» Fiction » Kira Thorne, Shia Naawl [ebook reader play store .TXT] 📗

Book online «Kira Thorne, Shia Naawl [ebook reader play store .TXT] 📗». Author Shia Naawl

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felt my eyes turn yellow-ish amber. I, at once, felt her anticipation. Her adrenaline kicked in and my hand slightly twitched at the need of physical hand-to-hand contact. I felt and smelt him coming near me. I didn’t move. Not yet. Not yet. I chided in my mind. Not yet. I smelt his blood and heard his heartbeat. He was near but not near enough. I closed my eyes as I touched my Alpha’s mind, and he responded by reassurance. My mind was acutely aware of the intruder. When he was a few centimetres from me, I made my move.

My hand shot above my head to curl and dig my fingers in my attacker’s neck as he descended from the trees, thinking he could catch me by surprise. He was very much mistaken. When I had a lock down on his neck, I quickly pushed the Alpha backwards as I pushed the attacker’s neck to the ground beneath my feet so he landed head first hard. I felt the earth vibrate as he groaned but quickly regained control. He punched me in the stomach and made my back arch but it didn’t stop me from the movement of my knee connecting with his stomach. His body reacted to it and I didn’t hesitate to punch him in the face. He growled at the pain he felt but I didn’t simply see how he looked like, when there’s danger, I tend to forget anything else but the combat. My instincts were to beat the shit out of him hoping to knock some sense into him.

Using his right leg, he brought his knee up so it hit the back of my head hard. That made me jerked forward. By jerking forward, my face was coming pretty close to his head which he didn’t hesitate to head-butt me. Son of a bitch. That hurt. My Wolf growled at such an offense. Whatever mojo I had on him didn’t last because now he was on top of me. My head throbbed in pain and I was just grateful at the fact I wasn’t human because right about now, I would’ve had a cracked skull. His hands pinned my wrists down and he used his lower body to pin the rest. Knowing it would be a bitch after this; I brought my forehead up in great speed and hit his nose. I heard his nose crack as he groaned. He loosened himself and I was able to break free of his hand. I didn’t hesitate to shove my hand through his flesh and went under his rib cage to his heart. Then I stopped. This was the time I took a look at him as I knew that with a single fluid movement, he would be dead. I wanted answers. I damn well will get it.

I widen my eyes at the man I faced. He was 6ft 5 and wore black cotton top and some pants that moulded his soft muscles. He was pretty fair for a werewolf. He had chestnut hair that had a hint of blond streak in it. Its length was up to his jaws but he tied his hair back into a tight small ponytail at the nape of his neck. He had rich amber eyes and a cut indentation on his chin. His cheekbones were soft but you could vaguely see the masculine lines. There was one small dent on each cheek that defined his dimples. He had a straight nose –well now slightly crooked as his nose was broken and his face was dripping of his blood. Both he and I were wet with sweat.

‘Alaric?’ I said as soon as I had the time to breathe.

Alaric was absolutely still. ‘Can you please remove your hand from my fucking body?’

I blushed a little and gingerly unclenched my hand from his heart and slowly followed the path I made. ‘Sorry.’

Alaric got off me as stood up looking at his gaping hole that was roughly in the middle of his body.

‘Your intention was to kill me?’ he said incredulously.

I noticed the wound was healing already, and then I re-focused my attention on my Alpha. My eyes scanned through his body to see if he had gotten hurt but he stood there with his arms crossed over his chest. His face showed that he was clearly amused. When I was happy with my inspection, I turned my attention back to Alaric –Erik’s second-in-command. He was bloody and I ruined his cotton shirt that now had a hole. I broke his nose, ruined his shirt and almost took his heart –literally. Was there anything I couldn’t get right? He was testing me. Damn it, I should’ve known that when I smelt him as one of us.

I shrugged carelessly, trying to act as if I didn’t give a damn. ‘I thought you were the bad guy.’

‘Didn’t you smell me?’ He said sarcastically.

‘When I heard the twig snap, my duty to protect the Alpha kicked in. I smelt one of us but I didn’t smell you.’

‘That alone should’ve told you it was a test.’ He said.
‘Better safe than sorry.’ I retorted.

He laughed this time. ‘I should’ve known better.’

‘Yes you should have’ I said politely.

I didn’t laugh at that. I didn’t think it was funny. I was rather upset actually. I could’ve killed Erik’s second-in-command. I was that close. Damn it.

‘Don’t frown. You did a good job. You passed with flying colours.’ Alaric said smiling down at me.

‘I could’ve killed you’ I said quietly. I hung my head down in shame suddenly. I was so close. So close into killing Alaric. There was no sense of honour in that. Alaric was a good man. I should’ve looked and been more careful. Damn it.

Alaric stopped laughing and I felt his gaze on me but I refuse to look at him. Erik’s gaze rested on me too. I refused to look at him either. I felt my hands shook violently when I realized my right hand was covered in Alaric’s blood. I instantly started rubbing it off on my black leggings. I felt unclean. Dirty. I series of curses ran through my mind because of my carelessness. I should’ve known, damn it. I should’ve known.

‘You almost did.’ He agreed. ‘But that’s a good thing. It shows you’re capable of beating one as powerful as I am.’ He said reassuringly and he took a step forward to me.

I took a step back and shook my head violently. ‘I could’ve had…almost had…’ I said, trying to finish my sentence but the word kill was something I couldn’t comprehend with right now.

‘There isn’t any need to be upset Kira. You have done nothing wrong. Be at ease.’ He tried again.

‘You should punish me’ I whispered. ‘You should punish me’

I kept taking a step back until my back it a wall of solid rock. My heart was beating rapidly. My Wolf was disgusted in herself and ashamed of what almost happened. Careless. Worthless. Not wanted. Monster. Freak. Ran through my head repeatedly. It was true. What the old Alpha said was true.

I felt Alaric coming towards me closely and cautiously, just in case I would snap. I felt that my hair-band was too tight so I took it off so my hair covered my stricken face. My thick brown-black hair covered the sides of my face. I used my trembling hands as my anchor to stay standing and not fall and cry. I leaned my body to the rock wall and forced myself to breathe in and out slowly. I forced my heartbeat to slow down. I didn’t look up but a series of words slipped out of my mouth.

‘Worthless. Unwanted. Freak. Idiot. Monster.’
‘Listen to me. You didn’t harm me. You stopped.’ Alaric said slowly.

‘Careless. Worthless. Honourless. Monster.’ I continued.

‘You are not worthless. You are courageous and full of honour.’ He said with a firm voice.

‘You should punish me. You must. Punish me. You have to.’ I cooed.

‘No. You did nothing wrong. I should’ve told you. I shouldn’t have snuck up on you.’

I felt him closer to me that was in reaching distance but that only made me dig into the rock wall behind me -to make myself as small as possible. I shouldn’t have his kindness. I didn’t deserve it. I almost killed him. I almost killed Erik’s second-in-command. Erik would be angry. Alaric would be angry. Maybe not now, but later. It would always be later.

I’m unstable. Crazy. I should leave. Far, far away from the pack. Somewhere isolated. Away from harm. To a place no one can find me, so I wouldn’t hurt anyone.

‘You didn’t do anything wrong. You were protecting me. I’m not angry.’ Erik said.

‘I should go. I don’t belong. I never belong.’ I whispered so brokenly.

‘You belong with us. You belong with the pack.’ Erik said. His voice was firm and held power. He pushed power into me so I felt the pack. I felt my Alpha. I felt Alaric. I felt their warmth and reassurance. I felt no anger. I felt pride from both of them. For me.

I slowly came back from my mental breakdown. I leaned my head back against the wall that made my neck arched and exposed. I closed my eyes as I recalled the memories of my past. I clamped it down and hid it in a black box. I still felt their gaze on me –their weariness of the situation.

‘I’m sorry’ was the only thing I could say. The only thing I could think of at this moment.

‘Its okay, Kira’ Erik said.

‘I have to go’ I said. I needed to get out of there. Alaric was here. He can protect the Alpha.

‘Wait a minute.’ He began.

Alaric brought his hands to my shoulders. I stopped at once and stood utterly still. I couldn’t do anything than look at his hands. Like before, my heartbeat dropped into a much slower rhythm. My body went tense and I squeezed my hands into tight fists. My Wolf stayed silent and waited for the next move.

‘Your hands’ I said quietly.

He slowly let go of my shoulders.

‘How are you handling ...what happened in the past?’ Alaric asked.

‘I’m handling it fine. I have to go.’ Maybe I should go –permanently.

‘You will come back, Kira.’ This came from Erik.
My back faced them and I refused to turn around. ‘Yes Erik. I will.’

With that, I leaped up in the air and I shifted in mid-air. I felt my bones pop, crack and dislocate as it fit the structure of a 250 pound wolf. My She-Wolf. My front two paws hit the ground first and my back paws followed. I didn’t miss a beat as I ran far, far away from Erik and Alaric. I had to. My wolf trying to tamper down my memories I had but I knew they’d come. My blackouts wouldn’t allow anything less. No matter how hard I try to not recall the past and try to accept it, it wouldn’t let me. It wouldn’t let me move on. I accepted my fate and didn’t hold a grudge against it but it didn’t want me to forget. To remain forever scarred.

Chapter 2
I ran faster as I tried to find some sort of shelter. I needed to find a place to lay my body when the blackout came. I felt the overflow of my
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