» Fiction » The Story Of Jasmine Craft, Alexis Doberstein [reading strategies book txt] 📗

Book online «The Story Of Jasmine Craft, Alexis Doberstein [reading strategies book txt] 📗». Author Alexis Doberstein

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a few bites and passed it on. A couple minutes later I felt like I had no energy at all. It was getting to the point where I couldn’t even sit up any longer.”

“The man helped me lie down on the ground. I heard horses in the distance coming this way and the man ran to the woman’s tent. She quickly came out of it and said “When the wagon get’s here put the kids in it. And station two of your men in the wagon with them incase one of them wakes up.” The man nodded his head and walked off. I could hear the horses and they were closer now. I could feel myself being lifted off the ground, but I was too tired to care anymore. Where I was in my mind I could fell no pain. No suffering or misery, and then I fell asleep.”

“When I awoke I was in a cell. I looked around and found no way to get out. I tried to stand up but couldn’t. I kept falling. Some one heard me and came over to my cell. He looked at me and then walked back to where he came from. He came back with the woman from the campsite and he unlocked the door and let her in. She walked over to me and said, “Can you walk?”
I shook my head and said, “No. I can’t even stand up.”
She looked over to the guard and said, “Help me take her to my room. And send the maids to get food and water.”
The man bowed and said, “As you wish my lady.” And with that said I was being carried again up a long staircase and down a long corridor until we reached a door. The woman opened it and inside laid everything you could possibly imagine a room could have. It had chairs and a table. The biggest bed I’d ever seen and more.
The woman said, “Put her on the bed and tell the maids to hurry otherwise they will have to deal with the master.”
The man bowed and said, “Right away my lady.”

He hurried off and she shut the door. She turned and smiled at me and said, “I’m sorry I never introduced myself. I’m Phoebe. And this is my home. I’m sure you’ll like it here very much.”
I shook my head and said, “Thank you. But Phoebe why am I here?”
She smiled and said, “Oh Monica, again with the questions. I can’t answer that quite yet, but I can tell you that you are very important to the master. And he wants’ to explain that himself.”
I shook my head and said, “Okay.” Phoebe smiled.
Someone knocked at the door, and she said, “Enter.” Three other women came in with dishes of food and water. They set the table and served the food.
Phoebe then said, “You may go now, but send in Jason.”
The maids looked at each other and then at their mistress and said, “Are you sure mistress?”
Phoebe stood up and said, “You dare question my authority?”
The maids shook their heads furiously and said, “No mistress. We’ll get him right away.” And with that they left the room.

Phoebe looked at me and said, “Monica are you hungry?”
I shook my head and said, “Yes.” She smiled and came to help me. I could walk a little but I was still falling all over the place. She started to mutter to herself saying something about stupid mutt giving the children to much of the powder. And the she sat down and put a piece of meat and fruit on my plate. I immediately dug into the food. I had never tasted anything so good in my life. Phoebe smiled and poured me some of what looked like juice. I took it and drank.
I looked up at Phoebe and she said, “Monica. You are about to meet someone very important. So it’s important to do exactly as I tell you to okay?”

I wanted to ask why but I knew she wouldn’t answer so I just said, “Okay.” There came another knock at the door and they entered the room. It was one of the maids. Phoebe said, “What are you doing back here? I told you to go and get Jason.”
The maid bowed and said, “Forgive me mistress, but the master wants’ to meet the child in the throne room for dinner.”
Phoebe looked furious and said, “Fine if that’s what he wants he shall get it, but I will need you and your sisters to tend to Monica here and get her ready and presentable is that clear?”
The maid bowed again and said, “Yes mistress.” Phoebe nodded her head and the maid left.
She turned to me and said, “Monica there has been a change of plans okay? But you will still get all your questions answered in time. I promise. Okay?” I shook my head. And then she said, “My maids are going to take you to be bathed and clothed appropriately for the occasion.” I nodded my head. She smiled and said, “You make me very proud Monica. To see someone your age so special, and obedient to the master. I’m sure he’ll be pleased to know that you are very obedient already. So maybe you won’t have to go through the training. But I must warn you Monica. The master does not like people who disobey him. He will punish those who do disobey him. And he will do it without questions.” I nodded my head. The maids came back in the room. And then took me out and into a room that had a tub in it. They stuck me in, and scrubbed me down from head to toe. They scrubbed my skin until it turned red. Then they put clothes on me and brought me back to Phoebe’s room. Phoebe came out and smiled at me. Then looked at the maids and said. “Your job is done for now. You may go.” The bowed and left. Phoebe led me down a long corridor and up some stairs. We finally reached a room that had what looked like men guarding it. Phoebe walked up to them and said, “Open the door.”
The man on the right said, “No one is allowed to enter without permission from the master.”
Phoebe walked right up to him and smacked him across the face, and then said, “Stupid mutt. This is the child he’s been waiting to see for years, and now that she finally exists do you really want to deny him that chance?”
He looked at Phoebe and said, “No. Go right in”
The Master

(Authors Note: The mother of Jasmine continues on in this chapter.)

Phoebe grabbed my hand and we entered the room. I saw a long table being set for dinner and a man by the fireplace. Phoebe bowed and said, “Master. Here is the child you’ve requested.” He looked at Phoebe and shook his head. Phoebe looked at him and said, “Does this not please you master? I assure you it is the child you have been looking for. If it wasn’t, master, I wouldn’t have brought her here.”
He looked at her and said, “I know you wouldn’t have Phoebe, because that would mean that you would have to suffer the consequences for disobeying me. Now wouldn’t it?”
Phoebe nodded her head and said, “Yes master I would. But like I said I assure you th...” The man put up his hand and she immediately stopped talking.
He walked over to the table and said, “Sit.” Phoebe dragged me over to the table and helped me to a chair. Then she sat down next to me. The man was at the head of the long table. The man looked at me and smiled. I looked at Phoebe and she nodded.
He looked at Phoebe and said, “Have you told her?”
She shook her head and said, “No master. You told me to leave all her questions that she has for you to answer.”
He smiled and said, “Very well then. Child what is your name?”

I looked at him and said “Monica.”
He looked at Phoebe and said, “Monica. What a beautiful name for such a beautiful girl. And how old are you?”
“10 years old” I replied.
He looked at me and said, “Well we have a young lady on our hands now don’t we?” And he starts laughing. Phoebe smiles at him. I spoke up and said, “Sir, Why am I here? Why did they do that to my mother?” The man stops laughing and looked at me.
He stared at me for a few minutes and then said, “Monica you are a very special girl. You have a very special gift that will be very useful to me. And after your training I’m sure we’ll get along a lot better.”
Phoebe spoke up and said, “Master if I may she is already very obedient and is a good listener. The whole time I’ve been watching her like you told me to she has been very obedient.”
He looked at her and said, “Is that so? Phoebe you know I put them through training because it keeps them from turning on me.”
Phoebe shook her head and said, “Yes master. I am aware of that. But this child is unlike any other. And she has unique gifts that will be of very good use to you. If we break her there’s a good chance she won’t have them when we’re finished.”
The master looked at her and shouted, “What do you mean she won’t have them?!”
Phoebe bowed her head and said, “Forgive me master, but I have researched her ancestors and all of them that have the same gift could not be broken because their powers come from their passion and their love. As she grows so will her love for someone, and then her powers will begin to grow.”
He looked at her and said, “Are you sure?” Phoebe shook her head. He looked at me and said, “You are a very powerful sorceress like your mother was. And she gave her life to save you. You were the one she loved most. Who do you love most Monica?”

I felt like I wanted to cry but I said, “My mother.”
He looked at me and said, “Yes Monica you do love your mother but who will you look up to for guidance and understanding?”
I looked up and said, “You?”
He smiled and said, “We have a very bright girl on our hands.” And he smiled. He looked at Phoebe and said, “She is to stay here and be raised at the palace. And when old enough she is to be my wife.”
Phoebe looked at him and said, “Master? She is to be your wife? I thought that…” He cut her off again and said, “Yes Phoebe. My wife. Is there a problem?” Phoebe shook her head. The man smiled and said, “Okay then. Everything is

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