us rush home then."
"No. You'll miss the bus because I'm a whimp and it will take a long time for me to cooraperate." I said.
He laughed. "Ok. Your first time will be in your bed and..."
"No one will be home but all the doors will be unlocked." I helped him out.
"The thrill of getting caught. I like it, Ma," he said.
The guys laughed. "You talkin about sex oready?" Derek asked. "Only a little less than a month."
I sucked in a breath and held it. "I'm scared again." I whispered then pulled out of D-shawn's embrace.
I put my hand on my stomch and felt like I'd hurl. D-shawn rubbed my back. "Jerk! You made her hypervenalate before I even left. I wasnt gun force her in bed with me. I enjoy what we have now." He was yelling at Derek. I liked what he was saying.
I stood up and breathed carefully. D-shawn smiled at me.
"You all good, Baby?" he asked.
I nodded. "I think so."
"Derek, stay outa it until I tell ya to talk." he snapped at Derek.
"You got it, nigga." Derek said.
D-shawn pressed his lips to mine softly and passionatly. "I'ma miss you, Ma." he said. "You changed me. I love you and only you. Cry on me. I want you all over me before I leave."
I giggled as he pushed me against the bus.
"Dont watch Supernatural while I'm gone. Damon dont like cuddlin unless he gets sex and I know Daniel is followin Kyle at the moment. And you're a big girl. You dont need to sleep with your mom and step dad. I'm the only daddy you'll be sleepin with." he said.
I bit my lip. I knew it turned him on beyond levels so I said it. "Yes, daddy." I said.
He groaned then pressed his body against mine and kissed me. "God I love it when you do that." he growled in my ear.
I smiled and bit my lip. I put my hand in his pockets and pulled out whatever he had in his pockets. A picture of me and him my step dad gave to both of us. A few dollars. His phone and his keys.
"Mmm, that reminds me." He took his keys and took his car key off ot the ring. He pulled my keys out of my sweatshirt and twisted the key onto my ring. "You can drive my truck."
I squealed then looked at him like an innocent girl. He groaned and kissed me again. This time lightly and passionatly. "I love you so much, Tatiana." he said and put my keys in my sweatshirt pocket.
I put his stuff back in his pockets and kept my hands in his pockets. "I'm cold." I whimpered.
"Will my body heat save you now?" he asked.
I nodded as he scooped me up in his arms. I shivered until his body heat warmed me. The guys were all spending time with their girls. I felt really weird being the only cocasion girl.
The guys's girls and the guys love me. I love them to but I feel like a bunny umungst wolves. "You do a lot of thinkin. Whatya thinkin about?" D-shawn asked.
"Bunnies and wolves." I said.
He laughed and rubbed my back. "I have white friends. Your step bro is one and Drew is another. And some guys on the football team."
I dont hide my feelings from D-shawn and visa versa. "D, what you talkin bout?" Vanessa asked. "She goin against us oready?"
D-shawn shook his head. "She just thinks a lot and look around us. She da only white one here. And she considers herself ugly when she is around you girls." D-shawn explained.
Vanessa rolled her eyes. "You're not ugly. If anything you're more gorgouse than the rest of us. You're like a model that dont starve herself." she said taking my hand. "Have you ever had a black boyfriend before?"
"Not unless you count second grade." I said.
"Who'd you date in second grade?" she asked.
"A kid named Ezekiel." I said.
She smiled. "And everyone else was white?" she asked.
"No. Kyle is the only boyfriend I've ever had." I said. D-shawn kissed my neck lightly. "D-shawn, I'm freezing." I whined.
He smiled and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around him and he walked over to his truck. We got in and he turned it on and the heater. I crawled over the consol and kissed him.
"You gun be ok?" he asked when I pulled away for breath.
I nodded. "Why wouldnt I be?" I asked.
"You look tired and you look a little sick." He put his hand on my forehead and laughed. "You're burnin up too and you said you were freezing."
"I'm fine, D-shawn. I promis." I said like a little girl.
"Gawh you're so adorable."
I smiled. "I know. But I promis I am not sick. I'll go to bed when I get home."
He smiled and kissed me slowly. "Ok." Someone taped pn his window and he rolled it down. "Aye, whatya doin here so early, nigga?"
"Mom kicked me out for being obnoxiouse." Jefry said.
"I'll see ya on da bus." D-shawn said.
After he closed the window he kissed my forehead.
"You sure you aint sick, baby?" he asked.
I shook my head and sat on his lap. He rested his hands on my belly button. He patted my belly button then lifted up my shirt a little bit. "When did you get your belly button peirced?"
"Before I moved here. Dont tell my mommy." I said.
"Are you sure you got this before you came here? I didnt see it when we went swimming."
"I took it out to my mum wouldnt see." I said sleepily.
"Mmm," He kissed my neck lightly and trailed kisses down and up my neck.
I hugged him tight when it was time for him to go. He pressed his lips to mine and we kissed deeply for a few minutes. After they left the girls and I got into his truck. "So what are we doin, nigga?" Kelsy asked from the back.
"I told D-shawn I'd go home and go back to bed."
"But he's not present at the moment." Vanessa said.
I looked at her. "That's not a good thing and I have to practice with my bro. He get's cranky when I am late."
"What are you practicing for?"
"Alaska," I muttered.
"What's in Alaska?" she asked.
"Guns and adrenilan." I said.
They laughed. "Let my see your shiny gun." Kelsy said.
"It's in the glove box."
"What is it doing in here?" Vanessa asked.
I smiled. "D-shawn and I were making out in here last night and it was hurting me." I said.
Once we got to my house, Kelsy put my gun in the waist band of my jeans and she went inside. Vanessa and I climbed into the bed of the truck and she braided my hair. "You're gorgouse, you know." she said.
"Yah. You're beautiful and great. And you have a great personality. I would hate it if you wernt with D." she said. "That boy wants to marry you. He's never felt that way about a girl before."
I smiled then jumped. My phone was vibrating. It was a text from Daniel.
Danny: He found you. Grab Damon and Drew and go to the safe room.
"Shit. Come on." I said.
We got out and ran into the house. Kyle was standing in the

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