» Fiction » Kira Thorne, Shia Naawl [ebook reader play store .TXT] 📗

Book online «Kira Thorne, Shia Naawl [ebook reader play store .TXT] 📗». Author Shia Naawl

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this time it reached my eyes. This was what a submissive was very good at, comforting. It was in their nature. They were the ones that kept us dominants from turning into real monsters.

‘I’m okay.’ I said.

He was about to say something but something behind me caught his eyes which brought him to being afraid. I turned quickly, placing Philip behind me and in response to that, Philip weaved his arms around my waist and rested the side of his head on my shoulder. He held me tighter as he felt and smelt Hunter getting closer.

My wolf didn’t stay still this time. She was angry and pacing within my body.

‘Hunter’ I growled. The growl vibrated from my throat which made me sound more animal than human.

‘Philip’ he acknowledges.

Philip didn’t talk. He turned his head so his face was buried at the crook of my neck as I felt his Wolf afraid and felt his body visibly shaking. I placed my left arms on his forearm as a sign of comfort.

Hunter looked satisfied with the fear he put on Philip which made me more angry.

‘It’s good seeing you again, little wolf. I did enjoy our...time together.’ He tried to touch him but I forced both of us back. Then he turned to me and smiled cruelly.

‘I see you’ve changed but I think I preferred when you were in the corner hugging your knees to your chest while you shower us with your fear.’

I growled at that. I pushed my dominance into him. I was more dominant than him so I did it effortlessly. ‘I’m not that thirteen year old girl anymore.’

‘I guess old habits die hard.’

His eyes were flat cold but his smile still remained. He delicately put his hand on my shoulder and I just snapped.

I lunged at him with a snarl. I punched him in the face which made him go backwards and in blur speed; I jumped and aimed my feet high. My feet connected at the back of his head. The force made him fall forwards –that was when we were interrupted.

Alaric pinned me from behind, he overlapped his big arms with mine and forced me to back away. He had me in a very tight grip so it was useless for me to even try to break free of his hold.

‘Enough’ Alaric whispered fiercely onto my ear.

I looked down on Hunter. He turned so he could look up at me. He used his hand to touch his blooded nose and then he met my eyes. I growled at him but remained still because although I was angry and wanted to rip his Trachea from his damn throat, I didn’t forget Alaric was holding me. Touching me. My Wolf was back to going utterly still, I went still. I forced to push my anger and tried to remain a clear mind. I closed my eyes briefly then opened it. My face was expressionless as my eyes bored into Hunter’s.

‘I was only coming to talk to you about...the past.’ He said. He tasted truth but he was bending the lie to make it true. Yes he did come over and yes, he did talk a little bit about the past. It was the truth but his intentions were different.

‘Don’t touch me Hunter. Ever.’ I said quietly.

‘What’s going on here?’ Erik said quietly but it held power and authority.

‘I snapped’ I said blandly.

Erik looked over to Philip who was on the ground couple of paces behind me. I smelt his fear and my Wolf had the need to comfort him. I turned to look at him and Alaric followed my movement. I was on the floor with his arm bleeding. I looked down to my left hand and saw Philip’s blood, smelt it even.

‘And you hurt Philip in the process.’

My eyes soften towards Philip. ‘I’m sorry.’

‘Sorry isn’t good enough this time Kira. You need help.’ Erik said even more quietly.

‘He deliberately tried to scare Philip.’ I said quietly.

Erik looked at me for a long moment. Erik knew what I meant. He heard the truth in my voice but then looked down at Philip.

‘Was Hunter trying to scare you?’ he asked gently.

Philip was trying to look at me for a silent permission.

‘It’s up to you.’ I said softly.

‘He tried to scare me and...touch me.’ he croaked.

Erik turned to Hunter but spoke to Alaric. ‘Let her go’ then he spoke to Hunter. ‘This is a warning or you will see my ruthless side.’

Hunter spat blood on the floor. ‘I thought you ruled by love’ Hunter said quietly.

‘I do but if love will not suffice then fear would have to do.’

Hunter bared his neck and looked to the ground. A submissive gesture.

Philip ran to me and embraced me in need for comfort. I poured my dominance, warmth and reassurance into him. My Wolf sought his. I met Erik’s and Alaric’s faces and saw surprise blatantly. I smiled at them and looked over at Natalya. She smiled and came into Erik’s embrace. I mouthed at her ‘help me’ but all she did was cover her mouth with her hand –to stop from laughing at me. I tried giving her the look but Natalya only grinned in amusement but came to Philip. She touched his arm and sent the powers of an Omega. Like a mother soothing a child, Philip let go of me and into Natalya’s embrace.

Then I turned to Hunter. I approached him slowly till my feet were near his. He looked up at me and met my gaze. I crouched in front of him and spoke softly.

‘Whatever wrongs you’ve done to me is forgiven. I’ve accepted that and moved on Hunter.’

Then I stood up and turned away from him and casually walked towards the house, ignoring the surprise on the rest of the pack.

‘Why?’ Hunter asked.

I stopped and turned my head slightly to look over my shoulder.

‘Because Erik is now Alpha. A new pack means a clean slate for you.’ I paused then continued, ‘But remember Hunter, I can forgive but I can’t forget’

Then I walked away.

Chapter 5

‘I don’t like this’ I hissed at Erik.

Erik wore a plain black shirt, jeans and a leather jacket. I wore black spandex pants that hugged my body, like a pair of tights, and a deep plum fitted t-shirt. My wrist sheaths were securely in place, my Wakizashi sword was in my hand and my Tonto sword strapped tightly on my upper left thigh. My Wakizashi was in its black stone surface lacquered sheath and the hilt was in braided in a pale pink oriental design and plain black leather. Thick black leather strips were tied on the sheath and was dangling from side to side. The blade was 60cm long and its blade was in the metal of silver. My Tonto sword was more like a long knife than sword. It was in its black-stone lacquered sheath and the hilt was braided in gold material and plain black leather. The blade was 15cm long and I used thick leather strings to secure it tightly on my thigh, that way the sheath would still be attached to my thigh but the blade would be in my hand. Like the other one, it was made of silver.

Alaric who was walking next to me wasn’t really a knife person but more of gun person. Alaric wore black pants and matching t-shirt. He had his hip-holster in place that held a Hi-Power browning. His Glock 17s were neatly placed in his shoulder holsters. All of his bullets were silver but like me, we didn’t need guns or knives to fight. We are werewolves, super-strength and endurance was in the package. These were all for show and nothing more than props to look menacing and looks like we can do some harm.

Erik looked at me over his shoulder and grinned, then went back to walking through the crowds of Le Cirque de Monstres. Le Cirque de Monstres was exactly what it said –The Circus of Monsters, this was owned by a master vampire called Mircea. He was one of the powerful vampires in the City and his specialty was wolves. Erik and Mircea were allies and why Erik came here was oblivious to me. Le Cirque de Monstres was basically a circus that shows how much of a freak we are –like seeing a person grow back their limbs again or a billboard sign saying ‘ever had sex with a rotting corpse?’ and by that, it meant literally rotting corpse for sick, sick people. This place creeps the living shit outta me but for Alaric, it remain expressionless –except for the pretty faces that walked by and for Erik, he was walking casually and breezy.

In a place like this, it had a no weapon’s policy but I was Erik’s bodyguard so the rule pretty much overrides Alaric and me. The Alpha was supposed to have body-guards –it was customary and necessary, and the supernatural rule book states it –yes there is some sort of book created to stop everyone from killing everyone.

We came to the seats that curled round at the centre ring. We sat mid-way from the bottom and top exists and made Erik sit at the last chair so no-one sat next to him. I sat the other side of him to protect him there and Alaric sat behind Erik. Erik started to protest until he got a good look at our un-moving faces. Erik sighed and muttered something low under his breath but sat in the seat.

The arena dimmed into only one spotlight. There in the centre ring was the ring master. He wore turquoise silk shirt that had ruffles at the front, he also left a couple of buttons undone to show his smooth white chest. His shirt was tucked into his suit pants and his very expensive shoes wore polished and clean. His curly black hair was tied back tight, defining his muscular cheekbones. The colour of the shirt made his sapphire eyes mesmerising and had no doubt radiated his power and age. His skin pale and his face was perfection and his tall, soft-muscular figure made him more beautiful. Vampire was the first thing I smelt when my eyes zeroed down on him. Master vampire came straight after as I sensed his power. Mircea looked at me for a moment, flashed his fangs, then roamed the audience. Whip in his hand, he merely flicked it and made a WATCHA sound.

‘Welcome to Le Cirque de Monstres.’ His voice boomed. ‘Tonight we may be using glamour or any type of Magick that is held in this ring or at the audience. If anyone disagrees, please leave now.’ He paused for anyone to get up –no one did. ‘Then I bid you good night and let the show begin.’
Once he stepped of the ring, another vampire was in the ring. He wore nothing but a pair of black paints. His sword in his hand and his bare pale chest gleamed. He snarled at the audience with his fangs bare for affect. I heard the front and second row gasp. I inhaled the musk of fear, anticipation and excitement. He gave us a cocky grin then stepped to the side. A snake-man slowly slithered out of the arena. He was the man version of Medusa. Tiny snakes attached on his hair
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