» Fiction » Welcome to High School, Euphoria Writer [books to read to increase intelligence txt] 📗

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so hard after that made me almost go all orgasmic!
But then he stopped blushing and pulled himself together to look me in the eyes seriously.
"Sorry, but I don't sleep with guys anymore until marriage for now on."
Woah, what kind of boy is he? I mean he was so different and interesting. I want to suddenly know more about him, it was totally out of the blue.
It's decided, I want him.
Grabbing him by the scruff of his sweater uniform, I pulled the boy on top of me until we were eye to eye, then laying back down on the ground I took my other hand and pushed the back of his head down to meet my lips.
Chapter 7: The Blooming of a Rivalry

Dear Mom and Dad,
It's me Matthew, you know your only son that's in San Francisco now? Haha, kidding. Well it's been four weeks since I have come here and I already love it here! Though the hills here get a bit annoying, but the trolleys are fun to take. Sorry I have not written to you all right away since I got here, I've just been too busy with homework, you know me, homework before a social life. Anyways I've made some new friends like this boy named Tino, Berwald (he's sort of scares me) Alfred's roommate Arthur (scares me more) and my roommate Gilbert. Gilbert is sort of a goof ball that thinks he's awesome all of the time, but he's a good friend above all else. So far my social skills have been improving increasingly and my accent is almost gone, so that's good. Oh and I might also try out for hockey!
So I was wondering how much Sacramento has changed since Alfred and I have been here? Send me some pictures please and I'll send you some of my friends as well, and don't sweat the details on how much more popular the restaurant has been.
Love, your dear son,
I smiled to myself clicking the send button on my computer. It was a beautiful Saturday morning and I had started it off by deciding to write my first email of the new school semester to my parents. I hope they weren't worrying too much and thought that I was dead because I didn't contacted them in four weeks. That or they must of forgotten about me since not having a high schooler around must mean that they have more free time.
Gilbert's soft peaceful snores drifted around the room making things seem a bit cozier. School was great so far, I mean there was the hassle of people coming up to me and asking if I was gay or not, but besides that I wasn't picked on or anything yet. I mean I'm pretty sure there will be homophobic jerks around the corner waiting to beat on me. But for now I wanted warmth and surprisingly it was a cold day even if I was in the sunniest state in America it was a cold and cloudy day. Yes I had said it was a beautiful day, but I only meant that because Alfred came in half an hour later in his boxers so he can use the shower while Arthur occupied the one in his room. And seeing the boy you’re head over heels with coming out of your bathroom with no glasses, wet and almost naked, you would think it was a beautiful day when it was hailing and thirty below.
Just thinking about it gives me shivers crawling down my spine.
Not knowing what I should do next I shut off my laptop and got off my bed. I had already gotten breakfast and was dressed, but for what? I was not a resident of the area until now and even during those other weekends I had homework or helping Alfred with homework, but now I was stumped with nothing to do. Heck, if you thought about it correctly, it was kind of boring here. I mean sure there's a molester on campus, the principals son selling vodka, a cross dressing ghost girl, a French guy who thinks I'm his past lover and my oh so awesome roommate that's incubating quail eggs in the bathroom cabinet. Oh and the rumor about a secret club called the Secret Uke Club that no one has ever seen.
I wonder how it stayed a secret in the first place.
Putting on my shoes and grabbing a book I recently rented from the library I left my dorm to go out towards the grassy part between the school and the dorm house that I heard the yoga classes used, but it was like a park with benches and tables. There was another same area between the cafeteria and the school, though the cafeteria is connected to the school by an extra hallway that splits the nice picnic like area. I sat down on the empty bench and cracked open my book.
'The jester looked upon me with a puzzled facial expression. The shimmering old buttons on his costume blinded me for a moment before in a flash, the jester was gone. My eyes swept around the area looking for the painted face and shiny, shimmering buttons of the jester, only to find he was not th-'
I stopped reading when the weight on the bench shifted. My gaze lifted from my book to find that a guy dressed in a pair of jeans, a tan long coat, pale scarf and gloves was sitting next to me with a childish content look on his face. His hair was like a deeply light brown that it was almost a grayish brown and his eyes were a dark bluish purple hue that seemed like a mixture between both purple and blue.
"It's a nice day, da?" he said in a Russian accent.
"Hmm, it's cloudy," I replied.
"You seem a bit down."
"No, I just don't have anything to do today."
That's when the Russian boy with the overdressing wear slid his hand through his inside pocket and fished out a bottle of vodka. I watched as the he broke the seal on the lid as he screwed it off. Then he handed me the bottle with a domestic looking smile.
"Here, try some," he urged the open bottle towards me.
"No thank you, I don't drink."
Suddenly I ended up with my neck bent back against the park bench, struggling as the guy had me pinned down by is body weight while the hand not holding the vodka held my chin up. My legs could not move out from under him and my arms were failing against his strongly built arms and I was scared. So scared, I haven't felt like this in a while.
"Now open up your mouth," he said deviously, poking my cheeks together then let go leaving an opening of my mouth so that he could go ahead and hold my jaw in place with my mouth wide open. My jaw felt uncomfortable and achingly excruciating with his death grip on me. Next thing I knew, the burly Russian had the vodka pouring into my mouth forcefully making me have no choice but to swallow. It burned all the way down my throat, but soon after my stomach was warm. The guy finally got off of me with a smirk and resumed sitting next to me taking a long drink from the bottle, but I was just sitting there enjoying that warm feeling in the pit of my stomach. When he passed the bottle over to me I did not hesitate to take another masochistic swig and pass it back.
The Russian laughed. "It's good isn't it? My names Ivan by the way, I sell mainly vodka on campus, but I also specialize in some other drinks depending on the brand. You know you’re a good listener, I like you, Hahahaha," Ivan laughed.
"Will I actually get drunk after the first drink?" I asked cautiously as my cheeks grew rosy and hot.
"Possible, two swigs will make you tipsy no doubt about it, just have a bottle a day and you’re good."
"I'm going back to my dorm room before I get caught, it was nice meeting you," I said in a half daze grabbing my book and trying to make a big distance leap away from Ivan. When I entered the dorm Gilbert was on his laptop and then stared at me for a while as I just leaned up against the closed door. I was so warm and my hoody felt really itchy and hot now. I striped out of my hoody and threw it on the ground feeling a bit more relieved.
"What happened to you? You face is all red and there's some water running down your throat," Gilbert commented.
I touched my throat feeling the vodka from when Ivan forced me to drink it down my throat.
"Nothing much, just ran into Ivan the Vodka Broker, I think he gave me my first buzz or whatever the hell ya call it," I said laughingly feeling all bubbly and warm.
"What? I told you to stay away from him, he can be very brutal," Gilbert got up after closing his laptop to check my forehead.
"Yeah, he sort of just forced a whole lot in my mouth, until I had to swallow like when your mouths too full so you just have to swallow ya know?"
"How many drinks did you have?"
"Two looooooong swigs... I think, I did ask if I was drunk, but he jus' said I'd get tipsy. You know that's a funny way to put that you’re sort of drunk. Do they use that word because you’re tipping over your feet or something? I don't get it."
Gilbert frowned down at me. "I think you’re being paranoid that you are drunk, so your acting drunk because you think you are. And isn't it too early to drink at this time in the morning?"
"But, but, but, but, it's not fun being normal! Maybe that's why I like it here sooo much! I mean it's not a normal school, no one has called me a fag', stolen my clothes from my gym locker or even pretend to be my friend just to use me as a stress relief ball or something... Punchin' bag! Yeah that's it! Hiya!" I softly hit the top of Gilbert's head with my arm with a karate chop motion.
My arms then drooped down to my sides numbly at some horrible memories that I had brought up myself. I sighed to myself and swerved around Gilbert.
"This place brings back bad memories of last year, the year after that and the following years... Huh, I think I might be gay now that I think about it, wait what am I even saying this out loud for when I figured it out too long ago... I'm gonna crash."

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