» Fiction » Back to the cathedral, Saeed Anwer [top novels to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «Back to the cathedral, Saeed Anwer [top novels to read .TXT] 📗». Author Saeed Anwer

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you, I will catch them on highway hotel “and he turned his horse towards farm houses. John followed him as well.
Both rode their horses at ant walk and John began his problem.
“Woman cheated me last night. They stole my ring, my chain, and my money. You know it was one hundred and fifty pound, payment by egg’s merchant. I’ m afraid. What will I say to my father? Please help me to get it back”.
Stiffen shocked at his talk. He asked surprisingly, stretching his lips, with deep sound
“One hundred and fifty pound, you idiot keep so big money in your pocket, it’s ruined, we are in trouble indeed. Which one robbed you?
“She’s probably last one who came to awake me.” John replied.
No she didn’t, it’s Stella, sexy witch, stiffen said in anger.
What can we do now? Please help me, let’s go to Pub. John said worriedly.
Relax man relax, everything gonna be ok, but we can’t go now or tonight. Tomorrow we are going for trading and day after tomorrow is Sunday so we’ll go to Sunday” Stiffen tried to make him understand.
No man I will be ruined if not today. My father will kill me, please come with me to Midtown, please, please John begged.
Let’s go first to Simon and they sped their horse and arrived quickly at hotel where their group was enjoying tea.
“Simon, John was robbed by Stella last night” Stiffen said when they arrived around their table.
“Really? Poor dude!” said Simon and laughed very loudly. His other friend also laughed to know that they had been to pub with John.
How did he do there? Anthony asked for make a fun. John looked instantly with strange eyes in anger at Stiffen. Stiffen understood his situation and tried to stop their fun and said to Simon making his face
“Stella robbed his one hundred and fifty pound”
What? What? There was rain of “What” from his friends surprisingly.
“He went there with one hundred and fifty pound? Oh my god! “Martin asked with big surprise.
Simon shocked at this; he looked at John who was glancing at Simon in anger curving his lips, keeping his both hands in side pocket of pant.
Simon kept looking at him for a while making wrinkles on his forehead stretching upper eye lashes then laughed again loudly to make fun of him saying ”there is nothing wrong he drilled her, ruined her boobs”
Angry John couldn’t bear this and jumped on Simon saying “bloody rascal, you shared my money with her” there was big fight against both with heavy punches to each other. It gathered there a crowd of people. All their friends tried to stop them holding both removing from each other but Simon was tall fat quarrelsome young man, getting himself free of martin’s hold he jumped again and hit the John heavily with his strong punches which injured John’s nose and it bled. They were silent after a while but with dirty words on each other.
“Little boy don’t have a instrument longer than finger and came to have sex, bloody was robbed by strong woman” Simon told screaming.
“You bloody hippo can’t ride on woman with heavy belly and slept drunk in lap of woman like a baby” John retorted.
All people laughed and laughed some wanted to enjoy more fun so they were trying to excite them. Stiffen took situation and he took the John away to their farm house. John was also afraid of his father who was to return from Midtown.
“Tonight is hard for me, my father will ask me about money” John told.
“Ok man, calm down, relax, nothing to worry try to sleep soon, we’ll solve problem on Sunday and be a landlord boy, face your father, don’t be like a slave “
Stiffen told for comfort. It was very big problem to lose one hundred and fifty pound. There was misguidance in guidance of Stiffen. They were ruining John’s life because John was a son of big, honorable, trustworthy and sincere landlord Mr. Peter who was great trader in their county so they were jealous of him.
It was going to be dark. The evening was in hurry to farewell and next day was trading day so Stiffen took his way and John also mounted the horse and walked to home thinking but he was too nervous, he wasn’t able to face his father though he didn’t like his attitude but their parent loved each other and he loved his mom more than anything and whenever he was against his father his mother didn’t talk him so he always be quite and respected their family, he loved both of his younger brothers and granny too, his granny always was in his side against his mom and father. She loved John because she didn’t like Martha much due to Peter’s choice from orphanage girl. There were some minor disputes in his family but his family was very respective and honorable family with high quality of attitude Because of the grace of God. This is outcome of to be devoted to religion and take care of its rules. Happiness and unhappiness are like night and day of life, it makes life more enjoyable when we stick to religion even if with hardship it makes us extraordinary devotee to in eyes of our Lord.
“I must have gone to Midtown and solved my problem if my parent didn’t. today is a lot of work and my father won’t let me sleep soon, he sure going to ask me about money, my mother isn’t well and if she know this then there is more trouble in my family and what about my sex I love sex, I love big boobs, my hard erection won’t let me sleep easily ”. So many strange signals surrounded his brain. He decided to go to mid town from other way and turned horse to bushy way. He walked some far but it was too difficult to go forward in dark by this bushy way because now it was dark and night also his horse didn’t support him so he turned back to home with sad face.

It was getting dark and evening was going with orange sky. Sky was also getting ready to be covered in black blanket. All three labors were finished already their duty and waiting for their master wither John or Mr. Peter. Granny were continuously doing up down from home to farm and farm to home worrying about John. Old labor mark had set both young labors off to Nottingham with herds of lambs. Herds have to go by foot journey, so it’s necessary to set off now to reach Nottingham market on time till tomorrow morning. It was thirty to thirty five kilometers journey. They waited a lot for John but he didn’t come, then with permission of granny, counting numbers of herds before her, journey was begun. Two big carts also stood up with aids of wooden poles, filled with buckets, full of chicken. They were ready to be set off at midnight with both landlords and labor mark.
As the herds reached some miles away, Mr. Peter faced them and from labors they received news about John’s absent. He got angry and quickly arrived to home. Still there was no John at home. His family was waiting for him worriedly. Mr. Peter was too much angry. He shouted looking at his mother
” you have made my son careless”
“Tell Martha dear, not to me” her mother said slicing of fresh apples which she was sharing with her two grand children, just brought by Mr. Peter. They all were seating in their sitting room, worried and silent, waiting for John.
It was now night and they should sleep soon having dinner, for tomorrow’s trade but John had messed everything up. He arrived at home with torn and worn aspect, looking tired, with dirty shirt due to blood and messed up hair due to fighting. He didn’t care to tie horse, freeing it before Mark, without washing face he entered the home with silent steps to assure his father’s arrivals and change cloths. His father also smelled his arrival and walked to see him. Both father and son gathered at door. Mr. Peter angrily held his color and grabbed him in. as he was in light of candle in room, all were shocked to see his shirt messed up with blood. Mr. Peter left his color and his mother and granny stood up with scream.
“What happened to you? John. Where have you been? Dear, what’s wrong with you? Oh my God, Jesus Christ,” there were so many questions attacked him.
John was shivering, confused, tears shed from his eyes, his head was down his family was forcing to reply and he was puzzled.
Who robbed you my son? What happened? His father asked loudly taking his shirt’s corner in his hand.
“Who robbed?” this question lighted his brain and he reply with stammered voice “some thieves while I was on highway and they looted money which I brought yesterday from chicken merchant, my ring, my golden chain, they were three and I couldn’t face them”.
“Oh Jesus; god saved my son” saying her granny hugged him. Her father was cool down and John was completely delighted with inside, leaving his tension and nervousness. He was feeling fresh now. He made a way to get reed of the problems. He was really happy to cheat his father.
After changing clothes and having dinner John got to the bedroom. He lain down his bed and sighed with comfort. He was happy, his problem was solved.
“Now I don’t need to give my money to father, if I get it back, so I’m care free about money for long time, I would have rode to Midtown if there was no trading day tomorrow” he was thinking all this with smiling face and he lost in fantasy with Stella and Riana. He was so tired that he couldn’t fantasize longer and got sleepy soon.
It was Saturday early morning in Nottingham. Today was market day. All traders from around Nottingham area had arrived before dawn. Big noises had been started by all labors of traders. Buyers were moving herds to herds of animals and heaps to heaps of different products of traders. There were no spaces for any horseman in open free market area. It was full of with crowd of local people and traders. John also was with his father in compound called supermarket where only rich and big traders could dare to enter. Here no labors had to shout for their products. Buyers came, checked herds and heaps and it was bargain because it was fixed rated market for high stated people. Mr. Peter was high stated trader so his business was not too hard. It was easy and finished till noon and they returned to home before evening, finishing their necessary shopping for week.
Mr. Peter and John finished all shopping and arrived at cart ready to set off for home, they got in, and carts on a way with three labors and two landlords. As he passed by a Midtown in way, on which there was a clinic of their family doctor, he ordered to stop Marc.
Come on, I take you to Mr. Hudson. It may be some problems due to your fight with robbers. John followed him silent because it’s really hurting him on nose and back due to strong punches of Simon. Mr. Hudson was busy with a patient so they had to have a seat on a long table for waiting patients along with his father, after his father greeted him. John sat down silent looking at Mr. Hudson talking with Patient.
“This powder will help to clean your stomach.
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