» Fiction » Kira Thorne, Shia Naawl [ebook reader play store .TXT] 📗

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were the substitute of actual hair and though his body from the waist down was snake; his scale was in the colour of jet-black. He was a rattle snake as the rattling sound came from the end of his...tail? Freaks never seem to stop surprising me. I mean, come on, it’s fucking Medusa.

‘You seem to enjoy the show, Kira.’ Alaric said amusingly.

I looked over my shoulder and said ‘it’s the fucking male version of Medusa. Medusa.’

He laughed and I growled and shook my head. ‘Magick doesn’t get any better than this, boys.’ I said.

Alaric snorted and said ‘We turn into wolves.’

I was about to say something snappy back before Erik interrupted ‘Shut up and just watch the vampire kick Medusa’s ass’

I snorted. ‘More like Medusa kicking the vampire’s ass.’ I was definitely on Medusa’s team.
That ended our argument pretty quickly since me, Alaric and Erik started to watch the fight. Erik was on team Vampire and I was on team Medusa. Alaric just watched being in the neutral zone, clearly amused at a more-than-a-century old werewolf being competitive with a sixteen year old.

The vampire got on with it pretty quickly as he used his speed and swung his sword down, slashing the flesh on Medusa’s chest. Blood oozed out of his skin but Medusa ignored that and used his tail to flatten him with the weight of it. Then he used his tail as a rope and brought him up into the air. Medusa used the vampire as a punching bag and punched the living shit out of him. I heard the vampires head snap back but, was snapped back into place. Medusa made a mistake of not securing his arms tightly by his tail. The vampire raised his sword high and plunged deep into his tail. Medusa screamed and let go of him. The vampire didn’t miss a beat, and ran up behind him, using his tail as a ladder up his body; he raised his sword high and plunged it deep into his back. Medusa arched forward in agony but used his hand to reach over the vampire, grabbing him by his blond hair and yanked him over his shoulder and connecting to the ground. The vampire slid across the floor while Medusa quickly grabbed the sword from the floor.

Like a snake, he slithered to the vampire quicker than I could blink. His little snakes on his head hissed and snapped their mouths at the vampire. When I blinked again, Medusa plunged the sword deep into his heart. Everybody went quiet as soon as the point of the blade hit his body. I inhaled the scent around me and zeroed down on the sword. It was iron, not silver but of course the audience didn’t know that. The vampire played dead and Medusa used the tip of his tail to nudge the vampire but he didn’t move –he was ‘dead.’ Vampires don’t burst into flames when they’re killed or turn into dust but they rot rapidly till their true age show –like if it was centuries and centuries old that died, they’ll probably will turn into dust but if they became undead for three days and died, then they die and would look three days old dead-dead not dead-undead. Humans were still wary of what to believe or not since the stuff they read in story books is real –well some of them are.

The Medusa raised his hands in victory and everyone at once stood up and clapped. I followed their suit and looked over my shoulder to Erik. I mouthed ‘told you’ to him and all he did was scowl. Sore loser, I thought.

Erik leaned closer to me and spoke softly, ‘Time to go see Mircea.’

I looked at Erik and nodded. I turned to Alaric and said ‘Let’s go.’
Alaric was walking behind us and I was walking with Erik. A lady past by and did a once-over on Erik then gave a once-over on me. I did my best to smile to look nice and harmless. The lady was in her mid-fifties and by the look of it, she was on team Vampire. Medusa was just the best except that this one couldn’t turn anyone into stone with a gaze. The lady had black hair that was tied up in a low pony-tail. She wore casual jeans and a pale pink blouse. Her eyes was in a hazelnut colour and she was human –at least she smelled like one. The lady smiled back and spoke, ‘You have a lovely daughter.’

Erik interpreted a smile that a father would be if a stranger called his daughter lovely. I heard Alaric snickered behind us. ‘Thank you.’

The lady unintentionally placed my black-brown hair behind my right ear. I tensed at the touch of her but I forced myself to relax because she was a lady in her mid-fifties and she was human. I couldn’t simply lash out at her, now can I? Not only would I have an executioner coming for my ass but Erik would come at me faster than I can run –in wolf form.

‘There you go, dear. No girl should hide their faces behind their hair.’

That comment made Alaric smirk a bit too loudly and now the lady had her attention on Alaric. I decided to role with it. ‘That’s my brother, Timmy’ I said gesturing Alaric. The lady smiled and gave him an once-over. I leaned closer to the lady. ‘I know Timmy’s got the short end of the straw when it comes to genetics but he’s a softy. One day, he cried when we were watching Titanic.’ I grinned at Alaric who looked very much like he was sulking. The lady laughed along with Erik.

‘I’ll get you back, little sister.’ He said very innocently.

‘You can try.’ I challenged.

Erik interrupted us, again, in our petty brother-sister fight. He politely said good-bye and we followed his lead.

‘Crying in Titanic?’ Alaric said.

‘Don’t worry Alaric, I know your Devil’s wear Prada DVD is under you mattress. It’s okay Alaric your secret’s safe with me.’

He gave me a look which made me laugh.

‘I don’t own Devil’s wear Prada.’ He said.

‘No need to lie. I know you have the movie, Just Like Heaven too.’

He growled.

‘You’re more than a century old and you still take the bait.’ I said laughing.

I met Erik’s eyes and he looked at me weirdly. I regarded him lightly and said ‘What?’

He shook his head but smiled. ‘It’s rare, that’s all.’

I frowned a little. ‘Rare?’

Alaric decided to answer for him. ‘He means it’s rare to see you acting your own age.’

I didn’t know what to say to that so I just gave a careless shrug and a smile.

‘It’s a good look on you.’ Erik said.

‘I just saw Medusa in action; nothing can burst my happy bubble.’ I said.

‘Calling the winner Medusa could get you on his shit list.’ A deep voice entered the conversation.

I didn’t make the effort to turn. I trusted Alaric to grab him enough for me to turn around and intervene. Erik was behind Alaric but I could see he wasn’t happy. I inhaled the scent and said ‘Back from the dead or should I say undead, again.’

‘What can I say? When I smelt a female werewolf at such a young age, I couldn’t resist.’

I turned to face him and assessed him. He had curly blond locks that touched his shoulder, pale blue eyes that contrasted with his pale face. He had sharp cheekbones and the face itself very angular. His lips were in the shade of pale pink and his nose straight. His face himself radiated masculinity and power. He wore a long-sleeved black fitted shirt that was open quite widely –since he left the top half of the buttons undone. His chest was hairless and showed off his soft muscles. He switched his black pants for a pair tight leather trousers whish was mostly covered by an over-the-knee leather boots that was held going up the back of his nicely shaped legs. The boots stooped just above the mid-thigh. He was strong but if Mircea was the ring master at the start of the show, he wasn’t as strong as Mircea.

I didn’t dare to look into his eyes. Vampires are well-known for mind-raping. There’s no way in hell would I ever let anyone control me. I settled focusing on his gold locks. I smiled plainly.

‘I should tell you that I’m on team Medusa.’ I said blandly.

I saw something move on his face, so I decided to look at his mouth instead. Turns out, he gave me a small knowing smile.

‘You don’t look at me in the eye.’ He that was more of statement than a question was. The sentence itself was pretty self-explanatory.

I shrugged. ‘It never hurt to be cautious.’

‘Never fear little one, I won’t mind-fuck you.’ He said.

‘Is that supposed to be comforting?’ I said sarcastically.

‘It should since I give my word that I won’t for tonight.’

‘Let’s hear it then.’ I said. Vampires are sly when they give their word and when they give you their word, they have to say it out loud literally or they can bend it to however they want.

His smile turned into a grin. ‘You’re a smart wolf aren’t you? Nonetheless, I give you my oath that I won’t mind-fuck you without your knowledge of it.’

‘And against my will or without my consent –for me and for my partner.’ I continued.

His smiled faltered just a bit but then rose again. ‘Fine. I won’t mind-fuck you without your knowledge, consent and your will.’

‘And my friend.’ I said.

‘And your friend.’

I switched to looking at him now. I gave a forced smile and said. ‘Thanks. Now excuse us, my Alpha is seeing Mircea.’

He raised his eyebrow and said ‘How do you know I’m not Mircea?’

‘Because she can detect power, Louise-Cesare.’ Said the ring master said.

The ring master came from behind Louise-Cesare. I was betting that he was Mircea. He was handsome enough and he had shitload of power than Louise-Cesare.

‘Are you saying I’m not of power?’ Louise-Cesare said.

‘No. Just stating that he’s more powerful than you.’ I said casually. Facts were facts. So I continued. ‘You’re also not from his line.’

He looked down at me. ‘How did you know that?’

‘You don’t have his smell on you.’

‘Aren’t a bit too young to be a werewolf? You don’t smell like a pure-blood.’ Louise-Cesare said.

Pure-blood. The thing most wolves get insulted by. Pure-bloods were those who were born werewolves not tainted with the werewolf DNA. Most wolves weren’t a pure-blood since so many females miscarry most of the time, due to the fact the change is too strong for the fetus to hold the baby.

‘I was an orphan. I was young when I started walking the streets at night. I was at the wrong place at the wrong time.’

‘How old were you?’


That taken him by surprised and I couldn’t blame him. A lot of people die during the transition from human to werewolf, only the strong ones survived but, by miracle, you do get submissives. Not to mention I was still growing as any human should –which was weird. Though our age isn’t stopped forever, we grow old slowly –and when
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