» Fiction » Bloody Apples, Agent Aries [classic books to read .txt] 📗

Book online «Bloody Apples, Agent Aries [classic books to read .txt] 📗». Author Agent Aries

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wouldn't hurt family right?After all blood is all you've got ,girlie.You won't hurt me."He said, obviously trying to convince himself more than me.

"Hurt you?Your right,I'm not going to hurt you.I'm going to torture you.Big difference.One implies that it's an accident, the other says it's delibrate.And if you think I'm going to flinch then you obviously havn't learned from that bullet in your leg."I replied coolly,ice threading through my viens and my scars turning into chilly brands on my skin.They seemed to thirst for another companion.

Perhaps they will have one soon.

"Is he still awake?"Aaron's voice seemed to vibrate with his poorly consealed violence as he walked into the shed-turned-torture-room.After all blood stains are such a bitch to get out of carpet inside.

"Yeah, did you get what you needed?"I said lightly, like I was talking about groceries.

He grimly smiled and threw a metal tool box on the fold out table we brought out here.Slowly he set out a tiny blow torch,industrial gloves used to pick up really hot things, nails, three different kind of plyers, needles, medical equipment, a hammer and a serrated knife.I watched with cruel fascination as Tom's eyes grew wider and wider as each tool hit the plastic table with a foreshadowing thud.

"Wha-What-WHAT!"He grew more and more paniced and my grin grew larger as he struggled uselessly.

"What's your hurry?Me and my hubby have a great party planned for you.Wouldn't want you to miss a bit of it."My cheeks hurt with how wide my sadistic grin was.

I blinked when a realization hit me.It felt like the same trance state I was in when I killed before.Except I was more in control.I controlled my limbs but my emotions were detaching themselves quietly and slowly.How useful.

"Now, as my darling wife just said, let's start the party."Aaron's face contorted into something that would have made me run pre-Infection.Now it kinda turned me on, how sad was that?

"No.NO!Get away from me!"Tom strained so hard against the duct tape that it cut into his skin.

I whistled London Bridge as I tested the sharpness of the knife against Tom's cheek bone, blood welling over the blade instantly and making Tom's eyes turn wild with fear.

"How long did you sharpen this love?"I asked curious, noticing how my fingers felt icy compared to Tom.

Aaron shrugged making a non committal noise under his breath.He was too busy sizing up Tom and fussing over which tool to use first.

"I suggest breaking his fingers off first.Or maybe go medieval."Aaron smiled wickedly at my suggestion and took the knife from me before rounding on Tom.

"Hmm.Good idea.After all these guys seem to love the Dark Ages.Remind me dear, what did they do to prisoners who refused to talk?"Aaron asked sweetly, every step he made in Tom's direction making Tom's eyes go even wider and his breath go dangerously fast.

"Well, they cut off their ears first, then their nose,their eyes,hands, and then they castrated them if they were really stubborn."I said hopping to sit on top of the table and swinging my feet like a bored child.

Tom evidently desided to try a different route of persuading us to let him go.

"YA BITCH!!!Ya are a fuckin' monster!Yer no goddess!Just another fuckin' whore!"Tom hissed at me and even I was a bit startled at what happened next.

Aaron cut off Tom's left ear down to the nub and my stomache made a automatic heave but I didn't throw up.Blood spurted and Tom's wild thrashing made some of the crimson liquid splatter acrossed my face.Tom's screams made my ears ring.My heart thudded with adreniline but I didn't move, my face neutral.Aaron quickly bandaged the wound roughly, inciting cries of pain with each harsh jerk.How was I not horrorfied?My husband just cut off a man's ear for insulting me.Yet somehow, I felt...more secure?Safe?Loved?

Geezus, I'm so fucked up.

"Never call my wife anything other than her name.Got it?"Aaron's voice was quiet but it held an edge that made Tom's screams quiet to fearful pants.

The smell of amonia wafted off of Tom as a dark stain grew on his pants and liquid trickled off the chair onto the floor.

"Oh my.You still wet the bed?"I laughed hysterically, feeling something permanently change inside me, twisted passed the point of undoing.

I felt the twist but I embraced it.The sadist inside me would protect me and avenge me.The one who took pleasure in causing pain would be the one who would help me get what I wanted.And I wanted his screams.

"So, what does the Order want?"Aaron hissed, flashing me a dark cheeky grin, proving that I wasn't the only one who changed in that moment.

Tom whimpered and I got off the table, grabbing the hammer and a couple nails with me.I hooked the hammer on my belt then took the blow torch and turned it on the tip of the nail until it was white hot.I put on the industrial glove and grabbed the nail by the unheated end of it. I approached, grinning madly, and Tom's eyes nearly rolled back into his head.

"I wouldn't faint Tom.If you do you'll never want to sleep again."I hissed, placing a nail over his hand and readying the hammer.

"Now I'm going to count to one.What does the Order want?"Aaron said, moving away back to the table before returning, having traded his knife for needle nosed plyers.

"I-I-"Tom mumbled, head rolling.

"One!"Aaron growled.

When Aaron spoke I hit the nail as hard as I could, driving it into Tom's hand with brutal satesfaction, and through into the wood of the chair's arm.Blood splattered on my hands and it also leaked from beneath his palm, rolling off the wood and on the floor.The flesh around the hot nail burned, searing nerves and scarring tendons.Tom woke instantly screaming and puking from the agony.Aaron and I dodged the blood tinged vomit and I had little sympathy when he pissed himself again.

"Remember what I said Tom?You'll never want to sleep again."I said cutely, the part of me that would have puked along side Tom having died.

Ah, how this world fucks you up.

"IGIVEIGIVEIGIVEIGIVE!!!!!PLEASE FOR GOD"S SAKE STOP!!!!!"Tom screamed like we were tearing him in half.

Hmm, what a great idea.

"Do I have to count again?"Aaron hissed, his plyers clamped around Tom's thumb, twisting it slowly at a impossible angle.The sudden pop of his thumb dislocating making his screams more clear,as if he hoped that we didn't hear his pleas before.I couldn't help but smile in amusment.

"NO!!PLEASE!I'LL TELL YOU!I'll tell you!"Tom panted, strings of bile mixed with tears,blood and mucus dribbling down his mouth.

"Good.Now what does the Order want?"I cooed, ripping his head back by his hair with one hand,the other teasingly touched the dark bruizes around his throat, fascinated by the pain.

"Th-they w-want ya to go t-there a-alone.Tomorrow before n-noon.Ya s-surrender an-an' the k-kid walks f-free.If n-not the M-Master said t-that he w-won't kill her.But you'll w-wish he did."I instantly let go of him and backed up to the shed's door.

My heart suddenly came back, incapatiating me, fear thudding in it and horror ripping through my viens.It was as if someone injected me with icy fire.Images of what horrors would befall Iri if I didn't show making me tear out of the shed with Aaron following close behind.


"FUCKDAMMITSHITMOTHERFUCKERCOCKSUCKINGSONOFABITCH!"I screetched like a banchee out into the air, cursing everything in the whole fucking world.

When I said every curse word I could possibly think of I fell silent next to Aaron, panting from my rage, while he stared over the fence in the direction of the Order.

You could see the dingy chapel cross from here, a defiled symbol of hope for some,to others a beacon to corruption.My lips curled into a disgusted grimance.If Fin didn't have Iri I would have smirked at how cliche it was to have the villian's lair be in a abandoned church.

It was as if someone dumped ice water on me, making it horribly clear to see what I had to do.

"I have to go."I whispered, knowing what his reaction would be.

He exploded, exactly like I thought, and grabbed me by the shoulders, shaking me.His eyes were wild and I had to clench my jaw to prevent myself from biting my tongue.

"NO YOU FUCKING WON'T!"Ok, while I exspected the outburst it didn't make it any less startling.

"I have to Aaron!Or he will do something so horrible to Iri that she will want to die!"I snapped, my voice straining against tears.

"I won't let you!I'll go and get her myself but you will stay safe here!"He hisses, his eyes turning slightly crazed and his voice trembling.

"I-I-"My voice cracked,along with my brave front, finally showing how scared I was of surrendering.

Marton Fin terrorfied me beyond reason.I've seen what he's done to his most faithful followers.I've seen the bodies of the raped, male and female alike of all ages, be thrown out of the church like they were trash.I've seen him use his power to make the people worship him like some sick god while he defiled everything pure in anything good.I knew beyond a doubt that a similar fate waited for me, maybe even worse because I've refused him.I knew that he had me trapped between two choices; let Iri suffer for me or I suffer for her.

Aaron eased the painful grip on my arms to gather me in his arms and let me shed my terrorfied tears into his broad chest.

"Promise me, please promise me Percy.Don't leave without me."Aaron said, his nose buried into my hair.

"I-I promise."I said, the first and last lie I ever will say to Aaron passing my lips.

He chuckled bitterly and picked me up, bridal style.

"You are the worst liar I've ever met Persephone."Aaron said, carrying me upstairs to our bed.

When he stripped me it was almost violent in his desperation.He was desperate to keep me with him, stay here with him that my heart ached with the need to say 'yes,yes, always'.But I couldn't promise that.As he pointed out I'm a terrible liar and I couldn't do that to him.I couldn't make him chose between me and his little sister.I loved him too much to cause that kind of pain.So I will take the choice out of his hands.I won't regret it, even if he hates me afterward.

But first I wanted to feel him.One last time.

Before I had to say goodbye forever.

Good Dog

I woke early enough to find Aaron asleep beside me with the dawnlight filtering through the window.My throat threatened to close up and unshed tears burned in my eyes as I thought of what I had to do.I bit back a sob, my heart feeling like it was literally breaking in my chest.

How was

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