» Fiction » Charlie Gyid, Anysia Eaton [books you need to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Charlie Gyid, Anysia Eaton [books you need to read TXT] 📗». Author Anysia Eaton

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shout over. I didn’t know how to answer. I knew just as little as she did but I could hear the desperation in her voice.
“I don’t know, but it’s going to be alright.” I shouted back to her.
I could feel a jolt on my locker door. One of the hinges had failed. It was holding on with only two. The wind increased. I could see panic in Alison’s eyes, her eyes widened even more. I had to look. Behind me, was a swirling mass of red cloud. I expected it to be swept away by the ever increasing strength of the wind but it stayed. It was waiting, very patiently waiting. I felt another jolt of the door. Another one of the hinges was gone. Only one left. The swirling mass of red cloud increased until it filled the entire corridor. I wanted to look away but my eyes were glued to it. The last of the hinges failed. I was sent flying into the mass of red cloud.
“Charlie!” I heard Alison scream behind me.
I slammed my eyes shut. I expected to hit the end of the corridor but instead I just stopped on the spot. I opened one eye. I was in a pitch black room, suspended in thin air. I opened the other eye. I was truly suspended in thin air. I could feel nothing holding me up, but I couldn’t feel anything beneath me.
“Hello?” I shouted. Nobody replied so I shouted again “Hello?”
I moved my arm but as soon as I did, I dropped. I went shooting down to ground level.
I hit the ground with a thud, face first into the concrete floor. I could feel the blood dripping out of my nose. I looked about. I was in... I didn’t know what I was in. It looked like one of the bunkers you see on films – where the villains keep their captives to be tortured. I had to get that thought out of my head. There was barely any light The only light was that of a small window. I looked towards it, the sky was dark – night time. Where am I? How long had I been here? I stumbled to my feet. A sharp pain flooded into my ankle. I must have landed funny. I fought through the pain to stay standing. I winced. I heard a sneer.
“Hello? Who’s there?”I asked quietly, not sure I wanted to know the answer.
I strained my eyes as I looked about the room. A silhouette was stood leaning against the corner, in the shadows.
“So nice for you to drop in” a woman’s voice said, but the voice wasn’t soft or welcoming like you’d expect, it was harsh and crispy. The silhouette stood up straight.
“Who are you?” I asked.
She stepped into a beam of light. She stood tall with long dark hair. Her black robes, in which she was dressed, were old and tatty, but it wasn’t her appearance that filled my body with fear, it was her eyes – her pitch black eyes. Her eyes were not in the slightest normal, the whole eyes were a black colour, like those of a teddy bear.
I was lost for words. I tried to take step back but my ankle failed on me and I dropped on to my bottom. I shuffled away from her and landed myself against a wall. She walked closer to me.
“Who are you?” I whispered at her finding my voice.
“Malietta” she replied briefly.
We remained in silence observing each other, when she turned away and went back to her corner.
“Where am I?” I asked.
“In my head” she replied coarsely.
“How can I be in your head?” I replied breathlessly as I began to panic.
“Because I willed for you to be in my head, and here you are. Do not worry, you will be back into your pathetic little school soon. I just want you to answer a few questions” she replied.
I waited for her to continue. She stayed stood on the spot. After a few minutes silence she ran to me. She picked me up by my collar and slammed me against the wall.
“Where is it?” she sneered.
“What?” I asked.
“Where is it?” she sneered again.
“I don’t know what you are on about” I replied as she moved her hand up to my neck.
“Tell me where it is. If you tell me you will never see me again however if you don’t I will turn your life into a living hell” she sneered as she restricted my breathing.
“I... don’t know... what you ... are on about?” I wheezed. She let me drop to the floor gagging for breath.
“I know you are lying girl. I know you know where it is. How could you not? You are Charlie Gyid after all.” She spoke gently.
Charlie Gyid? Who is Charlie Gyid?
“My name isn’t Charlie Gyid. My name is Charlie Ballon.” I replied.
“No” she screamed. She pinned me to the floor. She climbed on top of me. She leaned in close to me and sniffed.
“You are Charlie Gyid. You have the Gyid smell” she replied. She stood.
She placed one hand on the ankle that was causing me pain and pressed down hard. A shooting pain rocketed up my leg but within seconds it had gone. She picked me up by my top.
“I’d watch your back Gyid. I’m going to get it, even if it means killing you and searching the entire world for it”
She reached into her pocket and blew in my face a red dust. My eyes started stinging. I had no choice but close them. Suddenly I felt drops of water pouring down on me. I could hear the sound of girls screaming. My eyes shot open. I was back in the corridor. The sprinklers had been turned on and had made all the girls in the corridor run including Alison. I could see the back of her head heading towards the exit. I followed her out.
As the whole school waited to go back inside, questions pondered my mind. Who is Charlie Gyid? What did this Malietta want? Did it have something to do with my condition? I couldn’t concentrate for the rest of the day. These unanswered questions kept stealing my attention away from my teacher.
When I came into the house. Dad’s car wasn’t there. He must still be at work. I walked to the front door. It was partly open. I pushed it. I took a step inside. The corridor looked like usual apart from all the doors were shut. I walked to the lounge door, and opened it.
I couldn’t speak. My tongue had been tied into knots. I couldn’t believe what I saw. The room had been trashed. Everything had been thrown from its usual place. Even the sofa had been ripped to shreds to reveal a box. Lay by the box was a small girl. She looked no older than three. When I look back now, she looked so much like Malietta. She had long black hair too. But my instinct were to help the girl. I quickly rushed to her. As soon as I touched her a spark shot through my fingers and she woke. When she opened her eyes, she too had pitch black eyes. She sat up almost robotically. She looked me in the eye and hissed. She hit me in the face forcing me back. When I sat back up she had gone. She had completely vanished. I looked towards the box. I went to touch it when dad burst into the room.
“What are you doing?” he screamed.
He quickly grabbed my arm and pulled me up.
“Someone had trashed the house, and there was this girl, she was just lay in front of the box, dead-like.” I spluttered out extremely fast.
“Of course she did. Only you can get in this box. Anybody else who tries gets a nasty shock” he replied looking around the room, “Go and pack you essentials. We’re leaving”
“What? Why?” I asked him.
“We are not safe here anymore. Now go” he replied looking around the house.
“But...” I started but he shouted “Now”
His eyes were pulsing with anger. I rushed up the stairs. Essentials? What exactly are essentials? Hairbrush, Make-up, Toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, conditioner, a few clothes, and some money. I placed all of these in my favourite bag. I was about to head out when I saw a picture of me and Alison. I walked to it. I pulled it off the wall and placed it in my bag. I checked my pocket for my phone – got it. Phone Charger. I put my phone charger in my bag.
“Charlie?” dad shouted up the stairs.
I quickly rushed down.
“Ready?” he asked.
I nodded.
We headed out of the door and climbed into my dad’s car. I looked into back seat and saw the box hidden under his coat.
“Dad, what’s going on?” I asked him, “What’s in that box?”
“Something powerful.” He replied.
“Dad!” I moaned.
“You want to know everything?” he asked me questioningly.
“Yes” I replied.
“Ok.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a folded piece of paper. He handed it over to me. At first touch I knew it wasn’t a piece of paper at all, it was a photo. I unfolded it. It was a photo of a family. A mother, a father and a baby. The mother was as slim as someone possibly could be. She had long blazing red hair like mine, with bright green eyes that still glistened through the photo. The man was as covered with muscles from head to toe. He had a strong jaw line, and short and spiky black hair. Then there was the baby. It was obviously a she. She looked about six months. She had been dressed in a beautiful pink dress. She had a short bush of blazing red hair like her mother and emerald green eyes.
“Who are these?” I asked him.
“Can’t you tell?” he asked back.
I shook my head still looking at the photo.
“That’s you, and your... real parents” he replied.
“But that’s not you” I commented not understanding what he said.
He looked me in the eye which is when it hit me.
“You’re not my dad” I whispered.
He shook his head.
“Then who are you?” I asked.
“Call me Jeff. I was a friend of your fathers. When they... died I took you in. I knew one day she would return and she’d want it. She killed your parents to try and get it but you stopped her.”
“How did I stop her?” I asked. As soon as it left my lips I realised a more obvious question “Who is she?”
“A wicked witch. Malietta. She terrorised the whole of our world for that stupid box. You and your parents are the only ones that can get into that box. Inside holds the most powerful object in the entire wiccan world. The orb of power. If it falls into her hands she could put all mortal humans into slavery and kill every wiccan that tries to stand against her. When she last found the box she had already killed your mother and father without realising she would need them to open it. When she found you she tried to use you but something happened that not even I can understand. She just froze on the spot at one touch of your skin. That held her long enough for the others to arrive and send her to the depths of the underworld. But, obviously, she has returned. And she will stop at nothing to get that orb. She must have found us hiding, so that is why
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