» Fiction » Kira Thorne, Shia Naawl [ebook reader play store .TXT] 📗

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and ruler of this pack.’

I looked at him squarely in the eye. Erik was a very tall person so I had to look up even though we were a couple of paces from each other. He was centuries older than me and I was seventeen. He could snap my neck if he wanted to. Erik didn’t move. His hands stayed firmly at his side but his posture had Alpha written all over it. His dominance seeped out of him but his eyes weren’t angry, it looked a lot like pity.

‘Don’t pity me, My Lord. I’m nothing but an untamed wolf to you right?’ I said quietly. This time I broke eye-contact with him and stared at the floor. I closed my eyes tightly, trying not to break down in front of the Alpha. Damn it, I won’t cry. I have nothing left to cry about. I opened my eyes but still stared at the floor.

‘What else is there but pity?’ I could barely hear him as he spoke in a faint whisper.

‘Why did you do it? Why did you bring Philip to your pack? Why does he looks so much like-’ my voice hitched up slightly higher and I felt my throat closed.

‘Like Joe? I killed Joe that day, Kira. The Marrock sent him here.’

The Marrock was Alpha of all Alpha’s.

‘Why?’ was all I said.

‘We don’t ask questions to the Marrock but only follow them.’

‘Not that, Alpha. Why didn’t you tell me he was from my old pack?’ that was something I was very certain about. I felt his old ties to my old Alpha.

‘Philip was from your old pack but when I defeated those who stood against me, the Marrock decided to take the rest them in, since they didn’t stood against to me that day. The Marrock told me that they are okay and that’s why he transferred four of them to us.’

‘I’ve never seen Philip in the pack but I smell it on him. I’ve endured the pack for four years and only a couple of months, the Marrock thought they was good to go? Not once have I seen him. Not once.’

‘Did you not smell his submissiveness? Your wolf was supposed to recognise it. Joe was a dominant but Philip isn’t.’

‘When it comes to my old pack, both of us don’t think. We stay still and wait.’ Then I paused for a bit to think. ‘Philip would’ve gone through the same shit as me. Our Alpha didn’t like submissive men. Beating the crap out of him was thought to toughen him up, be more dominant.’

‘You weren’t the only one they treated like that.’ He said.

‘But I was the worse.’ I said.

Erik didn’t object to that because fact is fact. He knew it was the truth as well as I did.

‘I’m sorry Philip’ I said softly, knowing he would hear me. I heard and smelt him quietly in the room, listening to what me and Erik said. I saw Philip walking towards me and that was when I felt his submissiveness. My Wolf and I instantly wanted to protect him. By nature, a dominant werewolf’s instinct was to protect those who were submissive. I felt Philip submissive now but his smell and how he looks was so much like Joe. Philip stopped so Erik was between him and me but Philip angled his body so I could see him. His eyes were down and his neck was bared. A submissive gesture that came from the instincts of a submissive werewolf.

‘There’s no need to apologize Kira.’ He said gently, sounded more baby-ish even. I saw his body tense though, just in case I did intend to beat him. Judging by how he stood, he looks like he would willingly let me beat him. He was clearly in distress but I saw that he was brave. Brave enough to talk to me even though I smelt his thickening fear for me.

Both my Wolf and I didn’t like that. On instinct, I sent him warmth and reassurance. That helped as he body became relaxed and he shoulders heaved lowly. Based on my instinct, my Wolf would cuddle him for comfort. Touch is common among werewolves when it came to submissives but I restrained myself. I didn’t like to be touched but submissives were an exception. Erik on the other hand, used his right arm to bring him closer to him and hugged him. Philip instantly put his arms around his waist and leaned into the comfort of our Alpha. Philip rested his head on Erik’s shoulder and I felt him relax. Happy.

‘How come I never saw you?’ I asked Philip.

‘He kept us far away from you as possible.’ His voice sounded like he was in pain and the sorrow made my heart break. Though he was older than me, he shouldn’t have endured it. He was a submissive and submissives are fragile. So very fragile. My eyes watered but I forced them not to fall. Philip should have never experienced that. Ever.

I only nodded because I wasn’t sure if I could control my voice. Erik’s gazed locked into mine but I broke it off to look at Philip. Pain and torture was so common with me back then and it was common to Philip. I could picture him in a small corner with his arms hugs his knees tightly to his chest, shaking and crying. I could picture the fear and pain he had to go through.
Philip grasped Erik’s hand tightly and both of them walked towards me. I didn’t take my eyes off Philip. Philip leaned into my small body and rests his head on my shoulder. I automatically pulled him into my embraced and wrapped my arms over his shoulder, cradling his neck and head. Since I was only 5ft 12 and him almost 6ft, I went on my tip-toes. I was very careful not to touch Erik. I sent my dominance to Philip. As a dominant, I was a submissives’ rock. Erik also sent his power to Philip and he still had his hand firmly in Philip’s. Comfort was a big thing in packs.

‘I’m sorry it happened to you. It should have never happened to you.’ I said sorrowfully. I should’ve known there was more. I was selfish and worried about only myself. Damn it, I should’ve known.

I felt his hot breath on my neck. ‘It shouldn’t have happen to you. You’re just a cub.’ A cub was those who were under 18 and Juviniles were those over 18. To get the title of an adult, it had to be earned within the pack.

I laughed at that. ‘Yeah, I am but I could handle it. As a dominant I could handle it.’

Chapter 4

I got past Philip being the look-a-like to Joe and I’ve stuck with him –literally. My wolf cared for Philip while I was still uneasy with him. Philip was one of the few werewolves to have touched me and for me not to snap at them but they all were submissives. Boy or girl, a dominant was a no-go for me. All of the pack was here to accept the new back members. We were all in a circle and in the middle of the circle were the Alpha and the new pack members. The four pack members kneeled before their Alpha with their heads bowed low and the Alpha stood tall and radiated his dominance as proof of his power.

‘We are here today to welcome Philip, Hunter, Maribel and Samuel into our pack.’ Erik boomed.

‘Who will stand as Witness on this day?’

Alaric, his second, got up and stood tall like the Alpha. ‘I do’

Erik slit his wrist with his knife and held it out to Philip first. ‘By blood oath, I swear to protect, welcome and guide you as your Alpha’

Philip did the same. ‘By blood oath, I give you my allegiance, my soul, my Brother-Wolf and body, if I betray you of my blood oath; I embrace death with open arms.’
Then both of them pressed the wrist together for the blood to make a bond from Alpha to wolf. Erik used his other hand to make the connection with Alaric. The rest of the pack joined in, touching each other and Natalya held my hand as I pressed my free hand on Philip again, linking everyone together. We were as one. The connection and the power jump-started through all of us into Philip. All of us gave warmth and welcome to Philip and just like that, he was one with the pack. It was like Philip being the velvet string and we as a pack, with our Alpha, was the hand to grab and grip the velvet string tightly. Not only Philip was blood bonded with our Alpha but now has the connection of the pack within his reach.

Erik then did the same with Mirabel, Hunter and Samuel. When it was done, Erik kissed all of them on the forehead, like a father would do. Then the pack came and greeted each of them while I stayed at the back and looked closely at the three. They were all from my old pack, sent from the Marrock himself.

Mirabel had curly frizzy red hair that tumbled down to her back. Her skin was in the shade of bisque and her lips in a pale pink colour. She wore a blue sundress with matching sandals. She was old and when I mean old, I mean back when women were the ones staying at home in dresses and corsets and petticoats old. She radiated off of innocence and arrogance. She was one that I actually remembered. She was one of the girls who looked down on me because I was different. They didn’t like that I was dominant and not submissive like them. I could hardly blame them because when someone tells you the same thing enough, they’re gonna believe sooner or later –it didn’t help that she lived in an era when women let their husband dictate their lives. Even though submissives were submissives, that didn’t mean they couldn’t be bitches at the same time.

Hunter was another one that I remembered. Hunter was the average tall and muscular wolf. He had ivory skin, floppy thick brown hair that draped over his emerald eyes. He wore a white fitted t-shirt and baggy dark jeans. He was a dominant. He was one of the many men who tried to make me a submissive wolf. Both my Wolf and I didn’t like him and in that moment, I decided to stay away from him. The Marrock might have said they were safe now but both of us were wary of that.

Samuel was my old Alpha’s fifth-in-command. He didn’t beat me or touch me but was there the entire time. He looked and observed but never joined in. Samuel was centuries old but he never been but fifth-in-command. He was quiet but intelligent. Samuel had the colour of warm sienna skin and was quite small for a werewolf. His muscles were nicely shaped and he wore similar as the other men in the pack –jeans and t-shirt.
Someone touched my arm and I automatically tensed but relaxed almost immediately when I smelt Philip. I turned my head slightly to look at him over my shoulder. I put on a smile that didn’t reach my eyes. Philip returned the warm smile but faltered a bit as he felt my Wolf. My Wolf was still and very fragile. His Wolf tried to send comfort to my Wolf. I smiled wider,
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