» Fiction » Bloody Apples, Agent Aries [classic books to read .txt] 📗

Book online «Bloody Apples, Agent Aries [classic books to read .txt] 📗». Author Agent Aries

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room.I followed him slowly almost like I was in a trance or a dream.Or some aweful nightmare.

"I hate you.I hate you.I hate you.I hate you.I hate you."I kept saying that as I stalked him down the hall.It was as if I didn't know any other words to say.Just over and over and over until the chant became a white noise in my head.

I opened the living room door were I saw that man hunched over the chair.I kicked the side of his knee brutally, smashing his knee cap to bits.He opened his mouth in a scream but all I could hear was my mantra over and over again.

"I hate you.I hate you.I hate you."I kicked his wounded shoulder causing him to collapse on the ground on his stomache.

"I hate you,I hate you, I hate you."I stomped on his hands, breaking the fingers and delicate wrist bones with wet snaps.

"I hate you.I hate you.I hate you."I saddled his back and used his dark hair to yank his head back, exposing his throat.

"I hate you."I drew my knife acrossed his throat.

Blood gushed out in a misty red rain that covered me head to toe.I listened,feeling satesfied with his wet gurgling and choked off screams.

Then, after a while, everything was quiet.The soft creaking of floorboards could be heard from my mother's room and then a moan of the damned's hunger.

"There's one more thing to take care of."I whispered to myself.

I got up and went to the shed outside where the tools were stored.I picked up the bat from the corner and made my way up to my mother's room.

When I opened the door she was standing lifelessly in front of the bed, staring at it with milky brown eyes that saw nothing.The creaks of the floorboards beneath my feet made my mother snap her head towards me, the sounds of dead flesh and bone moving sending a shiver down my back.

"Graghck!"She uttered a gruttal moan before shifting towards me.

My bat made contact with her temple before I could blink.Her skull fractured and splintered apart.Her body,brains and blood falling in a final death on the bed, staining the white sheets a deep unwashable red.

"I'm sorry Serenity.I'm sorry mom.I'm so sorry."I whispered lifelessly.

The sound of the bat falling from my grasp onto the wooden floor made me wake up from the trance I was in, making me realise what I had done and what had happened.

"I love you."I sobbed almost mute before and scream unlike any other rang throughout the darkness.

A scream of eternal agony and torment.

How Cliche


I shook my head when the first rain drop fell on my head,sinking through my hair to chill my scalp.How long have I been here,locked inside my nightmarish memories?Replayng every human life I've taken, the Order's people,Iri's mother, my father.

I glanced down at my arms, at the horizontal scars that I often covered with long sleeves and forgot.One scar for each and every human life I took.All twenty two, no, twenty three now.A red welling wound that I couldn't feel dug savagely into my forearm when I still trapped inside my head.Blood stained my entire forearm and my hands, bright red and still fresh.Blood they say is the currancy of the soul.If so,I will pay the price it takes when I steal the currancy of another.

I was in a abandoned tree house.A pretty well built one by the looks of it.I stroked the scuffed wood, trying to imagine the good memories worn into it's surface.I wanted to soak them up, drown in them.I wanted to suffocate in them and never wake up because there had to be more than this curse of death.

I looked up to the sky,my arms wrapped around my huddled knees.I can't even remember my mother's smile,or my father's laugh or even the feel of my sister's little arms around my waist.What's the point of this life?Are we just meant to be born screaming, grow suffering, then die defeated and alone?Why am I still breathing?Why do I still wake up?What is the fucking meaning of this?

"Why?"I said out loud.

Noone answered.

I'm all alone here, stuck in a tree in the rain.At least the zombies were sleeping or whatever dead things do in the rain.They don't like the rain or something, so they hide away somewhere when it does.How pathetic.

"-ercy!"My head jerked at the familiar voice.

"Who?"It couldn't possibly be him,if it was this was going to be one of the biggest cliches of my life.

"PERCY!Percy can you hear me?!"Aaron's voice rang out from below me.

I didn't respond but I scanned the area until I found him.He looked so...worried.His green eyes squinted in the rain as it pelted him.His shaggy overgrown brown hair clung to his face and his overcoat was drenched.

"Percy!Where are you?"He shouted, getting closer to the tree fort.

"I'm right here."I tried to speak but my voice didn't sound right, as if every word was being strangled.

At first I didn't think he heard me because he turned away.I felt so drained I couldn't even muster the energy to call out again.I dipped my head back down to stare at my feet.

"There you are Percy."I was so startled by the nearness of Aaron's voice that I jumped and lost my balance.

I tried to grab onto the wood flooring but it was too slippery and I fell.I closed my eyes and waited for the inevitable landing.Only to be enveloped in warmth.

"Wha?"I croaked and looked up to see Aaron's relieved face.

"Thank God I found you.Geezus what happened to your arm?Nevermind, we need to get you home."I couldn't respond as he held me tight to his chest, his face burrowing into my neck and wet hair.

It felt strange to be held like this.It almost felt like he was desperate to feel me,as if I was a illusion that could disappear at any moment.

"Wh-why?"I tried to speak again only to be hushed by Aaron.

"Shut up Percy.Here, get on my back."He moved me on his back, piggy-back style, as if I wieghed nothing.

I felt something cover me but I was too tired to even glance at what it was.As Aaron started to walk, the rocking motion made my eyelids heavy.Only one thought flew threw my head before I fell asleep with a smile on my lips.

'How cliche.'


Finally warm

I woke feeling like shit.My head pounded and my body felt weak.Everything I tried to do seemed slow and sluggish.I tried to get up but suddenly my world spun and my vision got grey around the edges.

"Ugh,what happened?"I moaned and pinched the bridge of my nose.

"You caught a cold."My head snapped up to the voice, startled.

"Aaron?"I rasped passed the sudden tickle in my throat.

"Yeah.You scared us pretty bad."For some reason his voice sounded tight and his body looked tense.

"Well sorry I guess.I wasn't gone that long."I mumbled somehow feeling scolded under his gaze.

"You were gone two days.And when I finally found you you looked half dead with cold and hunger and covered in your own blood."

"I was gone for two days?"I stared at him shocked.

"I should have never taken you up on your offer.I shouldn't have been so wea-"I raise my hand to shut him up.

"Don't you fucking dare say that.Don't ever say that.Ever."We stared silent at each other for a moment before he spoke.

"Ok.But what happened?Did she say something or..."He looked so desperate to help me it made my chest ache.

"No,no.It's just-It's a long story."He walked towards me from the chair in the corner of the room, and grabbed one of my hands in his.

"Please Percy.Please."I stared at his hands, knowing that if I looked at his eyes I would start crying like a fool.

"Ok.Ok.Just don't talk until I'm finished ok?"

"Ok."I took a deep breath to muster up the courage to say the words and looked him right in the eye.

"About a month after the First Night..."I kept speaking even as hot tears started rolling down my cheeks and my voice grew hoarse.

When I finished I tried so hard to hold back the sobbed that threatened to escape my chest.I huddled into myself, trying so hard to shrink and disapear.I couldn't help but feel alone and cold whenever I thought about that bloody night.

But then Aaron surprised me once again.He wrapped his arms around my shaking shoulders and just held me.He didn't speak or even murmur condolences.He just held me, supporting me.Protecting me from the nightmares in my head.

"Thank you."I said when I could finally speak again.

"No, thank you."I could feel his responce through his chest.

It was silent for a moment before he spoke up again.

"Can I ask you one more thing?"He whispered, softly like he was afraid to ask.

I hesitated before nodding numbly, clinging a bit closer to him, fingers wrinkling his ragged blue shirt.

"How did you get these scars?"He asked, running his hands over the rows of horizontal scars that ran down my arms.

I looked at them, all twenty three of them.Each delibrately spaced and deeply dug.Each like a tombstone for what I stole away.The first one was the most ragged, engraved with my hatred.The second was the most deep, dug with my sorrow.The rest were of a mindless compulsion to mark myself in a never fading way.The first ones placed high on my shoulder were the whitest from age and as the ran down they turned pinker and pinker until the most recent one still bled beneath the new gauze.

"I did them."I said quietly, recalling the blood shed, the look of realised horror and the dying light in those eyes that hunted me in my dreams.


"A scar for each human life I took.A token to remind me that I'm still alive and they are not."I didn't look at him for a while, afraid of what I would see in his eyes.

Would he be disgusted with me?Horrorfied that I had so much blood stained on my hands?What would he do?Would he hate me?

My heart stilled for a moment at that last thought.For some reason my heart felt so hurt, like I could cry at the very thought.Why though?Why do I care if he hates me?Why does it scare me that he might?

"Look at me Percy."I shook my head in childish defiance, suddenly terrorfied.

One of his arms left from it's comforting embrace around me.He hates me, pulling away from me.Like I was going to stain him with the blood so caked on my skin that it should be pitch black.

He grabbed my chin and forced me to look up into his eyes.They looked like dark green wells, glittering with something that I couldn't identify.Something maleviolent, however not directed at me, and gentle that made

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