» Fiction » Charlie Gyid, Anysia Eaton [books you need to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Charlie Gyid, Anysia Eaton [books you need to read TXT] 📗». Author Anysia Eaton

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we are leaving” he replied.
“Is my real name Charlie Gyid?” I asked him.
He looked at me rather shocked.
“Yes. How do you know that?” he asked.
“Then I’ve already met this Malietta. She pulled me into her head.” I explained to him.
“That must be how she knew where you were. In that case, there is only one place where we can go where you’ll be safe” he said.

“She knows about the box, ma’am” the little girl spoke at last.
“You have done well, child. Now rest.” Replied Malietta.
“But Ma’am. What if they move her to... you know where? Neither of us can enter in there.” Questioned the little girl.
“I have my ways and means child. Should she enter, we can always lure her out. She will be of age soon, we need to get the orb before then. After that she will be too strong” said Malietta.
I had fallen asleep about two hours into the journey, when I woke the car was in a confined space lightened by a bright orange light. We were parked still. I looked over to dad – I mean Jeff. He was sat with one hand holding the wheel and the other was rested on the side of the car. The windows were open
“Where are we?” I asked.
I looked about and saw the sign for the channel tunnel.
He watched as I read the sign and realised where we were.
“Why are leaving the country?” I asked shocked.
“Because we need to get to the Swiss alps.” He replied facing the front.
You could hardly feel that we were moving. Every now and then a jolt would refract down the carriage. I lay my head back.
“What happens if I open the box?” I asked him.
“I don’t know, all I know is you are not to open the box until you are of age. Then you open the box and whatever happens happens.” He replied not even looking at me.
“Will whatever happens not happen if I open it early?” I asked.
“I am not sure. I’m not really the person to ask. When we arrive you can ask the others. They will be able answer your questions.” He replied.
“What others?” I asked. It was only then I realised how many questions I was asking about the orb and how little information I was getting back.
“the other wiccans of the Swiss Covert. Your covert.” He replied.
“Gatherings of wiccans. There is one for each country. It watches over the wiccans in their country.” He explained.
“Why are we going to the Swiss one?” I asked him.
“You do ask a lot of questions” he laughed. I looked him in the eye. His smile faded a little and he looked forward. “Your mother was a Swiss Wiccan so you were born into the Swiss Covert. You are also a Swiss Wiccan.”
“What about my father?” I asked him.
“A French Warlock. The same as me” he replied.
“You’re a Warlock?” I asked.
He nodded. He looked towards me. He laughed at my shocked face.
“I may not look like one but I am” he laughed.
I couldn’t help but let out a small giggle.
“What is the difference between Wiccans and Witches and then Warlocks and Wizards?” I asked. It was one of the questions I have wanted to ask ever since I found out Malietta was a Witch.
“Wiccans are real and the name Witch is what Wiccans fed to Human to cover their tracks. Same story with Warlocks and Wizards” he replied.
“But you said Malietta was a wicked Witch?” I asked.
“The name ‘Witch’ is something humans fear and so the name has stuck with her.” He replied “Anyway, you need sleep, I can see it in your eyes. So go back to sleep”
I must of done what he said there and then because I couldn’t remember coming off the channel Tunnel and entering France but when I next woke, we had pulled up at a service station. He had nudged me awake.
“Thought you might want to freshen up and maybe get changed” he said softly.
I nodded.
“I’ll be out here, ok?”
I nodded again.
I headed in. I followed the signs to the toilets. Around the one-way shop, down the stairs and along a small corridor then second right, after the gents. I headed in. I went to the loo and changed into a fresh pair of clothes. I went to the mirror, I got out my hairbrush and brushed my curly blazing red hair. I looked tired and exhausted. I took off what remained of my make-up from the previous day. I brushed my teeth. When I lifted my head up from the last spit, stood next to me was another woman. She was standing far too close for comfort staring me in the eyes. She had bright blue eyes, that glistened in the light.
“Oh sorry” was all I could come out with. I went to walk away but she moved in front of me.
“What’s your name girl?” she asked.
“Charlie” I replied.
“Charlie Gyid?” the woman asked.
Now I was panicking. Why was it that she knew my name? The only thing that popped into my head to offer and explanation was “Are you a Wicc..?”
I didn’t get to finish my sentence. She slammed me against the wall and hissed “Are you mad? Do you want to announce it to the whole world?”
“Nobody else is here” I said in a little whisper “Who are you?”
She let go off me and said, “Elspeth. From the French Covert. I was told you were heading through France and I was asked to accompany you to the boarder.”
She held her hand out for me to shake. I took her hand. The butterflies were still storming around my stomach but at least they weren’t bombing it anymore.
“Sorry, if I frightened you. A habit.” She said, her tone had turned friendly and cheerful.
“That’s ok. It’s a habit of mine to get frightened easily” I replied “But I had better go. Dad – Urm I mean Jeff will be waiting for me”
“Just to let you know. I will be following closely behind, so don’t be frightened if there is someone following you, that’ll be me” she said giving me a wink. “Oh, should you need any help, even when you’re in Switzerland, just call for me”
I smiled, nodded and then headed back up the stairs and out to the car. I didn’t think to ask how to call her when I have no number for her.
When I climbed in the car, I could see Jeff’s patience was running thin.
“I was about to come in and get you” he said starting up the car.
I didn’t reply, I had spotted Elspeth coming out of the service station. I was watching her through the car mirror. She headed to a black motorbike with bright blue stripes. I smiled as she started it.
“Did you hear me?” Jeff asked clicking in my face.
I looked at him and said “Sorry”
“What’s wrong with you?” he asked.
“I met a French Wiccan...” I replied. A smile came up on his face. “...Her name was Elspeth. She seemed nice.”
“French Wiccans are nice” he laughed.
“You’re only saying that because you’re a French Warlock” I retorted trying not to laugh.
It was a long journey through France. Every so often I would catch a glimpse of Elspeth on her motorbike. She swished through the cars like a painting being drawn – smooth and gently.
It was about a good eight hours until we stopped to cross the border into Switzerland. I could see Elspeth watching until we finally went through.
I was getting restless and Jeff had noticed. “Don’t worry. It’s only a little longer now. We’re over half way, I swear”
“Good” I replied needing to stretch my legs.
I can’t remember the rest of the trip, so I must have fell asleep, but all I can remember was having my eyes closed, the sun shining on my face, lighting even the inside of my eye lids. And then... darkness. I had to open my eyes. We were inside a cave. Jeff braked hard and stopped.
“We’re here” he said. He sat inside the car watching as I sat up. I sat back.
“Aren’t you going to go in?” he asked.
“I was waiting for you” I replied “Are you coming in?”
He didn’t reply he just unfastened his seatbelt and climbed out the car. I followed suit. He got out of his bag a pair of gloves. He placed them on and lifted up the box. I watched as he did this, full of questions.
He obviously saw I had questions as he said, “My skin can’t come in contact with it unless I will end up like the girl you saw in our lounge. Only you can touch it”
He picked up his own bag and I picked up mine.
He lead me to a spot in the cave. On the rock was a small part that stuck out. It looked like someone had sketched a circle around it as there was a deep cut all the way around. Jeff placed down both the box and his bag and pulled the rock off. Below was a touch pad. He pressed it and then took my finger and pressed my finger onto it.
A part of the rock wall vanished revealing a rock corridor behind it. Jeff picked up his bags and headed through it. I followed closely. Once through I looked back but all I could see was a rock wall. The rock corridor was dark with a fire on the wall every now and then. Slowly the rock faded and it became a soft and smooth plastered wall with cream wallpaper.
“Welcome to the Swiss Covert” Jeff said.
Two men stood by a door. The only door we had come across so far, and the only way out of this corridor. They held their hands out ordering us to stop.
“State your names” said the one on the left.
“Jeff Ballon. French Warlock” Jeff said. He and the guards looked to me.
“Oh, Charlie Gyid. Swiss Wiccan” I said.
The guards straightened up.
“The gate recognised Jeff Ballon, French Warlock and Charlie Gyid, Swiss Wiccan. You may enter”
The door opened. What I saw amazed me. The corridor I was stood in was dark and dreary but the corridor in front of me was strange. The walls were rock but a beautiful rock with some plants going up it in some parts. The carpet wasn’t carpet at all but grass and then the ceiling wasn’t a ceiling it was the sky, but it wasn’t the real sky.
“An enchantment, whatever the sky looks like outside the ceiling in here will mimic it” explained Jeff as we walked through the corridor. “Then an enchantment on the carpet and walls so it feels like your outside. It’s a Swiss thing. If you came into the French Covert you’ll see water all around you. Note the eye colours. French have blue eyes for the sea. Swiss, green eyes for nature”
I couldn’t stop looking around the corridor as we walked. Neither could I stop gasping at everything. At one point a butterfly flu up to me and landed on my shoulder. It stayed for a while and then flew off, showing its full beauty as it did.
It wasn’t long until came across a Swiss Wiccan or two should I say, we were about to reach a t-turn in a corridor when two Wiccans came rushing down to us from the right.
“I’m so sorry you have had to find your own way this far. Please allow me to
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