» Fiction » Back to the cathedral, Saeed Anwer [top novels to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «Back to the cathedral, Saeed Anwer [top novels to read .TXT] 📗». Author Saeed Anwer

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“What is your intention today behind loud Amen?” Lucy asked. Whenever she wanted to ask something to Vicar, she lauded her Amen. Linda stood up.
Father…as she began, there entered Mrs. Vicar into the church saying Amen, Amen, loudly, sat down in the last row.
“Sorry, very sorry I’m little late today” she told with smiling face.
“No you are early today, Mrs. Vicar, we didn’t pray yet” said Lucy.
“Oh thanks God” Mrs. Vicar said, everyone laughed loudly, she made her face, and understood that also today she lost the prayer.
“Ok say my baby” asked Vicar turning his face to Linda. Everyone concentrated to there.
Father, why its rule to get married when I’ m not ready? My father said someone is coming for my wedding, I will have to go to Nottingham, I denied but my mother said its rule and you must or your father will kill you.
Everyone surprised, began looking at one another. Mr. Vicar surprisingly asked “your marriage? Who’s gonna marry you?”
“There is family who live in the Nottingham and they fixed my marriage with their son with my father. They are coming soon in few weeks. My mother says it’s our gipsy family rule. I don’t wanna get married father I want to be like Sister Mariana. I want to learn reading Holy Bible. I’ m still girl”. Linda said.
Every one uttered “Wow” simultaneously and Dolly said” she is liar. Don’t believe her”.
“No she is true, gipsy family do like this, don’t worry Linda I will talk to your father” said Vicar and went away out of the church, saying good bye to everyone.
All girls began whispering among them getting out of the church. Mariana and Mrs. Vicar were too much sorry to hear this and discussed it till long in the campus while all girls took their way to home.
“A woman desires someone to marry her but she doesn’t get, a girl doesn’t want to get married but she has to by force, oh dear God, what is in your mind please help me”, Mariana spoke looking above the sky.
Hey don’t be stupid, we can’t understand God’s rule, remember life of Holy Marry, there will not be confusion” said Mrs. Vicar patting on her chick slowly with her right hand palm.
“Ok I do but I m going to Mrs. Bork to talk about Linda” Mariana said and walked to home.
As Mariana got out the cathedral gate, she saw far away there was a group of men coming from her street. There was her father, Mr. Bork (Linda’s father) and two teenage boys who were going to work. Mariana returned the gate and hid her behind compound wooden wall. She tried to listen to their talk which they were enjoying.
“Our gypsy girl is mother of two children at age of fifteen” Mr. Bork said
“My girl is getting older at home, eating from my earning, I’m tired of her, I also want to send her at Nottingham to my wife’s family” told Mariana’s father.
“Nobody will marry your daughter, she hates man” told a teenage Mike.
Who said you she hates man? Idiot, she doesn’t hate, she desires a noble man, Mariana’s father told.
“Noble man for poor woman” spoke both teenage and laughed.
“When I want to talk her she frowned at, and she always stay away of man, I think she has become Nun going to church” said Mike.
“Her beautiful body is useless, I see her hips when she is in tight dress, and it gets wet my pant” other teenage Jorge said.
“Bloody you fantasize my daughter” told Mariana’s father running after him. Mr. Bork stopped him; they crossed the gate of Cathedral.
Mariana waited for a while then got out of the cathedral to home.
John got up very much late at noon. All of his family was to have lunch. Her mother wasn’t doing well. She prepared lunch at inconveniently. His father Mr. Peter had to help him in lunch. There were a lot of works at his home because next day they had to go to Nottingham for trading. Mr. Peter was continuously doing up down from the farm to kitchen. He shouted and shouted to John but all times he felt sleepy again. Her granny got angry and entered the room opening door with big push and it noised. It broke John sleep; he got down from the bed and walked to the bathroom.
John wiped his body with towel and put the clothes on. Making his hair he took hat. As he tried to get out from room he remembered his golden chain.
Hey… where is my chain, oh God! There is no ring in my finger. What about my money? He searched in his pockets. He sat down on the bed, hiding his face in both palms of hands he breathed deep.
Who took it, First lady or last one? It was a lot of money. The payment paid by chicken trader. What will I say to my father when he asks for? What I will answer to my mother when she would ask for Ring and chain? He confused. I must go to Stiffen for help and he decided to go out for hotel. He came out of his room. His hunger went off.
As he entered the kitchen everyone was on lunch. Her dad called him and pointed to chair for join them because he was to instruct him many things.
I’m not hungry father I got to go for urgent. John told his father.
“What is urgent, where you going now? You have very busy day today. I’m going to go to doctor with your mother at midtown. She is not well. It’s very important. Tomorrow we’ll go for trading. Labors are collecting everything and you have to check”. His father told him in higher tone.
Instruction of his father made John alert and nervous too. He wanted to go away from him but he couldn’t he took his place at chair and joined lunch but confusion of his situation didn’t let him eat well with comfort. He was lost in thinking; his last night enjoyment had been turned into trouble. His father was instructing him one by one but his ears were deaf. Mr. Peter came to know this. And asked angrily….
Did you get it all? John.
John was just alert and said shivering, what? Ah….ah… yes father.
Is anything wrong with you? You look changed. What’s the matter John? He asked again.
Nothing, everything is all right father. He answered with nodded face.
“Cart is ready master” a young labor came and instructed.
“Ok, we are coming. Lets Martha go” Mr. Peter said then he and Martha stood up and walked to outside.
John felt convenience, after a while when he assured of his father go, he quickly walked to stable. He mounted the horse and advanced to the labors, he took a round their work; they were collecting chicken and lambs for trading journey.
“I will be right back” uttering in higher tone he heeled the horse towards hotel.
He arrived at the hotel in hawk speed but he couldn’t find anyone of his friends. The hotel man told him stiffen had gone to Dencastle in search of labor. This didn’t let him wait a single moment and he too rode Dencastle.

Linda, Lily, Catherine, Dolly, Lucy, Mariana, Sara, Jennet, Rose
All girls of Dencastle went to river at noon for washing clothes, grazing their pets, collecting sticks for fire and they also took bath. Before lunch started at church they used to go early and came before its started evening but later they went after lunch.
On the bank of the river Mariana along with her street’s girls was washing clothes. They were talking to one another and laughed very loudly, some steps far from these eight young girls, Linda was keeping her back towards these girls washing a very big blanket which was used when sleeping. It’s too big for her to wash but she was trying anyhow.
All of sudden Mariana looked at her and said “poor Linda! What my baby doing?”
Mariana’s voice turned others girls eyes on her. Lily one of them, laughed and said”wo, Lindy don’t touch big whale or she’ll swallow you up”
The rest of girls enjoyed her sentence by laughing loudly.
At this, helpful Mariana, putting aside her work went to Linda, moving her aside, helped her washing blanket.
“Oh dirty people after how many years you are washing this”. Mariana asked while working on.
“That’s why she is far away from us hiding her face” Catherine told
Meanwhile a horse man passed besides them running so fast that all of them stood up frightened.
“Poor fellow” said Lily.
A little boy of four years old who was playing with other two boys of his age, some steps far away from girls washing clothes, under a big bushy tree frightened so much that began crying very loudly. His sister Jennet ran faster and carried him up.
“Oh no, no don’t cry my baby it’s not going to harm you, brave boy never frighten from anything. Brave boy has lion’s heart that always king and this was horse and one day my baby will have it and he will ride it like a landlord”. She told as kidding him.
On hearing this sentence a fifteen years old girl from them named Lucy spook at once in jealousy
“wooo don’t dream so big Jennet beyond our status we are poor fellas”.
Linda couldn’t keep mum and retorted “hey idiot fool don’t you ponder over vicar’s speech, one cannot make progress when he killed his dreams, only good dreams could take people towards prosperity”.
Sincere lady Mariana clapped her hands saying good, good my people are improving going to church and practicing on what vicar says because it’s from holy book and the holy book is nothing but holy god’s words that sure will change us one day”.
“So you are changing on this age staying unmarried by practicing over god’s words my lady”
Lucy who never cared saying anything to anyone, told as fun.
“You know a prince will come to take her and will take her on horse like a princess” told Linda.
“An old ugly drunk prince” Lucy spoke laughing very loudly.
Their sweet fighting was going on when there came a John, tall handsome boy whose behavior was like aged man. On seeing so many girls who were all wet and their socked clothes are sticking to their body making them sexy, John changed his action of talking and asked
“Have you seen a horseman around here dear ladies”
Looking at this gorgeous young man Lucy wanted to increase his stop, she asked which kind of horseman sir?
Respectful Mariana doesn’t let this go long and answered pointing his finger “it has gone this way sir?”
“Thank you beautiful lady” John told keeping his eyes still on Mariana, especially on her boobs which was looking too sexy in wet dress. He turned his horse towards village wards, heeled the horse and went, with gorgeous imagination of her in his mind. She really made him to think of her. He said himself “here also are gorgeous lady with big boobs”.
He advanced to village and found Stiffen talking with two aged woman.
“Hey man you are here?” Stiffen Asked surprisingly.
“Yeh, it’s very important to talk you” John said in worried expression and it gave signal to Stiffen about what happened last night so he said him to wait and tried to finish his talk with Women “then I will have to come at early morning for them”.
“Yes, gentleman you can catch them on very way in early morning” replied one of woman.
Ok thank
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