» Fiction » Short and Sweet, Rose Gonzalez [fantasy books to read txt] 📗

Book online «Short and Sweet, Rose Gonzalez [fantasy books to read txt] 📗». Author Rose Gonzalez

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was always in my side it was him who let me go to high school without my brothers or a body guard –what teenager needed a body guard anyways, not a normal one anyways- he trusted the fact that I could defend myself after all he thought me I would be able to defend myself from humans, vampires and necrons’-evil vampires who kill us just for the fun of it- as well

“Thanks! Daddy I love you” I hurried upstairs and as I did they started fighting

The next day my cell phone wake me up it was Michael calling me


“Hey babe, I know is too early but I wondering if you wanted to eat breakfast with me?”

“Yeah sure, want me to go over or are you coming to pick me up?”

“Er, am sort of outside already”

“Oh… ok…um…coming wait for me a little bit I’m going to take a shower and get some clothes for later”

“See you in a bit…love you” as soon as he hang up I run for the restroom
After I took the shower I went to my closet what should I wear, there was so much to chose from so I decided for what I liked, purple was my favorite color but my mom said it didn’t look good on me so I chose a blue and black bikini then I put some shorts and a blue tee on and let my wet hair lose. Then I got another set of shorts and a tee for tomorrow.

“sorry it took me so much to get ready next time call me earlier so I can be ready that way you won’t have to wait so much” he was staring at me from head to toe and his smile widened

“You can take as much time as you want and I would be happy to wait if I get to see you the time you take is nothing compare to what I get for waiting” I just smiled and leaned closer for him to kiss me.

When we got to the beach almost everyone was there I was just wearing my shorts and the top I took my tee off as soon as we got out of the restaurant were Michael took me and headed for the mall as soon as we finish, but he regretted mainly because every guy was staring at me it wasn’t like I was the only one in bikini top in there is just that it look better on me. But that didn’t stopped us from having a good time after he bought me a shirt so I could cover of course the starring did stop but he could deal with it.
As I got out of his car I took off my shirt I was about to take off my shorts but he told me I should just leave them on so we went to meet our friends

“About time we thought you’ll were not coming after all”

“Sorry we were at the mall and didn’t realize what time it was”

“Yeah right they were probably at a hotel or something like that” said Lissa who was a couple of feet away from us she was whispering of course but that didn’t keep me from listening

“yeah Michael was showing me something and we didn’t realize we had been there for too long sorry to keep you’ll waiting for so long” I emphasize some words and made a little smile that said we were not doing what we just said mike notice this and had a question look on his face I just nod in lissa’s direction and nod at me

“Yeah when am with Phoebe time goes super fast even when I wish it didn’t” so he was helping me that did it Lissa was pissed and I couldn’t help but giggle it was so funny to see her jealous. Then everyone started laughing, I saw Jordan and I remember what happen the day before he was probably just keeping away from mike to prevent any other confrontation between them. So I walk to where he was dragging mike with me he saw where we were going and hesitated but then he remember what I asked him to do.

“Hey Jordan”

“Oh, hey Phoebe” he look at me trying to figure out what we were doing here then he look at mike not knowing what to expect.

“Hey bro am sorry about yesterday I shouldn’t done that I overreacted and am sorry” he didn’t knew what to do he knew mike and so he was taken by surprise he wasn’t the guy who apologize for punching someone then he look at me I just smile at him trying to encourage him

“Oh is fine I guess I would have done the same” then they just punch each other lightly in the arm and everything went back to normal
We watched the sunset it was really pretty all the colors –from red-orange to purple- it was amazing, and then out of no were mike pull me up and dragged me co the water before we got to the water I stopped and take off my shorts he looked at me like I was crazy and at the same time regretting it- he didn’t wanted anyone looking at me in bikini suit and it was worse than what he thought- as soon as I pull my shorts off all his friends gasped they were obviously delighted to see me, so he hurried and got me into the water so fast that made me laugh.

“Was that really necessary?”He said this demanding an answer

“What?” I was shocked who was he to talk to me like that even if he was jealous

“Was taking off your shorts in front of everyone necessary?” it was so funny to see him jealous but at the same time I was pissed it wasn’t like he was owner and his attitude wasn’t helping, besides I was free to do or show whatever I wanted

“Look this is a beach, bikini and all that included and I can do or show anything I want is my body and you are not my owner you should be happy that you have what they don’t instead of jealous like a middle school student with his first girlfriend and we are here to have fun not to baby seat each other” as soon as I said this I regret it but it was true and he knew it so I just got out of the water I wasn’t in the mood to be fighting and If I stayed it was going to get worse I pick up my shorts put them on and went for a walk I was half expecting him to fallow me but he just stayed there I saw how Lissa and Beth went to where he was at but I didn’t care after all I wasn’t the jealous type of girl
I was walking trying to calm myself down but I was so mad no one had ever talked to me like that, yeah he was jealous but that was not excuse I wasn’t going to just pretend nothing had happen, yeah it was childish but I wasn’t going to let anyone go over me like that. I hear footsteps approaching and I thought it was him

“Michael just get away from me I don’t want to see you right now”

“Well I don’t know who this guy Michael is but I can see you are pissed at him and I think he is real stupid to make someone so beautiful so mad, if you want I can kick his butt” I could tell he was a vampire so I turned around to face him

“Mind your own business, what do you want, are you fallowing me?” I hadn’t realize that I had gone so far from my friends I had probably walked 3 or 5 miles I was by myself and that was good how was I going to explain my friend I killed someone we just meet besides it wasn’t like they were expecting me to do something like that

“Well am sorry, I just wanted to make sure you were ok you know is not safe to be by yourself at night, and no I wasn’t fallowing you I live right here you are technically in my front yard I just saw you walking all by yourself what if something bad happens to you not like I care but if the police comes they are going to think it was me and I don’t really want any trouble right now” he smiled at me and just then I got a text from a number I didn’t knew it was a picture, I couldn’t believe my eyes it was Michael kissing Lissa it was taken today obviously, whoever send me the picture wanted me to break up with him and they were going to get what they wanted because I wasn’t going to be with him again this was too much for me to deal with and all of the sudden everything was black………………………….

When I wake up I was in a room I had never seen before, what was I doing here? Then I remember the vampire I saw in the beach and remember everything that happen.
“Hey are you ok?” he was worried about me and he probably knew I was a vampire as well, and it wasn’t normal for vampires to past out for no reason and it was probably because I haven’t drink blood in almost a month now I didn’t needed as long as I eat -a lot – but today I only eat in the morning an my body couldn’t go that long without food or blood

“Yeah am fine, I’m just hungry you know how that is” he look at me like I said too much

“Wait, you know that I now that we are” I couldn’t help but laugh was he expecting me not to notice it was obvious not just because of his scent but because he was gorgeous he had brown hair, grey eyes and a body that in other case I would have considered sexy if it weren’t for the fact that it was menacing at the same time but if he wanted I would be death right now so there was probably no danger at all.

“Of course I know, didn’t you notice I was since I walk in front of you or when I talk to you that how I notice, because of your voice” we were starring into each other’s eyes, I didn’t realize I was walking until we I felt his body he was warm and soft, I wanted him to hug and kiss me. I thought he was going to move away but instead he leaned closer to me and kiss me. It was everything I dreamed about it was gentle and sweet and he made his way through my mouth his tongue touch mine and we explore each other’s mouth it was the best kiss in my life it was perfect, I put my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist , I wanted him to hold me tighter as if he was reading my mind he did his fingers sent electric currents through my skin and then I remember I was wearing a bikini it would be so easy to just take it off and do what I knew we both wanted but why was I feeling this he was a complete estranger I didn’t even knew his name. at this point we were in his bed he
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