» Fiction » Kira Thorne, Shia Naawl [ebook reader play store .TXT] 📗

Book online «Kira Thorne, Shia Naawl [ebook reader play store .TXT] 📗». Author Shia Naawl

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I say slowly I mean slowly. For me, I’ve taken a ‘growth spurt’ from it. Hell, my chest has grown from a pathetically small size of AA-cup to a B-cup. Though I’m small, at least I’ve grown into a healthy 5ft 12. So life in the ‘sprouting’ lane was doing wonders for me –life sucked a little less.

Chapter 6

‘Enough harassing my bodyguard.’ Erik interrupted. Erik crossed his arms over his chest and simply stared at Louise-Cesare. He deliberately pushed out his power of his dominance. He stood tall and he looked like he could beat the crap outta him anyway but not actually kill him because I felt they were both at the same power-level. If one died, I had no doubt that he would take the other one with him. Their egos were too big to be killed by a vampire or werewolf, depending on who actually was about to die.

I gave Louise-Cesare a small smile and stepped back from him and positioned myself in a stance where I could see both Mircea and Louise-Cesare. I bared my neck in submission to Erik even though my She-Wolf didn’t like it. Erik was our Alpha. Everyone is submissive to him. Erik simply skimmed the gesture to make it look like nothing but through our connection he sent me warmth. Erik didn’t like dominant being submissive in public if he can stop it. Dominant wolves had too much pride and ego for that but Erik was the exception to all of us –the only exception.
Louise-Cesare didn’t like the power gesture that came from Erik. He pushed his own power out till the humans kept glancing our way. Humans were Sensitives but very few were strong Sensitives. Sensitives were people that can ‘feel’ us. Every human had it but most of the population mistaken it as a ‘gut feeling.’ Strong Sensitives were humans that can only touch a live being or corpse to know what they were –that’s why strong Sensitives were the policies supernatural advisors in this City.

‘A 17 year old is your bodyguard?’ Louise-Cesare said disbelievingly.

‘You can bet your polished ass I am.’ I said.

Louise-Cesare laughed. I kept my face expressionless as my She-Wolf was just itching to just rip his tongue out from his damn throat. I deliberately pushed my dominance out and that took the smirk right out of Louise-Cesare. I was powerful –more powerful than Erik by my right actually but I had a sense of obligation and honour to Erik. I would never ever want to be the leader. I follow. The only thing I asked from him was being his bodyguard to him and his mate.
I felt Erik raise an eyebrow at Louise-Cesare. ‘Powerful isn’t she? She’s one of the best.’ Erik sounded like a father showing his kid off to the world.
I saw a fast quick movement forward but my head snapped at the direction of the movement and zeroed on Mircea. He was still wearing the turquoise ruffled silk shirt and suit pants. His curly black locks cascaded around his masculine face and neck. His eye pierced right through me. He even smiled.

‘I believe Louise-Cesare doesn’t believe that.’ Mircea observed.
I smiled at LC and said ‘I’ll be happy to give LC a demonstration.’

‘LC?’ LC said as he raised his brow at me.

‘Louise-Cesare is just too mouthy. LC it is.’ I said as I shrugged my shoulders casually.

‘We’re now at the stage of nicknames, Ma Petite?’

I looked back at Erik for translation.

‘Little one.’ Erik said.

I looked back at LC. I smiled broadly at him, making sure I showed my white teeth –big bad wolves don’t get to be in Red Riding Hood for nothing.

‘My nickname is going to change very soon Lucy-Lu.’ I said.

‘I like to see you try, Red Riding Hood.’ LC said.

I flicked my gaze back at Erik for a silent permission. He gave me a casual shrug. ‘Just hand his balls back to him in one piece. We wouldn’t want to hurt the vampire very badly, now do we?’

I then turned my gaze at Alaric. ‘What about you?’

In response to that, he grabbed his wallet from his back pocket and got out a couple of 20s out. ‘I bet on however much I have in my hand right now that Kira would kick Lucy-Lu’s ass.’
He threw the money carelessly on the floor.

‘Nice to see I have your faith.’ I said sarcastically.

He scoffed. ‘I trained you. Of course you’ll hand his balls back to him.’

I looked back at Lucy-Lu. He smiled and turned to Mircea. ‘It’s a challenge I can’t refuse.’
Mircea nodded and said ‘However much your wolf bet on Kira, I double it when Louise-Cesare wins.’

‘Rules?’ I asked. They always have rules.

‘No killing each other for real.’ Erik said.

‘And no metaphorical crap from either of you.’ Mircea said.

‘To win the fight, your opponent must stay down on the ground for one whole minute.’ Alaric cut in.

‘And no turning into a dog during out fight.’ Lucy-Lu said.

‘Sure I won’t. It won’t help your case any less, Lucy-Lu.’ I said cheerfully.

Chapter 7

I didn’t see him move when he pushed me back into the ring –hard. As my back connected to the sand floor beneath me, my body slide across the floor. Well that’s another way to give a head’s up.

I brought both my hands up behind my shoulders and used my legs as anchor to stand up again. I quickly switched my Wakizashi from my hand to my back as I used the leather straps to hold it there.

I didn’t make a move as I closed my eyes as I inhaled the scent around me. I skimmed through all the excitement and fear till my nose zeroed down on Lucy-Lu’s scent. I couldn’t hear his heart since it was non-existent ever since he became undead. His corpse gave a certain funk both me and my She-Wolf didn’t like.

I felt and smelt him coming closer with his vampire-speed. Just a semi-second away from giving me a very good bruising, I jumped and twisted my body in supernatural speed so that my heel connected to his jaw. I was satisfied by the cracked jaw I gave him. I quickly unsheathed my Wakizashi sword and dived down to go through the other side of his stomach. My blade only tasted the sand where Lucy-Lu should’ve been. Damn, Lucy-Lu moves fast.
That was when I felt my back arch towards the ground and Lucy-Lu raised his leg high and sliced through the air to hit my back. I let my whole body collapse on the ground and used my forearms to push my lower body up and lock my legs around his waist. As soon as I got a loc around his waist, I used my werewolf strength to push down. Lucy-Lu’s head slammed against the ground. I used my legs that was locked around his waist to push up into a kneeling position and turned my body side-ways to look at him. I clenched my fist tight and landed two good punches before his fist connected with my chest. The force pushed me backwards but because my legs were tightly around his waist, the back of my head slammed into his knee. The impact was so hard, I heard a distinctive crack.

I didn’t waste time to moan as I used the impact to bounce up in immaculate speed and head-butted him. That was gonna bruise soon. Then using my right hand, I gripped tightly around the hilt of my Tonto, I unsheathed it while I bounced back up from the impact of my forehead connecting with his nose and I slammed my Tonto home to the centre of his forehead. That made him howl in pain. I twisted my Tonto and applied more pressure on it as I dug deeper.
One thing I really like about beating the crap outta vampires is no matter where you stab them, excluded the heart, they can’t die. Stabbing Lucy-Lu in the brains didn’t make him go bye-bye birdie. I don’t know about brain damage but he was a vampire. He can heal –maybe a little while longer than usual since it’s silver but I’m 60% sure that he will just be roses. I made sure that the hilt touched his pale skin while the tip of the knife that went through his brain buried deep into the hard ground beneath him.

When I was satisfied, I stood up and walked over to Erik, while keeping my gaze on Lucy-Lu who was still struggling to pull my Tonto out –and to think vampires have super-strength buuuut, I couldn’t blame him because I paid good money for my weapons to be supernaturally useless to those who isn’t me. That meant that vampire-strength was worth shit. That also meant that no witch can take the weapon out by using Magick. Isn’t the supernatural community just dandy when you need it?

‘How long left?’ I asked as I leaned my back against the wall that separated the audience from the ring.

‘Thirty seconds left.’ Alaric said with clear anxiety.

I stared amusingly at Lucy-Lu as he still tried to get the sword out of his head.

‘If you haven’t realized yet; my sword is Magickally protected against those who are not-so-human.’ I said to Lucy-Lu.

‘And who do I have to thank for this?’ He said sarcastically.

‘Barbra. Could you imagine a witch hating vampires with passion? I got 20% discount just for saying that alone.’

‘Well bully for me.’

‘I know right?’ I said in a drawled tone.

‘This isn’t over, Red Riding Hood.’ He said.

‘It’s already over in about a few more seconds. And why do you keep calling me Red Riding Hood?’


I shrugged. ‘Humour me.’

‘Because like Red Riding Hood, she should’ve of listened to her mama when she said to not mess around with strangers.’

‘Well, lucky for you, I’ve got no mama.’ I said.

‘Is this the part where I get overly emotional and cry?’

‘You’re the hundred-and-over-year-old baby. You tell me.’
Alaric interrupted us. ‘Ten seconds left.’

I mentally started counting down and started counting out loud when it got to five. ‘Five’ I run to him. ‘Four’ I crouched by him. ‘Three’ I flipped him off. ‘Two’ I smiled at him. ‘One’ I wrapped my palm around the hilt. ‘Zero’ I yanked it out.

I stood up and sheathed my Tonto back in black. Then I grabbed my Wakizashi and sheathed it back.

‘I got beaten by a female werewolf.’ Lucy-Lu said in realisation.

‘Don’t knock it.’ I said sweetly. ‘Anyway, at least you’ll remember that I’m the one who nailed your head in the ground.’ I pointed at the gaping hole on his forehead. ‘You should get that cleaned up. We wouldn’t want any evidence that a female werewolf handed your ass back to you, now would we?’

He scowled while I smiled smugly. See, never underestimate a wolf -we’ll only bite harder. I glanced over at Alaric who was nicely counting his winnings, then my eyes zeroed on Mircea and Erik. Mircea was too close in Erik's personal space-bubble for my liking.

'Take a step back, Mircea. You're too close to my Alpha.' I said.

Mircea's sapphire eyes met my brown ones. I could tell he was amused by this but he took a step back.

Erik gave me a look saying that
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