» Fiction » Back to the cathedral, Saeed Anwer [top novels to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «Back to the cathedral, Saeed Anwer [top novels to read .TXT] 📗». Author Saeed Anwer

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Have it at early morning with a lot of water in empty stomach” told Mr. Hudson to his patient.
“Thank you Mr. Hudson, and what about these pills?”
“Take two pills before an hour you want to have sex, don’t take it daily, twice or thrice in a week are enough because you are old now”. Mr. Hudson replied laughing.
“Sex” this word made John alert and his sexual erection arose too strongly and very hard. It was his turn now and he went to Mr. Hudson for check up. As he stood before Mr. Hudson there entered two women, one is aged and other is young seems to be twenty one to twenty four. Young lady was too attractive with beautiful round shape body, wearing long transparent dress which was too tight to exhibit his figure and her boobs were half naked. She attracted John and fresh young man lost again in sex. His erection started increasing too hard as if it was going to tear her pant up. His body was heating like fire. He couldn’t wink his eyes and he was glancing at her instantly. Both took place besides Mr. Peter. Aged lady greeted him flirting because Mr. Peter also was only forty years, tall and handsome landlord with extraordinary attractive look, she sat down attaching her thigh to Mr. Peter but he slipped himself down at corner of table and started to say Mr. Hudson...
“Sir, He is my son John, he was robbed last night and beaten by robbers, his nose was hurt and bled.”
Oh Jesus! Poor young fellow! “Thanks god he is alive” aged lady told grinning at Mr. Peter.
Mr. Hudson put his hand on John’s chin commanding him to open mouth but John was lost in young lady, looking at her constantly. He was too engrossed to listen to Mr. Hudson. Mr. Hudson understood looking at both youth. And he waved his hand near John’s eyes to break his concentration. It worked.
“Open your mouth”
John did.
“Take tongs out”
He did that too.
“Also my back is hurting too much” John said erecting his waist.
Ok, take your shirt off, ordered Mr. Hudson turning his face towards Mr. Peter asking about Martha. How she was now.
My wife is ok I hope, I have been out since mid night for trading Mr. Hudson.
As aged lady listened to word my wife from mouth of Mr. Peter, she slipped that corner besides young lady frowning at him.
“Right, its Sunday today. Here also busy at evening” Mr. Hudson said.
John took his shirt off and looked at young lady again. She smiled at him, seeing his naked white clean upper body, with muscled upper arms. She got attracted and pushed with her breast little forward, her big half naked boobs bounced up and it increased again John erection hard which was going to be cold. Again his sex arose hardly. His body got heat and hot.
“Did they hurt here” Mr. Hudson asked touching his chest gently with his hand.
“No they did at back” answered John.
My god! ” Your body is too hot I think you got high fever” Mr. Hudson told as he touched and Mr. Peter arrived at their quickly, frightened about his son.
Mr. Hudson came down from chest and touched his belly gently. As he got down to belly, starting border of his palm felt turn by turn hot knocks. It was John’s hard instrument which was jumping to let white butter free due to sexual feelings, inside his pant.
Ooooh, huh, I just understood your problem, young man! Ha.ha.ha.ha. Both he and Mr. Peter laughed loudly and immediately shut their mouth up due to respect of two women. Both women were erected their body, widened their ears, enlarged their eye balls to see and hear what that hot and handsome young landlord got.
“Your son need check up in private” said Mr. Hudson holding John’s both leg with knees, signing Mr. Peter to hold him with shoulder. Both Mr. Peter and Mr. Hudson took him to bed which was behind his checkup table, Hidden with long curtain, made for private check up of adult patients. They put him down the bed and his sexually arisen hard instrument left white butter in form of drops, coming out of opened zip. John was shy before doctor and dad.
Control, control, young man! “Your mind has been messed up with sexual thinking “told Mr. Hudson to John.
How old is he?
“He has just entered in sixteen nearly before month. My wife also complains about him to me. He gets her pent wet daily in sleep and he has totally changed his behavior and stays out of home most of the time, more over he doesn’t concentrate to work and asks meat daily for eat” represented Mr. Peter long speech of symptoms.
“I don’t think he was beaten by robbers Mr. Peter,” Mr. Hudson expressed his doubt.
“I also getting same Mr. Hudson,” Mr. Peter answered with deep thinking.
“How long have you started dropping butter from?” Mr. Hudson questioned to John who was looking at them shy and speechless.
“Since some days, may be fifteen or more” John replied slowly.
“Did you have sex with some one?”
“Auh. A. a. a.…na….na…no sir” John told stammering. He frightened too before his dad whose face complexion was changed.
Mr. Hudson ordered him to be seated and checked her back, there was big red scars with Simon’s heavy punches and informed Mr. Peter he had been beaten severely.
“Don’t think much about sex.
Pay attention to work.
Get yourself busy with work.
Read good books.
Play some game.
If you involve in sex most the time then you’ll be sex addicted son, so get involved in your trading young man”.
Mr. Hudson advised him with smile and ordered to be dressed then humbly. After that he stood up and walked to counter table with Mr. Peter talking.
“I think, I get him married, it will also be useful to Martha for her recovery, there will be two women for taking care of my family” Mr. Peter said with smile.
Isn’t it be considered child marriage in your high land lord society” Mr. Hudson asked surprisingly taking place on her seat. Mr. Peter also took seat opposite him answering…..
“I know but it’s our rule, I don’t like manmade rules, I never care the people, I’m very careful man about family and you see my son is healthy, I’m worried about Martha, My sweet heart, I love her, I’m no longer without her” his eyes are full off tear. There arrives John. He stands up behind his father.
Both aged women sympathetically looked at each other and also their eyes overflew tears, listening to Mr. Peter.
“What a lovely man I have ever seen!” said aged lady and young lady again started play with John. Poor John again jumped in vain.
“Massage this oil on your back, take this powder twice in a day after meal and sip this syrup thrice at night” Mr. Hudson said handing some herbal products over John
“Strictly follow my advice, try to be noble man and when you are twenty come to me for solid power and solid instrument but now not to worry” Mr. Hudson whispered leaning to John.
Mr. Peters paid bill, John walked to outside, both lady stood up for their turn. John touched the young lady when they passed by it showed that John had crossed the limit and now it’s too difficult to be understood for him. Because Mini bull tasted such a grass that he should have not been at this time.
Both father and son got into the cart and have seat opposite to each other at last and Marc pulled reigns of the horses, cart again on the way to home. Mr. Peter tried to ask John slowly leaning forward “was you robbed really?
John nodded.
As cart passed by Pub where John came previous night, John erected and tries to find Stella doing his head up and down strangely. It somewhat confused Mr. Peter and he tried to look at what John was crazy for. “The Pub, why is he interested in?”. Mr. Hudson could be hundred percent sure, my son could be really crazy for woman, I must take care of him soon or it will be too late, so many signals attacked Mr. Peter brain. He yawns again and again so he closed his eyes to sleep for a while before they get home.
********* 15
It was silent evening. Soon it’s going to be dark. Mr. Bork was walking quickly on a side of the highway. As he passed by a big horse-cart, standing end of the row of shops, someone shouted him. He was an aged gipsy labor of Nottingham sitting in long cart, standing aside of highway under a big tree. Mr. Bork stopped and gipsy man jumped out, both did hug to see each other and exchanged news of their relatives.
“Come on I buy wine for you”
Mr. Bork told man dragging him towards hotel. Both took place around a table, Mr. Bork ordered wine. His guest began handing a long bundle wrapped in black cloth over to Mr. Bork.
” Aunt Lora has sent to you, she said this is for your daughter and they will arrive at next Sabbath day till noon so be prepared for marriage and talk to your priest”
A waiter came with a bottle of wine and two glasses and put them on table.
“One more bottle because I have guest from Nottingham” ordered Mr. Bork again.
“Bundle is heavy huh,” he checked and hanged in his shoulder then both started to drink wine until both bottles ended. Mr. Bork paid a pound which was his wages of today. A drunken gypsy man would not be able to work hard so he had to do the worst work in land lord farms always changing the master. Hotel man took wine money and returned the rest of money. Mr. Bork told giving back money…
“Get me some meat “
Hotel man handed him a big piece of raw meat.
He wrapped it in cloth which he was tying around his head
His guest walked to cart waving hand and Mr. Bork walked to Dencastle. As he got nearer to home, it was dark and his legs began to be unstable and mouth exhaling swearing. His wife was waiting for him at the door sitting outside his home. As she saw him coming, she stood up to handle his balance at the door, only four and half feet high which was not enough to be entered without leaning for man with six feet height. She was only five feet high slim woman who couldn’t bear him and turned down setting him as top at her body. Both were inside the home only leaving feet outside the threshold. Black bundle was still attached with his shoulder but meat was thrown far away in home.
“You bloody stupid woman always let me down, you idiot” and he began to beat her with his head while both were still lying. Poor woman couldn’t get herself free from his burden and screamed loudly which got in ears of Linda who was coming from the church saying thank you hymn to the lord for a day with all girls including her six and nine years old younger sisters. She was near to home so she ran and broke into the home carefully from parent’s body. She did pull her father in corner and got her mother free. Her father kept lying in corner because he was fully drunk now while her mother picked meat and began cooking dinner.
Linda took the bundle and tried to see opening it in light of candle.
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