» Fiction » Welcome to High School, Euphoria Writer [books to read to increase intelligence txt] 📗

Book online «Welcome to High School, Euphoria Writer [books to read to increase intelligence txt] 📗». Author Euphoria Writer

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the questioning and worried looks of the two other guys in front of him.
"D'nt worry, 'm his room m'te, I'll t;ake it from 'ere. Thank you f'r the h'lp," he reusured the tow with his thick accent and bending down to hoist Tino up into his arms again, but this time to take him back to their room.
"Well that was all very quick, but we made some new friends, all in a day’s work for a hero! Am I right Mattie?" Alfred said, slapping a hand on my back as we continued to our original trek to our rooms.
"Uh, huh," I replied a bit too warn out from unpacking, playing cement hockey and having those terrible memories plague my mind all day with reminders like these. Though I do worry about what happened to Tino and if there was possibly a molester on campus that would do such a thing to the small blond.
Wait. There are molesters on campus.
And one of them is named Gilbert.
When Alfred and I parted ways back to our rooms, I found Gilbert had already unpacked and was flipping through a dirty magazine while listening to his iPod through his ear buds. I went ahead and opened up my closet again, putting away my hockey stick and smelling the inside of my hoody. It smelled a bit sweaty, but not too much so I took it off and hung it up in the organized area where I kept my hoodies at.
"Did you and your boyfriend sweat off some sexual tension?" Gilbert asked taking out an ear bud while holding a bemused grin waiting for Matthew's reaction.
I flushed probably a bright red before I let out a long breath.
"Alfred is not my boyfriend and I am not gay on any terms," I said, hurting a little this time around as I lied even more about my sexuality and who I was.
"But you do have sexual tensions, even as awesome as I'am, I can still tell the signs of sexual frustration," Gilbert said, glancing back at the layout on his magazine before his gaze returned to Matthew.
I snorted, "Yeah right, the only kind of sexual frustration signs you know are the ones you’re looking at in that magazine of yours."
"And they’re not even real, or the gist of sex really, its not all about the pleasure or the looks of satisfaction and bliss. Thats the crap your looking at right?" I said, feeling a bit bold talking to Gilbert.
"How would you know, your a virgin."
"Ok, stop right there, do not even continue that sentence. Whoever said I was a Virgin? I could be or I could not be, you don't know because you never asked."
Suddenly Gilbert sat straight up in his bed, dropping his dirty magazine with his mouth wide open.
"Are you a virgin?" he asked as if he already heard my reply in a shocked tone.
"I'm not telling you," I winked slipping off my shoes and climbing over from the end of my bed till I reached where the sheets opened up for me to slip in.
"That’s not fair Birdie," Gilbert moaned.
"Yeah, it’s your new nickname I'm giving you from today onward! See how awesome I`am?"
"... Why can't people just call me Mattie or something that actually makes sense in the reference of my actual name?"
I went ahead and shifted over onto my side, shutting my eyes closed trying not to think as I fell asleep.
Chapter 3: The Announcement

The soft sensual hands that hungrily demand to touch you. The sinful sounds flowing out from each others mouths. Skin that is spiked on a high of pleasure and bliss.
I know these feelings too well.
It’s the natural element of sex. We all feel it on different basis and describe it in different ways, I like to describe it as an art anyone could master. To be able to do so many different things, positions, role play, the virginity stealer and much more, I have done these roles repeatedly, but only towards girls, or shall I say women?
Yes, I have corrupted the minds, souls and even the once pure mentality of almost all the single pretty girls in my middle school back home. But, alas, getting caught doing the indescribable left my parents no choice, but to send me to an all-boys school called Powers High or as on what the brochure says; Powers Academy.
But this did not stop me and my raging drive for this hot and wet art. Technically to say, I am bi. Sure girls have that lovely physique and gorgeous hair to weave your fingers through, but boys also have a high stamina and are easy to please. I started trying out the boy on boy art of sex right away once I had arrived at the high school, and lucky to say I had no roommate to bother me and my art.
Anyways, the first fruit I plucked off was a short Polish boy with long blond hair that could make him easily mistaken for a girl from behind. It was deliciously fascinating how cute and how unsecured the boy was once I had devoured and ravished him. I do gotta say he had quite the mouth on him, saying words in English or Polish and a lot I did not have in my vocabulary range.
But then again, everyone ends up letting out a curse or so when it’s their first time.
"Hah, hah, hah, hah," the Polish boy panted against my back right after he climaxed, trying to catch his breath.
With my hold still on his hips, I pulled out of him, hearing the squelching sounds of my cum help my member slide out of him better. I didn't care whether or not if the boy stayed or went as long as I got my four hours of sleep after a night of sex. I quickly learned that boys were the best for this art of mine, because right after they flee the scene with their pants up, but still unzipped and wrinkled.
The Polish boy from that first night helped me real well in breaking in my new bed.
To be blunt here, romance was my main hobby along with fashion. That’s how I picked the ripest fruits during my free week before school started on campus. But I always had this wanting feel of just closing my eyes and just thinking it was him while in my climax of sex.
The soft slightly curly locks of hair, innocent blue eyes that looked so adorably cute scared. His skin was smooth and so soft and fluttery when I touched the skin, like a pair of butterfly wings. An amazing body kept so safe, yet I had no clue who it was that I touched to be frank.
But they knew me, I would never forget how they said my name so sadly that it nearly broke my heart.
Just the feeling.
Only the feeling.
To me it was like the beautiful Cinderella tale, I was Prince Charming that was left with only the feel of Cinderella`s touch. Every time I experimented with the male part of my art I would secretly wish the person I faced on my bed with scared blue eyes was him.
I was trapped.
And no one could free me.
To be forever lost in a lusty avalanche of climaxes after climaxes. Before I came out of that avalanche carrying my Cinderella proudly out of that mess.
Yes I guess I was truly a romantic.
Bang! Bang! Bang!
I awoke in a sleepy haze to the banging sound like a metal was being hit repeatedly over and over. I moaned, rolling onto my back slowly, throwing my hands over my ears. When I had enough and wanted to find out what was making that noise I opened my eyes to see a pot being thwacked over and over by a wooden spoon. At first everything seemed a bit confusing until the face of the guy that tried to nearly kill me the other day appeared right after the wooden spoon ceased to hit the pot. The guy looked different than when he did the other day. His face was more cheery and calm, his hair was a bit more of a lighter color and the curl was moved to the other side of his head.
"Ah! You’re finally awake!" he said in a cheerful tone with an Italian accent.
"Uh, what’s going on?" I said hoarsely.
"Well I was with my friend Yao when the dormitory manager gave us pots and spoons and the keys and told us to wake everyone up for this important announcement! I'm Feliciano by the way! Me and my brother Lovino live next door to you guys. Though I was a bit worried the other day when he left after he took a shower saying that he was going to greet you and your roommate, he's not the nicest person."
'Yeah, I know,' I thought bitterly at the memory.
"Well, I have three hundred more guys or so to wake up so wake up your room mate and be in the lounge by ten, but make sure to eat first it is eight after all and everyone needs to eat their pasta in the morning. Veh~ I'll be going now so see ya neighbor!" Feliciano cheered on his way out.
I sat up in my bed, feeling the messy strands of my hair flop down on my face. I strained my eyes to read the calendar on the back of the door from my bed, but found that I could not due to my lack of glasses. After putting on my glasses I slowly shifted off the bed and took one giant step and crossed over to where Gilbert was. At first I was going to shake his shoulders and tell him to wake up, but before I did so something about him caught my eye. The way his head was laid on his black pillow gently, mouth open slightly and the messy and spikiness of his white hair caressed his face as well as the morning sun that peaked out from the drapes.
He looked so... Cute? I don't think that's the right word, but I'll stick with it for now. Cute.
When I thought this an idea bloomed from my mind. It was a devious and smart idea I can guarantee you that, well that was what I thought at the moment when I lifted the covers and climbed into Gilbert's bed. I took my glasses off, still able to see because I was nearsighted and Gilbert was very close, patted down my hair so that it was long in appearance and pulled the chest area of my shirt outward. I then snuggled into Gilbert's back, snaking an arm over his body, coaxing him to face me. Once he did I rubbed my body against his, creating a friction the he soon responded to. Then leaning in a bit closer I attached my mouth to the

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