» Fiction » Back to the cathedral, Saeed Anwer [top novels to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «Back to the cathedral, Saeed Anwer [top novels to read .TXT] 📗». Author Saeed Anwer

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a beautiful girl who was wearing short dress somewhat longer than his hips; his big, beautiful breast was half naked. Simon held her both hands, they were accelerating their dance slowly kissing each other. This scene made John feel dizziness. His legs started losing balance, his blood circulated faster. His heart beat started increasing and he was out of his conscious as if he was in dream, not real.
There were a lot of young ladies half naked from down, half naked from up. Their open legs, tight hips, half open breast some big or some medium size startled his sexual feeling. His eyes were not stable on one girl, it was continuously moving from one to others. His eyes were looking for something on their thighs. He was eager to see their naked thighs. This scene made him sexually excited. Stiffen came to him with two bottles of wine. He was drinking one, with other he offered him. Poor John frightened first and denied but stiffen put it in his mouth by force; he had to take some sips.
“Are you enjoying dude?” Stiffen Asked.
Yeh, they are gorgeous, awesome, sexy, beautiful I like it. Answered John without looking at Stiffen sipping wine, looking at girls, he didn’t know he had finished bottle.
“Select one from them.” Stiffen commanded.
Which one?
Anyone you wish.
I can’t. I’m afraid.
Don’t be afraid, they are for us. Do select.
Please help me to select, I don’t know who good one is.
“Let’s go” Stiffen grabbed his hand, they walked to platform. John was glad but his heartbeat was increasing.
Stiffen introduced him with a twenty three years old lady who was drop dead gorgeous wearing a red very much tight dress from half of her breast to bit longer than her knee. She was jumping with high heel sandals like a dancing peacock; she had very big white boobs which were trying to get out from her tight dress. Stiffen held her hands, greeted her …
“Hi Stella this is my new friend John, looking for his first sex, I think you are better to train him”
“of Corse, I’ will, I like fresh rooster” she turned to John holding his both hand began to dance with him. As she held his hands his body shivered with strong push. He started sweating in cold. His sexual excitement arose like a fire flame. Stiffen left handing him over her, to look for new girls for him. Both Simon and Stiffen always tried to have fun with fresh girl. John frightened to see him go, he was about to say him stop but he couldn’t.
“Hi, how are you Mr. John? Are you not early for sex? It seems you have very strong power, you seem to be gorgeous landlord with gorgeous attitude.” Stella told him squeezing his both hand tightly.
John’s heartbeat was increasing as if he was in the hands of death angel, he couldn’t speak a single word out except a sweet smile. His smile was so sweet that it exhibited his white shining teeth which startled Stella.
“Your smile is more beautiful than you” saying this she put her both lips on his lips gently for long and during this kiss she also inserted her tongue into his open mouth and turn it up down to touch John’s tongue. This hot touch set a strong fire in John’s mind and body, he couldn’t control himself, his feet began losing balance, his eyes lost visual, his sex arose hardly, and he held her tightly. Stella understood his sexual force and grabbed him away to border’s round bar to aid her body because John’s weight was on her. As she took aid of round bar attaching her back, John held her tightly, he moved his lip from her lip and nodded his head to her breast and he did bite strongly to her gorgeous inflated big white boobs with his fresh white butter dropping speedily from his erected instrument. Now John was out of his control. He finished first round of his night bed game. He got frightened and his mouth was exhaling voice huh…..huh……huh…….huh….quickly.
Stella laughed slowly. “You are too fresh handsome, let’s go to the bed” saying this she took him climbing down from platform to corner which was hiding behind of long thick curtain, hanging top to bottom. There was stair for up and there were some bedrooms in rows made with wall of curtains. Some were busy with couples, Stella took him to a free bed and let her body lain down along with John, both were flat on bed. Stella removed her cloths first then opened all John’s cloth.
“What are you doing? I‘m finished” John spoke with frightened voice
“No Youngman it will still go further” said Stella and turn her body top on John. Now Stella was arisen with sex. She was kissing John till up to down with push of her hips. It was giving John pleasure and he too started pushing up biting her big boobs. John got affected with big boobs in very first game.
“I want to be top” said John and tried but he couldn’t easily turn her down because he was still young before mature lady with healthy figure. Stella laughed and said “turn me down man”
John tried again but still he couldn’t. “Please let me go top lady” John requested. His erection began again. Stella felt it and she was bottom spreading her legs wide and she ordered John….
“Push hard”.
“Ok” John said with shivering voice. Again he was frightened. It was awesome he felt and he started pushing hardly with loud voice oh, oh, oh, with dirty talking. Stella loved it, her round finished but John was arose and pushing hardly in. John couldn’t push longer, his stamina was weak, again he finished second round. His body was loose; he was flat on Stella who was rubbing his back with her delicate, soft palm. Both were enjoying. Stella first time tested pure young boy. John was happily lying on her, playing her boobs continuously closing eyes and soon he got sleepy.
Stella moved out slowly after some time. John was snoring. His innocent and sweet face looking awesome even with closed eyes. Stella sat down, kissed him then he found his pant, he took all amounts from its pocket, then he took his golden chain which was in John’s neck, she took diamond ring which was in John’s right hand’s finger, after that she went away leaving sleeping John on bed. It was her business according club’s law. She performed her duty very well first giving great pleasure to John then big cheating.
Stiffen and Simon had made all arrangements after Stella took John for sex. They were enjoying this night free of charge because they had provided a rich client to club. They had fixed a thirty years old gorgeous lady Riana to wake them up before morning. She arrived before morning to John’s bed, she picked his clothes, put them on his bed and wake him up gently rubbing his soft palm on his back. John opened his eyes, now he was conscious completely; he remembered everything, sat down frightened. He tried to cover himself with both hands like a shameful woman when he got himself naked. Riana also got attracted to see naked muscle body of young boy with fair white skin mixed in redness. She tried to make him excited sexually. She couldn’t stop herself and take pity on him. John fresh and strong adulthood again got arisen. He put her mouth on her half naked boobs. John got addicted to big boobs in his first game. It’s one’s personal choice that, what he likes while sex, face or boobs or thighs or else thing but John’s choice was big boobs. His hot touch of biting boobs made Riana excited and she took her dress off, easily letting John be top for her. Now John dared to be driver and drove harder with his hard erection. He enjoyed till longer and let the game be finished dropping white butter. Riana also got free and moving him put on her dress quickly saying
“Get ready soon, now times to go, it’s going to be morning”.
John was alert and quickly began to be dressed. When got ready he hurried to down stair. There was Stiffen sleeping shirtless along with three Ladies besides him on platform. He reached to him and woke him up. Meanwhile Simon also arrived wearing his overcoat. They headed to outside the club, mounted their horses and rode to their home as quick as possible. Night had already gone and desk was in hurry to declare morning. All three horses were racing very fast to touch their winning point in a row. It was too much important to be winner for John. He appeared happy with face but in his inside there was big fear of danger. He seemed to be confused.
Did you enjoy man? How was your night? Stiffen Asked. It broke his concentration and he turned his face towards him.
Hey it was awesome, I ruined big boobs. I liked them.
Did you do anything else? Simon asked.
Yeh, I played with two women, one who took me at night and other who came to wake me up. Second one was awesome I played with her till long. I’m real man. We’ll go back tonight too. John Said.
Both Simon and Stiffen laughed loudly making noise of wo…woo………wo….. Super hero.
They arrived at hotel and stopped. Simon and Stiffen got off the horse to have tea but John didn’t, he took his way to home saying good bye to them.
Both Simon and Stiffen did beat their hand strongly with voice.
“We lightened the bull, now we got partner, Mr. Hawk (owner of pub) got happy with ring and golden chain and Stella took all the money, she promised me to enjoy with her next time” Stiffen told. After washing their face both took their place around a table and ordered tea with cake.
John arrived at the stable. He got the horse off and tiding it in stable, he walked to the gate. It was difficult to enter through wall because it was clear morning and his mother seemed to be awake. He went to the left and entered his room from back windows towards cow’s shed, jumping inside. He lain down the bed covering him inside the blanket pretending as in sleep but he was sleepy indeed soon. Poor John!
A group of Mariana and its eight friends woke up early in the morning. They all went to church together and began their day with prayer. When they reached the Cathedral there was Vicar praying god with loud voice. They all sat there, closing their eyes listened to his prayer and followed him in heart. This daily routine in their life had created an extraordinary trust and love for God. Vicar finished his prayer and they said Amen Loudly. It used to make Vicar truly happy than whatever. After that he said to them stories of the Holy Bible or story of any saint or any kind of God’s people, especially about Ten Commandments, that’s why following the Ten Commandments was the motive of their life. Girls this enthusiasm for God and Christianity had made all girls, real Christian girls indeed.
………give us power to adhere with Christianity in all the way of life with sincerity for your pleasure, to protect tradition of Abraham which is the true and last tradition of the world…blessed the vicar and was silent.
Amen… told all the girls but there was a loud voice of Linda.
Dolly frowned at her with words”Huh, Idiot”. She always interfered with her. She never liked her because her talk with wisdom always pleased the Vicar; he admired her with his blessings.
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