» Fiction » Bloody Apples, Agent Aries [classic books to read .txt] 📗

Book online «Bloody Apples, Agent Aries [classic books to read .txt] 📗». Author Agent Aries

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I going to do this?How was I going to save Iri and manage to come home with her?As I thought about it the more I realised how slim my chances were of getting out of this.I was going to die.I was going to die, most likely, without ever seeing Aaron's or Iri's smile again.

I stroked his cheek involuntarily and he mumbled sweet nothings before settling back down into sleep again.My heart threatened to sabotage my plan for what was pretty much a suicide mission.But iron resolve shoved it away as I swallowed my tears.I didn't matter if I died.It didn't matter if I never saw them again because it was worth it.

Iri's life and Aaron's life were worth it.

I got up off of the bed slowly, so I wouldn't wake Aaron, and got dressed for battle.A tattered grey men's tank fitted loosely over my body, baring my scars to the world proudly. A pair of old jeans that had blood stains and ripped out knees covered my legs and a thick hankerchief that you would see in a old cowboy movie wrapped around my neck, to help my nose block the putrid smell that seemed to cling to the church the Order resided in.I was tying the laces to my worn in leather boots when the flash on my ring caught my eye.

I stared at it, rubbing it's smooth gold surface and my breaking heart seemed to draw courage from it.I didn't want to part with it, so call me impractical when I strung it around my neck on a sturdy old jewlery chain I had and tucked it under my shirt.

I belted my tool belt and hung only the machete on my waist and the glock with as much ammo as I could into the pockets meant for nails and screws.

I looked in the mirror and was startled with the look in my eyes.It was a look that only trained killers had and it would cut anyone down just as surely as a knife would.I almost shivered but caught myself.I wanted this powerful look.I wanted to be as cold and unfeeling as a bloodstained gun.I wanted it, I needed it.

I had it.

It was like someone sucked out my heart, bleeding and all, and replaced it with a ice cube.I suddenly didn't feel any fear or the trembling that threatened to consume me previously.Iri will survive this and so would Aaron.

I might not but if that was the case then neither would The Order.

I left our bedroom without a glance at Aaron and walked down to the shed.When I opened the door Tom jerked awake and he started to hyperventilate when he saw me grab the hammer and the duct tape off the table..

"No, no, no, no!I g-"I slapped the duct tape acrossed his mouth and waved the hammer threateningly around his face.

"Shut up.You and me are going for a little walk.So shut up before I decide that your screams are a bit too quiet.Understand?Nod your fuckin head."I hissed and he nodded almost violently.

Without much pretense I ripped out the nail that attached him to the chair and he shuddered, tears streaming down his face with snot and rehydrated blood.I cut the duct tape that strapped him to the chair with the knife left on the table and smiled when he tried to make a break for it out of the door, not even bothering with the tape around his mouth.With his maimed leg he didn't make it far before I caught up with him and wrenched his head back by his hair.He was pathetic, trying to crawl away from me on all fours.Idiot

I ground my heel into his less injured hand until the now familar snap of bone greeted my ears.His eyes tried to go back into his head but with one violent jerk he instead stared up at me.

"Your not going to do that again are you?"He shook his head as much as he could with my grip on his hair.

"Good, because I'm low on patience.Now you are going to be a good dog and sit still while I put this on you."I said revealing a dog collar and leash from when my family had Lady Lulu, a large american bulldog, before she died.

"Good dog."I said mildly when he became absolutely still

I put it on him without much fuss and jerked on the leash to make him move with my as I left the house with Aaron still asleep upstairs.

It was still fairly early and the fall's bite was starting to settle in so the zombies didn't give us much trouble because their flesh was rotting and stiff from the cold.Before we went to the church we went to the park were Iri was kidnapped the day before and I picked enough asphodels to make a crown for myself.It felt fitting to have it considering the background of the morbid flower.

It took maybe an hour and a half to walk to the church with the 'dog' in tow.When we approached the tall wrought iron black gate opened and the strench of rotting bodies, shit and sex made my bile rise.I pulled up the hankerchief and was able to breath a little easier.

Once we were inside the gate slammed shut and the front doors of the church opened up.And in all of his disgusting glory stood Marton Fin, the Oracle, and a terrorfied Iris.


Sorry I didn't RSVP

"I see you got my invitation."His voice was smooth and held a hint of something that I've only been able to discribe as insane sadism.

Marton Fin was a average looking man in his late forties.His eyes were a pale boring shade of blue that held something in them that made me cringe inside.His lanky dirty hair was the color of a rotting straw and his right canine was chipped.He had the body of an athlete that spent a few years on the couch and I wished that the fancy velvet robe he wore covered more because he wore nothing underneath except bland black pants that revealed his hairy legs.Ew.

I kicked Tom forward and Iri gasped at my violence but I shrugged it off.I couldn't let her sensitivity distract me from my goal.She could hate me and be horrorfied but I'll deal with that after she was safe.

"Why yes I did,so sorry I didn't RSVP.Where are my manners?"I said with false sweetness, my foot on Tom's back and my hand pulling the leash taunt.

"Ah my lovely goddess, my haunting Lady of the Dark.Have you finally realised the error of loving these humans as you do?"I cocked my brow at his words, what the hell was he talking about?I mean he did see what I did to Tom right?

"Whatever, Iri are you alright?"Iri seemed to swell with courage under my gaze and nodded wiping at the tears on her grimy face.

"I told you!I told you that my Percy would come for me!"I would have laughed because Iri looked like she was about to kick Fin in the shin but when Fin made a move to strike her I lost my humor.

Just before he hit her a bullet flew by his face.In enraged shock he stared at me with my raised gun pointed at his face.Tom took oppertunity of my slack hold to run over to his 'master'.Bitch.

"Oh, I apologise, it appears that I missed.I'd be glad to correct that mistake if you did that again."My voice started out sarcasticly sweet but at the end it turned into a deep snarl.

"If you did that then our deal would be over my sweet."My insides curled, and not in a good way, from his endermeant.

I smirked and lifted my gun from his direction.For a moment he looked victorious before shock blind sided it.

"I suppose our deal would be over."I said in fake politeness with the cold metal barrel touching my temple, his face of shock making me smile like a sadist.

He considered me for a moment before speaking.

"We are at a impasse."He stated obviously.

"No shit."For some reason a wide grin split my face, maybe because I got to see him caught off guard.

"If you walk towards me then I'll release this... child."He said the last word like it left a bad taste in his mouth.

"When I start walking she starts running.Also you leave her and Aaron alone for as long as they live.And If anyone ,anyone, tries anything I'll be adding another scar to my collection."His eyes widened a bit when he realised what each mark meant on my arm.Then he smiled in a way that made me want to puke in his face.

"Y-your not comming with me?Percy!"Iri gasped when the full implication of the discussion hit her.

"No I'm not sweetie, but swear to me that you wil run as fast as you can until you are home.Aaron is waiting for you.He's worried about you."I said, pinning her down with my gaze to make sure she did what I said.

"But what about you?"I smiled at her watery tone,my face gentleling for the first time today, to ease her fears.

"I'll be fine Iri.Remember who you named me after.I'll be back just like Persephone from Tartarus.Ok?"Her eyes widened and she nodded through her tears.

"I've had enough of this human...emotion.It's disgusting and beneath you my love."I threw a icy glare at Fin and started walking towards him.

Iri started running but two filthy men came out from nowhere and moved in on her.I kept walking forward but when two bodies fell without their heads you can guess who did that.Iri kept running and I kept walking until I was in front of Fin and Iri was a speck in the distance.

I stared at him, my machete still dripping human blood.

"So what now?"I said dully, not surprised when more of his goons seemed to come out on the woodwork and surrounded me.

"Now we test if you are truely worthy of being my goddess."I shivered at the look of dark, sick glee in his eyes.


I've been staring at the 'food' in front of me for about ten minutes, not daring to touch it.It looked like tomato soup and smelled like it, with a piece of toasted bread and a glass of red wine.It could be considered a resturant meal now a days, but with Fin staring at me from acrossed the table I didn't dare even sip the wine.Who knows what the hell he put in it.

"What is this test?"I demanded, forgoing any pleasentries.

"Will you not have some of your dinner?"Fin dodged the question, leaning towards me from acrossed the table.

The dining room was

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