» Fiction » Bloody Apples, Agent Aries [classic books to read .txt] 📗

Book online «Bloody Apples, Agent Aries [classic books to read .txt] 📗». Author Agent Aries

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Camp Hell

I sighed and kicked my feet at the pond water below me. I was at a stupid camping trip in the local park with my biology class. By camping I mean it's three minute commute to the nearest gas station and the lights of our small town still glowed in the not-so-far distance. Yeah,'camping'.

"What's wrong?"Susan Glarchkoviech, my science teacher, asked.

"Just bored, how long is this trip again?"

"We leave tomorrow in the morning.It's only one night, why don't you hang out with the other kids?"

"Because I don't like them."I am always honest, even when it ripped open old wounds raw and bleeding.

"Oh?Why?"She looked concerned and leaned down next to me.

"Because I think they are all insufferable morons."

"Morons? Now I th-"Susan was cut off when a horrorific scream shredded the stillness of the campground.

"Wha-?"I was cut off by another scream, the shrieks growing to a ear drum bursting cresendo.

Suddenly the screams stopped only to be followed by sick, wet tearing sounds and loud sobbing.

"What happened?Is everyone alright?"Susan rushed back to camp with me close on her heels.

When we got there it looked like someone took a hose and sprayed down the entire campground with bright, coppery red.The smell of fresh dead and something akin to a dead skunk being sunbaked, then microwaved for five minutes assaulted my nose. Is this some kind of fucked up joke?Props though to the drama kids who did the fake scene though.Nice job.

"Ew!What the fuck-?"I saw something move in the shadows, something big and lumbering trying to drag something else.

I took a step foreward and slipped on the slick ground, landing on my ass. When I landed the big thing jerked its head to me, revealing it's features in the dying light of the dusk sun.It's face was rotted, flesh falling off the thing's cheekbone and it's eye only a sick dribble of fluid down it's sunken face.Creamy white, fat, wriggling maggots fell out of it's bloody mouth and through the gaps were it's nose and left ear should have been.I screamed and scrambled backwards until my hand squished into something still warm.I turned around and saw the staring blue eyes of Jacob, my hand inside his ripped out stomach.I screamed, so loud that even my ears rang.I shot up and stared in horror at my attire.It wasn't mud I slipped on, it was blood. Bright crimson, sticky,hot blood.I could feel it on my entire back, my hands, my face.Oh my god it's every where!

Tears of terror rushed down my face as I looked up to see the thing from before dragging itself towards me on one leg and leaving a smear of blood and entrails behind it.I just stared at it, frozen like a stupid rabbit in stupid headlights.Just when I thought I was going to die by having that thing rip into me with it's rotted brown teeth a familiar figure stepped in front in front of me.

"Run!"Susan screamed before going down with a wet gurgle, her arterial blood squirting onto my face.

Finally my legs unfroze, and without a thought I picked up the nearest thing I could.A monkey wrench in hand I raised myself up above the feeding thing and brought it down with all my strength onto it's head.More blood washed over me like a sprinkler.

I stepped away from the dead things and slowly walked home in silence, with only the steady drip drip of blood from the monkey wrench in my hand to mark my passing.


I brought down my hammer again, driving the nail home into the wooden fence. I stopped immediatly when I heard a soft zombie moan in the distance.It's been six months since the First Night.I live by myself, my parents and little sister having long ago fallen to the Infection's chaos.When the moaning ceased I continued my work on the perimeter fence around my house.I had three lines of barbed wire and one line of razor wire along the top of the eight foot tall wrought iron fence I salvaged from the neighbors house.He didn't need it anymore.

I was currently reenforcing the fence with thick plywood I found on the movie theatre.I didn't see it being useful over there, what with the massacre and all.

"Help!Help us please!"I heard a woman shout at whoever might hear her.

"Please we need help!"A man with a husky voice yelled.

I crawled up the tower I built and surveyed what was going on. A older woman, accompanied by a young man , around 20, were running blindly in the street with a small horde of zombies behind them.Ah shit.Whatever, as long as they don't see-

"Hey!Help us!"The man shouted up at me.

"Shit."I grumbled under my breath and was about to just go inside my house, so I couldn't see them get eaten, when the scream of a small child rang out.

A little girl, about ten or so, came out of her hiding spot behind the man and started screaming, attracting more zombies.I couldn't take my eyes off her, because instead of seeing the little blonde girl I saw my little sister, a ghostly repeat of her gruesome death.

Before I could even think I jumped off the tower and ripped open the gates through my fence.

"Get your asses in here!"I yelled as I gripped my trusty baseball bat in my hands.This bat has been with me for a while, long enough for me to decorate it with barbed wire, nails and blood.

The group started to run towards me, zombies included.

"Duck!"I said before swinging full force.

The man ducked and managed to miss my deadly arch.The zombie behind him didn't. I didn't blink when the blood splattered on me, just pulled out the machete hanging on my hip and started killing more.At some point the man from before came out again and started helping me put the dead back in their place, the dirt.

After the last zombie had it's brains bashed in, I leaned on my bat taking a breather.Then I remembered the man beside me.I shot up and leveled my machete at him, bloody dripping off menacingly.

They may seem like normal survivors but they could be clever spies from the Order.The Order was a coven of crazies that have been after me under the command of their leader, the Oracle.Who was really a teacher from the school I went to who was a pervert before the First Night happened.Now he was a psychotic pervert who seemed to have a undying hard on for me.It just warmed me up inside whenever he threw his flunkies at me, making me either kill them or get dragged to that house of horrors he called a church...Not.

The scars on my arms seemed to burn ever so slightly under the tattered long sleeve I wore.

"Whoa,whoa!What the hell?"He backed up, hands in the air dropping the hammer he had.

"What do you want?"I said smoothly, studying him closely.

He looked to be in his early twenties, his skin tanned darkly with a bit of sunburn on his shoulders.His wavy dark hair was dusty and brushed the tops of his broad shoulders.His green eyes held a certain piercing yet enrapturing trait that made it seem like he was just as ready to attack me as I was him.It didn't matter to him if I had a machete, he had the look of a wary cat, ready pounce and end me at anytime.

"Wha-Nothing.We don't want anything."I cocked my head at his answer.

"Where are you from?"

"Sanfrancisco."The image of a gay pride zombie made me giggle.I don't have anything against gays though.

"What's so funny?"He asked, looking slightly alert. I recongised the look, I lowered the machete as I explained.

"I havn't snapped if you're wondering, just thinking of those flambouyant gay pride zombies."He smiled knowingly,lowerign his arms and the tension melting away.

"Ok, so can we stay here for a while?Just enough to regroup and get ready to find a new home."I thought about it because they didn't seem like the normal drugged out thugs the Order sent for me.

More people equaled more zombie bait.Also equaled less supplies and less room.But it might be entertaining to have them here for a short while.

"Sure, what hell."I shrugged and moved through the gates ushering them all inside the two story house.

This isn't funny!

I walked in my house casually, taking off my tool belt and hung it up on the back of the kitchen chair. The two females were huddled on the couch, the woman watched me warily and the girl looked up at me terrorfied.Than man stood behind me, as if ready to restrain me if I made a threatening move.

"Oh for fuck's sake, chill out.I'm not going to eat you."I groaned as I approached the two on the couch.

I looked at the girl.She was adorable, reminding me of a doll.She had dirty blonde ringlettes that hung below her shoulders and her skin looked like the finest porceline beneath the grime that covered it.Her eyes were huge green emeralds that looked ready to burst into tears at any moment.When I knelt down by them the woman tensed holding the child closer and the girl looked even more terrorfied than before, like a baby chipmunk in front of a hungry cat.

I reached out and patted her head.

"Calm down,I'm not gonna hurt you chipmunk.Come here, help me make dinner while your mom gets cleaned up."I beckoned the girl closer and was pleased when she untangled herself from the woman's grip.

"O-ok."She mumbled and that little mumble seemed to shock the woman and the man behind me.

"Woman, there is a shower down the hall, it's the second door on the left.It's cold but it'll help clean off the blood."I motioned to my right, towards the hall.

"My name is-"I stopped her with a raised hand.

"I'm not interested in learning the names of the soon to be deceased.Get better then tell me."I said bluntly, making everyone gasp.

The woman, who looked like an adult version of the girl with blue eyes, looked at me in realised horror then promptly left down the hall.

"Hey, that was uncalled for.That is our mother."The man positively growled at me.

"It gave her motivation though."I said simply, before taking the girl's hand and walking into the kitchen.

The girl stared at the red stained counter and the splatters on the window curtains.

"Calm yourself, it's all clean and from long ago."I said and opened the refridgerator- now-shelf.

"Hmm, what do you want for dinner?All of you look

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