» Fiction » Kira Thorne, Shia Naawl [ebook reader play store .TXT] 📗

Book online «Kira Thorne, Shia Naawl [ebook reader play store .TXT] 📗». Author Shia Naawl

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of my wolf and for that, I’m grateful for. I understood that this was the moment my wolf was ready to pounce. Numbness consumed me and my eyes darted everywhere. I was on high alert and that made it impossible for me o relax my body. I understood why Natalya warned me. They were the people who was about to be welcomed into the pack. They may be Pack now but I sure as hell will stay away as possible from them.
Natalya walked in first and I followed her. Natalya felt my uneasiness and gave me a don’t-do-anything-stupid look. I met her stare and simply looked at her unblinkingly. She held my gaze for a couple of seconds before she broke the eye contact. All of the pack was here to greet and welcome the new members of the pack. It was tradition and out of respect.

Erik and Alaric were the first to greet both Natalya and I. I felt Erik’s love for Natalya and the love returned by Natalya. Erik was very tall but Natalya was also very tall. Being 6ft came in handy. Erik gave Natalya a warm embrace and Natalya melted in his arms. I knew mates had a bond in which they can speak telepathically. I saw the frown he slightly gave me, which at that moment, I had no doubt that Natalya was telling him that I decided to remain closed about my past. He didn’t like very much that I didn’t talk to her or avoided her. He didn’t understand my uneasiness around her because the whole pack felt at ease –and that is the exact reason why I’m wary about her. She was the pack’s healer and mother-figure in a way but I don’t feel that way –not without questions. Feeling at peace because it was simply because of Natalya’s presence wasn’t enough. I sure as hell don’t trust it.

Erik was very gentle to Natalya; I could tell by the way they embraced each other. Erik was very possessive of his mate and if he thought a wolf of his so much as look at her the wrong way, he would make his statement very clear and very public. Natalya kept the most dominant wolf in check but even though he complains of the risks and danger she had without an escort and her disobedience towards him, he wouldn’t have it any other way. I stayed quietly back and looking at the floor. I was trying to locate the new wolves but my concentration was interrupted by Alaric. He was in front of me as he deliberately used his body to block anyone that was behind him with his wide shoulders and by that fact alone described how tall he is and how built he was.

I craned my neck up to look at him for a moment, then my eyes returned to starring at the floor.

‘Are you okay?’ he spoke below speaking levels of a human and werewolves could hear –and werewolves have very good sense of hearing.

I tried to put a small smile and said softly ‘I’m fine Alaric.’

‘You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want me to know, but don’t lie to me.’

‘I am fine. You can taste and smell the truth in my voice.’ I said simply. It was true, I am fine. For now.

‘I can feel your Wolf utterly still. I can feel her ready to pounce’ he said with slight conviction.

‘That’s because there’s new pack members and I...don’t feel right.’ Which was true but I didn’t tell him I recognised them. I didn’t know why but instinct told me not to.

I looked at how Alaric’s shoulder’s relaxed a bit. He knew there was something wrong with me and me not liking anyone to touch me was plain obvious. All of the wolves in the pack knew it and they kept their distance away from me. They were different from my old pack. They accepted my power at such a young age and the fact I was a girl. They showed kindness and the Alpha wasn’t sick or cruel.

I walked around Alaric and looked around at the room. Some of the pack members were here in the opened spaced area. The floor was wooden and there were blocks of wood that held the structure of the house from collapsing. It was opened spaced and the walls were white. There were multiple of love seats and sofas that was neatly arranged nicely by Natalya. The Persian rug had intricate patterns, which arched, interlocked and curled into one beautiful master piece. The main colour was in a deep shade of crimson that held nicely in the room. There were small tables that held different flowers, which was neatly arranged to fit the room. The room was supposed to be peaceful and relaxing.
I walked past the pack and whom hastily moved out of my way, careful not to accidently touch me. I ignored it. I knew I was a freak but being in a room full of werewolves, I was more of a freak than them. I liked to blend in and be ignored but I felt their gaze on me. Most of them thought I was a very dangerous untamed werewolf that guarded the Alpha. Most thought that Erik made a stupid move appointing me his bodyguard and of course, they openly spoke their thoughts –but Erik soon shut them up. No one questioned Erik. He was Alpha, he shouldn’t be questioned. His word was law.

I went into the kitchen. Granite countertops in the sides of the wall and the middle of the kitchen, cupboards were above the countertops and were secured on the plain white walls. The floor was square tiles that were in a dark grey colour. I walked over to the fridge and opened it. There was an unlimited supply of meat, fruit and other things I skimmed past. I reached and reached to grab a can of coke.

Someone placed himself behind me and towered my small body. I smelt male and I recognised his scent. He purposely skimmed through my arm to my closed hand around the can of coke. I went still, so very still and just waited. He grabbed the beer behind the coke and took his dear time to get away from me. I slowly straightened with the coke gripped tightly in my right hand but I made sure I didn’t press too much or it would’ve burst. I closed the fridge door and I didn’t look up until I took a couple of gulps from my coke.

Be calm. I shall protect you. My She-wolf whispered in my mind.

‘Joe’ was what I only said.

‘Philip. The new-’

‘I know.’ I said. That was when I looked up in surprised. He looked so much liked Joe and smelt like Joe. Something I was very, very certain of.

Joe had platinum hair and dark eyes. He was less than 6ft by a couple of numbers. He wore black pants and a black turtle neck top. His muscles were very soft but I didn’t doubt for one minute, he could kill me at anytime. His face was sharp and had an indentation in the middle of his chin. His teeth were white and put on the winning smile that made him handsome. He looked so much like Joe. His scent was Joe. He smelt like Joe, right?

Philip took a step forward and started to raise his hand towards me. I took a step back and assessed him in every angle. His smile faltered a bit and he took the hint that I wouldn’t return the hand shake, so he slowly put his hand back to his side. Philip stood still while I assessed him. I think he was trying to look like he wouldn’t hurt me. My Wolf still didn’t make a sound yet but I knew she was somewhere and seeing him through my eyes.

Joe’s dead, I thought. I knew Joe was dead because Erik told me he killed him. He promised me he had. Though both he and Joe looked and smelt the same, he couldn’t have been him –it just wasn’t possible. He’s dead and buried six foot under. There was a possibility that Joe resurrected by a Necromancer but I would smell the difference. I wasn’t right emotionally or mentally and I had to stop this. I closed my eyes and re-opened them. It’s not Joe I chided in my head.

I tried to give him an easy smile and said ‘Nice to meet you Philip. I’m Kira. Kira Thorne.’

‘Nice name. How long have you been in the pack?’ he asked

‘Thanks’ I said and swiftly dodged the question. I didn’t like being asked, people asking me stuff made me suspicious. ‘Welcome to the pack’ was the last thing I said before quickly escaping out of the kitchen.

I decided to go upstairs and I walked where the balcony would be. I rested both my hands on the railing and simply looked outside. I inhaled the scent of nature around me, while a recapped on what exactly happened. Seeing Joe, I mean, Philip was just too much for me. Was he in the same pack as I was? A brother of Joe? I shook my head of that thought. Joe had no brothers, just his sister who died decades ago. Do I really need help? Yes. Do I want it? Hell no. Would I get help soon? Probably not. I didn’t want help. Past is past, I can get through it. Takes time and healing. The ‘time’ part it probably going to take longer than a couple of months.
‘You saw Philip.’ It was more of a statement than question.

‘Why didn’t you tell me Erik?’ I asked

Erik was behind me so I didn’t see him. I continued looking at the beautiful scenery against the crescent moon.

‘I thought you said you were over it.’

I had no doubt he meant my past and I did keep it under control, I didn’t snap did I?

‘It was a test?’ I said quietly. I was trying to force my anger back down. I never ever thought Erik would let me go in blind so he can see if I was getting over it. Betrayal gnawed me and left me speechless. This was what you get when you let your guard down. Never again.

‘Yes’ he said truthfully. He knew as well as I that I could tell a lie. Normally, we werewolves can twist the truth into a different truth that wasn’t lying but viewing it from a different angle. This was a yes or no question, dodging it would only confirm it and would piss me off more that Erik didn’t have the balls to tell me.

‘How did I do?’ I said sarcastically.

‘You didn’t snap.’

‘You were watching me? You told Philip to introduce himself and that act he did when I was grabbing the coke in the fridge?’ I said incredulously.

‘I had to know.’ Was all he said. That made me grip the wooden railing just a fraction tighter.
‘Had to know what, Master? That there’s something wrong with me? Don’t you think I know?’

‘Don’t call me that’ Erik said.

‘Why? Would you like me to call you Alpha? My lord?’ I asked.

Erik didn’t answer. He stood there quietly. That pissed me off in more ways than one. I whirled around to face him and let my anger radiate off me.

‘That’s what you are at the end of the day, My Lord. That’s what you are –the leader
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