» Fiction » The Story Of Jasmine Craft, Alexis Doberstein [reading strategies book txt] 📗

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settled. Monica you’ll be staying here with me and going through training so you can learn how to use your powers wisely.”
I looked at him and said, “Okay.” He smiled at me. Back then I wasn’t educated enough to know what the word wife meant, so I just went along with it. I thought that once I would be able to learn how to control my powers I would be able to use them to free myself.

So the years went by and I learned a lot about my powers and my ancestors. And how I was gifted, and why I was so important. But as the years went by I had grown very fond of the master. And he had grown very fond of me. One night the master and I were in the library reading more about my powers when someone came bursting through the door. The man came up to the master and said, “Master this is what is called The Book of Prophecies. The book tells what is to happen in the future so that you may avoid any harm that may come your way. And it also talks about Monica and her future.” He looked at the man and took the book. He paged through the book till he got to the page about Monica. He read it and smiled.
He looked at the man and said, “Have the maids ready my bedchamber.” Then man bowed and left. The master closed the book and set in down on a table. He walked over to me and took my hand and kissed it. The master then said, “The Book of Prophecies says that we are to have a child Monica. That you and I are to have a child that will be the most powerful of your bloodline. One that can rule the world with her love and compassion. Just like you have loved me over the years. And just like I have come to love you.”
I looked at the master and said, “Master I’m learning how to use my powers and I hope that pleases you, but do not ask of me to have a child. I am not ready master.”

He looked at me and said, “Monica you are very talented and very bright. And I love you very much.” He took my hand and pulled me up out of my chair and put my hand on his heart while saying, “Monica every beat of my heart beats for you and you only. It’s been that way since the day I met you. Phoebe interrupted me that day because she was supposed to be my wife. But then you came along, and changed me.” I looked at him and smiled. But what I was really thinking is that I could not have a child with him. That would give him the ultimate power he would need to control everything and everyone. I would not give that to him.
I looked at the master and said, “Master why do you want a child so bad, and why me?” The master looked at me and said “Your bloodline is what I need to bring order and peace to the world. And with my bloodline we are obedient and good leaders. You being a sorceress and I being a werewolf together we can create a whole new bloodline that will be the most powerful!”
I looked at him and said, “Master you never told me you were a werewolf.”
He looked at me and said, “I never told you because you didn’t need to know, and now you do, so I told you. Is there a problem with that?”
I shook my head and said, “No master it’s just I’m hearing everything at once.” He looked at me and smiled while saying, “Yes it is quite a lot to handle isn’t it. And to be thinking that I would be a father…I never thought it possible until you came along.”

I looked at him and said, “Master I’m sure even though you love me you could wait…or find another suitor. Couldn’t you master?”
He looked at me and said, “Why? Why should I find another when I have you Monica? Do you not love me the way I do you?”
I shook my head and said, “Yes master. I do not love you the way you love me. I love you like an older brother and I look up to you as a father. You are my guidance and the one who taught me wisdom in my youth. But I cannot have a child with you master. I am not ready.” He shook his head, then let go of my hand and walked to the other side of the room. He paced for a moment and then came back. He opened his mouth but nothing came out. Instead he slapped me across my face. I stood there shocked because he had never hit me before. I’ve seen him hit other people and sentence people to death, but never me. I put a hand up to my face and then brought it back down. I saw blood on my fingers. I looked up at him, and he looked at me with sorrow filled eyes, not knowing what to say.

I looked at him and said, “Master if you’ll excuse me.” I started to walk away but I couldn’t. Something was drawing me to him. I looked at him again and he was right behind me.
He grabbed my hand and pulled me into his arms and gave me a hug while saying, “My temperament is short please remembering that because I do not want to hurt you. You are too important to me and I don’t ever want to hurt you.” I nodded my head. I started to pull away but he kept holding me. I looked up at him and he kissed my forehead, and then my lips. I kissed him back because something came over me and I couldn’t stop it. It was weakening me. I kept wanting him more and more, so he took me to his bedchamber. And then he bedded me that night.
Is The Past Bound To Repeat Itself?

(Author’s Note: Jasmine’s mother still continues her story)

No one but his guards and the man who brought the book knew about this. About two months after that while I was getting dressed the maids tried to tie my dress in the back, but it wouldn’t fit. They tried to tighten it to get it to fit around me but I ended up crying out. The maids bowed and apologized. I told them to go and get the master in a hurry. The master came in and said, “What is it Monica? The maids we’re running down the hallway just to get me.”
I looked up at him and I said, “It’s been two months since you bedded me and now my dress doesn’t fit.”
He looked at me and said “Are you saying?”
I nodded my head and said, “Yes I believe that I am with child, but we’re going to have to tell everyone sometime. The maids have noticed that I can’t fit into a lot of things.”
The master nodded his head and said, “We will have you fitted for new ones and for a wedding dress. We will marry in a week and we will tell everyone then. Oh and Monica since you will be my wife there is no need to call me master. You can call me Jason.”
I nodded my head and said, “As you wish.”

He kissed my cheek and put a hand on my stomach. He smiled at the thought of me having a baby. Within the week preparations were made for the wedding and I was fitted for a dress, but I did not want to marry Jason. My heart belonged to one of his guards named Eric. Eric was a guard who knew what Jason was capable of. And Jason trusted Eric with everything. Just as I trusted him not to tell Jason about us. Eric knew his way around the palace as well as he knew every exit and every door, and who would be guarding them and at what times. The night before the wedding Eric and I planned to escape. We waited till night fall and made our way through the palace. We finally were able to sneak out the kitchen door to the outside. We ran deep into the woods and then stopped to make sure that no one followed. There was no sign of anyone following us so we continued going. We stopped in the morning because I needed to rest. I remember that I was just about to fall asleep when I heard a rumbling noise and then I finally heard the echo. It was Jason screaming my name.

Eric quickly got up and helped me up. We were on the run again. We had no place to go and we needed to find someplace to hide. We traveled that day and came to a stop at an old cottage. Eric knocked on the door and an old man answered. Eric kindly asked if we could stay the night because I was with child, and the old man told us we could. That night was the night I learned everything about what would become of you Jasmine. I learned that you would be a teenage girl who was very bright. And then 7 months later you did come along. You were the one who lit up my whole world Jasmine. You and your stepfather Eric. And then we made our way here to this dimension hoping that your father wouldn’t find us again, but I think he already has.

(Author’s Note: Jasmine’s mom is done telling her story.)

“Mom…if he finds us what do I do?” She looks at me and says, “You run Jazz. You run fast and you run as long as you can, and don’t stop no matter what until you get to safety. I’m serious Jasmine. If he finds you he will use you and I can’t let that happen. Eric and I have raised you the best we can and I don’t want your father to mess that up. Because you will be a fine woman one day.” I looked at her and smiled. I reached over to give her a hug, but I never reached her. Instead I was knocked out of the way because a man that appeared next to mom. She looked at me and shouted, “Go Jazz! Now! Remember what I told you!” I looked at her one last time and ran down the stairs. Eric had his hands full with two other guys that were there trying to fight him. I ran out the front door and down the street. I didn’t know where to go. There was no place for me too go. I didn’t know any of my relatives. And I didn’t have any friends. So I ran to the only place that they might have a hard time finding me at.

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