» Fiction » Bloody Apples, Agent Aries [classic books to read .txt] 📗

Book online «Bloody Apples, Agent Aries [classic books to read .txt] 📗». Author Agent Aries

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her wounded heart crying in her chest and it made my own ache.I didn't say anything while I held her.I just rocked her softly until her red rimmed eyes slowly grew heavy and closed in exhaustion.I wiped away the tears on her cheeks and kissed her forehead, my heart feeling sore and bittersweet after seeing her hysterical tears.I stood up slowly, curling the child to my breast to hold her.She felt so small in my arms, so tiny and weak, yet...I couldn't think of another person that made my heart feel this way.Mothering and soft.

I recalled Aaron's kisses and my cheeks heated slightly.While Iris made me feel warm, and maternal, Aaron made my heart skip a beat.I didn't need him but I couldn't be without him..He didn't need me either, yet he stayed here with me.He wasn't here because he was desperate for shelter.He could have left since long ago and we both knew that.He had the perfect oppertunity to raid me and leave me for dead after I ran.But he didn't, in fact he hunted me down and took me home.He made me feel like I was female again instead of just a person surviving a nightmare.He made me see him as male instead of a threat to my own safety like other strangers did.I-oh shit!

My eyes widened in horror as a realization hit me like brick to the head.If things go on the way they are with Aaron I could lose my virginity.I don't mind that actually but the possible pregnancy from such an action could wind up fatal.Birth control wasn't as easy to come by anymore and abortions were impossible.Raising a baby would also be incredibly hard. Caring for the infant would require that I remain stationary and would be unable to move efficiently if a crisis arised.Plus there was noone now that could help me through delivery as that hospital employees were the first to die trying to treat Infected patients.There was also the matter of that fucked up monster of a man,Marton Fin, who might flip a bitch if he found out about my child.

I couldn't get pregnant, period.Even if my body craved to feel the little life growing inside, I couldn't.

I looked at the wood plank, holding Iris, with something close to desperation.

"Please watch over us Stephanie."I said softly before turning away into the house.

Objects in mirror are older than the appear

I looked out the window, Iri's head in my lap, from my bed.The stars twinkled like diamonds against the darkness trying to swallow them whole.The moon glowed, heavy and full, in a soothing brillance that seemed to give strength to the tiny diamonds.

Without realising I put my hand on the glass, touching the rising moon.I was thinking of my family and my youthful dreams.The memories were sweetly nostaglic and made my lips curve into a sad smile but I didn't cry.Instead I embraced the pain, acknowlegding it for what it was; wounds on my heart.

"What are you thinking to make such a face?"Aaron whispered to me, causing me to flinch in surprise.

"Don't do that!You nearly gave me a heartattack."I yelled in a whisper with a smile on my face.

"Right."He smirked before expertly moving the sleeping Iri from my slowly numbing legs to the other side of me, he himself settling were Iri was.

I looked down into his mischievious green eyes.A shade of green that was almost black, like a forest at night.His strong chin was shadowed with a 5 o'clock shadow and his dark brown hair was over grown down to brush his shoulders.His lips always seemed to have a crooked smile ready and his skin was dark from the burning sun.His body was lean but strong from the constant dangers faced in life.

"How old are you?"I asked curious, my fingers combing through his hair without thought.

"19 and you?"He sighed in contentment, his eyes drowsely closing.He was younger than I thought.

"I'm 17."I said thinking about how much our world changed us.

Warning:objects in mirror are older than they appear.I thought bitterly.We didn't look our ages, we looked older with the constant pressure we have to bear or we die.Dark circles, stress wrinkles and sunburns were our relaxed attire.I knew I looked early twenties instead of 17 and Aaron was the same, looking to be in his early to mid twenties while really being only 19.Life ages us much more quickly than it used to, and instead of death being a long off tragedy,it's a bloody reality everyday.It forced us to live quickly and die quickly.

"There's that look again.What are you thinking about?"Aaron's hand reached up a cupped my cheek.

I reached up and put my hand on top of his.

"I was thinking about the future."I whispered softly.

Aaron's eyes took on a comforting warmth as he got off my lap and curled his arm around my waist.We laid down with Aaron at my back and Iri wrapped in my arms.

"The only way to know the future is to let it happen, just enjoy the present."He yawned, before burrowing his face into neck.

I was silent for a moment, thinking on his words.Finally I snuggled closer to him, pulling Iri closer too.



Groceries and hickies.

"We need to go on grocery shopping."I stated blandly looking at the dwindling canned goods on the fridge shelf.

"How much food do we have left?"Aaron asked from the kitchen door.

"Maybe enough of two weeks?"I said, mentally counting the various canned goods.

I nawed on my bottum lip after closing the fridge, thinking about what should we do.

"What do we need for a provision run?"He asked.

"Well, Iris needs to stay here, so one of us should stay here just in case."I said tapping my chin with my finger, staring off into space thinking.

It's safer with someone at your back in the infested town but while Iri was getting older and wiser, she was still young enough to need someone to protect her.It was also safer to have her stay home because that was one less possible distraction.And what if someone came and took advantage of our absence and Iri was left here alone?Iri was too young to protect herself.Someone had to-

Aaron's arms slinked around my waist startling me enough to jump.

"Fuck!Don't do that, you scared the shit out of me."I yelped, my cheeks stinging from the embaressment of getting snuck up on.

His only responce was to bury his face into my neck and laugh at my further reddening face.

"What are you thinking about?"He breathed on my neck making me squirm.

"Just worrying, it's a thing we women do from time to time."I quipped.

"I see, well I hope you heard me while you were worrying."He smirked against my skin.

"You said something?Oh, uh,I mean..."I flushed again, flustered by my lack of attention.

He laughed again, his chest rumbling against my back.I squirmed again trying to get away from his steel hold, my skin tingleling from where he touched.

"I said that you were not going alone."His grip grew a little bit tighter, not uncomfortable, but a little bit more secure.

"But you don't know where to look and Iri can't be alone here."I disagreed, shaking my head.

"Iri is not a little girl anymore, unfortunately.She has seen as much as I've had and that in my mind makes me trust her enough to be by herself. Besides the zombies have been cleared around here and from what I can tell it's going to take a hell of a lot of manpower to get through the defences around the house.She'll be fine Percy.I promise."I bit my lip, my heart torn between his confidant words and my recent maternal instinct.

"Ok."I nodded slowly.

"Good, now whatever shall I do to you for ignoring me the past ten minutes?"My eyes widened, my stomache flipping in anticipation.

"Eh?What are you-Ah!What the hell are you doing?"My outraged sentence dwindling into a moan as his teeth nipped at the juncture of my neck.

His arms were like steel bands around mine, preventing escape and his lips brushed against my neck in feather light touches until he settled on on spot.He kissed, licked and nipped making my legs slowly turn to jelly and my body heat up.The heated tingles overwhelming me, like a drug running through my viens.

When his lips left that spot I almost moaned in protest before the sound of moving hinges caught my ears.I looked up and saw Iri peeking behind the kitchen door.My face imediatly turned beet red and I twisted to glare at Aaron's smug face.

"Percy what's on your neck?"I turned my wide eyes to Iri's curious face and then touched my neck to find a tender moist spot at the juncture.

My face grew hotter with embaressed anger.How was I going to explain this to a ten year old?How was I-Wait.My lips turned up into a sly smile as I looked up at Aaron again. 

"Ask your brother sweetie, he should know."I smirked at his widened eyes and slipped out of his startled grasp.

I kissed Iri on the forehead, stuck my tongue out at Aaron and walked out the door with an accomplished 'ta ta'.

Gun nuts

I had just finished loading the twin beretta 96s' when the door to the bedroom opened.I looked up to see the suprised face of Aaron.

"Guns?You know how to shoot?"He asked curious comming closer to examine the artilary on the bed spread.

Twin Beretta 96's, a colt 1911 and a glock 20 rested, gleaming with the ammo in seperated piles arranged around them. The two double holsters and my tool belt with my hammer and machete sat beside them as well.Ah, the things you find when the world goes to shit.

"Yeah, I've had a lot of practice recently. I try not to though because zombies tend to congrigate where loud noises are."I said vaugely, clipping the hip holster together.

"Can you use one?"I asked handing him the colt and a shoulder harness.

"Yeah, I lived

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