» Fiction » Welcome to High School, Euphoria Writer [books to read to increase intelligence txt] 📗

Book online «Welcome to High School, Euphoria Writer [books to read to increase intelligence txt] 📗». Author Euphoria Writer

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accent, wasting my time," Arthur said coldly before leaving me in the middle of the stairway.
My body felt numb and cold at the same time. Those words... They sounded like the ones cruelly spoken to me all those years during school. The harsh comments, jokes, puns, thrashings, getting beat up... The pain and the sadness was all back, but with a new benefactor.
Yes, that was the cold slushy feeling that mingled with the numbness in my body. I clenched my fists together and ran up the stairs until I saw Arthur's back going down the Beta floor towards his room. But instead of yelling at him to shut up or punch those bushy eyebrows off his face, I couldn't. I wasn't as brave or strong as Alfred was, I never will be, my heart just wasn't letting me go with this. I sighed and leaned against the wall feeling a wave of sadness wash over me.
Alfred was the hero and I'm destined to be nothing more.
Chapter 4: A Kiss from an Artist

On the morning of the first day of September every single boy living in the dormitory on campus woke up at seven o'clock to get ready for their first day of school for the new semester.
Some more nervous than others who were freshmen.
Especially for a boy named Matthew Williams.
"Wheres my tie! where is it! Ak! theres fuzzies on my pants! Toothpaste! Which cupboard did I put the toothpaste in!"
I went everywhere in the room. From the closet to the bathroom back to my bed and in other different orders going back and forth while screaming out the wrong and misplaced things that I kept thinking I had forgotten to do that morning. What could I say, I was a nervous wreck, comparing to the fact that this was my first year of high school and I was always ridiculed and picked on in the last school I went to.
Well technically it was all the schools I had gone to.
Once I had found my red plaid tie slung over my chair I took a few deep breaths and calmed the hell down. The normal uniforms at Powers Academy were a choice of three uniforms. There was the matching black blazer and pants with a white button down shirt with the signature red plaid tie and the schools red and gold insigma on the blazer. The second choice was a black sweater, with the insigma on it too as well as a sown in white collar and the ends of it, the black pants and red plaid tie. And finally the third choice was a simple white button down, the black pants and red plaid tie. I liked the sweater uniform the best. The fabric was so soft and comfortable, but I had accidentally ordered it two sizes too big, yet it still looked good on me. Gilbert, on the other hand, chose the third option, except this morning when he was done putting it on the entire uniform was altered. His tie was undone, he had on a belt with a big silver skull on it that held up the front of his shirt, silver chains hooked on both sides of his pants, multipul wrist bands that contained of the colors black and red and had skull rings on each finger except the pinky and ring fingers.
Besides the extras what really bothered me was the tie.
After I had parinoidly reorganized and go through my backpack on my bed, I took the liberty of looking at Gilbert in the bathroom gelling his hair and his tie was still not tied! I huffed annoyed at this before making a b-line around the room and walking up to him while he messed with his hair, interrupting to pull him towards me by his tie.
"Your tie needs to be tied, it’s annoying me," I fretted as I made a straight and perfect tie.
I still lingered by Gilbert as I readjusted the length of the tie and glanced up at him for a brief second. I noticed how close he was to me, not even saying a word for once. I held a blush back the urge to blush for some reason.
"There," I said smoothing the tie down with my hand before turning around about to leave the bathroom as fast as I could.
But then my collar was tugged back roughly and I flew back into something warm and sturdy. Hands with long fingers were placed on me one on my chest the other on my lower regions of my stomach. I felt hot breath tickle my ears-which were very sensitive-and I could not help but laugh.
"S-Stop it! Your making my ears feel weird, Ah-haha!" I giggled cupping my hands over my ears and escaping Gilbert's hold while he was shocked.
"Jeez, don't mess with my ears, they’re very sensitive," I stopped giggling now and was rubbing my earlobes over and over again.
"Well I didn't know your ears were your tickle spot; guess your ears aren't as awesome as m- ouch!" Gilbert howled when I reached up and pinched his ear.
"Yup, what awesome ears you have," I said sarcastically leaving the bathroom to grab my backpack.
"I'm going to get breakfast, want to come?" I asked at the door.
"Nah, I need to check the eggs and see the vodka broker," Gilbert said plainly like as if he was talking about the weather.
Hearing this, I backed up from the doorway to the bathroom again so I could peer in at Gilbert and raise an eyebrow.
"Vodka broker?"
"Yeah, Ivan the Vodka Broker, he's the principal's spoiled kid that sells his dads liquor, mainly vodka, on campus. I know the guy so I know he won't backstabbing me and tell the dorm manager that I keep alcohol in here, but it'd be best if you try to avoid him at all costs Birdie, the guy is brutal and has a strange staring problem at the more well, girly guys," Gilbert explained.
"Wait, why would the... Never mind, as long as the school doesn't end up in a burning pile of rubble at the end of the year, I'm good," I sighed, getting a weird look from Gilbert.
"You know most high schoolers wish they could burn down their school."
I blushed and stared down at my shoes shyly. It was true, I was both nervous and hyped about high school this year for some reason. I want to make this year a good year to start off high school, have no people assume that I'm gay, tryout for hockey, not get bullied, get rid of my accent and make lots of new friends.
"Ha! You’re so cute being all shy!" Gilbert cooed teasingly, ruffling up my hair.
I only blushed more and left quickly out the door.
Ah~High School.
A four year term where you get a three or two month break in between. But besides all that glorious break, the school life itself was far more interesting. And by interesting I meant more fruits to pick and make beautiful art with in all sorts of places.
The speech on the new rules and welcoming seniors to the newly developed school was a bore.
What was more interesting was how it took up first period class and I got to go straight to my second hour class, though that one was not as better than staying in bleachers for an hour in a stuffy gym. But around forth hour I did get some amazing art time in a janitor’s closet with a brunet that had the hair length of that Polish boy but had curlier hair. He did not say much, but actions speak louder than words in this one's case.
By lunch I was sitting with my friends Antonio and Gilbert who were my friends from middle school that came to this school as well.
Until I got up to get a spork.
Oh boy.
I can't find Alfred anywhere! I was having the worst day of my life. During breakfast I ate alone and spilled food on my shirt, so I walked back to my room thinking that I had time to change, when I had only one minute to get to the school. Then I ended up sitting in that last seat nobody wants on the bottom of the bleachers next to the angry teachers that snap out at you if you’re not paying attention to the announcement. Though Alfred and I did have a couple of classes together before lunch which was good.
Until lunch came.
I mean this was ridiculous, they put both the freshmen and the sophomores in one lunch period and I couldn't even see Alfred anywhere even though he promised to save me a seat. I was one among many looking for a seat now in the middle of the cafeteria and it was awful.
I didn't know where to look.
I didn't know where to go.
And I didn't know where to sit.
I thought I heard my name being called so I abruptly turned around, only to smack into someone with the end of my tray, which caused me to drop it in shock. The person was tall and had a long flow of golden hair, sparkling blue eyes and skin that look so smooth to touch. When I locked eyes with them I turned skittish and started panicking.
"Oh, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to- Uh hit you with my tray?" I said cautiously holding back from using my accent.
Instead of the angry eyes I would get from such an action, his eyes widened at me.
"Monsieur! Your eyes look so familiar!" he exclaimed suddenly grabbing my chin causing me to jerk back in surprise.
I then got immensely scared. What if this guy was fooling around with me and was planning and punching me instead? Bringing his other hand up behind my head, he laced my hair through his fingers, both him and I gasped at the action.
"It’s you!" he practically yelled catching almost everyone's attention and everything suddenly got really quiet as stares bore at me.
"N-no, I think you have the wrong guy! I-I-I don't even know you!" I said feeling my blood pump faster every second.
"Don't you remember? Ah I know how to jog your memory!" he said lifting my chin up even more, tilting my head at a different angle.
Then, without a warning nor a sign, he kissed me. Straight on the lips, no cheek, forehead, nose, wherever you want to put it. His lips were warm and soft with this little extra something that tasted too good not to forget. But the way his hand was at the base of my neck now felt familiar.
But not too familiar to both melt at the hands of a stranger and have my first kiss in the middle of the cafeteria.

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