» Fiction » Short and Sweet, Rose Gonzalez [fantasy books to read txt] 📗

Book online «Short and Sweet, Rose Gonzalez [fantasy books to read txt] 📗». Author Rose Gonzalez

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Short and sweet

This is my first book i hope you like it,the picture i used is from the internet,this is book one of a series.
Enjoy! :)

What I want

Why me?

I have always asked why me, sure I was happy and had everything- maybe even more than everything- anyone could ever want; money, popularity, a long life- literately I was immortal a vampire to be exact- a boyfriend who loved me, my family, what else could I possibly ask for. To me the answer was simple; love was all I wanted and what I have always asked for. Love was what I wanted the most in the whole world even more than blood- which I didn’t really needed because I was also able to eat human food vampires were half human even when people believed we were dead- blood, yeah it was the best thing in the world but I would trade it just to be able to know how it feels to love.

I was beautiful, there were girls at school who were really pretty but they wouldn’t stand next to me because they were afraid to be compared with me. I was 5’6 not too tall but not short either. I had long strait hair and hazel eyes and ivory skin not pale white as you may think it is. My body was curvy and perfect; the type of body a model would kill to have. But that didn’t matter I was absolutely sure that Michael loved my eyes and not my body- he used to tell me that my eyes were like doors to my soul and that he was able to see that he loved me and not my body-but still everyone thought that was why he was with me .

Once again I was lost in thought and reality was that I was in the middle of the school cafeteria with him and some of his friends, at the center of the cafeteria where everyone could see the “popular” table the place where everyone wanted to be. Everyone but me I had never liked here almost everyone was fake and pretended to be the best in the world which was somewhat a lie because most of us had things that kept us from being happy. In my case I was a vampire, yeah it was awesome but and I loved it but the fact that I wasn’t
happy made me miserable and mad at the same time. I was miserable because I would never be happy until I meet my soul mate and we didn’t have an exact date to know when it was going to happen and some never meet theirs so what warrantee did I had the only thing I could do was date humans like any other teenager and move on before they notice that we didn’t age so I was why I was with Michael thank god we were half vampires and we were able to be with them without causing any harm to them.

“Oh my god, Phoebe baby was wrong with you?” Michael brought me back to reality and I was wondering how long I was lost in my little world.

“Sorry” was all could say

“Its ok babe, what’s wrong is there anything I could help you with?”

“No am fine, thanks so what were you‘ll talking about?”

“We were just talking about the beach trip tomorrow”

“Oh yeah the beach trip I totally forgot about that what time are we leaving?” I was shocked at the fact that tomorrow was Saturday

“at three but I thought it may be better if we leave at six that way we can see the sunset an stay there the whole night or something” before I could say anything Lissa beat me trough it

“Hey that’s an awesome idea” she was the cheerleader captain, she was a short, but really pretty she had short curly blonde hair and blue eyes. The most important thing was that she totally hated me for two reasons one, everyone liked me better than her and two and most important of all she liked Michael. Is not like I blame her Michael is handsome. He has blonde spiky hair, beautiful blue-gray eyes – the best thing about him besides his body- and a sexy ass body with a six pack and everything, every muscle of him was well built and his skin was white couple of shades lighter than mine.

”Yup that’s an awesome idea, I wonder why would you like to stay in the beach the whole night?” Jordan one of mike’s best friends say this but probably didn’t notice that he said that last part out loud, it sort of embarrassing but seeing lissa’s expression made me laugh she was so pissed at the thought of mike and I sleeping together. They all turned around to see him and Michael punch him because he was being disrespectful to me.

“Jordan this must be the last time you said something about our relationship what we do or don’t do is our business not yours”

“Oh my god Michael, why did you punch him? Yeah he shouldn’t said that but still that’s not right”

“Yes baby and I know is not right is just that I don’t like it when people get into our business, Jordan I don’t do that to you or anyone else why would you do it to me that’s just wrong”

“hey men you know I didn’t mean it like that, Phoebe am sorry if I was rude to you” I could tell Jordan was just as embarrassed as I was mike and him had never had any problems and his comment made everyone in the table shut up and there was people staring at us it was like at any second they would get into a fight and I didn’t wanted that to happen

“Don’t worry Jordan I guess it happens, now Michael calm down, come with me” I knew that as soon as we leave they would start talking about it but I just wanted him to calm down it was not a big deal as he was making it look like
As soon as we walk outside I hugged him and then he kissed me, could tell he was pissed but I didn’t new why yes Jordan was sort of disrespectful but he didn’t mean it and to be honest I thought it was nothing, but why would he be so pissed or was there something else to it?

“Hey baby was wrong with you? It wasn’t that bad and Jordan didn’t mean to be rude why are you make this a big of a deal when is not?”

“Sorry baby I just over reacted” as he said this I saw how he turned around to not see me he was definitely hiding something from me and yeah he knew he had over reacted but there was more though it that he was not telling me and I knew this wasn’t about Jordan it had never being about Jordan he was pissed at the fact that everyone thought we were together because of sex and it wasn’t like that at all we had never had sex and it wasn’t because I would harm him that would never happen yeah I was strong but all of us had self control and that self control allowed us to have sex with humans without consequences.

“Michael we have talked about this, I know how much you hate to know what they think about us but we know they are wrong besides I have always told you how I feel about that subject, if you want to we can do it anytime you want”

“Babe I don’t want to force you and I have told you that if we ever do it, it will be because you want not because I want it to be true, that all they think about us is right even when is not, we are together because we like each other not because we have sex everyday as they think we do which would be awesome but……..” I knew how much he loved me and how much it hurt him to say this he did wanted to be with me, he had always been honest about this he always told me what he thought and this was one of the reasons I liked him so much but I didn’t love him and I wasn’t ready to be with him just yet. I wanted him to be happy and I was going to make him happy regardless about what I would have to give up. Once again I kissed him and then I whisper to him

“Baby, I know what you want and your honesty shows me how much you love me…..I want you to be happy and if this is what you want we era going to do it”

“Babe, you don’t have to do this I love you and it doesn’t matter what we do or don’t do I will always feel the same way” he smiled at me and I could tell he was been honest he wanted me to be ready and he knew I wasn’t. We had been together two years and nothing had ever gone to the sex part so I was happy about it yeah I was 17 – for more than four hundred years, I was actually 461 but I looked like 17 and everyone we knew thought I was 17 including Michael. what would he said if he knew the truth? - Years old and I wasn’t like any teen that was with every single boyfriend they had. He knew it and he understood how I feel and he respected my decision

“Thanks baby, I know how this is for you and I wish I could be able to…….” He kissed me and that was his way of telling me he was ok with whatever I choose or say.
The rest of the day went by really fast and finally it was time to go home. As usual there was no one home, my mom was too busy with her friends and daddy was working I didn’t really understand why he was working we had enough money to live as billionaires for at least 50 more years maybe even more, but he hated to stay home and we wanted to look normal and working was one of them. I wanted to do something but there was nothing for me to do so I went to sleep. When I wake up my parents were already home. So I went downstairs to talk to them.

“Hey mom, did I told you about my trip to the beach tomorrow?”

“Yes honey you did, why are you not going anymore?”

“Yes we are is just that we had a little change in plans and we are going to stay over there”

“Is ok with me as long as someone goes with you, you know is dangerous for you to stay over there by yourself what if something bad happens to you”

“Mom I’m sure nothing bad is going to happen to me besides no one would touch me and if they do it won’t be fun they are not even going to live through it”

“Phoebe Grimaldi, what are you talking about? Saffron say something to your daughter”

“bee-bee you can go” I loved my daddy he

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