» Fiction » Back to the cathedral, Saeed Anwer [top novels to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «Back to the cathedral, Saeed Anwer [top novels to read .TXT] 📗». Author Saeed Anwer

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A beautiful long light gray dress flagged open and some jewelry and a beautiful pair of footwear fell down the floor.
“Where did he get them?” Linda said wrapping the dress and picking the things up. Her mother told turning face to her “we’d be able to know at morning only”
It was two hour earlier before evening. Cart stopped at the gate of the house in the farm of Mr. Peter. John sighed deeply and waited for his father who just woke up with big push of break of the cart. Rubbing his eyes Mr. Peter jumped off the cart and John followed, it was his father’s rule that he never allowed before his father. Both entered the gate where Martha was standing just a meter away in left corner with a big jug full of water in her hand. Both advanced to Martha and took off their long boots for travelling and overcoats. Boots were put up where they had been removed but overcoats had been handed to Martha in her free hand. Mr. Peter leaned to wash his face with question “how she was than” and Martha began to pour the water with answer “she was too good”. Getting free Mr. Peter advanced to the door where his mother was standing with the aid of stick in left hand, a towel in right hand.
It was John’s turn after his father.
“How are you my dear?” Martha asked with a kiss on forehead.
“Yeh I‘m ok, well nothing to worry mother” answered John leaning to be cleaned.
He followed his father steps and there were some more love with the soft and wrinkled palm over his head, he didn’t need to wipe his face out, it was wiped by her grand ma with great pleasure and love, then all had seat in the sitting room opposite to each other such that mother and father were on a long chair knitted with bamboo’s chips and son were beside his grand ma who were smiling at him with her left leg rested on chair touched with John. Their talking with loud voice made two younger sons come there who were hardly tied with both hands of dearest father kissing to them respectively.
Meanwhile a young laborer entered the room with some bags in hands. And put them on the table attached with wall. Boys ran to bag for messed them up with hope of cookies but mother arrived and took charge. As Martha found herbal products, she turned to her husband.
“Are these for John?”
“Yeh we’d been to Mr. Hudson, we must care of our son, he has grown bigger than limit (looking at his mother angrily) you mother don’t interfere when I m over my son, ok?” Mr. Peter started in higher tone which seemed to be going to mess the situation, there was silence for a while.
“What is this for?” Martha asked observing bottle of massage oil looking at John.
“For my back, it’s hurting” John answered walking to her.
Mr. Peter was frowning at them. Mrs. Peter understood and immediately got chance.
“Come on in your room I do massage your back” told Martha to John.
“Get me some food I m really hungry, he may be hungry too” ordered Mr. Peter.
“No I m not” John replied to be disappeared from his father and walked away for his room his granny also found chance to be swept of her son saying
“Ok then I do massage your back dear”
John slept on bed shirtless and his granny began massage sitting beside him.
“Oh, what a big scar!” she began cursing robbers harshly.
Huh... Huh…Huh…John was groaning but feeling comfort with massage and it made him sleepy soon. His granny went away covering his body with blanket. Poor John slept so early that nobody cared to wake him up taking pity on him. After having sleep of five to six hours, young man was awake and there was dark of night. Every one of his home were sleeping. John felt going out for urinate so he got up and walked to back the house passing through kitchen. He returned to kitchen with fresh and cleaned face and hands. Searched some food and found roasted pieces of meat. He had meat till full, craze of sex power didn’t stop him from overeating. He poured a glass of milk extra which ended with four big belching. He remembered his medicine and had it too finding them.
John returned to his room, sat down on the bed, felt comfort in yellow light of candle reclining the pillows, again started thinking, recently experienced sex joy didn’t let enter noble thought to innocent landlord’s brain. Young land lord jumped from bed like a dog arisen with sex in dark night to see a female dog which was ready to meet licking its testicles. He started up downs in room keeping his both hands in pocket of his pant. Imagine of Stella and Riana, great pleasure with them, their big boobs was taking him out of control as if they were calling him.” It is early night and I can come back till down” signal in his mind get him prepared for Midtown. He jumped out of window blowing candle off, walked to stable for horse and got out of the farm walking. He mounted the horse, heeled, and stopped at the hotel which was still busy in serving dinner a travelling group which halted for night in lodge.
Hotel man laughed loudly when he identified him who knew about him and his new craze for sex.
“Are you on journey to pub fella? Your friends have already gone”.
Hotelman said to John. It didn’t let him stop a moment and he heeled again. Tomorrow was Sunday so its day for Simon and Stiffen who always spent there in pub. They planned at yesterday, for Stella robbed one hundred and fifty pounds; they thought she gave to Mr. Hawk. It was big amount so they wanted to share with Mr. Hawk but situation was very serious at Pub.
“Get out of here rascals and never come back here again or I will kill you”
Mr. hawk told pointing Simon and Stiffen who were on land, thrown by two big guards from the pub. Because when they arrived at pub, went to Mr. Hawk and started fight with him. Mr. Hawk didn’t know about one hundred and fifty pound. Stella escaped from Nottingham to London taking money and she didn’t come to pub after night with John. So Mr. Hawk shocked to listen to one hundred and fifty pounds. He tried to explain both Stiffen and Simon with respect but they didn’t and started fighting. So they were out of pub disgracefully.
“Don’t let them in”
Mr. Hawk ordered to gatekeeper and about to enter in but there arrived at pub a young man who was John. John was shocked to see both his friends down the land in disgracefully who were to stand up. He got happy to see Simon but not with Stiffen.
“Welcome, welcome young man”
Mr. Hawk told to John coming to his horse. He held the reign and commanded to get keeper to tie it, hold hand of John to get him off the horse. John got down looking at Stiffen surprisingly who was shamefully before him. Mr. Hawk didn’t let him stop there and grabbed him in; again commanding let not them in, to gatekeeper.
Exclusive ring and golden chain did impressed and glad to Mr. Hawk but one hundred and fifty pounds shocked him seriously.
“Your friends came to me for share of the money, but sir I’m not bad person like thief; I’m an owner of this pub and so many beautiful girls” he said holding his color to impress John.
“Stella escaped to London with your money, chain and ring, she cheated me, I don’t keep thief girl here sir, and you must have come to me that day. I didn’t let her escape.” He said to John
“She could be that” John pointed to Riana who were enjoying dance on centre stage.
“No, no sir she is Riana a gorgeous honest lady, she doesn’t do it. Stella did it that’s why she escaped. “
It assured the John. Mr. Hawk offered a wine bottle to John. John little hesitated because he had no money and he wanted to see Stiffen and now there was no chance for free in pub.
“Have it sir, this is from me to my new customer and don’t worry about your friends both are poor fellow. They have big amount to pay me so I won’t let them in unless they pay”.
It surprised John and he told.
“Sir, even I don’t have money today, I came for Stiffen”
“Don’t worry sir, you don’t have to pay now, here are so many skims. Pay twenty five pound and enjoy month, if you pay hundred pound it give you a month free”
Mr. Hawk said to him with smile
“Ok that’s good I will go by skim and pay you soon”
John replied with relax.
“Thank you, with great pleasure”
Mr. Hawk thanked and called Riana with sign. Riana came and took John to the stage. Both kept dancing till long drinking more wine. She taught John more steps of dancing, John enjoyed it a lot then he slept with her throughout night and arrived at home before dark goes away. Now John learnt to enjoy life without fear of anyone, cheating his family.
Both Stiffen and Simon got annoyed with disgrace by Mr. Hawk. There was no other pub in midtown, warm welcome and respect of John by Mr. Hawk, set a fire of enmity in their mind. They were ruined in own eyes. They took their way and arrived at the hotel at midnight and slept there waiting for John.
Sabbath day rose with a lot of sweet and noisy chirping of birds on the trees. Linda got up rubbing her eyes and again began thinking to see black bundle hanging on the wall. Long dress and jewelry confused her. She smelled of marriage and it made her nervous. Today was Sabbath so she quickly stood up and came out back side of her home where her father was brushing and her mother was preparing fire. To see her, her father spoke.
“Aunt Laura has sent a bundle for you, they are coming next Sabbath for marriage”
It warned both mother and daughter. They looked at each other, her mother’s eyes were full of tears, Linda ran to her and both mother and daughter hugged long.
“Ok mother don’t worry everything will be ok. Vicar says the lord knows everything, he isn’t unaware of anything, the things happens with his command so hold ten commandments strongly with your heart, remember holy Jesus and holy Mary’s life so as to live life happily. So I’m prepared for anything”
An eleven years old innocent girl did speech like an aged nun, even if there was big fear of losing her family. All was due to sincerity of Vicar who was preaching the people of Dencastle and around Dencastle sincerely like a real father.
“I can’t understand your talk my stupid girl, it’s not as easy as singing hymn, now you gonna go far away from us forever” her mother told her crying.
“Ok I do mother, lets prepare for Sabbath” Linda said
Getting prepared they walked to Cathedral Dencastle which was truly a home of the God, it had very different auspicious appearance on each Sabbath because there were all people of small village gathered who were not more than fifty in numbers, but also there came highly standard people from around landlord societes for Sabbath prayer. People of Dencastle honored them taking places at last, even though they
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