» Fiction » Short and Sweet, Rose Gonzalez [fantasy books to read txt] 📗

Book online «Short and Sweet, Rose Gonzalez [fantasy books to read txt] 📗». Author Rose Gonzalez

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could leave and end this conversation once and for all. I could feel their gaze against my back, they probably got the wrong idea because when I turned around Michaels expression was triumphant he probably thought I was going to leave with him and Aiden’s was hurt he thought the same thing and it hurt him to think I was going to get away from him

“Mike am sorry you don’t understand what is going on, and Aiden is right this is not my fault is not even yours or his, it just happen and is not anybody’s fault sorry and I got to go”

“What? Where are you going? You don’t have your car remember we were going to stay here “he glared at Aiden he probably knew I was going to stay with him or something
“that’s a dumb question you are probably are going to sleep with him aren’t you?”

“no am not going to sleep with him I call Selene to pick me up pick me up Aiden is just going to take me to where they are picking me up and am going to stay at her house for the rest of the weekend so don’t look for me home I won’t be there, am sorry but we are not together anymore, sorry” Selene was my best friend she wasn’t here with us today because she wasn’t friends with anyone here besides me. Michael believed me I was really good at lying but Aiden didn’t I knew I wasn’t fooling him at all he probably knew I was trying to make things better for mike so he didn’t said anything about it “Am sorry and we got to go bye mike and once again am sorry”

“Bye Phoebe” well at least he understood it would be hard for him, his ego was broken-not every day a girl broke up with him it was always the other way round- but it was better for him to know the truth we left him by himself and I call Jordan and tell him to come here by himself mike needed a friend and Jordan was like a brother to him besides I wanted to make sure he didn’t do anything stupid because of me. We were walking along the beach back to his house he was holding my hand but didn’t said much I was grateful about it I wasn’t ready to talk I wasn’t hurt or anything I just feel bad because I caused Mike pain but it was better for him to know the truth.

“Hey I know you liked him and that you spend some time, and am sorry you are unhappy after all he was your boyfriend for quite long if you want I …. I can get away from you so you two can be together” I was hurting him too but he got everything wrong I wasn’t sad because I wasn’t with him I was sorry for him I stopped walking and he drop my hand and kept walking

“Aiden please stop” he did but didn’t turn around so I walked a little to face him but he didn’t wanted to see me. I put my hand in his jaw and make him face me. There was pain his eyes he hated the fact that I was been miserable and didn’t care to sacrifice himself to make me happy. “Aiden please, I love you and there in not anything I want more than you, yeah I spend a lot of time with him but I had never loved him, am sad because I hurt him and the least I want right now is to hurt you too so please don’t you ever say or think about leaving me ok we just found each other, I want you and no one else so now can we go to your house?”

“Really is that it? I love you too and is not my home anymore, now is our home if you want”

“Yeah that’s it, really our home? I would love that”We run the rest of the way to our home; he opened the door for me and kissed me.

“Hey Aiden were is the restroom at I need to take a shower”

“Down the hall the first door to the left, mind if I come with you?” what was I supposed to say I wanted him to come but….. Once again the blackness come to me and I found myself in his arms somewhere in the house. I could tell he was worried and it was unnecessary because I knew this was about the fact that I needed to eat something my body wasn’t used to not eating anything in so long, his blood help but just a little and now I needed to eat or I would pass out again.

“Phoebe was wrong? Are you ok what can I do for you? Oh my god please say something, love please” he was near hysterics

“Don’t worry am fine” before I could say anything else he interrupted me

“Fine? What the hell is wrong with you, you are not fine this is the second time this happens”

“Let me finish, am fine this is nothing is just that I haven’t eaten in almost the whole day, I ate breakfast but that was it and it wouldn’t be a problem if it weren’t for the fact that I haven’t drink any blood in more than a month”

“What are you crazy? You now we can’t go without blood for so long, and food is not enough to keep us strong, that was irresponsible of you come on let’s get you something to eat” I started to get up but fell back again, he pull me up in his arms and carry me to the kitchen. Ha made spaghetti for me and I finish everything even though it was enough to feed three people

“It was delicious, thanks”

“You’re welcome, now let’s go get you some blood I bet there’s still people around here”

“Am full, maybe later”

“Ok, I thought you wanted you take a shower?” I totally forgot about it. I got up and dragged him with me

“Wait I was just kidding you don’t have to do this if you don’t want”

“I, I do want to take a shower with you…”


“But I don’t know what is going to happen after that am sort of afraid I have never done it before” I pull my head down as I said this it was sort of embarrassing there was nothing to be afraid but I was what if I don’t do it right what if he didn’t like it.

“Don’t worry about it we won’t do anything you are not ready to do I promise I would stop as soon as you tell me, we are just going to take the shower and go to sleep as soon as we get out no sex involved” he look at me and smiled “ We can keep our underwear on if you want”

“Ok, but if I take mine off will you keep yours on?”

“Of course mine won’t come off unless you take it off” I just smile at him and take him to the restroom. I turn the water on and went inside the water was warm and he was too like he said he didn’t take his off

“Hey can you do something for me?” I asked I wasn’t ready yet but I knew I would soon be

“Yeah I can do whatever you want me to do”

“ Can you take my bikini off, after you do wait for me to take your off”

“Are you sure? I can wait as long as you want; would you get mad if I touch you while you decide when to take mine off?”

“Am sure, and I won’t get mad” he kissed me again and pull his hands to my back and pulled the stings of my top and tossed it lightly to the floor then he went down to his knees and pull the rest of, as soon as he finish he take a steep back and looked at me he stay there admiring my body and then pull me to him and started kissing me again our body’s fit perfectly and the touch made both of us moan it was like a signal he lower his hand and brushed his fingers all the way down to thighs and pull me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he pulled his hands up and hold me tighter to him. I unwrapped my legs and pushed the button to fill the tub to take bath as I got down to seat I pulled his boxers off

“Are you sure about this? I want you to be sure and if you are I would like to make love to you, like I said we can stop whenever you want”

“Am sure”

when i wake up the next morning he was gone i got dressed and started calling his name there was no answer so i got out of the room and look for him in the rest of the house, he wasn't anywhere near, i was afraid what if i didn't see him again what if he didn't came back. my knees give up and i fell to the floor and started crying i was in front of the door and he found me there

" Phoebe was wrong? are you sick again Bee-bee answer me please what's wrong?" did he just called me bee-bee tha was my nick name but only my family used it, he was worried about me and i coulnd't stop crying it was a stupid thing to do after all he was back and he didn't leabe me as i thought he did "please love tell me what's wrong"

" You left me, here and i thoght i wasn't going to see you again i was so afraid of losing you" he smiled at me and hold my head in his hands and forced me to meet his gaze

" I would never leave you you are my life, am sorry i left but i wanted to get breakfast for us and i didn't wanted to wake you up so i just left, am sorry"he hug me and then kissed me

I spent the whole day with him i wanted to know everything about him. he lived with his mom and his dad had been killed when he was little - he was 515 and his dad was killed when he was 5- they didn't knew why but his mom was looking for his killer since then he was with her most of the times but he decided to stay this time. they wanted revange and they would do everything to get it they were sure his dad was innocent and that motivated them to keep looking. He had never been with anybody, he had a couple of girlfriends every now and then but he usually broke up with them before they could have anything more serious -before they had sex in this case- he loved his freedom and he was willing to change that to be with me. i told him about me i had my parents and two brothers who were twins, my dad was part of the counsil who ruled the vampires and it was maded of five people-i was part of the most powerful families in our world- and he didn't understand what i was by myself all the time when i should be guarded every minute to keep me a live
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