» Fiction » The Story Of Jasmine Craft, Alexis Doberstein [reading strategies book txt] 📗

Book online «The Story Of Jasmine Craft, Alexis Doberstein [reading strategies book txt] 📗». Author Alexis Doberstein

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out from underneath him. He fell onto his back. I stood up and said “There I applied my skills to the training like you said and it worked. Anything else?” He didn’t answer so I was about to turn around and walk away when all of a sudden my back hits the ground. I look up at him and he’s laughing. “Yeah there is one more thing. Never turn your back on your enemy unless he’s unconscious or dead. And we’re done practicing for today.” He walks away smiling. And I get up and brush myself off and follow him. We started walking again in a direction that I think is north but I can’t be sure with all these trees around. He comes to a stop and motions for me to be quiet. We listen for a few moments and then he grabs me and we hide behind a tree. I don’t understand because I can’t hear anything. A few minutes later I hear someone coming down the path we were just on. And there are voices. “She was here” a man said. “How long ago Trevor?” The man named Trevor sniffed the air again. “Not to long ago. Her scent is extremely fresh. I’d say 5 minutes ago maybe 10.” The other man said “Good. That means were closing in on her. But we can’t let her know that we are here. She will run from us again. The only reason we couldn’t catch her before is because her parents held us off. But now it should be easy since she has no one with her.”
“But Roman what if she has found someone to help her? You know that we ran into Diego in these woods and….” Roman interrupted him and said “Trevor you know he was banished from the kingdom therefore he is an enemy and if he causes trouble he shall be put to death. Now let’s keep going we can’t afford to let her get any farther then she already has.” The start walking again and I try and hide myself behind the tree even more and hoping they won’t find us. They got closer and closer to the tree that we were hiding behind. But the passed it and kept going. But I kept frozen until they were far enough away. I finally walked away from the tree and looked at him. He looked at me and said “Now you know my name and now you know what will happen if you tell anyone or if anyone finds out that I’m helping you.”
What Do I Have To Lose?

I looked at Diego and said “You really were trying to protect me weren’t you?” He looked at me while smiling and said “I told you over time you would learn to trust me. I’m only trying to protect you from the master. If he gets his hands on you…it’s over. He will be able to rule more then just his kingdom. Over time he will be able to rule everything and everyone.” I look at him wide eyed and said “Why am I so important to him besides being his daughter? I know I’m a sorceress and all, but I don’t even know how to use my powers or what they even are. How can I be of any use?” “He will put you through training. He puts all his servants and his army through training so that they will not turn on him. What your mother told you is true. Because of you being born from both your mother’s line of blood and from the master’s you are the most powerful sorceress this world has seen in ages. There has not been one as powerful as you for hundreds of years. And now that there is one he will not stop until he has that power.” He replied. I nodded my head then said “If he has an army…then we don’t have a chance. We hardly have a chance against the two guys that are after me now.” Diego looked at me and said “We still might. Trevor the guy who can sniff you out is a werewolf. And he has a keen sense of smell. As for Roman he is a sorcerer and he would normally be able to sense you if you were close, but you don’t know how to use your powers so he can’t sense your magic.” I walk over to the tree and sit down. “So as long as I don’t use my powers it’s harder for them to find me? Isn’t that what we want?” I said. Diego looked into the trees and sighed. Then walked over and sat by me. He looked at me and said “You will sooner or later have to use your powers. I can only protect you so much and the rest has to come from you. I will protect you the best I can, but like I said if something happens to me you need to be able to take care of yourself.” I looked up at him and said “But I don’t want you to get hurt because of me. I don’t want anyone to get hurt. If anyone should get hurt it should be me. It’s me that he wants. And I am his daughter so he wouldn’t hurt me if he needs me that bad.” Diego shook his head and said “Jasmine you’re missing the whole point. He may not hurt you physically but he would hurt you emotionally. He would push you until you broke. When I look at you’re glowing. Your spirit is strong and that’s what makes you brave and as strong as you are. But he will break that if he gets you. You will not know who you are anymore. You would become his slave even though you are his daughter. Your mother was lucky that she didn’t have to go through that training. She only had to go through the training to learn how to use her powers and what to use them for. Bottom line Jasmine….don’t give up. If you don’t want to do it for yourself do it for you parents. If they had not fought to buy you time you would not have gotten as far as you did. You would not have found me. And they would’ve captured you by now. But you were brave and you were strong enough to get through that and all the way here. Your bravery and strength doesn’t come from me being here with you. It comes from you and you only. You got yourself this far and I’m only here to help protect you.” I look at him and smile. “You think I’m glowing?” I replied. We both started laughing. I leaned back into the tree and look up at the sky. The sun was almost down and the moon and stars were coming out. Diego leaned back into the tree and started pointing out shapes the stars were making. There was one star alignment that looked like a wolf howling that I saw and I pointed it out to him and he didn’t like it to much. I asked him why but he dodged the question and went on explaining about some more of the stars. I closed my eyes and listened to the sound of his voice and to nature that surrounded us, and for once I felt safe. I normally never felt save unless I was at home, but for some reason when I was with Diego and we were surrounded by the moon and stars I felt safe.


I must’ve fallen asleep while Diego was talking to me because I woke up to a howling noise. I turn over to wake Diego, but he wasn’t there. I looked around for him from where I sat but he was no where to be found. He had abandoned me. He left me here to get caught. Well if there’s one thing he taught me it was not to go down without a fight. I looked around for a weapon and all I found were rocks and a few small branches. I grabbed the sharpest rock I could find and a good size branch and I started to sharpen one end of the branch to make it into a spear. I heard the howling again but this time it was even closer. I kept shaving the wood off the stick as fast as I could. I heard a rustling in the bushes that were across from the path behind the tree. I put the rock down and got up as quietly as I could without making any noise. I had my weapon in hand and was waiting for the right time to defend myself. I tried to peek around the tree and I saw what was making the noise in the bushes. I saw the huge head of a wolf. I leaned out a little bit more to get a better look but I lost my footing and tripped on a root of the tree and fell to the ground. The wolf looked up and it had spotted me. This wolf was not normal size. It was bigger then any wolf I had ever seen. It started growling and moving toward me. I got up as fast as I could and got my weapon ready to defend myself. I started backing away but the wolf kept advancing on me. While growling at me it started bearing its teeth. And its teeth were red and it was dripping down its muzzle. I wanted to scream for help, but that would only make things worse. It growled at me even louder. I didn’t know what to do. I took my weapon and I tried hitting it. But it ducked. It bared its teeth at me again but this time the wolf lunged at me. I tried to duck but the wolf stopped me and pinned me to the ground. My weapon was a couple of feet away from me but I still couldn’t reach it with the wolf on top of me. It growled at me again as if it was saying try and move and I’ll kill you. I looked around seeing if there was anyway I could get this wolf off of me but there wasn’t. I was stuck and it was going to kill me. I look up at the wolf that’s still

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