» Fiction » Short and Sweet, Rose Gonzalez [fantasy books to read txt] 📗

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i was an easy target and he didn't like to think about me been in trouble but i tell him what my dad thought me he still thought thhe same just like my mom but i wanted to have a normal life well if that is possible considering who i was. i hadn't realize it was late the day had gone by so fast and it was time forme to go home. i call my mom and tell her what happen and to see if Aiden could talk to my dad-he insisted on asking permission cause it was the propper way to do this- i didn't thought it was necessary but i did as he told me. i was happy because i knew everything will be right and i would be with the love of my life but that thought didn't last much.

As soon as my dad saw him, my happiness dissapear apparently they knew each other from before, when i turned to see him he was as shock as i was it wasn't normall for my dad to be this mad at someone who he barely knew "what the hell are you doing with my daughter"

" Excuse me? i don't even know you sir, what have i done to you to deserve this"

" Don't act like you don't know what your father do to our kind" daddy saw the same as i did Aiden was as surprised as i was he tell me about his dad and they didn't knew anything about him just that he was killed for something they didn't know "your dad killed our king and we killed him, he betrayed his people to make a fabor to the necron's if your dad did that what would you do? probably the same i don't want you anywhere near my doughter you have two second to live our life before i kill you" as he said that we were surrounded by the guard i was afraid they would hurt him, he was still trying to figure out what was going on it was impossible for him to believe his dad had actullly done whta my dad said, he found the answers to all his questions and with that knowledge, everything change the guard started to get near us i shoked him and tell him to leave, that it was better for now i was sure i would never see him againg but i didn't wanted to get him killed he saw me i was pleading him to leave before something happen, we run for the door i wanted to go with him but my dad stopped me."Phoebe where do you think you are going you are going to satay here or i will have to kill him, you have the opportunity to leave if you don't am going to kill you and if my daughter tries to help you i will have to kill her too because of you, i would not see her be with someone like you"

" No dad there's nothing yoy can do i love him and you won't tell me what to do"

" Phoebe he is right if he is telling the true you shouldn't be with some one like me" he couln't believe any of this but he didn't wanted get me killed he hug me and opened the door ready to leave

" no, please don't leave me i need you"

" am sorry Bee-bee love, am not good for you i don't want anything to happen to you i love you and is because of that that i have to leave" this hurt him more or as much as it hurt me i wanted to be with him but if we stay together we woul get both of us killed he was doing this to save me- he didn't care about him he only care about me and no one else" please promise me you will not do what you did yesterday before i meet you, keep your self strong that way i would know that you are alive and tht this was the right thing to do"
he left everything was gone with him, i wished i was normal but i wasn't and this was the end of my life. i run to my room as soon as i was inside i cried my self to sleep at leat i could forget for some hours my life was gone, Aiden was my life and now he was gone, and the worst part was that he had never done anything if it was true he wasn't responssible for his dad's actions but this was our worl and loyalty come before everthing i hated my life i hated my dad for been the cause of my pain we didn't deserve this and he killed me, as he promisse he would but at least some where- as hurt as i was- Aiden was still alive.

TO BE CONTINUE..........................


Publication Date: 06-21-2011

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