» Fiction » Bloody Apples, Agent Aries [classic books to read .txt] 📗

Book online «Bloody Apples, Agent Aries [classic books to read .txt] 📗». Author Agent Aries

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in those eyes as they danced from me, to the guns and then to her baby. She almost seemed to plead with me with her eyes. Asking me to protect her baby. I inclined my head subtlly towards her. 

My eyes jerked back to Fin when he stepped towards me, my gun going up automatically to level with his forehead. If that woman can be brave then so can I. After all I promised to protect that baby.

"Wow this is a whole new low for you asshole."I hissed, watching the cruel smile on his face twitch.

"Well, I figured I would have to take drastic measures when dealing with you." Fin smirked.

"Well fuck you too. What do you want?" I snapped, watching the calculative look on Fin's face with unease.

"I want you to put down your weapons, then you'll be mine, understand?" I shuddered at the menacing promise behind those words but I still nodded.

The woman looked at me in grateful horror as I slowly knelt to lower my weapons on the ground. I got up cautiously and was about to speak again when a bullet tore through my left shoulder. I let out a shriek of pain as I fell to the floor. I glared up at Fin who had his once hidden revolver aimed at me.

"There, now this time you won't be able to escape. Let's get rid of that shirt, it'll get in the way." Fin grinned at me, kneeling by me to examine my sickened and horrorifed face.

Just as he reached out to rip my shirt the sound of gunshots rang through the air. A moment later Aaron tore through the door, shooting the two flunkies that were threatening the baby as he came through. The woman took advantage of the shock and dived for her baby before running behind Aaron.

The surviving minion took aim, but he was too slow and Aaron dispatched him with a bullet to the skull.

"Aaron!"I tried to run to him but Fin grabbed me by the hole in my shoulder and pushed me to my knees.

I bit back a scream as Fin's fingers dug into the gunshot wound and froze when the cool metal of his gun pressed to my head.

"Percy!"Aaron made a step towards us but Fin drove the gun in harsher against my skin, making Aaron freeze.

"Ah,ah,ah! Now where are your manners. It's rude to barge in without knocking."Fin tisked, flexing his grip on my injury making me flinch.

Aaron's eyes narrowed calmly, focusing those deadly eyes on Fin's crazed ones.

"Let her go Fin." Aaron's voice made my eyes widen, the flat non negoitialble menace revealing his murderous intentions better then screaming ever could.

"Hmm, no. You see she is destined to be my queen, my blushing virgin bride. She's the only pure one left and she will cleanse me of my sins." My face paled slightly at Fin's words.

Uh oh.

The End

It's not that I'm not glad that Aaron was my first, but with the gun against my head I hoped that my married status didn't get revealed. Thankfully Aaron was prudent enough not to blurt that tid bit either.

"I don't care what your delusions are, Percy is coming home with me. "Aaron snarled lowly, his gun never wavering in it's aim at Fin's head.

The gun lifted from my skin but Fin used my wound to pull me back to him. He pressed his lips to the side of my head and I tried to rear back from him. In reaction Fin yanked on my shoulder, wrenching a short scream from me and pulling my ring out form under my shirt. Aaron took a auotmatic step forward but froze again when Fin pushed the gun to my head again.

"My bride will stay here. I hate to be cliche but if I can't have her then noone c-.What is that?" Instantly my hand clutched my wedding ring protectively, Fin's enraged expression making the question rhetorical.

"My wedding ring, fucker."I hissed, unwilling to cower under his rage.

I screamed as Fin pushed his fingers deep into my gun shot wound, ripping it wider.

"Whore!Devil's slut!How could you!I lov-."Screams suddenly erupted from the door I came from cutting Fin off.

Zombies broke down the door, more numerous with the fresh additions. They must have broken through the door I locked escaping the arena. Fin's grip on me relaxed for a second. I didn't need a second chance; I bolted towards Aaron, scooping up my gun with my good arm. In the same breath it took to run into his arms Aaron shot three bullets into Fin's back. Distracted by the shots, the zombies grabbed Fin.

And with one short scream Marton Fin was dead. Just goes to show how fragile human life was and how quickly it can end. I didn't stop to relish Fin's death, I just ran as Aaron slammed the main doors shut behind us. The woman and her son waited for us by the gate, ignoring the bodies of the guards. Just as we all cleared the gate Aaron took out a match from his pocket and lit it. Then he tossed it on to the yellowing lawn.

A gas trail instantly blazed a line to the church. Soon a sea of flames ate at the walls and then the entire church was consumed by the flames. The woman held her son close to her chest and stared at the flames, a slow triumhant smile spreading acrossed her cheeks.

Aaron, however, wasn't looking at the burning church. He was staring, no glowering, at me. What was his problem? It's not like I- oh, wait. I did trade myself for Iri.

"I'm sorry." I said softly, dropping my gun on the ground because I was too tired to hold it anymore.

I didn't look at him, half afraid that he wouldn't forgive me for running off. Then I felt a tug on my neck. I looked up and saw Aaron tugging on the necklace I wore.

 "You kept this."I closed my bloody hands over the hand that held my ring.

"Of course I did. I couldn't leave without it." I whispered, my adreniline starting to wear off and leaving me extremely tired.

Not to mention that my hands felt like bleeding pin cushions and that my shoulder felt like it was on fire.

"You will never do that again.Never again, you hear me?" I giggled, the blood loss, hunger and fatigue finally getting to me.

"Ok, sure. Whatever you say papa bear." I sighed and leaned on Aaron, suddenly too weak to hold myself up.

"Did ya really think it would'av been that easy? Girlie, you and I have a settle ta score." A dreadfully familiar voice called out to us.

Tom and Joseph stood ten feet away from them. Joseph held a assault rifle on us while Tom smiled evilly at us, his splinted hands unable to hold a weapon.

"Why can't you just die! The master only talked about you! He adored you. Yet you do this to him! Evil witch, you cast a spell on him didn't you!"Joseph yelled, the drug produced maddness evident in his voice.

I was too tired to fight anymore, my eye sight was getting grey around the edges.

"Percy? Percy! Now is not a good time to pass out on me. Percy!"Aaron caught me when I slumped, keeping a careful eye on the gun trained on us.

Then there was a flash of movement and the woman dived for my dropped glock. With speed that belied her sickly form she shot Joseph in the chest twice before clicking empty on the cartrige. Tom looked panicked and tried to run before Aaron's bullet ripped through his skull. His body dropped with a dull thud next to Joseph.

We all held our breath, waiting to see if the day had anymore nasty surprises for us. It was barely after noon and already I had survived a round of zombie gladiator, escaped, got captured again, got shot, almost raped, escaped again and a run in with Tom and Joseph. In my mind, surviving all of that at least constituted a big tall glass of hard alchohal.

Damn I'm way too tired for this. I jerked awake when Aaron shook me. My brow furrowed when I realized that I somehow got into my bed, at home. Did I blackout?

"Wha? When did we get home? What happened?" I blinked my bleary eyes at Aaron.

"You passed out so I took you and Melanie home. It's only been a few hours since then."I nodded slowly, spacing out for a moment.

"I see.Is that the woman's name?" Aaron nodded before staring at me.

"What?" I asked him, reaching up with my good arm to touch his cheek.

"I almost lost you." With that one sentence my heart constricted with guilt.

"But, I'm here now. It's like you said, I don't know if I'll die tomorrow. But I have right now. And I don't want to taint the present with the past." Aaron stared at me for a moment before swooping down and kissing me senseless.

I ignored my wince when my shoulder creaked painfully, but Aaron didn't. He pulled away leaving me with a pout on my face. A dryly amused smirk teased his lips at my face and a faint blushed stained my skin. I looked away, embaressed that I was blushing. With a soft chuckle he took my chin in one hand and lifted my face so he could place a sweet kiss to my temple.

"I suppose your right, mama bear." I allowed him to push me back down onto the pillow with a smile.

"I suppose I am, papa bear."I said, touching his hair and tracing his cheekbone with one hand.

"I love you."

"I love you too."


Three months later

I rubbed my belly absently in the living room, feeling the tiny swell of another life underneath the skin. How was I going to tell Aaron? What were we going to do? It was the middle of winter, and all of the zombies have grown too rotted to be a threat but giving birth without help was going to be risky.

Then Melanie with her son Ryan came into the room. I almost smacked myself in the head at how stupid I was. I could really be dense sometimes.

"Hey Lanie?" Melanie instantly looked over at me and after setting Ryan up in his playpen she walked over to me.

"What's up?" I smiled at her.

It was hard to believe that this gorgeous native american woman looked like a crack whore three months ago. Now her hair was a glossy brown, clean and on it's way to a healthy shine. She gained her weight back, her athletic curves

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