» Fiction » The Story Of Jasmine Craft, Alexis Doberstein [reading strategies book txt] 📗

Book online «The Story Of Jasmine Craft, Alexis Doberstein [reading strategies book txt] 📗». Author Alexis Doberstein

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I ran to my high school. I knew that the high school had an attic that I could hide in and it also had camera’s and stuff so I could see if they were coming…now all I had to do was find a way to get in. I found a window that was still open in a class room and climbed through there. I made my way to the office where the TV’s that show the camera’s are. I had hoped that I'd be safe there, but boy was I wrong. About ten minutes later they show up in front of the school.

They looked for a way to enter but they couldn’t find any. So they just broke in a window and climbed through. I could see them on the camera that they had split up and are on the first floor where the exit is. I needed to wait till they were on the second or third floor before I could make my escape. They just reached the second floor so now was my chance I ran quietly out of the office and down the back stairs I ran to the class room where the busted window was, and I climbed right out. I ran down the street some more and came to what looked like a forest. I ran into the dense greenery and looked for someplace to hide.

I ran and I hid behind a bush. It was thick enough so they hopefully couldn’t see me. I sat there and tried so hard not to breath loudly even though my heart felt like it was about to burst out my chest. I heard a branch snap to my right and my breathing came to a stop…I heard some leaves rustle to my left. I was trapped. There was no way out. I would have to face my fate. Would I have to face what has been expected for years? But I never really listened to anyone, and now am I going to pay for that mistake?
Since When Do Strangers Care?

I was waiting for them to catch me. I was waiting to face whatever fate may lie ahead. I turn my head and peek between the branches of the bush, but nothing is there. But I knew better then to let my guard down. There was someone else in these woods besides me. I heard something to my right again, and this time I looked. It was a man. I get up and try to run, but he grabbed me from behind. I screamed for help. But he covered my mouth before I could get the word out of my mouth. I started kicking and doing everything I could to make him let go of me but he wouldn’t. He was just standing there holding me and keeping me from running. I finally stopped kicking and screaming and I look up at him. “Are you done?” he asked. I look at him and nod. He let go of me and backed up a little but was still facing me. “Who are you?” I asked. He looked at me and said “I cannot tell you for that will put you in even more danger. I shouldn’t have even done what I just did. But they were closing in on you and they still are. You won’t survive a fight by yourself. So I suggest that we keep moving….quietly.” He began to walk more into the forest and I followed. I didn’t know why I followed him. I just thought that if I followed him I might have a better chance at surviving if those other guys would come along again. He led me deep into the woods till we came to a clearing. He turned around and said “We should stop and make camp here for the night. We need all the strength we can get if those two show up again.” He started gathering sticks and branches from the ground and putting it into a pile. Then he took a lighter out of his pocket and lit the branches to make a fire to keep us warm. I looked up at him and said “Won’t they see the smoke and light from the fire?” He smiled and said “Well that’s a chance we’re going to have to take. Unless you’d rather be cold the rest of the night?” I shook my head. And he said “I thought so.” Then he started laughing and turning away walking in the other direction. “Where are you going?” I asked. “To go and catch some dinner” He replied. I tried staying up and waiting for him to return with food, but I couldn’t. All the walking we had done worn my out. I fell asleep to the sound of a crackling fire, and the thought of my parents. I awoke to the sound of snoring. And I found the man that saved me sleeping next to me. He has nice facial features and not a bad body either. In other words he would pass for a cute guy. I moved to try and get up but I bumped a branch and it broke. His eyes flew open and his nostrils flared and he jumped to his feet and he was looking around for any kind of danger. Then he looked down at me and said “Oh. It’s just you.” Then he sat back down. I looked at him and said “Why won’t you tell me who you are or where were even going?” He looked at the remains of last nights fire and said “I told you before I cannot tell you my name that will only put you in more danger, and as for where were going I don’t know yet. All I know is that you have to stay safe from the master.”
I looked at him and said “Who is this master that everyone keeps talking about and what does he want with me?” He looked at me and said “Your parents never told you anything?” “My mom told me a little bit about the master and how she trained there, and that the master’s name is Jason Craft and that he is my real father.” He looked at me and closed his eyes and nodded. I shifted and said “How do I know that I can trust you? You could be working for the master for all I know.” He started laughing. I waited for him to stop laughing, and he looked at me and realized that I was serious. Then said “If you thought that I was working with the master then why did you follow me all this way?” I looked him right in the eye and said “I followed you because I knew that I would probably have a better chance at survival if those other two guys ever showed up again.” He smiled and said “Smart girl. And no I’m not working for the master. I use to but he banished me from the kingdom because I tried to save someone that he believed was a threat and an enemy to the kingdom.”

Traveling With A Traitor!

I got up so fast that I tripped backwards and fell on my butt. He looked at me and said “I know what your thinking, but I’m not going to harm you. I’m only here to protect you. I need to make sure your safe and that the master doesn’t find you.” I looked at him and said “Protect me?! More like turn me in for ransom or something. Do you think I’m that dumb to believe anything you say after you just told me that?! You use to work for him and now you expect me to believe that you’re trying to protect me?! Sorry but you got the wrong girl.” He looked at me and said “You will learn to trust me. But in the meantime you need to practice your fighting skills.” I looked at him like he was crazy. “Get up.” He said. I looked at him and said “Are you crazy? I thought you said you’re supposed to protect me so why do I have to practice?” He grabbed me by the hood of my sweater and pulled me to my feet. Then said “Because I can’t fight everyone at once and if anything happens to me you have to know how to protect yourself from them. Now try and punch me.” I look at him and shake my head. “I’m serious.” He said. I look at him and say “Fine. But if you end up with a bruise it’s because you asked for it.” I threw a punch at him and in one swift movement he had my arm pinned behind me and I was facing away from him. I struggled to get free but he wouldn’t let go. He whispered in my ear “Don’t get over confident because you will end up losing.” He let me go and motioned for me to try again. So I did. He took his leg and tripped me and I landed flat on my face. He rolled me over with his foot and said “Always be prepared for the unexpected.” I got back up. He tried to punch me again but I ducked out of the way and punched his gut. He shuffled back a couple feet but then tried to kick me. I back flipped out of the way. He looked at me and asked “You can do tricks too?” I look at him and said “I took gymnastics for 5 years.” He looked at me and said “Good. We can apply that to your training, but since you can do that it means that I’m going too easy on you. So let’s take it up a notch.” With that said he tried punching me again but I ducked. But then he brought his knee up to my forehead which caused me to fall backwards onto my back. He said “Apply what you’ve learned into your training. Trust me it will work.” I look at him and shake my head while getting up. He tried to use his let to sweep me off my feet but I jumped up before he could and punched him in the chest. He swung back but I was already on the ground in a splits position and I brought my leg around and swept his legs

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