» Fiction » Bloody Apples, Agent Aries [classic books to read .txt] 📗

Book online «Bloody Apples, Agent Aries [classic books to read .txt] 📗». Author Agent Aries

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my chest swell foreignly.They looked so dark,almost black, and seemed to swallow me whole.

Slowly and cautiously, like I was a wounded doe, he leaned forward.He was so close to my lips that I could feel his breath tickle my skin.Was he going to kiss me?Even after I admitted to that?My heart was beating so fast as he got even closer and gently pressed his lips to my forehead.He didn't say anything, but he didn't need to.With that one kiss I knew that he didn't care that I murdered twenty three people.Just that I was here now.I snuggled closer to him as his arm wrapped around my middle again.

He felt so warm, where as I felt like living frost bite.And not his physical heat, there was something that I've been missing since my family died.A special kind of warmth found only in life.I wanted to latch on to his warmth and never let go.

"Your so warm."I murmured as I nuzzled closer to his chest.

"Are you cold?I could grab another blanket if you want."He made a move to let go but I clutched to him harder.

"No!...No.Please can you just hold me?Just until I fall asleep again.Please?"I don't know why I was acting so oddly.I felt insecure and lonely.

And so cold.

"Yeah."He laid us down on the bed, instead of us sitting up.

"Here, is this ok?"He asked.

"Yeah."I don't know how long we stayed like that, just listening to each other's breathing, before there was a knock at the door.

"Iri?"I called out.

"Percy?Aaron?Can I come in?"Her little voice whimpered from the other side of the door.

"Yeah, come on in."Aaron said after I nodded to him.

As the door creaked open her little face peaked through.Her big green eyes looked like wet emeralds as she sniffled and walked in.She kept walking until she was standing in front of the foot of the bed.

"What's wrong sweetie?"I asked when she remained silent.

"Are you mad at me Percy?"She squeaked and looked down at her feet.

"No,no I'm not mad at you Iris."I said softly, a feeling of guilt stabbing at me.

"C-c-can I sleep with you?"She stuttered as her feet wore into the carpet floor.

"Yes sweetheart, of course you can.Did you have a nightmare?"I asked.

"Y-yeah.I dreamed that you got sick and died.An-and that brother ran away because you died."She sniffed patheticly as she crawled in between Aaron and I.

"I would never abandon you Iri.Never."Aaron growled protectively.

"You sound like a bear when you do that Aaron."I giggled lightly, trying to change the subject.

"Yeah he does.You do!"Iris joined me in the giggling.

"Well I guess someone has to be papa bear around here."He gruffed, trying to hide the slight tinge of red on his cheeks.

"I suppose so."I smiled up at him.

"Yeah!And I'll be baby bear and Percy can be mama bear!"My smile grew wider when Iri said that.

"And as my first command as mama bear I say that it's way past bed time!So go to sleep."I said in a fake authoritive voice.

"Ok,if you give us a goodnight kiss."Iri cheered.

"Of course sweetheart."I kissed her forehead, trying to push all the warmth and love I could in to it.

"What about mine?Doesn't papa bear get one too?"Aaron's words made my head snap up in shock, a deep red blush burning my cheeks.

"Wha-I don't think-"I was cut off by the grin on Aaron's face.

That slow smirk made my heart flip unexpectedly and my cheeks burn hotter.When he leaned closer I started to panic.

"What are you-"His finger to my lips shut me up.

"Shh, you'll wake up Iris."I looked down and sure enough Iri was fast asleep between us, breathing deeply.

"Oh, sorr-"My words were swallowed by Aaron's kiss.

I thought my heart was going to either burst or leap out of my chest.What was he doing?

When he release me he smiled before his face turned serious.

"What?"I asked softly.

"Promise me...Promise me that you will never run off like that again."I blinked.


"Because I don't think Iris or I can handle losing you again."I looked into his emerald eyes shocked.

"I- I promise to at least tell you before I go.I can't see the future so I can't promise that I might not run off again.But I can promise that I will tell you before I go."I said solemly.

"Ok, now go to sleep 'mama bear'."He smiled before resting his head and falling asleep almost imediatly.

"Ok 'papa bear'."I relaxed and took a moment to examine the 'bears' that were fast asleep before me.

I looked at them and realised that I didn't want them to leave.They were my family, which is rediculous to think beccause we've only known each other for less than a week.However, somehow I couldn't imagine my life without them being anything but cold and lonely.

I closed my eyes and for once didn't have any nightmares.I wonder if it's because I finally feel warm.


I woke just as the night sky turned pink in a empty bed.For a moment I paniced.

'Was it all a dream?Where is Aaron?And Iris?' My heart thudded in my chest until my hands felt the redisue heat of someone.The relief I felt was so potent it was painful.It wasn't a bitter-sweet dream.It was real.It was real?It was REAL?!

My fingers immediatly touched my lips as my cheeks developed that now familar burn.He stole my first kiss.Yep that's right miss badass is a virgin.I laughed at the contradicton that I'm made up of.I'm not all dainty or modest.I've flirted and dirty danced before The First Night.A few times so hot and heavy that even I'm surprised I'm still havn't had my cherry popped.It just never happened, not even a kiss.Until now that is.

Somehow that feels pathetic and admirable for a 17 year old.

I rolled over and hopped out of bed.I have never felt better.Not only my body, but also my spirit felt refreshed.I felt wieghtless.I rolled my shoulders and changed clothes.Off went the clothes from yesterday and on a old coca cola shirt,careful to mind the raw wound, and a pair of black sweats.I looked in the mirror for the first time in a long time and studied myself.

Shiny dark chesnut hair was cropped short, just barely able to be held back in a poneytail.Right now my hair was all over the place in spikey bedhead, framing my sun tanned face.My skin was suntanned from the sunlight beating on me when I was building,the revealed scars pearly and pinkish white.My cheeks were tinged pink and it took me a moment to realise that my eyes looked like that.They shined brightly,one brown and one blue.They practicly glowed with a deep seated satesfaction and happiness.

I looked happy.

My stomache growled when the smell of chili reached my nose.I tip toed down the stairs to find Aaron making food.I walked up beside him and wrapped my arms around him.

"You can cook?"I smirked.

"Good afternoon mama bear."I tried to hide my face as it turned beet red.

I could feel his rumble of laughter in his chest.I felt so tiny next to his towering 6'2".But I didn't mind, which was odd.I felt safe,warm and protected when I was near him.

"Where is Iri?"I turned my face towards him once I got my blush under control.

"She's visiting mom."He said, the under current of sorrow in his voice.

"I'm sorry."I said putting a hand on top of his heart, as if I could physically soothe it.

"No, thank you.Thank you."He took the hand on his chest and held it to his lips before squeezing it gently.

"Is it alright if I ask what did you do with her?"I softly spoke, squeezing his hand back.

"Yeah, I burned her and tossed the ashes in the little creek in the park.Iris made her a memorial by the apple tree."

"I see.Why does she love that tree so much?"I wondered out loud, releasing him so he could continue cooking.

"Our mom always loved apples and so does she."I watched him cook from the table as I considered his answer.

"Ah,what was her name?"

"Stephanie Jasmine Holst-Black."I nodded.

"What was your dad's name?"

"Joseph Henry Black."I nodded again and fell silent thinking.

Now that it looked like Aaron and Iris would be staying for a while we would have to go out for more supplies.Not only are there zombies but there are also The Order's zealots going around.The Order is a religous group that had risen about a month after the First Night.They believed that the damned become zombies and that everyone was born damned so they needed to repent before they died.The leader is a ex highschool teacher nut job called The Oracle.His real name was Marton Fin.He's had one fucked up desire for me for a while, ever since I snubbed his invite to be the 'priestess'.If I get caught by his cronies he might kill me or worst.If Aaron or Iris got caught they'd probably be given an ultimatum; join them or go on the kill list.

I woke from my train of thought when warm lips covered my own.My heart thudded in my ears after he pulled away, the shock fading.Unfortunately my blush returned full force.Why am I always blushing around him?

"What was that for papa bear?"I smiled up at him curiously.

"You looked worried about something.Penny for your thoughts?"He said serving up three bowls,two large and one small, of chili.

"Oh,I was just thinking about supplies."I responded standing up.

"Should we make a run soon?"He asked rinsing the pot.

"I don't now.I'm gonna get Iris for dinner."

"Ok."He said distracted with washing out the pot.

I snuck up behind him and just as he noticed me I leaned forward and kissed his cheek, by his lips.He looked down at me with a look of heat and surprise.I smirked when I noticed the red stain on his cheeks.

And without another word I walked out the door.

Grave marker

I found Iris right were Aaron said she would be.I watched for a moment as she cried softly by the plain wooden plank with her mother's name written on it with sharpie.A dandelion bouquet was placed beside the gravemarker along with an apple. 

"Ma-ma.I-hic-miss you.I'm -hic- really happy here.I-hic-I just wish- hic- you could still be here."Iris said between hicupping tears.

My eyes watered at the nostalgic sight and for a moment I remembered the lonely cremation of what was left of my family.I shook my head roughly before walking towards the crying girl.She didn't notice me until I wiped away her tears.She looked up at me startled.

"Now explain to me why a pretty girl like you is crying?"I said in a playful comforting tone.

She opened her mouth to say something, then closed it shaking her head before leaping at me.

"P-p-please!Don't leave again Percy!Please don't leave me again!Please!"She wailed in my arms, her tears soaking my shirt.

I could practically hear

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