» Fiction » Bloody Apples, Agent Aries [classic books to read .txt] 📗

Book online «Bloody Apples, Agent Aries [classic books to read .txt] 📗». Author Agent Aries

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in L.A for a year before the Infection broke out."I cocked a brow as he expertly clicked the harness and holstered the colt with a showy spin.

"I see, quite the master we have here.Do you want the glock too?"I said in a sarcastic sugary tone.

"Smart ass."He said smirking at me while he grabbed the gun and holstered it.

"So here's the plan; we hit up the houses on Brown street and book it home.If it's a zombie bash it's head in, if it's humans we'll go case by case, kay?"I said sliding the twin guns in thier holsters and buckling my tool belt around my waist.

"Yes ma'am."He cheekily, kissing my cheek.

I smiled at him before going downstairs and going over to Iri who was reading one of the books my little sister had.I read over her shoulder before ruffling her hair, earning a cute annoyed stare.

"Hey Iri.Me and Aaron are going out for a few hours.You know the drill right?"I asked, my unease covered by my light tone.

"Yeah Percy.Stay inside the fence and if anyone I don't know comes tell them to go away or hide.Try and find you or Aaron if anything happens."She said in a annoyed huff.

"Come on Percy, you've asked her a billion times already.Let's go."Aaron said, grabbing me by the waist and dragging me to the door.

"Be a good girl Iri and don't burn the house down while we're gone ok?"Aaron grinned over at Iri's exasperated expression.

"Love you!Good luck!"She smiled before the door closed behind us.

"Will she really be alright?"I asked worried, nawing on my lip again.

"For the last time, she will be ok.Now lead on captain."He kissed the hicky on my neck before releasing me.

"Alright then."I said, sparing one last glance at the house before leading the way to the empty houses on brown street.

7 up's and beers

I yanked my machete out of the head of my former algerbra 1 teacher and motioned Aaron to go ahead of me while I searched the bottom floor of the house.He nodded and held a fire axe up at the ready while he went up stairs.

I waited for a little bit ,my ear out for trouble, before heading towards the kitchen.The simple dainty atmosphere of a old man and his wife's kitchen was stained with blood and the rotted carcass of the wife laid in munched on pieces, scattered acrossed the room.I pulled up my green hankerchief over my nose to help bare the smell.

I kicked away an arm making my way to the cupboard.The first one was bunk, only cups.The second one was the same, with plates and bowls.

"Third times the charm."I said grimly opening the third cupboard.

Canned goods and a box of stale crackers went from the cupboard to my bag in a flash.Once finished packing I glanced over at the fridge considering.There was probably only rotted food but it couldn't hurt to look.I opened the fridge and saw something that made me almost cry.

Aside from the rotted meat and veggies there was two six packs of off brand beer and a case of 7 up.When was the last time I had a 7 up?Or even a beer?Don't get me wrong I didn't necessarily drink like a wasted fuck bunny all the time but after the First Night little rules like underage drinking and driving stopped applying.I mean are you really going to get on a 17 year old's case about having a beer between smashing in zombie heads and surviving the end of the world?

"Is that what I think it is?"Aaron's voice floated in behind me.

I pulled down the cloth over my face and grinned cheekily at him.

"Why of course not officer.This is not a case of beer in my hand."I said sarcasticly earning a amused glare.

"Funny.Did you get anything else?"He asked, helping me put the two cases of beer and the 7 up in my pack.

"Yeah, a box of crackers, some green beans and canned soups."I said mentally counting the cans.

"I found some packs of ramen and sprouted potatoes in the old lady's bathtub of all things."He said, shaking his head at the absurdity.

"Well waste not want not.We can plant some of the potatoes in the back yard for the future."I said, my eyes catching the sight of a 7 up can from my bag.

"What's wrong?"He asked worried at my sudden change of expression.

"Nothing just...How long would you say was the last time Iri had a 7 up?"I asked, absurdly wishing that this was all just a nightmare and 7 ups were as common as weeds again.

"Ah, I don't know..."He trailed off looking outside the window.

I watched the painful array of emotions fly acrossed his face.First worry, then pain and finally bitter disapointment.Without thought I rushed to him, my arms wrapping around his waist in comfort.He seemed startled for a moment before relaxing and bringing me closer to his chest, my ear resting above his thudding heart.

"I'm sorry."I whispered against his shirt.

"What for?You didn't do anything."I simply shook my head and burrowed closer, trying to soothe his abused heart with warmth.

We held each other for a long moment before the tell tale sound of a truck came closer.

"Is that what I think it is?"Aaron asked looking back up out the window.

I frowned nodding, knowing of one person, or rather group of people, that were crazy enough to use loud cars in a infected area.The Order.

"We need to go.Now."I said, a hint of urgencey in my voice.

"What?Why?What if-"He pulled away from me, taking long strides towards the door.

"No!Aaron don't.The only ones left in this town before you came were me and The Order."I ran over and blocked the front door from him.

"The Order?What's The Order?"He frowned down at me.

"A bunch of religious nut jobs that are being brainwashed by a wack nut.I'll explain the rest later but we really need to go-"A bullet shattered the window in the kitchen where we were before.

"My Lady!We know you're in there!Please come out.The Oracle still offers his hand in courtship to you."A man shouted towards the house, sounding a lot like Donny from my pe class.

"My Lady?Courtship?"Aaron whispered, brow arched and eyes narrowing dangerously on the word 'courtship'.

"I said I'll explain later, follow me."I said, slinking down the hall to the back door.

I peeked through the window and cursed under my breath.Six men looked alert, each staring at the possible window exits and the door.Each had a gun but only a few looked like they knew what they were doing with them.I rubbed my temples, a headache comming on from the proximity of the soon to die.

"Ok, I'm going to shoot that window and while they are distracted we are going to have to rush them.These guys will shoot first and ask questions later so be sure to put a bullet in them before they do you.Ok?"I said, sealing my heart up like I usually did when I was in kill mode.

Aaron just looked at me oddly, like he finally realised something and his eyes turned a dark menacing color that made me shiver.

"So these are the ones who did this to you."He said softly, a undercurrent of maleviolence in his voice.

"Did what?"I asked, taking my guns out of there holsters and sliding the safety off.

"Nothing.Just...Be careful."He grabbed my in a near painful grip and kissed me hard, like I was going to disappear.

When he pulled away I was panting, a red flush on my cheeks.

"O-ok."I stuttered, shaking my head out of it's daze.

I cocked my gun and pointed to a random window away from us.

"Ready?"He nodded, gun out  and hand on the door knob.

"Go!"I said, shattering the window with a bullet.

He ripped open the door and we rushed out guns drawn.Thankfully that little trick drew their attention away long enough so that we could tear through the door without having to dodge bullets.

"My lady!Stop!"I ignored them and one by one they fell down in a spurt of blood.

I felt each bullet leave my gun and I slowly I felt myself float away.Only when I felt a tug on my arm did I realise that Aaron and I were running, my gun firing behind me at our pursuers.My eyes widened when the beat up white toyota swerved into view.I also saw some zombies moving towards us,some running others so rotted that they were forcefully dragging themselves.Luckily they seemed mostly attracted to the loud noisy truck and the living meat inside it.

Without thought I pulled out of Aaron's grasp and took aim with both my handguns.

"Percy what are you-"I fired, blowing out both of the front tires of the truck and causing the heavy machine to flip frontwards,crushing the zombies that were not thrown away like morbid rag dolls.

The trucks entire front looked like a wrecking ball hit it and fluids seeped out of the truck.Blood leaked out of the front seat from beneath the car.I stood dumbly, my eyes set on the barely conscience form of Joseph Parker wiggling out of the busted windshield, the driver not so lucky.I didn't feel bad for being the cause of the unnamed person's demise like I did when I killed Stephanie, Aaron's mom.I felt the same as I would have squishing a bug.Nothing beyond mild interest.

Aaron stared at me in shock before shaking his head and grabbing my arm again.

"Come on.We have to go."I nodded numbly and ran with him, eventually taking the lead through the back trail to the house to throw off our remaining pursuers.


What a day

It seemed like a eternity of running before we finally reached the house.When we entered the front door Iri launched herself at us, making us freeze before exhaling in relief.I gave my bag over to Aaron and he took mine and his own into the kitchen.

"Percy!Aaron!There's this wierd guy who said he's your uncle!"Iri said tugging on my shirt and pulling me towards the living room.

Instantly my guard went up and I pulled out my gun,reloading it before opening the door, swinging around to put the gun's dangerous end in the stranger's face.

"Whoa there girlie!Don't 'cha recongise me?"It took me a second to recongise the brown eyes and scraggily salt and pepper beard.

"Uncle Tommy?"I said dumbly before the strange trance state disappeared and all the excitement of the day caught up to me.

I fell to my knees, my loud fall causing Aaron and Iri to rush in.

"Are you ok Percy?Who is he?Did he do something to you?"Aaron and Iri said, thier questions mashing together in away that made me laugh lightly.

I put a hand on Aaron's cheek and ruffled Iri's hair before answering.

"I'm ok.Everyone this

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