» Fiction » Short and Sweet, Rose Gonzalez [fantasy books to read txt] 📗

Book online «Short and Sweet, Rose Gonzalez [fantasy books to read txt] 📗». Author Rose Gonzalez

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was on top of me I pull my hands from his neck end reached for his shirt as soon as it was off I put my hands on his neck but then my cell phone ring and he saw where we were at and he pull himself off of me and answer my cell phone clearly annoyed at the fact that whoever it was distracted him from what we were doing

“Hello?” he was staring at me, I was breathing unevenly so I tried to control myself he just smiled at me

“Who the hell are you?, and were is Phoebe at?” Michael was mad at the fact that another man answer my phone if he was worried about me now he was only mad.

“Who the hell I am?, well my name is Aiden and Phoebe is right here with me want to talk to her” he wink at me and I just smile at him instead of being mad at him for answering my phone I was happy he did it now thanks to that I knew his name and mike was pissed once again but shouldn’t be mad he kissed someone while I was gone and I wasn’t going to forgive him for that at the same time I was happy if it weren’t because I got mad at him for the way he talked to me before I would have never meet Aiden in the first place so I owe him and Lissa a lot

“Aiden do I even know who you are and what the hell are you doing with my girlfriend?” was he really expecting Aiden to be jealous

“Well am Phoebe’s friend and no I don’t think you know me and as far as am concern she doesn’t have a boyfriend anymore that unless she decides she wants to be my girlfriend” uh I could tell mike was furious but the fact that he knew exactly what to tell mike was making me happy. Was he just trying to make him mad or did he really wanted to be my boyfriend?

“Fuck you, Phoebe is mine”

“You better shut the hell up before I go and beat the crap out of you Phoebe is not yours and neither is mine, she doesn’t have an owner” Aiden was furious as well if we were near Michael he would be death in a blink of an eye, I walk to were Aiden was and motioned him to give me my phone back but before he did Michael spoke again

“Keep dreaming you son of a bitch you are lucky am not near you, and give Phoebe her phone”

“What did you call me, you have ten seconds to apologize before I rip you head off” and he darted to door I run behind him he was going to be there in less than five seconds and I didn’t wanted him to kill Mike yeah he was being an ass but I didn’t wanted him to get killed. I was faster than him so I tackle him to the floor before he could get up I kissed him, it worked he calm down and I took the phone away from him.

“Hey mike just shut up will you? Am coming wait so we can discuss this better” and I hang up then I look Aiden still on the floor with me on top of him
“You know am going to run more often if every time I do you are going to be on top of me, you have no idea of how good this feels, I haven’t been this close to a girl in more than 50 years" smiled at me and kissed me again “thanks”

“What for?” he was right It felt good, I had been with others before but not this close and it felt different it was like we were made for each other

“For kissing me, for not letting me kill your boyfriend even when he deserves it, for been alive, for been here, for making my heart beat again, and I know is too soon but I love you” he brushed his fingers in my back and I moaned in pleasure and then he kissed me forcefully but it still felt good I moved my lips away from his and brushed them along his jaw then I kiss his neck and he moaned

“Bite me!”

“What? No I can’t do that you know I haven’t drink in a while I don’t think that’s a good idea”

“Yes, bite me please do it, nothing is going to happen I promise” I did it was wow I don’t have words to describe it his blood tasted like honey, sweet and smooth rich and tasty it was great and once again he moaned in pleasure, then he slightly turned and my back was to the sand I moved my mouth to his and we kissed it was great and I was sure it was going to happen, instead he pulled both of us up

“I told you nothing was going to happen, thanks”

“You are welcome hey what time is it?”

“ Nine fifteen, why?” why didn’t I brought my car am so stupid now I have to stay near Mike all night

“Well as you know I was here with my friends and boyfriend” he made a face when I said boyfriend “well ex boyfriend and we were going to stay here all night and I don’t have my car with me so I can’t go back home and I don’t really want to stay all night near him”

“ We can solve that easily you can stay home with me or I can take you home if you prefer” his face changed as soon as he said the last part he obviously wanted to stay with me and so did I

“Why don’t you come with me Aiden, I need to talk to mike and then we can go to your house together..If you want….but if you come with me please promise me you won’t kill mike or anyone else”

“Sure I won’t kill anyone I promise” his smile widened

“Oh yeah I …I love you too” I couldn’t believe I said it but it was true I did loved him this time it was real I loved him and this was my dream come true this was all I needed and all I had
“I guess soul mates do exist at least mine does I love you and I know is not official yet but I heard you were single so do you want to be my girlfriend for the rest of our lives?” he loved me as much as I did so this mean that we were going to be together forever instead of answering I kissed him “Do I take that as a yes”

“I don’t know if you are my soul mate then yes, and if you are not just walk away and take it as a no” he smiled and then he reaches and bite my lip without making it bleed he was just teasing me “if you keep kissing me it will never be official”

“Oh yeah let’s meet the stupid human….well no he is not stupid I owe him thanks to him we are together”Mike was waiting for me at the parking lot apparently no one had notice his discussion and I could hear the others half a mile away saying that we were probably having sex and also talking about the Lissa and Mike’s kiss apparently he kissed her and they make out in front of everyone and of course Lissa couldn’t say no so she just follow his lead and it wasn’t until Lissa started taking his top until he pull away from her and started looking for me, someone smart enough to take a picture the others were just shocked about the fact that he was making out with her and not with me that reacted after they stopped. There he was now his eyes were red he had probably cried or something I didn’t wanted to make things worse for him yes he made a mistake and I did too but how was I going to explain this. As he hear me approaching he pull his head up he wasn’t expecting Aiden and then as I fallow his gaze I saw what he was looking at Aiden and I were holding hands as soon as I saw this I drop his hand Aiden notice it but did do anything about it I guess he knew what I was doing it

“So it is true? We are not together anymore? Why you know I love you…how long have you been with him did you cheated on me?” he was pleading me to tell him the true but what was I going to tell him obviously not the true it was Aiden who answer

“look man am sorry about all this, o know she feels bad about it but we didn’t planned it just happen and we got in all this mess it happen so soon I, I mean we didn’t expected and we are sorry we hurt it we didn’t mean it to happen, and if this helps I promise you I will take care of her I would like for you to do the same if it were the other way round sorry” he was right we didn’t mean it to happen but it did

“Mike am sorry, and no I did not cheated on you, since the minute that you kissed Lissa we were not together anymore, and we have not done anything wrong it was just a kiss not a make out scene as your and am not making excuses I just want to be honest...Um I, am sorry really sorry”

“So you know about that? Guess I deserve it I was a bitch to you and I cheated on you am sorry and I hope you are happy, after all am not your owner I learned the hard way and am sorry you wasted two years with a selfish bitch like me” he was trying to make me sorry, to make it seem like I was the one that make all the mistakes and like it was my fault yeah it was but it was his as well I we didn’t deserve this I hurt him and now he was hurting me, it was like he was expecting me to leave Aiden and come back to him and I was sure it wasn’t going to happen because I loved Aiden too much yeah I just meet him but I love him more than my own life

“Hey you don’t have to act like you are the victim cause you are not and making Phoebe feel guilty is not going to change anything, Michael I know you like her I mean who doesn’t, but you don’t love her if you did you would have never kissed that other girl and just stopped doing it she is been honest to you and you are making her feel miserable for something she had never done, if you want to blame someone blame me I got in between she didn’t mean to hurt you” it was like he could see what I was thinking and he had the right words to describe it but it wasn’t his fault either

“Who are you her spokesman or something I was talking to her not you” everything was an act he wasn’t sorry at all he just wanted to get his way. I walked around to the other side of his car to get my stuff out so I
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